Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Chicago - September 13, 2015

In attendance: Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Emiliano, Esperanza, Gabe, Jeff, Juan, Juanita, Maricela, Nelson and Sonia
On Wednesday, Carmen sensed a spirit for Marisol, and that same spirit was present again.  Juanita also noticed the spirit around the table during the opening prayer.
Spirit 1 (via Carmen):  The spirit wanted Marisol's son to transition so that Marisol would suffer.
Spirit (referring to Marisol): Where is my queen?  I am looking for her.  I want that to be over.  I want to finish my work with him.  It's my responsibility to finish it.  There will be blame and it will all be hers.  I am going to finish it. (Nelson counseled the spirit in Spanish)
Spirit: I have been in there (in Marisol's home) for a while, but they won't let me get close enough...
Nelson: You no longer need to be responsible - give that to the other who came with you today.
Spirit: It has been hard.  He is rebellious. 
Nelson: Let him be with his guardian angel now.  Today is the day for your freedom.  You left something over there that doesn't belong - and you need to go back and get it.
Spirit (sadly):  I have to leave?  I'm sad because I lost so much time.  I was mistaken.  There are seven of us and I am taking everything and everyone and we are leaving.
The spirit left quietly.  Nelson realized earlier (in the car on the way to the center) that one of our members was not feeling well and she would not be attending, and now he understood it was Marisol.  Nelson said the situation had two sides.  He understood that Marisol sensed a spirit presence in her house, and this made her apprehensive to leave her son alone at home.  In addition, Marisol was not feeling well (emotionally), as she became aware of some spiritual friends arriving for her son, Andres.  When his transition occurs, Marisol wants to be there with him.  Nelson advised that it would be better is she was not there, and he reminded the table that when it does happen, all of us need to surround Marisol with support and compassion.  
Nelson began to sense another spirit in the house.  He drew a map of Andres room that indicated his bed, a chair and some other items.  Nelson asked what was located along a wall outside of his room, and Carmen explained that it was a steep staircase.  There was a spirit on the stairs (in the corner, at the top) just standing there.  His legs were extended out in an attempt to trip Marisol.  This spirit was extremely skinny and it was very easy for him to remain hidden.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  The spirit was powerful, and he said he wanted "a double death."  His plan was that Andres would pass out or call out to Marisol, and he would trip her as she ran down the stairs to her son.  The spirit told Nelson, "You wanted to come here, and I prevented that because you would see us.  I didn't want to come.  I am sick, so sick!  Sick!  I need some water.  I'm waiting for someone to arrive and give me a glass of water."  Carmen counseled the spirit.  Referring again to Nelson, the spirit said: "I don't like him.  Let him know that.  We were all leaving together with everyone.  There was going to be three funerals, because there is another one who lives there that we do not like.  He doesn't go up there (using the stairs), he goes another way.  I laugh at him.  I am so thin and sick.  I'm tired."
The spirit said that Marisol's husband told her he "saw a Casper."  Everything hurt on the thin spirit, and the good spirits around him advised him not to go back to Marisol's house.  The spirit wondered where Marisol's mother was, as he had been looking for her in the house, and he was unable to find her. Carmen explained that she was in the spirit world - where this spirit belonged.  "We liked to make jokes and scare people," the spirit said.  Referring to Marisol's husband, the spirit continued: "He gets white with fright, but I get more black.  She (Marisol) was doing things upstairs and she never finished.  Tell her to finish them with someone else.  I'll take what is mine, but she needs to finish.  I run up and down those stairs until I get tired and fall.  Now I am hungry.  I look frail and feeble because that's what she likes."
The spirit seemed reluctant to leave.  "We have noisemakers," he said, "bells, spoons - ask her!  She heard my noises.  I will take what is mine, and 29 others will go with me.  Tell her we said goodbye."  The spirit left easily.  Nelson sensed that at one time, Marisol was performing healings.  She stopped doing them.  Nelson envisioned two chairs, with Marisol in one seat and a spiritual madame seated in the other.  Marisol thought the madame was her spirit guide, but she was not.  This madame was very intelligent.  She was asking when Marisol was going to start the healings again, and she insisted that Marisol "had debates in her head over it."
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  The spirit of the madame wanted Marisol to stop attending our sessions and return to the healings with her.  Nelson and his guide had to spiritually travel to Marisol's house before this spirit would agree to sit.  The spirit arrived in a flurry, moving Nelson back in his seat as she spoke:
Spirit: Carumba, Carumba, Carumba!  What do you want with me here?  I keep asking her when she is going to do the kind of work we like again.  (Carmen counseled the spirit in Spanish)
Spirit: I know I'm dead, and I know what I am saying and doing.  She likes to work with us - and we are many.  She wants to heal!   The difference between this work and ours is that yours is for nothing but I expect something (payment).  He came for us in that house, and now he tells us that we cannot work that way anymore.  I was hiding behind a cup of water.  You know, we can do whatever you want.  (The spirit turned to Jeff and addressed him in English)  If you want to lose a few pounds, just let me know.  We left a bunch of - as you gringo people say - black people over there.  I was going to leave some of them over there, but we will remove them.  You need more shows and presentations over here! (Switching back to Spanish)  I am telling him to lose some weight, and look at me.  It's (my appearance) what people expect from us, big and black.  We are taking 4 madames, 4 male madames, 4 servants and 7 blacks with us.  We are going to leave her alone."
The spirit began bouncing in the chair, clapping her hands on her knees, as she suddenly left.  Nelson advised the group that for anyone who wanted to perform healings or give passes, that work could be done here - with others available to look out for the healer - and among our group of spiritual friends.
The conversation turned to Emiliano and Esperanza.  There were five people living together in their house (six, if the girlfriend of the oldest son is included), and Nelson sensed that none of them got along very well with each other.  Juanita described the house as "empty and cold."  Nelson advised the couple to "warm that house with love," as there were lots of spirits present who wanted to see the house completely emptied of people - with a big lock and a thick chain around it.  Sonia wondered if the assignment from last week (hugging the children and assuring them that they were loved) was completed. Esperanza said she did it, but Emilano could not bring himself to do it.
Spirit 4 & 5 (via Nelson):  Caballito spoke from behind Nelson to give the group more insight:
Caballito (speaking to Emiliano and Esperanza):  Both of you come from a previous existence where you died together in a castle, all alone. We need to elevate that feeling, that wanting to be alone.  Three servants stayed with you in the castle.  You decided that the castle would permanently close once these servants died.  The three servants are back with you now, reincarnated as your three children.
(Caballito was replaced by a spirit from the house)
Spirit (to Juanita): This person bothers me!  She comes over and gives advice - orders! - and we do not like it.  We don't really like to talk much.  (Similar to Emilano and Esperanza now who are often nontalkative)
Carmen:  Why do you bother her more than him?
Spirit: Because she was the queen!  She closed the castle and hid the keys so that we could not find them.  We were not allowed to speak, as she wanted silence.  Now she is silent.  She beat us if we spoke.  (Carmen continued to counsel the spirit
Spirit: Where am I?  Is it magic?  I was somewhere else and now I am here.  She (Esperanza) sometimes wants to speak, but she cannot find the words.  She has the same voice.  Look at her, I know she hears me but she will not speak (demonstrated a mouth moving silently with no words coming out).
Esperanza: It's about discretion, not secrets... 
Spirit: I don't need to be over there anymore - I am happy to leave it.  All five of us.  She likes to have secrets.  There is another girl living over there (the girlfriend of the oldest son).  I feel better.  I can leave and still keep on talking...
Nelson sensed that Sonia was preoccupied with worry over someone.  It was Mia.  Sonia had spoken with a relative who said Mia's parents were having mental and physical health issues.  They attended a temple in Puerto Rico, but it offered no relief.  Nelson sensed dementia, and he stressed that their issue was similar to the Romero family - a lack of communication within the family.  Nelson's spirit guide advised Sonia to have a phone conversation with Mia.  He moved from his position behind Nelson to speak directly through him:
Caballito (to Sonia): If you are a true friend, say the things she may not like to hear.
Denise: She likes it better when it's direct.
Caballito: No secrets.  Communicate with her even if it goes in one ear and out the other.  For you (Denise), retreat and observe.  (Looking directly at Carmen)  Who is planning a trip?
Carmen: We are...
Caballito: The trip was planned by both of you, and both of you should be the only ones going.  Only you, do not let anyone else go with you.  Only the both of you - do you understand?
Carmen:  Is it okay for us to take the trip?
Caballito: Yes, you can plan it, but if it doesn't happen, that is also okay.  Just the two of you in the car, and no one else.  Do not let another person influence you or be in the car.  Only the two of you. 
(Carmen said she had already planned to ask for confirmation about this trip later in the session today)
There were some specific messages for others:
For Gabe: Don't get your nose involved where it doesn't belong.  When things go wrong, you will get the blame.
For Juanita: Keep doing the work and you will see wonders.  You have already seen changes.
For Jeff: Did you have a good time today?  Did you find what you were looking for?  So then, what is causing your sadness?
Jeff: I'm not that sad...it's just difficult to listen intently and try to understand Spanish.
Caballito: Not everything will be your way.  Don't let the little things bother you. 
Gabe: It's the details...
Sonia: ...and detours.
Caballito: What if I tell you that the trip that you are looking forward to might not be as good as you think? (referring to Gabe's upcoming visit to Florida to see Jeff and Nelson) If you planned for 100 roses and you get 70 roses, it is still good.  When things don't go your way, remember me and smile.  Do you now why you need an extra effort to understand Spanish?  What if I told you that at one time, you cut out the tongues of those who didn't speak Spanish?  Have more tolerance.  Growth is difficult and painful.  Sometimes when you speak with your mother, you do not understand her - and both of you are speaking the same language - English!
For Gabe: Keep your eyes open and your mind ready.  You do not like to read, but take some of your wasted time and read some of the books.  What will happen when you want to help others and you cannot answer their questions?  You have people around you who can help - and I am only one thought away.
For the group: We will take a group of 27 soldiers away with us today, as there was not enough time.  Take care of each other and do the best you can.  Ask for help, and we can help you.  Move forward and your life will be fully successful.
Nelson closed with a prayer.

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