Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Chicago - September 20, 2015

In attendance: Alex, Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Emiliano, Erika, Esperanza, Gabe, Isabel, Jeff, Juanita, Nelson, Ron and Sonia
There were some specific prayer requests:
- Nelson's mother, who has no appetite
- Gabe's father, who has been experiencing negative thoughts
- Juanita's nieces who are having babies
- Carmen's sister who was attacked by a dog
- Marisol for her son and herself 
Nelson envisioned the situation between Marisol and her son as if they were conjoined twins.  Andres does not want to leave his mother because he believes that he gives her life a purpose and helps to make it more fulfilling. Andres also sensed something spiritual happening in the house, and he was determined to protect and shield his mother from any possible harm.  If he could, Andres would get out of his bed to fight off the spiritual presence. 
Spirits 1 & 2 (via Carmen):  An insistent spirit moved forward to sit through Carmen.  The spirit was defiant and outraged, but she was not connected to Marisol and Andres.  She had arrived to speak with Nelson: 
Spirit: I have tried to get you out (of the center), so why are you still there?  What are you doing there?
Nelson: I am doing my work...
Spirit: Your job is to pay attention to me!  They left me outside.  You didn't love or respect me, so I came here today for that love you would not give me.  I follow you everywhere - I'm always there.  I tried to separate you from him...
Nelson:  In this life, I cannot love you because you are in spirit...
Spirit:  I've seen. I know.  It was beautiful.
Nelson: I don't want you to suffer.  Forgive me if I made you suffer, and I ask you for forgiveness as well.  You brought two children along with you...
Spirit: They were yours.
Nelson: I see them, two children with beautiful, emerald green eyes.
Spirit: While you are alive, I will be your enemy.
Nelson: I want you to get some education - so that we can be together in a future life.
Spirit (slowly losing her anger): I want to hug and touch you (Nelson declined).  You always lied to me with your sweet words, so why should I believe you now?
Nelson: If I ever lied to you, forgive me.  Go to that school - and you will learn about many types of love.
Spirit: I will go, and I will take care of the children until you join us.  I will be waiting for you and cleaning the way. 
Once the spirit moved on, Carmen's guide arrived to cleanse her and offer blessings to our table.  Nelson wanted to return to the topic of the spirit in Marisol's house. Marisol said that she was always cautious on the stairs outside of her son's room, and the spirit seemed to be in that location.  Nelson drew an illustration of the spirit, depicting him as a round white snowman with a blob of black hair (or a hat) on his head.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson): Marisol had previously sensed this spirit, and she knew that he had been in the same location for a very long time.  Nelson heard the spirit say, "Don't get married, don't do any (spiritual) work, I just want to destroy her completely!  We were partners together in another life, and I have been with her for centuries."  Nelson described the spirit seated on a throne in the desert.  Marisol once acted as a seer for this man, using her abilities only for him.  He kept her body painted white, so he could tell if anyone touched her.  They lived in tents, possibly in the Egyptian desert.  As he arrived, the spirit pushed Nelson back in the chair and spoke in the regal manner of a king:
Spirit (regarding the drawing):  Draw me on a throne - and I am not that fat!  (to Marisol) You belong only to me.  What are you doing here?  You do not belong here.  I came to get you, so let's finish with this craziness.  You are mine. 
Sonia: That was in the past...
Spirit: Who gave her the power to talk?
Marisol: Thank you for coming, because it is time for us to talk.  Look at the body you are talking through, is it yours?
Spirit: This is another one of your tricks. The one who is there with you (her son, Andres) was sent in his condition for all of us to be together again. I am not satisfied.  There is another one who is also there (Marisol's husband, Ernesto).  He does not belong with us.
Marisol: You are living in a memory from the past.  Listen to the one who is next to you...
Spirit: He tells me this is the end.  I don't like it, and I don't want to leave the other one (Andres) alone.  I need to control everything, and if I leave, how can that be done?  Is it true that you have a different name? 
Marisol: Yes, it's Marisol.
Spirit:  Does your name mean rays of sunlight?  Do you remember belonging to those tents in the sun?
Marisol: That was another life.
Spirit: That emblem (a horseshoe or crescent moon shape with two stars) represented my reign...
(Note: Seba is the Egyptian term for star.  Stars symbolized discipline or learning and they were associated with gates and doorways. The stars had a great deal of influence in the development of the Egyptian calendar and they also represented life after death - as stars were seen as a symbol of the souls of the dead.)
Spirit: I have been with you a very long time.  I thought it was magic.  It's difficult to let go of the thoughts that you belonged only to me.  I want to leave my turban with you (containing the emblem) as a memory of those other times - a reminder that everything done has not been lost.  You still have your magic, but there are a lot of things that I need to remove and take with me from that place.  He (the spirit guide) is very wise.  He is taking me to another castle where I can learn.  In a very distinctive chariot.  One day, when I am in a better condition, I will come and talk again.  I am interested in learning about all of the secrets and the magic. Forgive me if I said anything that was wrong...
The spirit raised his arms as if he was embracing the sun and left peacefully.  Nelson explained that Marisol had her own tent in this prior existence, with beautiful light blue/purplish sheer curtains that created a private bathing area.  She was not allowed to be touched by anyone (even the spirit of the king) as she was too pure.  Andres was the king's son in this previous life, but Marisol was not his mother.  It was Andres duty to watch over Marisol now in this life.  Nelson advised Marisol to place some sheer light blue curtains behind the bed of her son, to remind him of where he came from in the past. 
The spirit guides were traveling to Marisol's house to put her son at peace.  Nelson became rigid in his chair, with his arms stiff at his side, as if he was lying on a bed.  His mouth trembled.  After a few moments, it was over.  There was a discussion about a twin brother for Andres.  When Marisol was pregnant, the spirit world had planned for her to have twins, but these plans changed.  One twin bother stayed in the spirit world to help Andres.  He was also there with Marisol during her reincarnation involving the tents, and he would return one day to speak with Marisol again.  He whispered to her now, softly at night, and he thanked her for keeping things calm.  He wanted her to know that he would be with Andres when it was time to transition.
Juanita saw a vision of her sister and her husband around Bernardo.  She also sensed a spirit version of Jeff in a green shirt standing behind Nelson.  Marisol described a furry ball in the stomach of Nelson's mother that was preventing her from eating.  It was spiritual, but also physical (possibly a gall bladder problem). 
Spirit 4 (via Marisol): As the table discussed the issues with Nelson's mother, an irate spirit moved forward and spoke through Marisol:
Spirit: I do not like how she talks to me!  The pain, the pain.  She tells me I am abusive.  (to Nelson)  And I do not like you interfering.  She harmed me!  Now she doesn't care about what she did to me, and she doesn't want to humble herself.  I am not going to leave until she does.  I'm clogging everything up.  She sees me and she gets scared.  Why should I forgive her?  She poisoned me.
Nelson: You are a spirit now, become educated.  Don't let the hate blind you...
Spirit: I know I'm a spirit, but I have the power now.  She looked at me and laughed.  I know hatred extends life existences.  They are taking me to a place to learn.  I want to feel better and get away from the dark memories....  (Note: Nelson phoned his mother after - her appetite has returned and she is feeling better.)
Esperanza had a dream about her mother who is in the spirit world.  In the dream, Esperanza was entering a church.  Everyone exiting the church was telling her that her mother was going to die - but her mother had already passed on five years earlier.  Esperanza said that she wanted to tell her mother how much she loved her, but she did not have the opportunity before she passed.  Nelson explained that when we die, we relive the same material things over and over.  The spirit of Esperanza's mom was tormented and asking for help.  Nelson advised Esperanza to say the prayer for the recently departed - and she should continue to say it nightly until next Sunday.  Nelson understood that the mother did not have a good life, and whenever she remembered her last reincarnation, her condition worsened.
Nelson began to study a new spirit who said that sometimes in life, parents resembled their children - even though their personalities were different.  Parents often said they hoped their children would not need to experience what they endured; but when it happens, it was difficult for the parents to understand or change. This related to Gabe and his father. 
Spirit 5 (via Nelson): Gabe's father ran away from the home of his parents, and now the father believed that Gabe was repeating the same pattern.  The father was frustrated, because he thought he worked hard and gave his children everything.  Now he was conflicted over their increasing independence.  Nelson understood that Gabe's dad was not physically or spiritually well. Denise said that Gabe was doing fine, and he had his uncle around for support - which caused a furious spirit to jump into Nelson.  The spirit stood up, clenching his fists and boiling over with exasperation. 
Spirit:  Now I have to deal with that old lady (the mother of Gabe's dad) and that farm!  I'm old and tired!  Why can't my brother do it?  And then I have to come home to her (Gabe's mom) and why did she (Gabe's sister) have to go over there?  Useless!  All of them are useless!  I just want to give up.  (Jeff counseled the spirit.)  I just want to get in a car and leave them all, just drive away.  I am so tired.
Sonia: We can help you resolve that...
Spirit: I'm tired of being angry.  I want a drink, but I know if I have one, I'll want 20 bottles.  I want to leave, and can I tell you something?  I like it when he (Gabe's father) is angry and miserable.  He wants everyone to like him - he's the good one, he's the nice one - but when he is alone, the real one comes out.  I have tried a couple of times to make him take the keys to the car and the first pole that he sees - hit it!  Front and center!  They will find his brains in the next car.  I don't like anyone in that family, they give me headaches.
Marisol: You do not have a body, so you cannot have headaches.
Spirit: It's hard to deal with someone you don't like and still smile and pretend to care.  I don't like her (the mother of Gabe's father) when she cries because of the way I act.  (pause)  I wonder where I am now and why I am so tired.  I am doing to him (Gabe's dad) do what he did to me.  He's so worried that she (Gabe's mom) will leave him.  I make him scratch all over (demonstrated) and I pull on his legs!
The spirit was persuaded to leave with the spirit guides, and he agreed to take the scratching sensation with him, along with 14 other spirits.  He left abruptly, with his hands in the air, exclaiming: "I'm freeee..."
Nelson sensed a connection with a monkey and someone at our table.  Juanita saw a pile of photographs that were jumbled on the floor.  She saw herself picking out a photo of her family.  Juanita's sister-in-law in Michigan (Carolina) wanted a monkey (or a figure of one), as she was fascinated with them.  Nelson sensed a spirit acting like a monkey in her house, jumping around and making noises.  Carolina had a music box that played a song with her name in it.  When Carolina played the song, the monkey sang along.  Nelson eventually determined that the relationship between Carolina and her son was very similar to an organ grinder and his monkey.  The son was only nine years old and very possessive of his mother, and this relationship between the son and the mother caused problems in the family.  Both parents were acting incorrectly, and they were on the verge of a divorce.  Juanita said she would intervene and investigate.
Nelson closed with a prayer.

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