Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Florida - November 4, 2015

In attendance: Astrid, Frank, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago
We discussed a topic from the Sunday session - the possibility of revisions to the Kardec books and an update of spiritism in general.  Nelson shared the thoughts of Mary and Etel (from Argentina) with the group.  After the opening prayer, Jackie was prompted to read a selection form Kardec's The Spirits Book entitled, "False Prophets of the Spirit World."
Nelson asked about the condition of John (the husband of Gloria's daughter), and Santiago said that he continues to improve.  He is apprehensive over anyone seeing him in his current condition; yet he goes to the door to greet any visitors.  It's his way to still control who goes in or comes out.  Nelson said there was a spirit asking for him:
Jackie: And it's not nice.
Astrid: They are waiting for him.
Jackie: I heard one say that they are glad he is suffering.
Jeff: Maybe they are deliberately giving him a false sense of hope?
Nelson (or his spirit guide): You can only hope when your conscious is free, and his is not.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Astrid sensed some emotional turmoil with Gregory (the stepson of John), and Nelson agreed.  He was not suicidal, but he was involved in things that he should not.  A spirit was moving forward to speak.  He disliked what Jackie read, and Nelson described him as, "large and in charge."  Addressing Jackie, he wanted to prove that she had been fooled by a false prophet.  Referencing Yvonne, he said, "You had one that fooled you.  She does a good job talking, and to the untrained eye, she can fool anyone."  The spirit presented himself as an intelligent, authoritative presence as he sat through Nelson:
Spirit: Everyone loves my words!  And they do not question them.  If you don't obey, you don't come back.  Bring that boy to me (Gregory) and I will give him power!
Astrid: We don't know who you are...
Spirit: I know who I am, what I am, and I am very good at what I do. 
Jackie: Why do enjoy fooling them?
Spirit: I like for them to think that they have power (laughed).
Jeff: You think you have power...
Spirit: I do have power - the power to fool.
Astrid: It's not the right thing to do...
Spirit (laughing): I give them a little of my medicine, as I call it, and they think they can call God - Fools!
Jackie: Aren't you tired of that?
Spirit: That's why I'm here today.  They told me I could do better instead of acting like a fool.  He told me this was the last day.  It's so easy to fool them.  I tried to fool that guy today (Nelson)...
Jackie: Why didn't it work?
Spirit: He asked too many questions!  He is smarter than I thought.  He told me he was going to do the biggest favor for me today...you know we go everywhere.
Jackie: It's time to move on.
Spirit (sighed): I have to confront reality and I don't like it.  She (Yvonne) liked me!  I told her I was the professor (laughed).  They gave us the power, we got it from them!  And I don't get any power from any of you, so I will go.  There are 39, and with me it is 40...
The spirit was disgusted as he was being shown the hurt he had caused others.  He saw a large vehicle arriving, and his spiritual friends slowly began to climb in.  He was reluctant to leave, and when it was his turn to board, he left our table repeating, "I don't want to go I don't want to go I don't want to go." 
Nelson sensed that Yvonne was still not okay.  There was someone running her group from the spirit side.  We removed one group, but there were others.  Nelson saw the spirit of a tall, white haired man, standing between Astrid and Frank.  Nelson sensed that Yvonne was performing "healings", and he saw her in a confrontation with a short white haired woman.  There would be another confrontation between the two women, and it would not end well.  Nelson envisioned the police arriving to resolve it.  The spirit of the tall man was smacking the short woman (Myrna) in an attempt to make her listen.  Jackie realized that the spirit was Myrna's deceased husband, Joe. 
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  As soon as Jackie said his name, Joe decided to speak.  He did not want to sit, so he spoke to Nelson from his position across the table:
Spirit (to Nelson):  I heard what you can do.  I have seen you over there (at Yvonne's).  I always told her it was pretending - hocus pocus - over there.  I am so aggravated over what is being done to her (Myrna, who was still in the material world).  They say she has dementia.  If she takes that water they give her, it may be drugged.  I heard a conversation - they want to put her to sleep!  I know Jackie will tell the truth, I know it.  They are harming her.  I will not sit, because I will not leave her.  I am in good shape, but I know that if I sit there, I will have to go.  (Nelson saw the spirit of Myrna's mother with him)  I know I am a spirit.  I wanted to talk to Jackie because I always respected her.  I will return to sit, but not until Myrna is safe...
Jackie: If I promise to help her, will you move on?
Spirit: Did she get to you with her hocus pocus?  I am the only one to protect her (Myrna) now, and I am willing to wait.  Yes, I will wait.  Thank him (Nelson) for me.  At the end of my life, everyone told me it was time to go, move on, it's time.  Don't do that.  It has to happen when it should happen.  I only left because my body kicked me out - it failed.
The group discussed how powerful love could be - transcending death and continuing on.  Jackie said she would phone Myrna, and Nelson said that he would email Gregory and invite him to a session.  Nelson knew that Gregory did not like himself, and he was apprehensive over what the mediums might see if he did attend a session.  Nelson's spirit guide read Santiago's thoughts, and he knew Santiago was also hoping that Gregorywould attend.
Nelson shared a dream he had over a tax client (Mike Harper) who passed away two years ago.  Nelson kept hearing his name in the dream, and he wanted Mike to know that he was welcome to speak at our table.  Jackie saw his spirit standing up, but he relied on the support of two male spirits standing next to him - and he was not in any condition to speak.  He was in very rough shape.  Jackie believed that it was the thoughts from his surviving family who caused Nelson's dream and helped bring Mike to our table.  Nelson's spirit guide said, "You don't know how the work will be completed, until is it completed." 
Caballito also said that he would remove the spirits of twelve "nice ladies," as we did not have time for them to sit.  We understood that "nice ladies" was a euphemism for ladies of ill repute.  Caballito said, "We don't know what we have done - so don't be ashamed."  Jackie closed with a prayer.

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