Saturday, November 19, 2016

Florida - November 10, 2015

In attendance: Astrid, Frank, Gabe, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago
Jackie read "Faith Moves Mountains," a selection from the Gospel at Home book.  Astrid told that group that her daughter had accepted a new job.  A spirit was present at the table who urged the daughter to be humble in her new environment and situation - as she will be tested.  "The seed is there," Astrid said, "and I put water on it all the time."  Nelson understood that the daughter now had a stronger spiritual belief than before, because she has seen a difference in her life.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson): Nelson sensed a group of black spirits.  They were from the present day, not the distant past, and they were flashing gang signs.  They spoke in slang terms (with "yo" and "hey") and all of them were armed.  Nelson described them as criminals with no remorse, and Jackie described them as street thugs.  They would not put their weapons down, but one gang member moved forward to speak.  Nelson realized that he died when his throat was cut:
Spirit: What goes down at this meeting?  We got to do what we got to do to get the respect, man.  (looked at Gabe's blue shoes) Yo, he's a bro.  We can hang.  Down the street, you understand, the wrong shoes, man, are not welcome.  (to Gabe)  What's happening, bro?  We don't understand why we are here.
Gabe: You are remembering what you lived.
Spirit: We don't have that anymore?
Gabe:  No.  Wasn't that it painful?
Astrid: You are not in that world any more.
Spirit: Sometimes you lose some battles, some friends.  So that's why he (Nelson) didn't understand us?  It's different here?
Gabe: Yes.  So you can leave all your guns behind.
Spirit: What will cure my throat, my pain.  Do you have you know, something?
Gabe: Let go of those memories, and the guns - the turf war.
Spirit: I got a 22, a 42, a rifle and some knives.  One is hidden in my shoes.
Gabe: Those caused you pain.
Spirit: Do I have to let the shoes go?  Your value is with the shoes.  What happens now?  We are not staying in the hood?
Gabe:  Some will go to a hospital.  It won't hurt.
Spirit: No bitches (women) right?  One of them was the one who cut me.
Jackie: Let that go and get better.  It's a hood hospital, so they will understand you.
Spirit:  We were always hiding.  On the move.  I only want my group in this hospital.  There were 29 of us.  I only agreed to talk to him (Gabe) because of those shoes.  That blue color, is it for peace?  They are erasing the star I had cut into my hair.  We were the stars.  How will they know me? 
Jackie: By your name.
(Note: Three different gangs use a star to brand the members - five point stars are used for the Bloods and a gang called People Nation, while a six point star is used by the Crips and the Black Disciples of Chicago.)
Spirit: They are showing me things.  We don't understand much, but I will trust you.  He (Gabe) has a trustful face.  Don't go into the hood with that face.  They are putting white on us (hospital gowns).  Tell this bro (Nelson) to go someplace to learn.
The spirit departed, and Nelson was shown more of his situation.  The spirit had been lying in bed with another woman when his girlfriend came in and slit his throat with an exacto knife.  The girlfriend held an elaborate memorial for him, and then she assumed control of his gang.  In the same house where he was killed, the girlfriend's throat was slit by the woman who had been in bed with the slain gang member. 
Spirits 2 & 3 (via Nelson): As the group was discussing what had just happened, Nelson said it was a strange day - as more spiritual gang members were lurking in the background.  One of them spoke from a position behind Nelson: "If you build that wall higher thinking it will protect you, it will only imprison you when we come.  We have no other opportunities.  You know the thing we hate the most?  The show-off's.  See that rich white kid, dressed nice in a big car?  And the white girl sitting next to him?  She will go down on you.  Skanky girls are easy.  We are revolutionary boys (a offshoot of the LA Crips gang) and we are angry at the world."
The spirit faded into the background.  A new spirit was emerging, and she was dressed in a cheerleading uniform with pom-poms.  Nelson saw her chugging alcohol from a tube while other students encouraged her to drink faster.  She died from alcohol poisoning, and her cheerleader pom-poms were placed in the casket with her.
Spirit:  What happened?  I don't understand it.  I passed out, I woke up.
Astrid: You had too much alcohol too fast.  Your body could not handle it.
Gabe: It was the wrong group of friends.
Spirit: So what happened to me?
Jackie: Do you remember going to a party?
Spirit: I passed out, it happened before...
Astrid: And you woke up here.  Your body has died but your soul lives on.
Spirit (sobbing): No, no, no.  I'm not dead!  Tell that lady not to say it (intense crying).  I am too young!  I have to finish school, get a job, have a kid, no, no, no!
Astrid: Let them show you your body.
Spirit: They showed me!  I don't like it.
Astrid: Your soul is alive and you will learn new things.
Spirit: That is really me?  I can't do the things I want?  Nobody told me I would die.  I did one yesterday!  I was there!  Nobody talked to me.  They couldn't hear me, and I yelled.  (the spirit noticed Gabe)  I've seen you, you were there!  You did it, too! 
Astrid: He stopped, and you did not.  (The spirit described Gabe speaking Spanish with a friend at UD, and although she thought it was Italian, she found it romantic.)  So I am here because you are going to help me?  I know you, you were there.  In one of the houses.  It was not a night.  I was in a box (a casket) and I don't understand so many things.  I'm so confused.  My mom and dad - they don't know - they were never told the truth.  "Natural causes" they put it.  My parents still cry.  I died lady, you were right.  But I'm alive, because I still remember.  (to Gabe)  I am here because of you.  I will remember my name one day and I will come back and tell it to you.  Thank you.  My mom is looking at a book (a photo album) and asking for reasons.  She says, 'I sent her to school and I never got her back.'  He's taking me to a university now, to finish my school - and they will teach me that language.  I'm feeling better.  I am alive and I'm living a life.  I'm alive...
The spirit left, and Nelson was given more information.  The cheerleader came from a wealthy family, and she was buried next to her grandmother in a cemetery with marble urns filled with fresh flowers.  Nelson described her as tiny and petite, with strawberry blond hair.  Nelson's spirit guide also told him that this was a "rescue mission," as she was surrounded by negative spirits who wanted to influence her decisions.
Spirit 4 (via Nelson):  Nelson was tired, so he asked his spirit guide to sit and refresh him:
Caballito (to Gabe):  They (the spirits) see his youth, and it enables me to bring them here.  That's your contribution to the group.  You are where you belong and doing what you should be doing.  Do not stop talking to your mother about this, about your progress, your learning, your growth.  She will give you the respect you hope for through this.  Look around, at everyone you know, and you will say, 'Wow - look at me, how different I am.' In a good way.  You haven't seen anything yet.  One day, you might be sitting where he (Nelson) is now.  Keep doing what you are doing, and I will take you on one of my trips - and you will realize who I am.  Be careful what you ask for.  Don't run when I show you, just walk.
Gabe: I know, only when I am ready.
Caballito:  That does not mean that you cannot be young and have a wonderful material life.  This is all about the learning, the growing, and what happened before.  Do not let anything shake your faith.  It's coming, they are going to try.  Tell them that you have a friend (Caballito) who will not allow them to interfere.  You are a good human being.  Don't change that, it's the basis of your happiness.  It's not the shoes.
Gabe: Thank you...
Caballito (for Jeff): Start finding a way for what you will do with all those notes.  Send me your ideas and I will let you know. 
For Nelson:  I had to sit and say a few words.  I make him happy.  Why is it so hard for others to understand him?  He is simple, and down to earth.
Jackie: We know him - materially and spiritually.
Caballito: That should be the title of the next book - Him and I!  I had something else for today, but he said he was tired and he was not going to do it.  I am taking 39 criminals away with me.  They are hard, and he will not let them sit.  (Note: Possibly the gang who appeared before the cheerleader spirit?)   If all of you are happy, then my heart is happy.
As Caballito moved away, Jackie said that while he was speaking, she was shown a pure, bright white cape being placed on Gabe's shoulders by a spirit.  Jackie closed with a prayer.

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