Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Florida - November 29, 2015

In attendance: Astrid, Frank, Gloria, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago
Nelson read a selection from Kardec's The Spirits Book on "The Forgetfulness of the Past" in reference to why incarnated spirits lose their remembrance of past existences.  The table discussed the reading.
Spirits 1 & 2 (via Nelson):  Nelson's spirit guide arrived to clarify the lesson:
Caballito: Why are we discussing this, you are wondering.  Where are the spirits?  There are two purposes.  One is for you to learn, and the other purpose is for the spirits I brought in.  These spirits are afraid to think for themselves.  We have a little bit of everything today. 
Astrid: That's good - more spiritual development.
(Nelson's guide ushered in a confused spirit from the Catholic faith who was unable to think for himself)
Spirit: I am who I am.  You may not like it, but it's who I am.  What you are doing here should be combined with the Catholic church.  It would be easier to understand if they taught us.  If Jesus said something, we would do it.  I do not want to think on my own.
Astrid: It helps you to look inside yourself.
Spirit: I will have to find out who I really am, and I don't like it.  They are showing me what we did, who we were, and we do not like it. 
Jackie: You can change all of that.
Spirit: Do you want me to show you my camera of what I did?  I did it, I know it, but I do not want to see it.
Gloria: Accept what happened and be sorry.
Spirit: I joined this (Catholic) religion to get away from all that.  Do you know what I did, for my own benefit, for my own grandeur?  I allowed my lover to marry my brother.  Then I killed him to be with her again, so I would have all the gold coins.  Deep inside, I was never happy.  I carried that with me.  I found the church, but it was not about the truth.  My brother has found me, and he invited me here today.  I thought he was going to kill me, but they tell me he just wanted to hear the truth - so he could forgive me.  Do you know what I did with all that money I took from him?  Nothing but evil.
Astrid: Forgive yourself and ask your brother to forgive you.
Spirit: I am looking at him now and asking.  I am so sorry.  What is next for me - and all of us?
Jackie: You will learn to think on your own.
Spirit (noticing the spirit of a Catholic priest):  You!  You lied to me!  I died all alone.  I couldn't breathe, and he told me, 'God is waiting for you!' and I have been waiting and waiting until today when these people showed up.  All of us will go, and I will leave that money behind.  Waiting and waiting.  I am taking four priests, seven nuns, sixteen like me - we didn't think on our own - and three kids.  That lady I told you about, the one who was my lover?  She is not in good shape.  Will you do me a favor and thank him (the spirit guide) for me?  I have spent so long waiting for the truth.  (the spirit started to fade)  Oh, my God, oh my God, what is this?  Take that away, oh my God!
The spirit left abruptly and Nelson asked Jackie if her niece had delivered her baby yet (no).  Nelson was shown that the baby did not want to come, and the spirit was fighting not to be born.
Spirit 3 (via Gloria):  gloria was studying the spirit of a Catholic priest, and he spoke through her:
Spirit: God of our fathers, blessings to everyone.  We priests study a lot - like you.  It's very deep.  Theology.  We learned that the soul doesn't die.  But people have to come to us for forgiveness.  If they don't, the church would be empty, they would never come.
Nelson: You are forcing them to come.
Spirit: But we need them, we have expenses.  They sent this man (the new Pope) and we do not like him!  He's a spiritist!  They all are.  They don't want money, and we are going to lose the Vatican, when we need to lose that king!  I have a big group here.
Astrid: Don't you see what you have done?  Even you have doubt.
Spirit: This is voodoo.
Nelson: If you study as much as you say, there is a whole area of information written about spiritism.  Why have you hidden those books?
Spirit: I cannot do it anymore, the 'Believe in us, we are the word!'  (sighed)  Now they want to take us to another place.  They call me a liar, but they told us not to tell people!  We didn't mean anything bad.
Jeff: How many are with you?
Spirit: Thousands.  (Nelson was shown 2015 as the number)  But no more.  We are very sorry.  I will preach only good, like he (the spirit guide) does.  Blessings... 
The spirit departed and Nelson asked Santiago if he had a good week (he did).  Nelson saw him more at peace, but he was also shown the spirit of someone in a French castle.  When Santiago felt this spirit, he would nod off and fall asleep.  Gloria heard a spirit say, "He's the king," and Nelson understood that the 
spirit he envisioned wanted to end the relationship between Astrid and Santiago. 
Spirit 4 (via Nelson):  A difficult spirit was emerging, and Nelson knew that she had been around Astrid for a very long time.  She influenced Astrid's accident, created issues with Santiago, and conflict with Astrid's daughters and her mother.  In her mind, this spirit had been betrayed many times by Astrid.  There were more than two shared lifetimes between the two of them.  In this lifetime, the spirit wanted to be born again as Astrid's sister.  In the previous lifetime, she and Astrid were sisters, but Astrid married the man that she (the spirit) loved (Santiago).  This spirit wanted Santiago to kill Astrid in this life, and if he refused, the spirit would find another way to do it:
Spirit (referring to the car accident): She survived the first one, but not the next one!  Nothing but betrayal from her.  We were coming together again as sisters in this life; but because of her, our mother wouldn't allow it.  After her, no more kids.  I was left behind because she (Astrid) wouldn't let me come back!  And I wanted to come back, just to kill her and that mother.  (looked at Astrid and turned in the chair)  I did not want to come here to see her.
Gloria:  You see her everyday when you are around her.
Spirit: When will you people stop tolerating her?  They treat me like nothing, like garbage.  I'm going to finish what I started.  (laughed)  She was almost out of that house!  Get out, get out, you do not belong there! 
Jackie: It's you who doesn't belong there.  You are no longer alive.  You don't have a body.
Spirit:  Who cares?  Revenge is all I think about. 
Jackie: Think of something else - an event that brought you joy and peace.
Spirit: That was only when I was little.  We used to play together, as sisters - as friends.
Jackie: If you cannot forgive her, forgive yourself.
Spirit: I have wasted all my time with her!  I want her out of my mind.  I gave myself to him (Santiago) but he married her because she was the oldest.  At the end, I died all alone and I never found love again.  I never found happiness, and I will never let any of them find it now.  Even that mother.  They said they will take me to a place where I never have to see any of them.
Gloria: Let go of that hate and go.
Spirit: That's all I have to do?  Here you go, have my hate.  I am going to be free - finally - of all of them.  He says I have to be sorry for all the harm I caused.  I'm going to find my own peace, me and my army.  There are 12 of us.  (long pause)  You would not believe who they brought in here - the mother!  I am not forgiving her!  I can never be at peace with her, I hope she goes to hell, because she is not going with me.  That's better, they took her away from me.  I will go with this kind man.  He's the only thing I have seen in a long time with any love.
Nelson explained how difficult it was to remove this spirit from Santiago and Astrid's house.  Caballito explained that Astrid and this spirit would come back together again in the next life:
Caballito:  This spirit will come for you when it is time for you to return home.  It must be reconciled.  It's the same in regards to him, (Santiago).  If you are willing, just 'let go' sometimes.  Let that hand that you want to use to give punishment give him love instead of anger.  We will be bringing this spirit around to observe.  We all get impulses, but pull back and say, 'No, I am not going to do that.'  You will see how much change it brings.  You will realize how easy and kind life can be.  We put the kindness we have aside because we think it will make us weaker.  Don't.  Put it in the center of your hand.  Sometimes you say, 'spiritual growth,' let's start to show it.  We have removed that big obstacle, so move forward.  I had to sit to say it, so if she (Astrid) wants to be angry at me, be mad at Caballito.  You have been looking at books and other things for growth, but it will come from within.  That's a message for everyone - you can cure yourselves with a smile, all of you.
(For Jackie:) What about the father (of the niece's baby)?  Have you ever seen him angry? (No) The baby does not want to come.  Take a look at him when you are there, and you will see it.  Observe him, and they will show you what is really there.
(For Rafael:) How is your son?
Rafael: I spoke to him this morning and his mother is not treating him well - there's an edge.
Caballito: Be there for him when he opens his eyes.  Be ready for the unexpected.  You might be going up there sooner than you think.  There is more work to do, so I will step aside for now.
Nelson and Jeff explained the situation with the wife of Sonia's son (in Chicago).  Jackie envisioned her standing in front of a brick building that appeared to be a mission.  Astrid thought that the phone call from her came from someone else.  (Update: The call was from the mother, and the older son answered.  The mother told him she was staying with someone in Wisconsin.)  Nelson saw her walking into a pond, and all the mediums agreed that her illness could be managed if she worked hard and took her medication.  Nelson believed that all her issues were spiritual, and she could function better if she receives help in that area.
Spirits 5 & 6 (via Nelson):  Nelson was shown some spiritual Indian friends who were around his father when he recently visited his land in the country.  Nelson's dad always acknowledged the Indian spirits on his previous visits, but now they felt abandoned:
Spirit: He drank something that he should not have drunk (possibly a beer), and he did not share it with us.  He enjoyed it all himself, without acknowledging us.  He cannot forget us.  He's paying more attention to that white woman (Nelson's mother).  He knows not to forget us.  We aren't evil, but we do get angry.  He doesn't visit to take care of us.  It's that white woman.  He used to say a sip for him, a sip for them.  We are not alone, there are 'negritos' here too - and they are really angry.  That is our land, and it's beautiful, but we share it with them  They stay on one half, we are on the other - right down the middle.
Jackie: You don't age, but the people who visit there get older, and they forget.
Spirit: We don't change but they do?  Is that why they say we have to move on?  We don't understand so many things.  I am worried about the negritos.
Jackie: We will take care of them.
Spirit: We have spent a lot of time on that land.  All of us there, 22 of us.  (pause)  Look at that!  They came to pick us up on white horses!  Nothing on top of the horse, we grab them by the hair (mane) and we will be free.  Look at my horse!  White with brown patches - beautiful.  Before I go, tell him (Nelson's father) not to forget about us.  Those negritos were with that white woman (Nelson's mother), and they are taking them away.  The negritos do not like her.  They want to put her in a big black pot on a hot fire and boil her. 
(The Indian spirit bowed quietly and faded away.  He was immediately replaced with one of the black Spanish speaking spirits)
Spirit: We are good, and we do many good things.  We watch the land, and we make water when there is none to grow the food.  We have burned many people.  We put fire next to them.  But we are good, and nobody else takes care of the land like us.  We eat delicious food.  The head of the pig, potatoes, yucca, vegetables from the ground.  The meals are lonely now, nobody goes to our land.  That white woman!  (laughing at Nelson's mother)  Her legs are too fat to walk, like the pig!  We are content - and happy to talk to you.  We didn't want to wait another week.  We know that we are spirits.  I jumped into him (Nelson) before he could tell us next week.  Jump!  We were in.  A lot of us are here.  When you want a party, tell us and we will make one for you - with dancing! - but no shoes.  We are not ignorant, but people say we are.  No diploma, but we know how to plant and grow fruit.  We talk too much, we have to leave.  Thanks to all of you.  The negritos say goodbye...
Nelson's spirit guide returned to speak directly to Frank about his headaches:
Caballito: It's tension, that's all.  Nobody is in a hurry, correct?  (to Frank)  Don't get up, stay where you are.
(Caballito walked over to Frank's chair and placed a hand by the right side of his head.  There wasn't any talking, and after a while, he used both hands.  Nelson leaned against the wall when it was over.)
Caballito: Feeling better?  It's going to go away.  Go to that doctor on Tuesday and then tell us about it on Wednesday.  Try to do very little before you go on Tuesday, and the doctor will see what he needs to see.  Don't let your nerves get to you.  I gave you some heat to alleviate what you felt.  Just relax.
Frank: I have an appointment for blood work on that same day.
Caballito: That's okay.  (returned to his seat)  Give me a couple of minutes, please.  (There was a long pause, followed by Caballito reaching out one hand in the direction of Frank and Marian.)  I want to make sure they are both in good shape.  Sometimes the energy collapses, but there is nothing to be worried about.  And now you can close.
Jackie closed with a prayer. 

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