Saturday, November 19, 2016

Florida - November 15, 2015

In attendance: Astrid, Frank, Gabe, Gloria, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson, Rafael and Santiago
Before the opening prayer was read, Nelson's spirit guide wanted our group to know that our session would involve "a lot of work for the good of the world."  Jeff read a selection from Kardec's The Spirits Book referring to the process of spiritual perfection: "Material life is a trial which they have to undergo many times until they have attained absolute perfection..."
The reading was interrupted by a spirit.  Nelson heard him ask, "What we have been following is wrong?  We were told the wrong thing, and so we are following the wrong religion?"  Nelson was taken to a desert setting, and Jackie saw terrorists.  Gloria envisioned a group of Muslim women walking together.
Spirit 1 (via Astrid): The Muslim women were all mothers, and one of them moved forward to tearfully speak through Astrid:
Spirit: We are the mothers, and we have come here to pick up souls.  No matter what happens, we are still mothers.  Let's do something about all this hate.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  The spirit representing the mother stepped back as the male spirit who felt betrayed by his religion began to speak through Nelson:
Spirit (frightened and on the verge of crying): We are looking for the kingdom of Allah, and all I see is darkness, blood, and evil.  I don't want to go there.  Please help me, I don't want to go into that cone of hate.  I didn't know.  (looked at Jackie)  Lady, why are you not covered?  That cone sucks you into it.
Jackie: You have to stop what you were doing.  You caused a lot of what is in that cone, and the killing has got to stop.
Spirit: Why did they lie to us?
Astrid: You wanted to believe what they were saying.
Spirit: We feel betrayed.  We are innocent.  They are pointing at us and saying, 'criminal!'
Gloria: Because you were a killer.
Spirit: If we didn't, they would kill us.  I don't want to be part of that cone.  It's the end, there is no way out once you are in there.  My group does not want to go.  We are willing and capable of change.
Astrid: Are you willing to give love instead of hatred?
Spirit: We are capable.  We don't feel too good.  We feel the hate.
Astrid: You planted the hate in your soul.
Spirit: We are responsible for our actions.  They say we don't need the prayer to Allah here?  I am confused.  He wants me to look at her (Jackie) uncovered - he said it's my first test.  I have never looked at a lady uncovered.  He said to take my time.  (the spirit opened Nelson's eyes and looked at Jackie)  I see a kindness in her eyes.  There is not much difference between her and I, but I have to get used to it - because where we are going, there are no ladies who will be covered.  Her eyes remind me of my mother's eyes.
Jackie: Inside, we are all the same.
Spirit (to Jeff): You asked for a number (how many were in his group), and they tell me that you will give the number.  What year is it?  That's the number, 2,015.  (softly)  We don't see a cone anymore.  Are you Allah?  That's what we expected.  This man (spirit guide) is very nice.  Can you protect him so he will help more of us?  Can you protect him like a mother would protect a child? 
Jackie: He already has protection.
Spirit: I am in the place I wanted to be, so we are going.
The spirit reclined in his chair, stretched out his arms and shouted "Allah!" as he left.  The group discussed his visit (and we were told by Nelson's guide that there was one good spirit for each of the 2,015 departing spirits - and maybe those were the spirits of the mothers?).
Spirits 3 & 4 (via Nelson):  The next spirit was being ushered in by Nelson's guide, but first he had some questions for Gabe:
Caballito: You don't want to miss a minute of life, do you?  Do you feel as if you missed so much before?
Gabe:  Yes.  I was secluded when I was growing up.
Jackie: You were a priest.  But he didn't take his vows seriously - he was a womanizer.
Caballito: Now that he is free, he does not want anything to hold him back.
Gabe: I know my limits.
Caballito: Why did your parents protect you so much?  Do you feel like things might have been better if you were born into another family?
Gabe: I used to think that, but now I understand.
Gloria: He's a spirit who asked to be born in that family.  If he went to another family, he would have been lost.  He has to be thankful for the beginning, because without it, he would not be where he is now.
Caballito: Your father doesn't understand why you are different, as he wants you to be like him.  Don't you think that if he doesn't come to you, that you could go to him?
Jackie: The father believes his life should be like Gabe's life.
Caballito: And he thinks that if he is not around, something will go wrong.  (Gloria was shown a dark car involved in an accident)
Nelson's guide stepped back.  A spirit looking for the Pope stepped forward.  He was a devout Catholic, and he was very skilled at creating conflict:
Spirit: I open the bible, and I create a problem - like wars between fathers and sons.  Put some holy water on that demon (referring to Gabe).  I am only trying to bring that lost son back to the father.
Gabe: Maybe the father is lost.
Spirit: You are the one talking to dead people now!  My alter boys are putting water on me for protection.  He's wrong, he's an evil son.
Jackie: Maybe you are wrong.  You are causing him harm, and he does no harm to anyone.
Spirit: I am often with them.  It's a chaotic family.  I have been around a long time.  I just came here to get him and bring him back home.
Gabe: I'm not going with you.
Jackie: What do you see standing next to him?
Spirit: A spirit!  I don't understand it!  I don't know it.  This is very confusing for me.
Jackie: It's a guardian angel - where are yours?  He and his dad will make peace on their own time.
Spirit: If you are sure that he will find that peace, then I will leave.  I will take my four alter boys with me, and I am taking everything that belongs to me.  You people are very confusing.  I just wanted to understand why I am in this situation...
The spirit departed, and Nelson told Gabe that his father thinks he is in a cult.  Gabe needs to find a way to let him know that spiritism is not a cult.  Nelson said that many other religions do not accept our beliefs, and Jackie explained the similarities between Catholicism and spiritism to Gabe.
Spirit 5 (via Nelson):  Nelson wondered what was going on with Rafael.  Caballito weaved in and out of the conversation until a spirit was encouraged to sit through Nelson:
Rafael: There are lots of changes in my life - and my priorities.
Caballito: You discovered something or someone that was there all along.  Why are you afraid to find out who you are?
Jackie: Maybe he won't like what he sees?
Gloria: You have doubts over everything around you - even spiritism.  Spirits will not solve your problems, you will solve them yourself.  They observe and they give you the strength.
Caballito: Has your entire life been a commotion?  (yes)
Gloria: He has to get out of it.
Caballito: What happened with your wife back in Chicago?
Rafael: She got cancer, had depression, and there was an affair.  If I didn't move, I would have killed her.
Caballito: It doesn't matter where you hide, they will find you.  Your son is part of something that he should not be involved in (the situation between his parents), and that boy can give you real problems.  How is a nut going to help a nut?  Mentally, she (the mother) is not in the right place, so how can she help her son?  He's angry.  Has he told you, 'Get me out of here'  and screamed for help?  How easy it is to list all your many problems, when you are it. 
(Caballito was replaced by a spirit who was a copy of what Rafael's son was experiencing)
Spirit: Please help me, when is something going to change, I need help!  (crying)  Stop, stop, I don't want to hear it now, stop!  When is it my turn to say I am done?  Help me!  Stop it, can someone take me away from all of this?  I don't want to be here anymore.  You have no idea where I am, I am so crazy.  It feels like another world - none of it is real.
Jackie: We will help you get out of that situation.
Spirit: Thank you, oh thank you.  I sit in a corner and rock (demonstrated) and I count the hours.  You get tired of that.  What can we do?  We think drugs, or get a gun and get it over with.  I don't want any part of this life anymore.  You know what I would like?  A kind hand to come and reach out.  Just a kind hand, so I could feel a little bit of love.  I'm in a dark corner and it is not nice.  I want to be a kid and not be punished.  They tell me I am not going back there.  Is it true?  I'm ready to leave it.  No one deserves that.  Who are these people around me?
Jackie: You can trust them.
Spirit: I can give them my hands?  Will you let me go with them?  I want to be happy....
Nelson's spirit guide explained more about the spirit once he was gone.  Caballito traveled to Rafael's son and created a "copy" of his spirit - what we heard was what Rafael's son was thinking.  That spirit copy was brought to our table so that Rafael could hear the words of his son - and understand his feelings and nothing else.  This method was used as a way to for someone far away to express themselves.
Nelson strongly recommended that the son be removed from the home soon, or it would be too late.  Gloria cautioned that belonging to a gang would give him the family atmosphere he craved, and the son has already been approached.  Nelson's guide returned to explain more to Rafael:
Caballito: We have given you all the tools to work with - don't destroy them, or you will get nothing.  Take him, and do what you need to do as a responsible spiritist - not because he is your son, because he is another human being in need. 
Gloria: He has to feel that he is really wanted.  (Gloria was shown a shiny white smoke - ectoplasm)
Jackie: I am hearing, 'Do not abandon this child again.'
Gloria: Believe it in your heart - and you can do it.
Caballito: All I did was reflect the urgency of a soul.  I went there, and I recorded a conversation.  That's all I have done, because I wanted you to hear the words of your son crying for help.  Every soul in need is son of God.  Isn't that we do?  Help everyone?  So give your hand of love to those who need it, and that is my message for all of you today.  Offer a hand of love.  (to Gabe) Tell your father, 'Grab my hand, all I have for you is love," and he will take it, and hold it tighter than you think.  (to Rafael)  As a father, extend that hand with only love, and your son will grab it.  (to all)  You can do it with anyone.  Just love, nothing else, and the hand will be clean.  Take the hand of love everywhere you go.  Do that when you leave here today.  When you offer love, you feel love.  That could be a song...  (for Gabe)  You always wanted to know how other mediums worked, and you saw that today.  You will have more examples.  Before you leave this trip, Jackie will do something you have never seen before.  Gloria is ready to be back at the table working.  There is another friend here, to say a few words, so I will move to the side.
Spirit 5 (via Jackie): Lula, a spirit with the ability to diagnose material world issues and offer relief, arrived and sat through Jackie:
Lula (for Gabe): The young one, it's good to see him.  Finally!  You have traveled a long way to get here.  So many thoughts in your mind.  Ah, to be young.  Your instincts are wise, listen to them.  Be straight and be sure before you take another step.  You have many with you.  He's a good boy with a large heart.  This lifetime will cleanse a lot of things from the past.
For Gloria (grabbing her hands):  There she is!  You need to work,  Not to work makes you ill.  The two of you (Gloria and Jackie) need to work.  What you have experienced is over.  Your mediumship has been dormant too long and you know that.  I love you, and I want to see you back.
For Rafael: And this young man over here.  So much fear - for nothing.  Absolutely nothing.  Work on your heart, not on the material.  You have locked up your heart - unlock it.  When the heart dies, the body dies.  Call on the spirit world for this adventure you are about to take, and obstacles will fall by the wayside.
(Water was poured, and Lula extended Jackie's hands over it)
Lula: I do this as a symbol, asking God to magnetize the water - so you think of him and all of the available spirits when you drink it.  You are the workers of the last hour.  People look to you to see how you live.  Each person has the opportunity to change the world.  Don't lose faith in yourselves or God.  As long as there is a spark, there is hope.
For Nelson: To you, my son, congratulations on doing a wonderful job.  Sometimes you hesitate, and that's only the human part.  
For Frank:  It's good to see you again.  How are you feeling?
Frank: Not 100%
Lula: This one (Jackie), listen to her.  She has your best interests.
For Astrid: You my dear, I know, teeth are terrible- we are happy not to have them.  But you will be fine.
For Santiago: It's not easy living with an opinionated woman.  We commend you.  If you lose patience, call on us.
Spirit 6 (via Gloria): The spirit of Lula faded away, and she was replaced by a spirit who was the great uncle of Santiago.  He spoke in Spanish: "Amigos, war is coming and we need to pray to avoid it.  (to Santiago)  I have been around you.  We used to travel in the material world, and that is what you enjoyed.  And that's how we learn the truths."  Gloria was shown a castle that was bombed during WWII, and this spirit lived in the half of the castle that still existed.
Spirit 7 (via Jackie): Jackie's mother arrived, and she asked Gloria about her arm.  "Your mom and I talk, and I had to come today to say that you need to be at the table.  Jackie needs help.  She knows I have been around.  I want to offer encouragement over these men fighting over nothing.  All around the planet, there are groups of spirits who have the function of prayer.  It's energy.  People on this planet have lost their way.  We need your individual prayers added to the continuous prayers.  We are all of service in the spirit world, and we do it out of love.  My daughter won't be there to see it, but a better world is coming.  I love her very much.  Your group is known in the spirit world, as a place for us to go and we will be welcomed.  You will not know the impact until you return home.  When you need us, call on us.  We will be right there - if you listen.
Gabe closed with a prayer.

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