Saturday, November 5, 2016

Chicago - September 27, 2015

In attendance: Alex, Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Emiliano, Erika, Esperanza, Gabe, Isabel, Jeff, Juanita, Nelson, Ron and Sonia
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Before the opening prayer, Nelson's spirit guide was very eager and animated to begin.  He shared some messages for the table:
- Families are those that we select, and not the ones that we were assigned.
- There are some spirits knocking on our door, but they are not on the list to be admitted, because they have not earned the right to be inside. The same applies to the material world.  We knock on the door, but we are afraid to enter - because we are afraid of hearing the truth - and it can hurt.
- We should not allow anyone or anything (such as bad emotions), to interrupt our group.  We are all equally responsible to stop these interruptions. 
Throughout the session, Nelson's spirit guide moved in and out of the conversation.  After the opening prayer, he spoke to our group regarding the spiritual impact of the pope's visit to the US:
- He came on a mission for the US, but he does not realize what his visit brings.  His work in the material world opened doors on the spiritual side that were left open for the spirits to do whatever they want.  All of us are vulnerable to all that he has brought.  The doors need to be closed, and it is difficult to close them once they have been opened.
Caballito also wanted Nelson to ask Denise for an update regarding her medical issues.  Denise is taking a steroid (Prednisone), and Nelson's guide said once the cause of her illness was eliminated (her niece) there would no longer be a need for the drug.  Juanita saw her spirit guide standing next to Denise, grabbing her arm and crying, as she asked Denise to take care of herself.  Nelson envisioned Denise in a hospital bed, with an oxygen mask strapped over her face.
Nelson's spirit guide advised that steps needed to be taken to resolve her responsibility for the niece.  It is important for Denise to think about her own health now.  She should give her family and the niece a deadline, telling them, "I cannot die because of what you want."  The conversation continued:
Sonia:  Not all of our faith should be in the doctors.  It's up to us to manage and take control of our own health.  You are responsible for you - period.
Caballito: You took over the care for your niece when the others left because they could not handle her - and now, neither can you.  She (the niece) has an incredible amount of spiritual needs that no one can provide.  This individual has been running away from her responsibilities for a long time.  Do not allow it!  I need to be direct, because I am talking to a spirit, so I need to be strong.  I had to trap them that way.  you need to be strong.  Do not wait until something drastic happens.  She is the cause of all of this.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson): Nelson sensed the spirit of a young child around Sonia.  He was not connected to her son or daughter, and Nelson wondered where he came from.  He was standing next to Sonia, reaching up to tug on her blouse as he asked for her help.  Sonia explained that the child she lost was a boy.  The spirit of that child watched over Sonia now, and he is okay.  He was sitting next to her in the other room when Nelson was speaking about the moment when a spirit becomes attached to a baby in the womb.  This spirit wanted Sonia to know that although he was not born into the material world, he did exist:
Spirit (very emotional): I was not allowed to reincarnate.  It's not what I needed to do, but it doesn't mean that I was not real...
Sonia: I knew you were real.
Spirit: They told me today was my birthday, and I was given the opportunity to talk to you!  To finally be able to call you Mom...
Sonia: How wonderful.  I love you.  Ramon (Raymond) was your name.
Spirit: I wanted to say thank you for always thinking about me.  I didn't have a body, but I was alive.
Sonia: I know you are - thank you.
Spirit: I didn't want to cry.  I had so many things I wanted to say.  I had to get your attention because I wanted you to see me so I could talk to you.  They have plans for me now, and I didn't want to start a new life until I said thank you.  You never forgot about me. 
Sonia: I am happy to have been your mom.
Spirit: I'm ready to go.  I going to come back.  I'm looking forward to having that new life.  Maybe you will see me again.  My time has come to move on.  It's a birthday, and I'm going to be reborn and be that boy again.  I like the name Phillip - or Philippe in French.  That's what I like, that's where I come from.  You have some French in your background if you look it up.  I'm very happy, it's the beginning of a new trip.  I have been on a long term vacation, and now I will start a new journée (French for "journey").  One day, we will see each other in a different way.  I am looking forward to my new way of living...
Nelson saw this spirit as very educated, and he chose Sonia to be his mom.  He appeared to be some sort of speech writer.  Juanita saw three spiritual baskets being presented to Erika.  One of the baskets was very elegant, and Erika opened it.  Erika was not able to see anything inside of it, so she was instructed to look again.  The basket contained clues to one of Erika's previous lives, and it would be presented to her.
Spirit 3 (via Carmen):  Nelson described Erika in a tribal setting under a tent.  Similar to a harem, Erika was part of a group of female dancers who wore multicolored veils.  She was an exotic leader of the dancers, with baskets all around her.  Nelson said that in her current existence, "you can't do that but you think you can."  In this life, the boys do not see Erika as she once was.  A spirit was lingering in the background, and he was wearing a white turban with a large diamond in it.  When Gabe described him as a sultan, he jumped into Carmen to speak:
Spirit: My queen.  A sultan who has not let go of my queen.  I always celebrate with her.  I bought her. 
Nelson:  Look at her, she's not the same copy...
Spirit: Sometimes I change the way she looks.  She doesn't go out unless I go with her.
(The spirit was unwilling to see his own body or the body he was speaking through.)
Nelson: Look at how you died...
Spirit: That is not me.  Look at the dancers still dancing around me, just for me. (long pause) I'm getting cold now.  Take that away - take away that cold.  I have to leave my queen?  I have always helped her...
Nelson: You were causing her harm.  Go with that guide...
Spirit (sadly): I will leave with him and take six dancers with me.  I was always dressed entirely in white.
Juanita shared that she felt like crying, but it passed because that time was over.  Nelson's guide asked Erika to stand to be cleansed by his towel.  He encouraged Erika to read and research her past to find out more.  Her stomach problems were related to this past life.  When the other dancers did not perform in a manner that pleased the sultan, Erika would give them a drink with venom or poison in it as a punishment. 
Nelson returned to his seat and told the group that if we remembered where we came from, we would never want to be reborn.  Erika had no kindness in her last life, and now she needed to learn how to be kind in this life.  Nelson's guide took over, and he said: "Be good to those who are not good to us.  Say, 'I'm a new person and I am very kind to everyone'.  There is more work to be done, so I will move aside."
Spirit 4 (via Carmen):  Carmen was experiencing a pain near her eyes.  It was related to what she was seeing, as a new spirit had arrived.  This spirit was connected to Denise and her niece:
Spirit: I feel like I want to break something!  I don't know what, but I want to break it!  Nobody pays attention to me and I want the attention!
Nelson: You want to break the thread that connects everyone. 
Spirit: So maybe then they will hear me!  (referring to Denise) I am going to switch her pills around.  She might look big and strong, but she (the niece) can kill her.
Nelson: We need to break that connection...
Denise: You are not mine, and you have to go...
Spirit (to Denise): But you are the only one who understands me!  And now they say I have to go and take all the pills with me?  Now I have a headache.  I have to leave her alone and move along with those spirits.  All right, I'm done.
The spirit took 17 others away with him.  Nelson advised Denise that if she doesn't sever the relationship with her niece, it will continue to grow and become stronger - and much too toxic for Denise. 
Spirit 5 (via Nelson):  A new spirit was circling Nelson, and he described himself and his group as "spirits of the world."  He explained more as the conversation continued:
Spirit: We go around and do what we can.  We go everywhere and look for opportunities.  99% of the time, the doors are wide open.  We laugh and go in.  We see them praying on their knees (demonstrated) and it's too late!  We laugh at them.  Fools!  It's the evil of the world.
Jeff: Why do you want to be evil when you can do good?
Spirit: It's so much fun!  We call them fools.  I can go everywhere, so you are probably wondering why I came here.  You are different, and I was curious.
Denise: When you come in here, there are rules.
Spirit: Don't tell me I'm a spirit, I know that!  When I knock on the doors, they let me in.  A home might be beautiful on the outside, but when we get inside, no one is talking to each other!  They hate each other and hit each other!  Very funny.  But curiosity got the best of me.  When I knocked on your door two weeks ago, a guy told me that my name was not on the list.  I might be a fool, but I can think.  I came back the next week with 500 others, and that guy still wouldn't let me in.  I brought a thousand with me after that, and it still didn't work.  So I decided to visit the house of someone in this group (Carmen and Bernardo) to create a commotion.  Bells ringing, keys, cars, all kinds of noise!  We wanted her not to come today.  When she came anyway, I decide to come in with her - and I brought 2,000 others with me!  And now we are trapped in here and there is nothing going on.  I feel bad that I convinced the others.  You should keep that guy at the door, he is very smart.  He makes you wonder what is going on, and now this fool lost today.  Sometimes the fool gets caught.  I did all the work, gathering everyone together for him and brought them all right to his door!  All of us are going now, but be careful of us.  We want to make fools of you.  Don't let the fools in!  (to Carmen) I am sorry for all the commotion at your house today...
Spirit 6 (via Nelson):  As the group of spirits left, Nelson was immediately presented with new spiritual images.  He saw a Catholic church leader (a cardinal in robes wearing a red cap), who had authority over two lower ranking church authorities (maybe bishops) who wore a light purple hat.  These three spirits were the previous reincarnation of Gabe and his brother (the two bishops) and Gabe's father (the cardinal).  They were the reason for Gabe always feeling uncomfortable in churches in this life. 
(Note: The caps worn by the hierarchy of the Catholic church are called a zucchetto.  The color denotes the wearer's rank.  The pope's zucchetto is white, those worn by cardinals are scarlet red, and those of bishops, territorial abbots and territorial prelates are a purple color called amaranth. Priests and deacons wear black, and ordained Franciscan friars wear brown.)
In this past reincarnation, Gabe reported to the cardinal in the red hat (his father now in this life).  Gabe observed the other priests and bishops sexually abusing boys, and this made him uncomfortable, but he never reported it.  When his purple cap was put on his head, he would remove it in disgust.  The others saw him as a threat, even though Gabe spoke about what he witnessed.  Instead, Gabe would encourage the boys to return home quickly after they changed, and he told the boys not to spend time with the priests.  Gabe felt guilty, as he was only able to save the boys from his church.  There was one boy that Gabe was hiding from the others under a tablecloth.  Nelson's spirit guide took him to the church (in 1440 Spain) to bring the spirit of the boy (or possibly a priest) to our table: 
Spirit (hunched over in his seat): I don't want to leave where I am.  This the only place I feel comfortable.
Denise: We want to help you.
Spirit: I am ashamed of what I have done.  This is the only place I feel comfortable - being punished.
Denise: Step into the light and learn to feel good.  There is no shame, that was another life.
Spirit (sadly): You do not want to see where we come from.  (to Gabe, regarding his brother) Forgive him. Don't betray him again. How long have I been down here?  Can it be over 140 years in this hole?  I don't know if I should say thank you or I'm sorry.
Denise: Both are acceptable.
Spirit: Forgive me God, as I did not know what I was doing.  I'm lying.  I knew what I was doing.  There are 13 of us, 12 boys and myself.
The spirit departed quietly softly, with Sonia wishing him light and progression for his soul.  (Note: For images of the Spanish church mentioned by the spirit, click here:
Nelson asked the Romero family about the relative in Michigan with the spiritual monkey.  They were doing okay, and Nelson explained that the spirit world was working on the monkey, but they were still unable to capture it.  Nelson was also shown some members of the police/army detail for the pope.  Carmen said that there had been some assignation attempts on the pope, but they had been kept quiet. 
Spirit 7 (via Nelson):  The spirit of a former guard for the pope was stepping forward.  Nelson heard him say, "After they are done with us, they toss us aside."  This military man did not want to serve - he was forced into it.  Nelson saw him buried in a mass grave, somewhere under the Vatican City, and he was looking for his name on the tomb:
Spirit: Where is my name?  I served.  Now the truth is revealed.  Why can this man (Nelson) see me, when the others cannot?  I have been watching for the big one to come in, but he never does.  (Jeff and Denise counseled the spirit
Spirit: I am confused.  Who is this man (Nelson)?  Why did he see me?  I have been here waiting.  It's not what I expected. where are the candles?  We always had candles.  My name was Alexander.  No one is coming for me - except this guy?  They told us we would be reborn!  Don't listen to them - be smart!  Do you have newspapers?  I recommend you put it in the newspapers to warn others..."
The spirit softly faded away, taking 76 other soldiers/guards with him, and 16 nuns.  Nelson's spirit guide reappeared briefly with a message for Juanita: "The more you get involved, the more you will see.  It will become more complicated, but do not be discouraged.  This is a process.  Don't get frustrated.  I hope everyone enjoyed today, because I did."
Nelson closed with a prayer.

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