Saturday, November 5, 2016

Chicago - October 4, 2015

In attendance: Alex, Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Emiliano, Erika, Esperanza, Gabe, Isabel, Jeff, Juan, Juanita, Maricela, Marisol, Nelson, Ron and Sonia
Nelson sensed a large gathering of spirits in the next room.  The spirit side was happy to see everyone in our group so content, and they had assembled this large group to observe and participate in our session.  A spiritual "take-a-number" machine was being used, and one spirit was very pleased because he arrived early and received the number one spot.
Marisol received a message for Jeff regarding his mother.  She should not be living alone.  It would be better is she moved to an assisted living facility.  Her current conditions made her angry and resentful.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Nelson explained that the spirits with HIV/AIDS who were with our group on Wednesday had returned.  Marisol said she was fondly remembering the patients she had interacted with over the years on her ride to the center.  "If I knew what I know now," one of the spirits said, "I would have never done what I did.  I had a fulfilled life, so don't feel sorry for me.  I am happy because I no longer have it (the disease) any more.  Thank you to the material world for understanding and the spiritual world for replenishing us.  I have something else to feel good about - I was the one who picked that number one!  I sent the others home (on Wednesday) and I stayed here to get the number one.  This was the way we decided to go.  We are happy.  We have many who want to thank her (Marisol) as she was very kind to us - always kind.  It was a lot of work to get here.  It's sad to think that some are still suffering and being discriminated."
Marisol: It's ignorance.
Spirit: Tell him (Nelson) that he was also kind to us.  He did not deny me will all of my marks (on the skin) that I have.  Thank him for that.  Some of Jeff's friends are also here with us.  One of his good friends said that Jeff made him laugh more than anyone else.  He thinks of those memories when he feels sad.  We will go to different places - a hospital, a school.  As for me, I am coming back (reincarnating).  I don't know if I should be happy or not.  All of us, we thank you.  There are 327 of us.  If you meet anyone like us, give them a hand to help them.  I am a simple, quiet man, and I am so happy now.
The spirit left quietly.  Nelson understood that Carmen had been thinking about her mother.  "Don't think that a relationship ends," Nelson said, "because they can always find a way to communicate with us."
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  A spirit was arriving and she was Carmen's mother.  She said that she was racist in the material world, and now she regretted it.  The spirit shared some other thoughts:
- Her sense of humor was unique, and she did not like to be corrected.
- Feeling inferior was one of her faults (and she did not like it).
- Carmen's father was in the spirit world, but she has not looked for him, because she felt that he always wanted to change her.  She knows where he was, but she doesn't want to go there.
- Carmen is more similar to her father than her mother. 
- In the spirit world, life and love are all that matters.  Carmen was encouraged to embrace those qualities.
- The spirit had learned a lot about prejudice and loving others.  She did not want to see Carmen feeling sad.
- Carmen may think that she is resolving the problems of her family members, but instead of relying on her, everyone needs to find their own happiness.
- The spirit did not like Bernardo at first, but now she loves and protects him.
The spirit thanked our group for allowing her to speak.  She encouraged Carmen to stay on "this beautiful path, and one day we will meet again - not as mother and daughter, but spirit to spirit.  I am always here to give you advice if you want it."  The spirit hugged herself and softly said "love" as she left.  Nelson told the group not to worry over those who have passed, because they were where they needed to be.
Spirit 3 (via Marisol):  Marisol wanted to return to the situation with Jeff's mother.  She saw their relationship as tumultuous and strained, "almost as if you were not her son."  (Jeff agreed)  A female spirit moved forward to sit:
Spirit: He is not her son, he is my son!  That woman is not your mother, she's a witch!  She doesn't care about you.  I watch over you, and I am your mother.
Jeff: I get concerned for her...
Spirit: You don't need to do anything for her.  (to Nelson)  I don't like you, either.  He is my boy.  I protect what I love, and no one else will do that for me.  That woman is a no good.  She doesn't see you as a son! 
Jeff: You were my mother in a different time.  It's over now.  Look at me, I'm different.
Spirit:  How can I leave what I love?  That witch doesn't love you.  It's confusing me.
Nelson: You have been doing this for so long that you have forgotten who you are...
Spirit: I was watching him and he died - it was all my fault!  I never got over his loss.  Now I see her with him and I don't understand why she doesn't love him, and I feel sad.
Jeff: They will take you to a place to understand all of it.  Take care of yourself now...
Spirit: I can go and you will be okay?  It is time for me to go to a place where I can heal.  I need to leave so she can see him as her son...
(The spirit clapped three times and said goodbye)
Spirit 4 (via Carmen):  Another spirit stepped forward and she was the grandmother of Maricela.  Her message was brief, but reassuring:  "Thank you for coming here, I am happy you came.  They took you away from me, but when you call for help, I am there to help you.  You always ask for me, and I help you.  You will never be alone, as I am always there protecting you and taking care of you."
Marisol cautioned Marta (from Argentina) not to have the surgery that she was considering (Carmen and Nelson agreed).  Marisol advised that a cortisone shot would relieve the inflammation she was experiencing.
Spirit 5 (via Nelson): Nelson was studying a confused spirit who did not know who she was.  The spirit was arguing with herself, as if she had two faces. The spirit was influenced by the behavior of Gabe's mother, and it was affecting Gabe's sister.  The spirit plays with his sister as if it was a game:
Spirit (angrily): Pull my hair, don't pull it!  I am so mad, I want to bite myself.  I don't want anyone to see or hear me.  I don't want anyone!  They made me so unhappy.  This isn't working, I would be better off dead.
Marisol: Don't give her those thoughts, she is just a young girl...
Spirit: Our plan is working, everything is ready.  She belongs to us.  We are all crazy, in a nuthouse.  We can use her to get to where we want to go - her mother is the one we want.  We want vengeance!  She has to suffer like she made us suffer.  She put us in a sanatorium and we were not crazy.  We will do the same thing to her.  We are going to finish this.  She has to pay for what she did.  I have separated everyone (from the sister), and now this man tells me to leave her alone?  To worry about myself?  I am going to listen to him.  This girl no longer interests me.  (to Gabe) Tell your mom that if she doesn't change, there is a lot more waiting for her - I wasn't the only one.  We are seven demons.  She was bad, tell her.  I am taking all of my stuff with me, the chain and the book of details.  Tell her not to write all of her stuff in that hidden book.  I'm going to leave her alone.
Nelson advised Gabe to prepare himself for the upcoming visit from his parents.  There will be negative spirits with them, and when Gabe senses these spirits in his house, he needs to tell them not to stay - they should leave with the parents who brought them. 
Spirit 6 (via Nelson): Nelson asked Marisol about Andres.  As she was updating the table about his condition, Nelson's spirit guide (Caballito) arrived with some specific messages:
For Marisol (regarding her son, Andres):
Bless him and tell him that when the time comes, you will be okay.  He feels as if he is abandoning you.  He senses what is around, and he wants to protect you.  Certain people say one thing when they are there, and then they say another thing once they leave your home.
Marisol: On Wednesday, I was waiting for a call that he went home...
Caballito: There are things that only the spirit world can do - a sadness from the spirit that only the spirits can help.  Nothing is being accelerated.  You are not alone, and we need you to be calm.  When you get worried, everything is desperate and out of place.  Everything is in good hands for him to return home calmly.
For Jeff (regarding his mother):
Are you prepared? You will need to be very strong.  Do not give up.  In her mind, she would rather die than go into a home.  You must be firm.  When the moment is right, it will happen.  There will be a conversation with your sister.  Let her talk, and you agree with her.  Don't confront her, or she will use that against you.
For Gabe:
Everything will be okay.  You are young and full of life.  Everything is in order.  You still have a human life to live, so keep doing it, living your life.  When confronted by your parents, just agree with respect.  If you want respect from them, you need to treat them in that way. 
For Carmen:
I will be with you.  The time will go fast, without you realizing it, but I be here.
For Sonia:
Be firm.  You know that everything will come out.
For Denise:
What can I say that has not already been said?
For Juanita:
Keep working,  You are now on the path, so go forward.  We need you.
For Ron:
Continue the work you are doing.  I will not be far.  Say 'this is my job, and this is my duty'.  There are no pleasures of the body as a spirit. 
Caballito: Are there any questions?
Maricela:  Thank you for always being here, helping us.
Caballito: Don't let anything keep you from attending, even if the path is difficult...
(Bernardo asked about his spirit guide)
Caballito: You have not prepared yourself to see him.  He presents himself as a man to you.  Those other spirits bother you because you like it.  Fix the material and he (the spirit guide) will always be there.  You want to know his name.  It's Manuel.  You talk to him, but you do not listen to what he says in response.  Ask for him, and by the time I return, you will have spoken to him.
(Marisol asked about cremation)
Caballito: Most need to see their body.  Once they are without life, they need to realize they are gone.  Three days are needed.  After that, it does not matter what is done.  It's not important.  Prayers are helpful to the spirit for progression.  Do not call them to you, but help them progress.  Our love is of the spirit. 
(In regards to Andres) Whenever he calls and I cannot go, some who are closer are sent to help.
(Maricela wanted to know the name of her spirit guide)
Caballito: You will know once you prepared to know.  The name is not important, only the connection.
For everyone:
Pray for your spirit guide.  When you pray, do it quietly, with no material distractions.  Concentrate your thoughts.  Focus your energy into that prayer for it to be heard.  Don't tell me that you are unable to dedicate thee minutes a day to your own spirit.  You can help yourself and protect yourself.  Your own spiritual vibration will take care of everything that harms you.  (pause) We have a lot of our friends here, collecting others (spirits).  There were 300 sitting in those chairs outside, connected to everyone in here.
Emiliano: When I pray or see the Virgin of Guadalupe, why do I feel like crying?
Caballito: We are given the opportunity to see inside ourselves when we pray.  You do not like what you see, so those tears are for yourself.  Look inside yourself and find the reason for those tears.  If we start by being kind to ourselves - if we start loving ourselves - we can do the work.  All of us are imperfect.  I understand there is a party.  Go and enjoy the company of each other.  I will be back.  Hug each other.  Life will come full circle.
Nelson closed with a prayer.

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