Saturday, November 26, 2016

Florida - November 18, 2015

In attendance: Astrid, Frank, Gabe, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago
Jackie read a selection from Kardec's The Gospel According to Spiritism on compassion.  As she finished reading, Nelson heard a group of spirits talking about Jeff's mother.  One of them asked, "When did she ever have compassion for us?"  These spirits were brought to the table by the spirit of Jeff's brother (Scott), and they were laughing at all the pain that Jeff's mother was experiencing with her current case of shingles.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  The disease isolated Jeff's mom, and she was very frustrated - and wondering what she did that triggered it:
Spirit: And now she knows how being alone feels!  She will never know the cause, because, because we want to destroy her because, because she's done that to us.  (irate)  She had no compassion for me!  Not only me, but many, many, many like us.  Many.  She lives in a nuthouse over there.
Astrid: You have made mistakes too - or have you forgotten?
Spirit (laughing):  She wants everyone out, and now she's alone!  (the spirit laughed and sang, clapping his hands) No one wants to take that good time away from her, la, la la...we like to see it, la, la!
Jeff: That good time will hurt you later.
Astrid: You know what you are doing, and she does not.
Spirit: She knows.  She did that to us.  La, la, la, I'm not listening.  I don't like you, la. la.  I want her to be in pain and suffer.  I'm collecting my pennies, it's all I wanted.  (upset)  One penny.  Just one penny, so I take it.  She never paid me for the work I did. 
Jackie: If you are better than her, give her some compassion...
Spirit: Compassion?   Do you know what I do?  I blow on her softly (demonstrated) and she asks, 'Is there a window open?  What is that draft?'  (laughed) I get her confused.
Gabe: Today you will receive some compassion for the first time.
Spirit: I only wanted to express myself.  There's a lot going on over there.  This guy (the spirit guide) talks a lot.  Talk and talk.
Jeff: She is my mother and you are bothering her.
Spirit: She is not lovable.  Wait, your mother?  So I can collect from you?  It's not from now, I am collecting from priors.  I've been doing so many bad things.
Jackie: You are hurting her - and him - and yourself.
Spirit: She looks the same...
Astrid: It's the same soul, but not the same person. 
Spirit: Everyone is looking for a penny, all of us.  You will not believe how many.  There are 330 of us.  This guy really talks a lot.   Now he tells me that where I am going, I will not need the penny.  He said that you (Jeff) know who he is?  (it was Jeff's brother, Scott)  Okay, okay.  I'm going with him...
The spirit left, but the spirit of Jeff's brother stayed behind to clarify the situation.  Nelson was shown a large farm, somewhere in England, with Jeff's mother in charge.  She had married a man just to have the land, and she had promised to pay each worker a penny for their labor -  but then she never paid them anything.  They stood in a long line, with their hand out for the penny they earned, but there was always an excuse not to pay them.  Nelson saw her in a Victorian home, with piles of coins (British pounds) stacked up on a large table.  She died in a chair at the table, endlessly counting her piles of money.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  As Nelson watched, the table was extended, and there was even more money.  Jeff's mother was experiencing a shortness of breath, and Nelson understood that in this life, she had visited a doctor for that same reason.  A dark man was standing behind Jeff's mother.  He looked at her with sadness.  After some additional details, it was determined that the spirit of this man had been standing behind Jeff's mother in this life for forty years - and he was her father (Jeff's grandfather).  Nelson heard Jeff's mother disparage her father, saying, "He could have done more!" several times:

Spirit (Jeff's grandfather):  Ungrateful!  Ungrateful with everyone, even him (Jeff).  She was so ungrateful to her (Jeff's grandmother), a great woman who was wonderful and hard working.  I don't want anyone else to be haunted by her, but now I cannot go back there.  But I had to keep an eye on her.  Enough hurt.  Enough!  (Jeff's grandfather began to sob as he recognized Jeff)  My boy, my boy.  You know I am not a man of many words.  I don't want her to hurt you.  They said I can say whatever I want.  She said you are the last one she can get her hands on - to get what you have.  I want to tell you to be careful.  She's my daughter, I love her, but she is dangerous.  She would rip out our hearts when she didn't let you stay over.  He made us laugh, kept us jumping and running.  He brought such happiness to a home of old people.  Made the house as bright as you could imagine.  I came because I heard her say, "He (Jeff) should have gotten what I got" (shingles).  I patted his head and he always knew that love was there.  I can't touch you now, but I can give you a kiss.  She (Jeff's grandma) has been talking to me.  She's here to take me.  She's going to hold my hand, just like we used to do.
Jeff:  She probably has a picnic all packed.
Spirit: Yes, remember?  A picnic in the most weird places.  She's here, holding my hands.  We love you.  One day, we want to come back and talk to you.  We loved you so much.  You brought us the happiness that will take us where we are going now.  I don't know who this is, the one who is taking us there (Jeff's brother never met his grandfather), but we are going with him...
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  The grandparents departed, and Jeff's brother stayed at the table to explain more:
Spirit (referring to Jeff's grandfather): He's happy.  We got him with the help of this one (Nelson).
Jeff: Thank you.
Spirit (to Gabe):  You can do anything you want - enjoy life - as long as you do it correctly.  I am taking his (the grandfather) spot.  It's difficult to deal with her, but I still love her very much.  Sometimes I go there, when she thinks of me.  She doesn't listen.  She thinks of only the sad memories - the day of the accident.  It was my day.  It was very fast, no pain.  It's what I selected before I came.  I knew I was going out as a young adult.  It was instant.  It wasn't hard, because I knew.  I have a lot of good friends who got me.  You call it a hospital, but it's really a reconciliation process.  You reconcile your life with yourself, and you realize where you belong.  The process is more difficult when people don't want to go, as it takes some convincing when they make it difficult.  It's just a transition into a better situation.  It's one bright spirit watching over another, that's all.  You have something that we don't have (the material body), that's all.  If you read the Koran, it is really the simplest book.  The interpretations of it make it bad.
Jackie: Just like the bible.
Spirit: Both were written and interpreted by men for men.  The two of us (Nelson's guide and Jeff's brother) came together.  If you have any questions, we will try to answer them, but we are not elevated spirits.  If we cannot answer, we will find others who are more educated and ask them to answer.  Be careful what you wish for, and be sure of the questions.  We worked together today, and we will depart together.  I'm going to help them (Jeff's grandparents) and he (Caballito) will step aside, as there is more work to do.
Spirit 4 (via Jackie):  There were two female spirits behind Gabe, and they were trying to pull him back.  The women were from the lifetime when Gabe was a priest, but they might also be something from this life.  Gabe feels them, but he doesn't understand the "pull".  These spirits have compared notes, and now they want to pull him back into something.  Nelson advised Gabe that he should keep shaking them off.
Spirit 5 (via Nelson):  Nelson's spirit guide wanted Nelson to ask Frank if his brother had any health problems.  Frank said there was an inflammation of the intestinal track (diverticulosis) issue, but his brother was taking medication for it.  Nelson felt the pain that the brother was experiencing, and he advised Frank to tell his brother to see a doctor immediately.  Astrid saw tangled intestines, with food and waste lodged inside.  If the obstruction remained unmovable, it could rupture and cause an infection.   Nelson again stressed the urgency of the situation.
Nelson also sensed a feud between Franks brother and his daughter in Orlando.  Something was not quite right between them, and the stress from this situation was related to his health issue.  Franks' brother should not visit him this weekend until the intestinal issue was examined and treated. 
Caballito also wanted Nelson to remind Jackie again about the issue with her niece, as it still needed to be addressed.  He wondered why Jackie wanted to visit to her sister's house:
Caballito: Do you know what you will be involved with over there?
Jackie: I think a baby from my great niece.
Caballito: Lots of loose ends.
Jackie: But I enjoy my sister's company.
Caballito:  Something is there, and we need to clean the road.  It's bumpy.
Nelson was shown a double barrel shotgun, and Jackie explained that it was how her sister's husband (Michael) was killed - along with another executive from the same company. 
Things were not as they appeared, and Caballito wanted Jackie to read the prayer for suicide at the Sunday session.  Nelson sensed a religious aspect to the killing (Michael came from a Jewish family), and he also wondered what Jackie had to do with it now - as the event happened in 1991.  Nelson envisioned a ball of commotion, with Jackie in the middle of it.  A candle was being lit to calm the chaos.
Jackie closed with a prayer.

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