Monday, November 14, 2016

Florida - November 8, 2015

In attendance: Astrid, Frank, Gabe, Gloria, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson, and Santiago
Nelson's older brother (Junior) wanted to thank our group for the message regarding his health.  He had a complete physical, and one of his kidneys was not functioning as it should.  Both Astrid and Jackie saw the situation as "nothing serious."  Nelson advised Jackie to contact her niece again over her health situation.
Nelson was prompted to read a selection from Kardec's The Spirits Book on Possession.  "It is possible for one soul to find itself obsessed by another soul to such a point that it is paralyzed...but this domination is never established without the participation of the spirit who is subjected to it, either through his weakness or his free will." 
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  In other words, no one has the control over what we do - or who we are - unless we allow it.  When Nelson was reading, he heard a spirit say, "I'm the one in control."  Nelson was shown a large chart that was being used to keep track of attendance at spiritual centers.  The spirit who spoke earlier decided to sit at our table - and he arrived laughing:
Spirit: We are the testers.  How many times have all of you failed the tests?  We like to test 'the spiritists' as you call yourselves.  A headache, some back pain - and you don't go.  (laughed)  All I do it test everyone at every open center.  So leave me alone to do my job.  I love my job.  What I don't like is any of you people.  We don't like what you do.  We are doing the reverse of what you do.  You roll them in.  We have to roll them out.  Don't tell me I am a spirit, because I know that.  I am only here because I failed at my job.  They are taking me to where I cannot harm anyone because I failed.  My group failed.  I understand it.  We have to go, but I wanted you to know what we do.  Do you know the one I wanted to hit the most?  (Nelson) He makes our job difficult.  Another group will take charge of that (attendance) board now.  I have some friends from each of you. I will remove 80, ten from each person, plus myself.
Astrid: Yes.  It's time to collect everything and go.
Spirit: He said to tell you I lied.  Add an extra 20 that I will take for the two others who are not here today (Rafael and Gregory).  Another test!  Keep your eyes open, you never know when one of us will come in...
The spirit departed abruptly, and Nelson stood up with his arms outstretched over the table.  After the table finished discussing the message, Nelson began to sense a new group of spirits who were with Gregory.  These spirits created a "circle of confusion" around him.  Nelson saw a black cloud that followed him, and it was filled with spiritual chatter and continuous conversations.  The black cloud was with him everywhere he went, and it affected Greg's physical and mental being.  The cloud occasionally emitted small bursts of lightning.  Gregory could sense that something is wrong, and he wanted out of it, but the confusing chatter would not allow him to identify the issue.  He wanted to ask for help, for the spirits would not let him.  Nelson heard him as he wondered, "Why do I feel this way?"  Nelson said that Gregory was a good person who wanted to please everyone and tried to do good - but Nelson also saw Greg on the sofa, ready to scream.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  It was as if Gregory did not want anyone to know that he needed help, but he was also worried that if he failed, there would not be anyone to help the people he loved.  Nelson was shown a heavy weight on top of Greg, similar to a full body without any bones.  This weighty presence was a symbol of an irate spirit:
Spirit: All I want is for him to be in a mental institution, with no mind.  Once he is that way, then we are alike and we can talk.  I come from a place where we all lie down on the ground with no mind.
Astrid: Why do you have to be like that?  Bring up your mind and open it.
Spirit: No, no mind.  Just my mouth open.  (Nelson laid down in the chair with his arms and legs extended)
Jackie: Are you told what to do? 
Spirit: No. I want him to suffer for what he did to me. 
Jackie: That was another time and place.
Spirit: I am not going to leave until I see him there.  You don't know what he did, pretending to be my friend, and then he put me where I am.  When I first got there, I knew who I was - I was not like this.  He drugged me, I was not like this (sobbing).  Until he knows what he did, I am not letting him alone.  You do not know what pain is until little by little, every day, you go into a space.  It took me a long time to find him, and he will never find happiness.
Astrid: Forgive him, that was many years ago. (Astrid was being shown an image of Sicily
Spirit (very emotional): He was like a brother to me, we were best friends.  then he betrayed me to keep the love of a woman who was mine.  He put me in this place and drugged me every day.  Every day.  No one will ever like him now because I will not allow anyone to get close (continuous crying) because it is too hard for me to forgive.  I asked him to kill me and stop the torture, but he told me that if he did, I would live on in her memory with love.  As long as I am crazy, she has her pity, but no love. 
Jackie: That is over.
Spirit: I died one minute at a time.  I begged him, 'Just do it, kill me.'
Jackie: They will take you to a place to rest and be at peace now.
Spirit: I am so tired.  Why couldn't I find her?
Astrid: When you rest and get well, you can find her.
Spirit: I have tortured him enough.  Let me tell you, don't trust anyone else with what belongs to you.  I don't want to think of him again - any more.  He can go to hell.  I'm done.  To hell, so I can be myself and think of me.  (to Gloria) They want me to tell you that I am sorry.
Marian: Me?
Spirit: Yes, I am sorry I harmed you.  I put a couple of things into place before I realized that my hate was harming others.  Some of your medications did not have the effect they were supposed to have...
Jackie: Take all that away with you.
Spirit: I am going to leave everyone alone with their own demons.  I have to start doing the right things.
Astrid: And you will progress...
Spirit: It's just me.  Only me.  I found myself again.  Call me Paul.  I didn't know my own name, and now I remember it.
After the spirit quietly departed, Nelson said he was taken to a lower dungeon that was hidden three floors under a castle.  There wasn't any light.

(Note: There was only one Sicilian castle with multiple dungeons - Castelbuono Castle ("Castle of good air").  Construction began in 1316 over the ruins of the ancient Byzantine town of Ypsigro.  The structure was divided into three floors: the first floor for the servants, with the essential services, the second for the nobility, with the sumptuous Cappella Palatina, and the third for the court and guests. There were multiple underground dungeons and a tunnel that led to the Church of San Francisco.)

Nelson knew that this spirit had been with Gregory since he was a teen, and this spirit was determined that Greg would never have a brother.  Jackie saw a spirit on the sofa telling Nelson that he was not a very good teacher, and this spirit was wondering why he and his group were there.  Gloria saw the spirit of Don Polo behind Nelson, as if he had brought the group of spirits with him to learn.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  A new spirit was presenting herself to Nelson.  She was sexy, but very possessive.  Nelson described her as a mulatto (biracial) with a dark complexion.  "When you poison someone," she said, "where does that poison go in your body?"  (to the kidneys) Referring to Junior, the spirit said, "I just pinched it a little," and the dialog continued: 
Spirit:  I take care of my hair, that's why it is so beautiful.  I do not like him (Nelson).
Astrid: What has he done to you?
Spirit: He is trying to stop me.  (the conversation switched to Spanish)  He is so full of himself, that man (Junior).  He has a little pain here (pointed to kidney on right side) and he hurts.  Chicken!  Go and run with the chickens!  I am running that house, and I kick out whoever goes over there.  They all run away.  That woman who was there, she ran away.
Astrid: Why do you do that?  Did he not give you what you wanted?
Spirit (very angry): Traitor!  Dog!  Bandit!  I run that place now, and I want him to fall down on the ground with his tongue hanging out (demonstrated).  He's a devil!  He led me on, when he knew he was embarrassed by my color.  Then he fell in love with someone else - white! - and he hid me away.  Well I am still around (laughed).  I gave him what he wanted - every night - and now nothing functions the same!  He thinks he is still so smooth.  He told me he loved me, but he never took me anywhere to show me off.  (whispering) I want him gone.  The house is already mine.  He made me feel like a second class citizen.  I want to kick him down that hill so he drowns in the river.  (looked at Gabe)  I will pay you $100 to do it!  I wanted him to be alone, and now he is.  (laughed)  Even his radio stops working!  (looked at Nelson)  This person I am talking through is okay.  He's not dark, but I cannot say he is white.  I'm only here because he showed up over there to get me and my three kids.  So I will go.  Me and my kids.  I will find a love for myself.
The group discussed the message, and Nelson thought it was related to Junior's second wife (who also has three children).
Spirit 4 (via Jackie):  Jackie saw a spirit standing behind Gabe with his hands over Gabe's ears.  He told Gabe, "Don't believe everything you hear." 
Spirits 5 & 6 (via Nelson):  Nelson's spirit guide was ushering in another group of spirits, and he was showing Nelson various armies from all over the world, prepared and ready for another war.  "Tell us where and when, and we will be there," one of the soldiers said.  Caballito explained that the war would be different.  It would be a battle in the spirit world between good and evil spirits.  The army spirit commented, "It's the only way we can grab more souls."  Nelson was shown a series of trenches being dug.  "It's not enough to stop it," Caballito told the group, "because at the end, it's all about who is right and wrong with religion."  Caballito showed Nelson two open books.  One was the Koran and the other was the Dead Sea Scrolls.  A third book was placed in the middle of the other two - The Spirits Book.  "Give them the book of Spirits and remove the other two books," Caballito said, "as it is the only book working not to have war."  Nelson saw more soldiers arriving.  The spirit of one military man stepped forward to sit through Nelson: 
Spirit: We like all the toys (the weapons).  We like the remotes.  Click!  We don't even need to be there for the explosion.  Click! 
Gabe: Stop playing with those toys.
Jackie: When will you stop it and let us be at peace?
Astrid: Stop fighting yourselves.  Peace comes from inside, and you can make that decision.
Spirit: We have to follow orders!  We cannot disobey.  Don't you know that?
Jackie: New orders are coming in.
Spirit:  It's strict!  Ask that lady over there (Gloria's husband was a military man).  She was married to one of us, she knows.  We receive orders and we obey. 
Jeff:  There are new people now and new assignments for everyone. 
Spirit: Well, we are tired of fighting.  What we want is to put our arms down once and for all, and today they said we could do that.  New orders.  To all, war is over.  There are lots of us, from everywhere.  So many different languages, and I cannot understand them all.  We are getting disarmed.  We have been at war for a long time, some longer than others.  Look at that, they have pretty ladies working here.  They will let the units go together, the soldiers with their wives, girlfriends, whatever. 
Jackie: You will all learn the same lesson - peace. 
Spirit: There are 89 Koreans, 37 from Poland, 45 Hispanics, and 69 of us (English-American).  My group will go to a different place because we are not injured.  We will go to a school. 
Jackie: Like a college. 
Spirit: I like that.  Those are the groups and now it is my time.  I want to be at peace. 
Spirit 7 (via Nelson): The army spirits had gone, but there was another group lingering in the background, and they had a message for Gloria.  They were Philippine soldiers from this lifetime, and they wanted to say a big thank you to her.  Two days ago, Gloria received a Coast Guard magazine, and she was looking at the obituaries to see who died.  These soldiers realized how much she cared about them and one of the deceased soldiers spoke to Gloria in Spanish and English: 
Spirit: I remembered that you were always kind.  Very kind.  You have a son who looks like us.  So many memories in the kitchen with you, when I was there with you and your husband.  I wanted you to be acknowledged because with you, we were never forgotten.  Thank you.
Gloria: I enjoyed your company, you were my family.
Nelson described the spirits as very humble and sweet.  He was told that 22 of them would be taken away.  One spirit wanted Nelson to ask Gloria about the significance of a flower, and Gloria shared the story of a soldier named John.  His wife committed suicide, and she left behind two daughters.  One of them had the name of a Puerto Rican flower, "Corvalita".  John had hoped that Gloria would adopt the child, but both sisters were sent to the Philippines to live with other family members.  The spirit wanted to thank Gloria for all her kindness.  He said, "Those moments are the things we take with us when we are over there (in the spirit world)."
Nelson's spirit guide wanted him to ask our group something before we closed:  "Has everyone here learned something?  That's what matters.  So put it into practice."  Jackie closed with a prayer.

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