Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Florida - November 24, 2015

In attendance: Astrid, Frank, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago
Jackie read a selection from Kardec's The Gospel According to Spiritism entitled "Mission of the Intelligent Person on Earth."
Spirits 1 & 2 (via Nelson):  Nelson realized that Jackie was worried about something with her upcoming trip to Baltimore, and Jackie explained that it was only the timing of her monthly bills.  Nelson's spirit guide believed there was something else, and he told her that whatever she had been asking about, it would be taken care of, and Jackie should leave it alone:  "If an ingredient is left out when cooking, it still results in something.  Your trip should be seen that way.  Whatever is missing cannot be restored later.  Once it's done, it is done."  Jackie was apprehensive because her sister's son would be there, and there was some conflict with him in the past. Jackie's niece was also about to have her baby, and Jackie explained the confusion and chaos around everything and everyone involved.  Nelson started coughing (much more than usual), as he envisoned the doctors opening up the niece to remove the baby.  "If the baby arrives ill or damaged, that family is not ready for it," Nelson said.  An anxious, very nervous spirit was running towards Nelson.  In his mind, this spirit believed that he still had time to end the pregnancy.  This male spirit wanted to remove the female baby and take its place, so that Jackie's niece would let him be born: 
Spirit (frightened and worried):  I'm smart and I'm angry.  Whey did they allow someone else to take my spot?  If she wants a girl, I'm in a hurry, I need what you have, and I am willing to do that transgender thing.  See how smart I am?  I don't want to wait anymore, she's the one I wanted for my mother.
Jackie: If you want to be born, you have to go to someone else.
Spirit: I want to get out of where I am.  I want to get out of where I was (coughing) because I was trapped.  I'm running and I am in a hurry.  I'm so afraid.  I've been running and I don't want them to catch me. 
(A woman rang Astrid's front doorbell)
Spirit: That bell!  They know I am here!
Jeff: They cannot find you now.
Spirit: There are not going to get me here?  They do not want me to be born, and I cannot be with them anymore.  I'm running. 
Jackie: Do you see them now?  They are gone.
Spirit: I'm afraid to look.  (long pause)  I looked.  You took them?
Jackie: They are gone.  And now someone will come, and you will be taken to a place to calm down.  You cannot be born in your current condition.
Spirit:  I didn't mean harm.  There's one ahead of me, I see her.  I have no problem being in line again - but not with them!  I understand now, but I wanted to be safe and I was anxious.  I'm going back to that line.  I am okay.  I'm so sorry I was creating a commotion, a mess.  She's going to be okay now because I won't be there.  That line, it's better than where I was.  I ran and ran to get here, but I don't know how I got here.  If you see others running like me, open that door to them.  Will you do that?  What is your name?  I'm going to call you "go there" so I can tell the others:  "Go there!"
The spirit expressed his appreciation several times and he was gone.  He said he no longer wanted to be transgender.  Astrid said that she was shown a dark body in pieces.  Nelson said that when he sat down at the table, his spirit guide was not with him.  Astrid agreed, as she saw spirits in the other room observing our session, but the area around the table was empty.  Nelson felt as if he was going to faint, and he called on his spirit guide to help.  Caballito also wanted Nelson to understand what had happened, so he spoke from a position behind Nelson:
Caballito:  This was an example of a spirit willing to run because things were so bad over there.  So many things, all of them bad.  Humans are putting conditions on babies (limiting their birth) and there is a need for these spirits to be born.
Astrid: How did this spirit find himself there?
Jackie: He was sucked in.
Caballito: He thought he was following the right option.  Once he was involved, he was trapped.  Have you seen the movie Nosso Lar?  In it, the spirits visit the muddy world of trapped souls to give their hand.  When that happens, we need protection.  It's an invisible cover.  This was a rescue mission.  We gave our hand, and he took it.  We put on that cover, invisible to their eyes, as we are still vulnerable.  Because it was a rescue mission, there wasn't any time for him (Nelson) to ask me to tell him more about the spirit.  The rescue mission was not only him, it included eight others, all of them running.  That is why this group had to meet today and not tomorrow. 
Jeff: So it was urgent.
Caballito:  There are two kinds of rescue.  When we slowly take them away, the process is longer and it requires that spirit stays longer (in the spirit world).  This way is faster.  The spirit can go to a different place and reincarnate quickly, as the work will start immediately.
Nelson's guide stepped back, and the understanding of what had happened overwhelmed Nelson.  He began to tear up, as he was humbled by the beautiful experience.  "I don't think I have done anything to deserve this, something so beautiful," Nelson said. "Anytime, anyplace, I will be there and I will do the work.  It's for our progress."  The table discussed the experience.  Nelson had not fully recovered, so his guide returned, and he spoke directly through him:
Caballito: The spirit world wants to use his (Nelson's) abilities to help the world become a better place.  New things are coming, like it or not.  Now you understand how one spirit can kill another, and a baby is born dead.  There are many rescue missions that need to be done.  You have seen nothing yet.  God did not create evil, but those at the top have their strength from the amount of spirits they have.
(There were some specific messages)
(For Gabe): Tell Gabe that he can ask any questions he wants, but before he asks, think twice.  I told some of you to say prayers on specific dates and he asked me about prayers for his trip.  Did I say anything about prayers for his trip to him?  Don't ask questions that are related to the material world, ask questions related to spiritism.  Prayers can resolve the problems in the material world.  (looking at Astrid, Caballito spoke to her in Spanish, and then he spoke to the group again)  Even the little things, everything that starts with a prayer of faith will end well.  Gabe would love to meet me, but when that happens, he will faint.  What he expects is an elegant white man with long hair, and instead, he will see me with no shoes.  He will learn.  He is at a point now where he's like a sponge, soaking it all up. 
(For Frank):  Doctors are only humans with an education.  That's all.  Sometimes, the doctors like to use humans for practice.  It's up to you not to be used without consent.  Don't let that doctor get into your head.  When that doctor finds something he does not understand, he likes to experiment.  Get him out of your head.  That doctor thinks that by using you, maybe he can save a hundred others.  Remove him from your head, and your headaches will go away.  Don't think about him.  In a few months, another test will be done.  But for now, do nothing.  We will talk about it later.  Do not let him into your head.
(For Santiago):  It's the same for you.  Some of the doctors think they know it all.  They have - what is it called - a diploma, and they think it makes them God.  They forget that an operation without spiritual workers will not be a success.  We move the hand.  With us workers, every single operation could be successful.  When we hear those prayers, we go - if we are allowed. 
(For Nelson): He hates it when I take him over.  I have to do it, for him to understand that what he does is nothing.  Others see it and say, 'Whoa', but he is not doing it.  Just like the doctor, it's a success because we - the workers - are here.  There are a lot of us out there, and sometimes we are doing nothing because there are no prayers.  If you ask with just a little bit of faith, we are there.  For us, there are no limitations.  Some of the things you will experience will not happen at other places because they are not prepared.  You mediums need to be prepared.  You make the decision to stay clean, you decide it.  Don't stop, it's in your hands.
(For the group):  For all of you, if you don't understand something, ask me.  We have - what is it called here, training?  I often stand up and tell them, 'A human asked me this question...'  Sometimes they tell me to respond with, 'You will know in time,' as we are not God and we do not want to give the wrong idea.  I will tell you this story.  Nelson could not find an answer to a question today.  I asked him again what his question was, but he could not define it, so I could not answer.  I told him, 'Let me think about it'.
Jeff: I know the question.  In our last session, we dealt with Michael's spirit.  He was killed by someone, and we wondered if that was part of his predetermined destiny, or was his life cut short by that person?
Caballito:  There are two ways to answer.  Sometimes those incidents are preplanned - but by you, not us.  Sometimes they are not, and those individuals are a causality of their own mistakes.  When we create the wrong relationships, there are consequences.  You are responsible for those consequences because you created those relationships.  For Michael, we tried that day to stop him.  The workers tried, but he put his job before anything else.  He changed his destiny by his own choices.  Let me give you another example.  When 9/11 - as you call it - happened, didn't you read some stories of people who were delayed or sick on that day?  Some of them said, 'Something told me not to go'.  There was a pilot for one of the planes, and his wife asked him not to work on that day - and he listened.  Nothing changed what happened, it was their decisions and choices that changed things only for them.  You change it for you.  Sometimes we don't listen to that guardian angel or that worker.  And sometimes we make something happen (spiritually, as a warning) because we didn't want you to go through that experience.  There is never one answer. 
Nelson and I work together with the same method.  I need to do something.  Astrid, will you hand me that (dishtowel)?  I did not ask Jeff, because I need to use it on him.  (Note: Jeff injured both of his hamstring muscles running on Monday.  Caballito used the towel to remove all of the pain.)
(For Santiago, in Spanish):  We need to remove some spirits from the past.  You don't know what to do with them, because we need to work on them.  Hopefully, soon, one of those friends will sit.  It's something from the past that you did, and it's difficult to deal with.  We are removing some now.  Fourteen of them.  (to Jeff) Put this down for me, there is a group of soldiers that we are still working on.  44 of them, from WWI.  Santiago is not falling asleep because he is tired, some friends are doing it to him. 
I appreciate what Nelson did today, and that is why I have been here for so long.  Call me, and I will be there.  Do the prayers.  Until next time...
Jackie closed with a prayer. 

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