Saturday, November 26, 2016

Florida - November 22, 2015

In attendance: Astrid, Frank, Gabe, Gloria, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago  
Jackie read the prayer for the spiritual transgression of suicide.  Nelson began to sense that the spirit of John Jones (an executive from Elgar who was killed on the same day as Jackie's brother-in-law Michael).  John followed the Jewish faith, and his spirit was traveling to synagogues, but he was unable to find any answers to his questions.  His primary mission was to find a way to apologize to Michael, as he wanted him to forgive him. 
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  The spirit of Michael was present with him at our table:
Spirit (to Michael):  I want to tell you from the bottom of my heart how sorry I am.  (to the group)  I saw what you do here, so I am not really dead?  They don't tell you that.  I spent so much time trying to resolve things.
Jackie: You didn't cause it.  It happened, and there is nothing to be sorry about.
Spirit (crying): I wanted the opportunity to tell him (Michael).  I would have given up everything I had for one second to say it.  I. am. sorry.  It's so nice to see him here.  I don't know who you people are, but thank you.  I would like if one day, I could speak to my wife.  I know it's not easy.  He (spirit guide) said that I can go now and do my work.  I don't know what kind of work.  Michael - thank you for not abandoning me, and for giving me the opportunity to start again.  At one point I was hopeless.  I thought it would never happen for me, until this spirit showed up.  If you ever need anything from me, I will be a humble worker - because you gave me an opportunity I never thought I would never have.  Thank you for the opportunity to be reborn and be of service.
Jackie: You're welcome anytime.
Spirit: Michael is telling me that we are going to a new office now.  Brand new, wow, it's nice.
Jackie: Better than the old one you had.
Spirit: I was still there, at the wrong office.  So now I'm going with him to that new office.  I want to go to my rabbi and tell him about this.  That what he (the spirit guide) teaches can take you to the next office...
Gloria: Go with light and love, in the name of God.
Once the spirit departed, Nelson explained that this man was shot in the head.  John's spirit was observing our session on Wednesday, and the guides expedited his training for him to sit today.  Nelson was also told that there was a group of spirits surrounding and encouraging the killer of these two men, and those spirits would now be released.  Removing these spirits (who were all in the same frame of mind) helped assure that an event like this one would not occur again.
Jeff read a selection from Kardec's The Spirits Book (the answer to the question, "Are three spirits who never repent?"). Nelson commented on how the reading related to Michael's situation, and Astrid agreed, saying that we are all responsible for our own deeds.
Spirit 2 (via Marian):  Gloria noticed that Edgar's spirit was standing between Jackie and Nelson.  He moved into Gloria to speak:
Spirit: Blessings.  I'm part of this table today because I love it.  My mother comes along with me sometimes.  You are always helping us, the spirits, and it's good to see them when we take them back.  You are surrounded by them all the time, so the mediums have to be careful.  Sometime you have doubts, but everything will be fine.  This place is very full, so I won't take too much time.  Thank you.  I'll be here, on the side, until next time.
Spirit 3 (via Jackie):  The group explained Edgar to Gabe.  Jackie was studying the spirit of a man standing behind Gabe who wanted to give him a message:
Spirit: Sometimes it doesn't make any sense, and sometimes it makes perfect sense.  It's up to you to decide what is truth and what isn't.  If you don't understand, question it.  Some of the things said in Chicago, you think you understand it, but you need to move it around to your way.  Don't be afraid to say what you are thinking.  You are not sure about some of the mediums, and that's good.  Listen, observe, and don't be hesitant.  He (Nelson) needs to take one medium aside and have a talk with her.  He needs to be polite and direct, and she needs structure.  (back to Gabe)  With your friends, be careful how you present things to them (regarding spiritism).  Keep it light.  One of your friends is a very troubled boy (Mike).  He tells you things often.  Pay more attention to what he tells you, he is despondent and needs your help.
Nelson wanted to again express that Gabe should be careful with his explanations of spiritism - as not everyone was prepared to listen or understand.  Nelson knew that Gabe saw his sister suffering and he wanted to help her with spiritism, but she is not ready.  "Let it be," Nelson's spirit guide said, "She will tell you when she is ready."
Spirit 4 (via Nelson):  Nelson (speaking for his spirit guide in the background) wanted to ask Gabe some other questions before ushering in the next spirit:
Caballito: Did your sister ever tell you that she had an imaginary friend?  She still has it. 
Nelson: Why do we have to open such an unpleasant door?  Jackie, this is your fault!
Caballito: What are they called, zombies?  The people who do not have their mind on anything?
Gloria: She is controlled.
Jeff: It's easier for her to just do what she is told so she doesn't need to think.
Nelson:  There is a spirit with her, this friend, and she is showing me what Gabe's sister is thinking:  'When will someone love me for the way I am, without changing me?' 
Nelson said he was a guilty as everyone else for making fun of her issues - and he was sorry.  Gabe's sister was confused by the spirit of this girl who pretended to be her friend.  She was tired of being controlled, and she did not want to return to Puerto Rico for her winter break from college.  
Astrid: She is very lonely, and that spirit is a reflection of her mother.
Jackie: The spirit is a puppeteer, sent by the mother.
Nelson: The spirit is quiet like her, and they were supposed to come together - as a sister - but she was left behind.  Maybe there was a miscarriage?  They made a pact not to leave each other.  The spirit hates Gabe for interfering, and she does not want to be removed...
Spirit (arriving through Nelson and speaking to Gabe): Loser!  I am the winner!  Winner!  I'm the winner here.  Leave me alone!
Astrid: What did you win?
Spirit: I have her in a little box (demonstrated the winding and pop of a jack-in-the-box toy).  She talks only when I say.
Jackie: You're here with us now, not with her.
Spirit: I'm going back!  She needs me!  They abuse her.  (sadly)  None of them love her. 
Gabe: And you do?
Spirit: When we are together, we talk and do things.  We don't need anyone else!  Just the two of us.  Just us!  She needs me.  We promised!  (upset)  They will abuse her - don't tell me no, I've seen it!  I have been there!  She is only okay when she doesn't listen.  You haven't been there to see it.  (to Gabe)  I don't like him.  He says things about her that hurt.
Gabe: I tell her the truth, she needs to learn.
Spirit: I don't like any of them, and I need to go back.  None of you are there when we cry alone.
Astrid: You have to let her live her life.
Spirit: Without me?  What will happen to me?
Jackie: You will rest and find others who are like you - kind and compassionate.
Spirit: I won't be happy.  I am anxious and nervous.  Don't leave her alone, watch over her.  Do me a favor?  Will you take care of my toy, that box?  Don't let anyone open it.  There are a lot of things in that box, keep them quiet.  I get sick just thinking about it.  I have to go.  I'm a nice girl, not bad, I'm a good person and I just wanted to protect her.  Take care of that box, there are secrets in there.  (crying)  I have to say goodbye to her:  'You take care of yourself, and be strong.  Don't let them - be strong for me.  Protect yourself...'
The spirit left quietly.  Nelson told Gabe that he would earn a lot in this life by helping her, and he should expect to see a difference with her the next time they are together. 
Spirit 5 (via Jackie):  Jackie observed a scholarly spirit pacing by the table.  Our session was not foreign to him, but it was different.
Spirit: Hmmm.  What they are working with here is help.  They want nothing.  I could give you so much information to help you with the material world, but it would mean nothing.  Hmmm.  All you do is help, no matter who or what they believe.  I need to follow someone to see where they go.  He (Nelson) is very interesting.  I saw him talking to all of you, and another one (his guide), and a girl (the previous spirit) - all at the same time.  It was confusing, I wanted to tell him to stop asking questions!  I would like to take him to my laboratory for some experiments.  To see how he works.  There is something that I remember about this, from a past life, which is why I followed the path over here.  I want to follow the next one who comes here, to see where that path goes...
Nelson asked everyone about upcoming vacations.  He advised caution, and Astrid added, "Things are in the air that are not good."  Jackie agreed, saying, "There's tension, uncertainty, and we need to put peace and love in our hearts for protection."  Nelson began to sense an army of warriors with bombs.
Spirit 6 (via Nelson):  Nelson said the army resembled a black cloud that was getting bigger.  A leader emerged from the group to speak:
Spirit: Everything is going to explode, everywhere!  We hate everyone and we want to hurt them.  We are making an army, so big.
Gloria: They are planting bombs all over - in the minds of the people.  The unhappiness is everywhere.
Spirit: We are the Army of the Enemies - because everyone is our enemy.  We have no friends, everyone is an enemy who wants to stop or destroy us.  All of you are enemies.  I need to get up now and leave, I want to get out.  We were told not to go to these places!  They convert you!  We don't like what you do.
Jackie: Because you don't like peace?
Spirit: Because you convert people and they don't follow us!
Gloria: They are tired of following you.
Spirit: I came to stop you, but this is the wrong place for me.  I build and build, and you take them away.  (to his army)  I told you it was them!  We need more commotion!
Jackie: You're all alone.
Spirit: I'm angry with myself.  Mad!  They were ignorant and easy to convince, and now I have to go with them. I can't go back or they will behead me.  I failed.  He trapped me, and he is showing me what I have done.  I don't like that, I was running to avoid it.  My running is over now.  They took my power.  We almost got there.  All the bombs were ready, and I failed.  I have to go with this one, and boy can he talk.  Over there, it was easy with their silence.  I have to go and get the rest.  You are lucky that we will not do what was planned.
Jeff:  How many will you take with you?
Spirit: In the thousands.  3,114 of them.  He said this is the first step of me getting better - thinking good things.  I am watching them board.  It would have been bombs exploded everywhere at the same time...
Spirit 7 (via Nelson):  Jackie saw the curious scholarly spirit following the same path as the departing warriors.  Nelson's spirit guide moved forward to offer some additional comments:
Caballito: We had to remove them, but ii doesn't mean that something else might happen.  We are working hard not to let some of those groups take over.  The earth has become a war of good and evil, and it was never that way before.  Emotions are too fast, and our work is harder.  We thought that being programmed for love would not change over time.
Jackie: We were given free will.
Caballito:  Yes!  We have discussions with him about this all the time!  We never thought that free will would give so much power to the other side.  There is more to spiritism than you think there is, with enemies at many levels.  We showed that group a little bit of light to draw them in.  But it's not easy, it's a process.
(for Jackie): I need to ask you a favor.  When you take that trip and get to that house, take the whole book with you - not those scattered pages - and before anything else, say a couple of prayers.  Just pick any two prayers.  If you need me, you can call me.  I want everyone to do this if they are planning a trip soon.  Take the book, pick two prayers.
(for Gloria):  We are very happy to see you at the table again, working.  I know you are not planning a trip, but on December 31, pick any two prayers and say them for me.  And Jeff, do the same, and also Gabe.
(for Gabe):  Do me another favor.  (long pause)  If there is one person in a large car - what do you call it, them, an SUV? - and they are sick, it can infect everyone else, correct?  You are the only one in your family on the right track, so it's difficult for you to remain clean with that car.  Do two prayers for me on December 24 and December 31. 
(for Frank): I know you gave the message to your brother, and that is all you had to do.  You did the right thing.  It's up to him now, we will not take his free will away.
(for Santiago, in Spanish):  How are you?  Are you content?  Is there something you wish or want for the upcoming new year?  Remember what I am telling you:  If things come to your mind - anything - I need you to tell me.  Don't think that you are asking the wrong question.  Sometimes we have to talk backwards to reach him.
Gabe: I have a question.  Do I need to do two more prayers because I am traveling tomorrow?
Caballito: Did I say to do prayers tomorrow?  It's a good question, as he is worried because he is taking a trip.  He is so eager to know it all, everything in one hour.  All your questions will be answered, a little at a time.  One day you will see me, as I know you want that, but I am not a toy.  When you see me...
Gabe: ...I won't believe it's you.
Caballito: Yes.  So you need to be prepared.  You will know our relationship in time.  We will have a conversation one day, when this one I am speaking through is not around.  If I ask you if in a future date, if you would sit where he is now, would you accept that?  (No)  Good, only when you are older and wiser.
Jackie: I have a question about a health issue with Frank.  One doctor wants him to have an exploratory procedure, while another doctor tells him not to do it.
Caballito: As of today, follow the one who said no procedure is needed.  If it changes at a later date, we will let you know.  (Frank understood)  Don't be afraid, you can ask me anything.
Gabe: When you moved the (military) spirits from darkness into the light, wasn't it without their free will?
Caballito: No, they all followed their leader - it's the military way.  The light we show them has love, and they are attracted to it (like the adhesive on a fly strip).  They were looking for that light, but they were not allowed to see it.  Once they discovered it, they had free will to move towards it.  The leader of the military group came from within the group itself, and he led them towards that light. 
Is everyone happy?  Full of love?  It's in your hands to keep working for love and peace.
Jackie closed with a prayer.

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