Wednesday, November 23, 2016

(Note: All mediums perform similar work in a different way.  Nelson is able to let spirits sit through him, and sometimes his spirit guide takes him places while he is asleep.)

On Saturday, we had a spiritual session in our rented Buenos Aires condo.  One of the attendees has been a great friend of mine, and she is a very good medium with a very positive spirit.  During the session, I was wondering why she and her family had such a strong atmosphere of mistrust and doubt among themselves for such a long time.  I asked about her relationship with her sister, and she explained that her family was always divided in half - there were some family members who always sided with the mother, but on her fathers side, only she and her dad were every really together.  The father had passed on, and my friend assumed that her sisters regretted the opportunity to establish a better relationship with their dad.  I stated that I would like to help with that situation, and find the reason for the discord.  Be careful for what we wish for...
Early Sunday morning, my spiritual guide took me on trip that went back in time.  He wanted me to understand the past relationships between the individuals involved, so that I could find out the reason for the current issues with the family relationships.
I found myself in a battleground back in the 1800's.  When I arrived, I saw two groups of soldiers. There were two brothers, and each one directed and controlled their own troops.  They were working together, from two different locations, hoping to win their battle against the enemy.  It became apparent that the two brothers in this past life were the two sisters from this life.  The battle they were planning would take place in a valley.  The brothers would mount two attacks that would happen at the exact same time.  One brother would lead his troops down a hill into the valley, and at the same time, the other brother would charge down another hill with his army. The older brother was telling the younger brother to travel down to where the enemy was located, while he would go around the other way to surprise and destroy them.  The brothers were competing for the favor of their king - and the king in that life of the two brothers was now reincarnated as the father of the two sisters in this life. 
The younger brother saw a problem.  The hills were uneven, so the two groups of fighters would not arrive at the same time.  This brother was concerned that if his group fighting alone, they could not take on the valley people alone, and they would be destroyed.  The other brother assured him that his group would travel all night and day, so both groups would arrive at the same time.  The older brother was able to persuade his younger brother. 
I assumed it was the end of the vision, but my spirit guide instructed me to WAIT AND SEE what was next.  The older brother who promised to travel all night had other plans.  He had already arranged to arrive late to the battle, so that when he arrived, the soldiers of his younger brother would be destroyed - and they would have left the enemy too weak to fight.  The younger brother would lose the battle with the enemy, but the older brother would arrive in time to defeat the valley command - and emerge as a victorious to the king.  One brother would betray the other for a better position with the king.
Next, my guide took me to the war camp of the younger brother.  This brother had a son who was preparing for war, ready to proudly march into battle next to his father.  In the current life with the two sisters, the son of the younger brother from that past life had reincarnated as the son of the older sister in this life.  Ironically, the younger sister was now the godparent of the son that was once hers.  I watched the previous life at the war camp, and I saw the younger brother have a change of heart with his son.  Instead of asking him to march next to him him into war, the younger brother had doubts.  He requested that his son travel alone, back to their country, with a special message for his grandfather, the king.  The son was confused, and the younger brother did not fully understand his own feelings, but they were so strong that he decided to listen.  The son was told to deliver the message to the king without reading it.  I was shown the message - and it was blank inside.  Deep down, the younger brother knew the false message was a way to assure that his only son would survive the battle.   
The older brother betrayed the younger brother for the favor of their king.  In the current life, the brothers were now sisters, and the son was born to the older sister.  This new reincarnation was a way for them to be all together again, so they could amend and change those past feelings of betrayal. 
For the older sister in this life, there has been a pattern of interactions with others in which they feel betrayed by her for some reason that never resonates with her.  She is not deliberately looking for a way to cast doubt or betray someone, but the spirits of all of those fighters that she used to betray her younger brother from the past still have those feelings.  When those spirits are around her, they find a way for everyone to see her as they remember it from the past.  The sisters share so many things in this life that connect with their past existence.  The brothers worked together to plan a battle, and the sisters work together in this life.  The king reincarnated their father, and they competed for his love.  And the son from the past is in the same role - but he was born to the other sibling.

I was overwhelmed by this trip back in time, so I decided to write it down while it was fresh in my mind.  My next step is to share this past with the two sisters, so they will understand and be able to resolve any friction between them.  Hopefully, they can move forward from this and spend the completion of this reincarnation working to repair that old existence, becoming two sibling partners who work together, instead of enemies within the same family, experiencing feelings of mistrust and betrayal.  Sometimes we have to look back to move ahead.  When we understand a past existence, we are able to repair it and find the happiness that everyone hopes for in this life..

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