Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Florida - November 29, 2015

In attendance: Astrid, Frank, Gloria, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago
Nelson read a selection from Kardec's The Spirits Book on "The Forgetfulness of the Past" in reference to why incarnated spirits lose their remembrance of past existences.  The table discussed the reading.
Spirits 1 & 2 (via Nelson):  Nelson's spirit guide arrived to clarify the lesson:
Caballito: Why are we discussing this, you are wondering.  Where are the spirits?  There are two purposes.  One is for you to learn, and the other purpose is for the spirits I brought in.  These spirits are afraid to think for themselves.  We have a little bit of everything today. 
Astrid: That's good - more spiritual development.
(Nelson's guide ushered in a confused spirit from the Catholic faith who was unable to think for himself)
Spirit: I am who I am.  You may not like it, but it's who I am.  What you are doing here should be combined with the Catholic church.  It would be easier to understand if they taught us.  If Jesus said something, we would do it.  I do not want to think on my own.
Astrid: It helps you to look inside yourself.
Spirit: I will have to find out who I really am, and I don't like it.  They are showing me what we did, who we were, and we do not like it. 
Jackie: You can change all of that.
Spirit: Do you want me to show you my camera of what I did?  I did it, I know it, but I do not want to see it.
Gloria: Accept what happened and be sorry.
Spirit: I joined this (Catholic) religion to get away from all that.  Do you know what I did, for my own benefit, for my own grandeur?  I allowed my lover to marry my brother.  Then I killed him to be with her again, so I would have all the gold coins.  Deep inside, I was never happy.  I carried that with me.  I found the church, but it was not about the truth.  My brother has found me, and he invited me here today.  I thought he was going to kill me, but they tell me he just wanted to hear the truth - so he could forgive me.  Do you know what I did with all that money I took from him?  Nothing but evil.
Astrid: Forgive yourself and ask your brother to forgive you.
Spirit: I am looking at him now and asking.  I am so sorry.  What is next for me - and all of us?
Jackie: You will learn to think on your own.
Spirit (noticing the spirit of a Catholic priest):  You!  You lied to me!  I died all alone.  I couldn't breathe, and he told me, 'God is waiting for you!' and I have been waiting and waiting until today when these people showed up.  All of us will go, and I will leave that money behind.  Waiting and waiting.  I am taking four priests, seven nuns, sixteen like me - we didn't think on our own - and three kids.  That lady I told you about, the one who was my lover?  She is not in good shape.  Will you do me a favor and thank him (the spirit guide) for me?  I have spent so long waiting for the truth.  (the spirit started to fade)  Oh, my God, oh my God, what is this?  Take that away, oh my God!
The spirit left abruptly and Nelson asked Jackie if her niece had delivered her baby yet (no).  Nelson was shown that the baby did not want to come, and the spirit was fighting not to be born.
Spirit 3 (via Gloria):  gloria was studying the spirit of a Catholic priest, and he spoke through her:
Spirit: God of our fathers, blessings to everyone.  We priests study a lot - like you.  It's very deep.  Theology.  We learned that the soul doesn't die.  But people have to come to us for forgiveness.  If they don't, the church would be empty, they would never come.
Nelson: You are forcing them to come.
Spirit: But we need them, we have expenses.  They sent this man (the new Pope) and we do not like him!  He's a spiritist!  They all are.  They don't want money, and we are going to lose the Vatican, when we need to lose that king!  I have a big group here.
Astrid: Don't you see what you have done?  Even you have doubt.
Spirit: This is voodoo.
Nelson: If you study as much as you say, there is a whole area of information written about spiritism.  Why have you hidden those books?
Spirit: I cannot do it anymore, the 'Believe in us, we are the word!'  (sighed)  Now they want to take us to another place.  They call me a liar, but they told us not to tell people!  We didn't mean anything bad.
Jeff: How many are with you?
Spirit: Thousands.  (Nelson was shown 2015 as the number)  But no more.  We are very sorry.  I will preach only good, like he (the spirit guide) does.  Blessings... 
The spirit departed and Nelson asked Santiago if he had a good week (he did).  Nelson saw him more at peace, but he was also shown the spirit of someone in a French castle.  When Santiago felt this spirit, he would nod off and fall asleep.  Gloria heard a spirit say, "He's the king," and Nelson understood that the 
spirit he envisioned wanted to end the relationship between Astrid and Santiago. 
Spirit 4 (via Nelson):  A difficult spirit was emerging, and Nelson knew that she had been around Astrid for a very long time.  She influenced Astrid's accident, created issues with Santiago, and conflict with Astrid's daughters and her mother.  In her mind, this spirit had been betrayed many times by Astrid.  There were more than two shared lifetimes between the two of them.  In this lifetime, the spirit wanted to be born again as Astrid's sister.  In the previous lifetime, she and Astrid were sisters, but Astrid married the man that she (the spirit) loved (Santiago).  This spirit wanted Santiago to kill Astrid in this life, and if he refused, the spirit would find another way to do it:
Spirit (referring to the car accident): She survived the first one, but not the next one!  Nothing but betrayal from her.  We were coming together again as sisters in this life; but because of her, our mother wouldn't allow it.  After her, no more kids.  I was left behind because she (Astrid) wouldn't let me come back!  And I wanted to come back, just to kill her and that mother.  (looked at Astrid and turned in the chair)  I did not want to come here to see her.
Gloria:  You see her everyday when you are around her.
Spirit: When will you people stop tolerating her?  They treat me like nothing, like garbage.  I'm going to finish what I started.  (laughed)  She was almost out of that house!  Get out, get out, you do not belong there! 
Jackie: It's you who doesn't belong there.  You are no longer alive.  You don't have a body.
Spirit:  Who cares?  Revenge is all I think about. 
Jackie: Think of something else - an event that brought you joy and peace.
Spirit: That was only when I was little.  We used to play together, as sisters - as friends.
Jackie: If you cannot forgive her, forgive yourself.
Spirit: I have wasted all my time with her!  I want her out of my mind.  I gave myself to him (Santiago) but he married her because she was the oldest.  At the end, I died all alone and I never found love again.  I never found happiness, and I will never let any of them find it now.  Even that mother.  They said they will take me to a place where I never have to see any of them.
Gloria: Let go of that hate and go.
Spirit: That's all I have to do?  Here you go, have my hate.  I am going to be free - finally - of all of them.  He says I have to be sorry for all the harm I caused.  I'm going to find my own peace, me and my army.  There are 12 of us.  (long pause)  You would not believe who they brought in here - the mother!  I am not forgiving her!  I can never be at peace with her, I hope she goes to hell, because she is not going with me.  That's better, they took her away from me.  I will go with this kind man.  He's the only thing I have seen in a long time with any love.
Nelson explained how difficult it was to remove this spirit from Santiago and Astrid's house.  Caballito explained that Astrid and this spirit would come back together again in the next life:
Caballito:  This spirit will come for you when it is time for you to return home.  It must be reconciled.  It's the same in regards to him, (Santiago).  If you are willing, just 'let go' sometimes.  Let that hand that you want to use to give punishment give him love instead of anger.  We will be bringing this spirit around to observe.  We all get impulses, but pull back and say, 'No, I am not going to do that.'  You will see how much change it brings.  You will realize how easy and kind life can be.  We put the kindness we have aside because we think it will make us weaker.  Don't.  Put it in the center of your hand.  Sometimes you say, 'spiritual growth,' let's start to show it.  We have removed that big obstacle, so move forward.  I had to sit to say it, so if she (Astrid) wants to be angry at me, be mad at Caballito.  You have been looking at books and other things for growth, but it will come from within.  That's a message for everyone - you can cure yourselves with a smile, all of you.
(For Jackie:) What about the father (of the niece's baby)?  Have you ever seen him angry? (No) The baby does not want to come.  Take a look at him when you are there, and you will see it.  Observe him, and they will show you what is really there.
(For Rafael:) How is your son?
Rafael: I spoke to him this morning and his mother is not treating him well - there's an edge.
Caballito: Be there for him when he opens his eyes.  Be ready for the unexpected.  You might be going up there sooner than you think.  There is more work to do, so I will step aside for now.
Nelson and Jeff explained the situation with the wife of Sonia's son (in Chicago).  Jackie envisioned her standing in front of a brick building that appeared to be a mission.  Astrid thought that the phone call from her came from someone else.  (Update: The call was from the mother, and the older son answered.  The mother told him she was staying with someone in Wisconsin.)  Nelson saw her walking into a pond, and all the mediums agreed that her illness could be managed if she worked hard and took her medication.  Nelson believed that all her issues were spiritual, and she could function better if she receives help in that area.
Spirits 5 & 6 (via Nelson):  Nelson was shown some spiritual Indian friends who were around his father when he recently visited his land in the country.  Nelson's dad always acknowledged the Indian spirits on his previous visits, but now they felt abandoned:
Spirit: He drank something that he should not have drunk (possibly a beer), and he did not share it with us.  He enjoyed it all himself, without acknowledging us.  He cannot forget us.  He's paying more attention to that white woman (Nelson's mother).  He knows not to forget us.  We aren't evil, but we do get angry.  He doesn't visit to take care of us.  It's that white woman.  He used to say a sip for him, a sip for them.  We are not alone, there are 'negritos' here too - and they are really angry.  That is our land, and it's beautiful, but we share it with them  They stay on one half, we are on the other - right down the middle.
Jackie: You don't age, but the people who visit there get older, and they forget.
Spirit: We don't change but they do?  Is that why they say we have to move on?  We don't understand so many things.  I am worried about the negritos.
Jackie: We will take care of them.
Spirit: We have spent a lot of time on that land.  All of us there, 22 of us.  (pause)  Look at that!  They came to pick us up on white horses!  Nothing on top of the horse, we grab them by the hair (mane) and we will be free.  Look at my horse!  White with brown patches - beautiful.  Before I go, tell him (Nelson's father) not to forget about us.  Those negritos were with that white woman (Nelson's mother), and they are taking them away.  The negritos do not like her.  They want to put her in a big black pot on a hot fire and boil her. 
(The Indian spirit bowed quietly and faded away.  He was immediately replaced with one of the black Spanish speaking spirits)
Spirit: We are good, and we do many good things.  We watch the land, and we make water when there is none to grow the food.  We have burned many people.  We put fire next to them.  But we are good, and nobody else takes care of the land like us.  We eat delicious food.  The head of the pig, potatoes, yucca, vegetables from the ground.  The meals are lonely now, nobody goes to our land.  That white woman!  (laughing at Nelson's mother)  Her legs are too fat to walk, like the pig!  We are content - and happy to talk to you.  We didn't want to wait another week.  We know that we are spirits.  I jumped into him (Nelson) before he could tell us next week.  Jump!  We were in.  A lot of us are here.  When you want a party, tell us and we will make one for you - with dancing! - but no shoes.  We are not ignorant, but people say we are.  No diploma, but we know how to plant and grow fruit.  We talk too much, we have to leave.  Thanks to all of you.  The negritos say goodbye...
Nelson's spirit guide returned to speak directly to Frank about his headaches:
Caballito: It's tension, that's all.  Nobody is in a hurry, correct?  (to Frank)  Don't get up, stay where you are.
(Caballito walked over to Frank's chair and placed a hand by the right side of his head.  There wasn't any talking, and after a while, he used both hands.  Nelson leaned against the wall when it was over.)
Caballito: Feeling better?  It's going to go away.  Go to that doctor on Tuesday and then tell us about it on Wednesday.  Try to do very little before you go on Tuesday, and the doctor will see what he needs to see.  Don't let your nerves get to you.  I gave you some heat to alleviate what you felt.  Just relax.
Frank: I have an appointment for blood work on that same day.
Caballito: That's okay.  (returned to his seat)  Give me a couple of minutes, please.  (There was a long pause, followed by Caballito reaching out one hand in the direction of Frank and Marian.)  I want to make sure they are both in good shape.  Sometimes the energy collapses, but there is nothing to be worried about.  And now you can close.
Jackie closed with a prayer. 

Florida - November 24, 2015

In attendance: Astrid, Frank, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago
Jackie read a selection from Kardec's The Gospel According to Spiritism entitled "Mission of the Intelligent Person on Earth."
Spirits 1 & 2 (via Nelson):  Nelson realized that Jackie was worried about something with her upcoming trip to Baltimore, and Jackie explained that it was only the timing of her monthly bills.  Nelson's spirit guide believed there was something else, and he told her that whatever she had been asking about, it would be taken care of, and Jackie should leave it alone:  "If an ingredient is left out when cooking, it still results in something.  Your trip should be seen that way.  Whatever is missing cannot be restored later.  Once it's done, it is done."  Jackie was apprehensive because her sister's son would be there, and there was some conflict with him in the past. Jackie's niece was also about to have her baby, and Jackie explained the confusion and chaos around everything and everyone involved.  Nelson started coughing (much more than usual), as he envisoned the doctors opening up the niece to remove the baby.  "If the baby arrives ill or damaged, that family is not ready for it," Nelson said.  An anxious, very nervous spirit was running towards Nelson.  In his mind, this spirit believed that he still had time to end the pregnancy.  This male spirit wanted to remove the female baby and take its place, so that Jackie's niece would let him be born: 
Spirit (frightened and worried):  I'm smart and I'm angry.  Whey did they allow someone else to take my spot?  If she wants a girl, I'm in a hurry, I need what you have, and I am willing to do that transgender thing.  See how smart I am?  I don't want to wait anymore, she's the one I wanted for my mother.
Jackie: If you want to be born, you have to go to someone else.
Spirit: I want to get out of where I am.  I want to get out of where I was (coughing) because I was trapped.  I'm running and I am in a hurry.  I'm so afraid.  I've been running and I don't want them to catch me. 
(A woman rang Astrid's front doorbell)
Spirit: That bell!  They know I am here!
Jeff: They cannot find you now.
Spirit: There are not going to get me here?  They do not want me to be born, and I cannot be with them anymore.  I'm running. 
Jackie: Do you see them now?  They are gone.
Spirit: I'm afraid to look.  (long pause)  I looked.  You took them?
Jackie: They are gone.  And now someone will come, and you will be taken to a place to calm down.  You cannot be born in your current condition.
Spirit:  I didn't mean harm.  There's one ahead of me, I see her.  I have no problem being in line again - but not with them!  I understand now, but I wanted to be safe and I was anxious.  I'm going back to that line.  I am okay.  I'm so sorry I was creating a commotion, a mess.  She's going to be okay now because I won't be there.  That line, it's better than where I was.  I ran and ran to get here, but I don't know how I got here.  If you see others running like me, open that door to them.  Will you do that?  What is your name?  I'm going to call you "go there" so I can tell the others:  "Go there!"
The spirit expressed his appreciation several times and he was gone.  He said he no longer wanted to be transgender.  Astrid said that she was shown a dark body in pieces.  Nelson said that when he sat down at the table, his spirit guide was not with him.  Astrid agreed, as she saw spirits in the other room observing our session, but the area around the table was empty.  Nelson felt as if he was going to faint, and he called on his spirit guide to help.  Caballito also wanted Nelson to understand what had happened, so he spoke from a position behind Nelson:
Caballito:  This was an example of a spirit willing to run because things were so bad over there.  So many things, all of them bad.  Humans are putting conditions on babies (limiting their birth) and there is a need for these spirits to be born.
Astrid: How did this spirit find himself there?
Jackie: He was sucked in.
Caballito: He thought he was following the right option.  Once he was involved, he was trapped.  Have you seen the movie Nosso Lar?  In it, the spirits visit the muddy world of trapped souls to give their hand.  When that happens, we need protection.  It's an invisible cover.  This was a rescue mission.  We gave our hand, and he took it.  We put on that cover, invisible to their eyes, as we are still vulnerable.  Because it was a rescue mission, there wasn't any time for him (Nelson) to ask me to tell him more about the spirit.  The rescue mission was not only him, it included eight others, all of them running.  That is why this group had to meet today and not tomorrow. 
Jeff: So it was urgent.
Caballito:  There are two kinds of rescue.  When we slowly take them away, the process is longer and it requires that spirit stays longer (in the spirit world).  This way is faster.  The spirit can go to a different place and reincarnate quickly, as the work will start immediately.
Nelson's guide stepped back, and the understanding of what had happened overwhelmed Nelson.  He began to tear up, as he was humbled by the beautiful experience.  "I don't think I have done anything to deserve this, something so beautiful," Nelson said. "Anytime, anyplace, I will be there and I will do the work.  It's for our progress."  The table discussed the experience.  Nelson had not fully recovered, so his guide returned, and he spoke directly through him:
Caballito: The spirit world wants to use his (Nelson's) abilities to help the world become a better place.  New things are coming, like it or not.  Now you understand how one spirit can kill another, and a baby is born dead.  There are many rescue missions that need to be done.  You have seen nothing yet.  God did not create evil, but those at the top have their strength from the amount of spirits they have.
(There were some specific messages)
(For Gabe): Tell Gabe that he can ask any questions he wants, but before he asks, think twice.  I told some of you to say prayers on specific dates and he asked me about prayers for his trip.  Did I say anything about prayers for his trip to him?  Don't ask questions that are related to the material world, ask questions related to spiritism.  Prayers can resolve the problems in the material world.  (looking at Astrid, Caballito spoke to her in Spanish, and then he spoke to the group again)  Even the little things, everything that starts with a prayer of faith will end well.  Gabe would love to meet me, but when that happens, he will faint.  What he expects is an elegant white man with long hair, and instead, he will see me with no shoes.  He will learn.  He is at a point now where he's like a sponge, soaking it all up. 
(For Frank):  Doctors are only humans with an education.  That's all.  Sometimes, the doctors like to use humans for practice.  It's up to you not to be used without consent.  Don't let that doctor get into your head.  When that doctor finds something he does not understand, he likes to experiment.  Get him out of your head.  That doctor thinks that by using you, maybe he can save a hundred others.  Remove him from your head, and your headaches will go away.  Don't think about him.  In a few months, another test will be done.  But for now, do nothing.  We will talk about it later.  Do not let him into your head.
(For Santiago):  It's the same for you.  Some of the doctors think they know it all.  They have - what is it called - a diploma, and they think it makes them God.  They forget that an operation without spiritual workers will not be a success.  We move the hand.  With us workers, every single operation could be successful.  When we hear those prayers, we go - if we are allowed. 
(For Nelson): He hates it when I take him over.  I have to do it, for him to understand that what he does is nothing.  Others see it and say, 'Whoa', but he is not doing it.  Just like the doctor, it's a success because we - the workers - are here.  There are a lot of us out there, and sometimes we are doing nothing because there are no prayers.  If you ask with just a little bit of faith, we are there.  For us, there are no limitations.  Some of the things you will experience will not happen at other places because they are not prepared.  You mediums need to be prepared.  You make the decision to stay clean, you decide it.  Don't stop, it's in your hands.
(For the group):  For all of you, if you don't understand something, ask me.  We have - what is it called here, training?  I often stand up and tell them, 'A human asked me this question...'  Sometimes they tell me to respond with, 'You will know in time,' as we are not God and we do not want to give the wrong idea.  I will tell you this story.  Nelson could not find an answer to a question today.  I asked him again what his question was, but he could not define it, so I could not answer.  I told him, 'Let me think about it'.
Jeff: I know the question.  In our last session, we dealt with Michael's spirit.  He was killed by someone, and we wondered if that was part of his predetermined destiny, or was his life cut short by that person?
Caballito:  There are two ways to answer.  Sometimes those incidents are preplanned - but by you, not us.  Sometimes they are not, and those individuals are a causality of their own mistakes.  When we create the wrong relationships, there are consequences.  You are responsible for those consequences because you created those relationships.  For Michael, we tried that day to stop him.  The workers tried, but he put his job before anything else.  He changed his destiny by his own choices.  Let me give you another example.  When 9/11 - as you call it - happened, didn't you read some stories of people who were delayed or sick on that day?  Some of them said, 'Something told me not to go'.  There was a pilot for one of the planes, and his wife asked him not to work on that day - and he listened.  Nothing changed what happened, it was their decisions and choices that changed things only for them.  You change it for you.  Sometimes we don't listen to that guardian angel or that worker.  And sometimes we make something happen (spiritually, as a warning) because we didn't want you to go through that experience.  There is never one answer. 
Nelson and I work together with the same method.  I need to do something.  Astrid, will you hand me that (dishtowel)?  I did not ask Jeff, because I need to use it on him.  (Note: Jeff injured both of his hamstring muscles running on Monday.  Caballito used the towel to remove all of the pain.)
(For Santiago, in Spanish):  We need to remove some spirits from the past.  You don't know what to do with them, because we need to work on them.  Hopefully, soon, one of those friends will sit.  It's something from the past that you did, and it's difficult to deal with.  We are removing some now.  Fourteen of them.  (to Jeff) Put this down for me, there is a group of soldiers that we are still working on.  44 of them, from WWI.  Santiago is not falling asleep because he is tired, some friends are doing it to him. 
I appreciate what Nelson did today, and that is why I have been here for so long.  Call me, and I will be there.  Do the prayers.  Until next time...
Jackie closed with a prayer. 

A reminder from Maya Angelou

"I don't know if I continue, even today. always liking myself.  But what I learned to do many years ago was to forgive myself.  It is very important for every human being to forgive herself or himself, because if you live, you will make mistakes - it is inevitable.  But once you do, and you see the mistake, then you forgive yourself and say, 'Well, if I'd known better, I'd have done better,' that's all.  So you say to people who you think you may have injured, 'I'm sorry,' and then you say to yourself, 'I'm sorry.'  The real difficulty is to overcome how you think abut yourself.  If we don't have that, we never grow, we never learn, and sure as hell we should never teach."

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Chicago - December 13, 2015

(Note: These notes were authored and scanned by Denise.  When she ran out of white paper, she switched to yellow - but it was a legal size pad, so some of the notes were cut off.)

Florida - November 22, 2015

In attendance: Astrid, Frank, Gabe, Gloria, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago  
Jackie read the prayer for the spiritual transgression of suicide.  Nelson began to sense that the spirit of John Jones (an executive from Elgar who was killed on the same day as Jackie's brother-in-law Michael).  John followed the Jewish faith, and his spirit was traveling to synagogues, but he was unable to find any answers to his questions.  His primary mission was to find a way to apologize to Michael, as he wanted him to forgive him. 
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  The spirit of Michael was present with him at our table:
Spirit (to Michael):  I want to tell you from the bottom of my heart how sorry I am.  (to the group)  I saw what you do here, so I am not really dead?  They don't tell you that.  I spent so much time trying to resolve things.
Jackie: You didn't cause it.  It happened, and there is nothing to be sorry about.
Spirit (crying): I wanted the opportunity to tell him (Michael).  I would have given up everything I had for one second to say it.  I. am. sorry.  It's so nice to see him here.  I don't know who you people are, but thank you.  I would like if one day, I could speak to my wife.  I know it's not easy.  He (spirit guide) said that I can go now and do my work.  I don't know what kind of work.  Michael - thank you for not abandoning me, and for giving me the opportunity to start again.  At one point I was hopeless.  I thought it would never happen for me, until this spirit showed up.  If you ever need anything from me, I will be a humble worker - because you gave me an opportunity I never thought I would never have.  Thank you for the opportunity to be reborn and be of service.
Jackie: You're welcome anytime.
Spirit: Michael is telling me that we are going to a new office now.  Brand new, wow, it's nice.
Jackie: Better than the old one you had.
Spirit: I was still there, at the wrong office.  So now I'm going with him to that new office.  I want to go to my rabbi and tell him about this.  That what he (the spirit guide) teaches can take you to the next office...
Gloria: Go with light and love, in the name of God.
Once the spirit departed, Nelson explained that this man was shot in the head.  John's spirit was observing our session on Wednesday, and the guides expedited his training for him to sit today.  Nelson was also told that there was a group of spirits surrounding and encouraging the killer of these two men, and those spirits would now be released.  Removing these spirits (who were all in the same frame of mind) helped assure that an event like this one would not occur again.
Jeff read a selection from Kardec's The Spirits Book (the answer to the question, "Are three spirits who never repent?"). Nelson commented on how the reading related to Michael's situation, and Astrid agreed, saying that we are all responsible for our own deeds.
Spirit 2 (via Marian):  Gloria noticed that Edgar's spirit was standing between Jackie and Nelson.  He moved into Gloria to speak:
Spirit: Blessings.  I'm part of this table today because I love it.  My mother comes along with me sometimes.  You are always helping us, the spirits, and it's good to see them when we take them back.  You are surrounded by them all the time, so the mediums have to be careful.  Sometime you have doubts, but everything will be fine.  This place is very full, so I won't take too much time.  Thank you.  I'll be here, on the side, until next time.
Spirit 3 (via Jackie):  The group explained Edgar to Gabe.  Jackie was studying the spirit of a man standing behind Gabe who wanted to give him a message:
Spirit: Sometimes it doesn't make any sense, and sometimes it makes perfect sense.  It's up to you to decide what is truth and what isn't.  If you don't understand, question it.  Some of the things said in Chicago, you think you understand it, but you need to move it around to your way.  Don't be afraid to say what you are thinking.  You are not sure about some of the mediums, and that's good.  Listen, observe, and don't be hesitant.  He (Nelson) needs to take one medium aside and have a talk with her.  He needs to be polite and direct, and she needs structure.  (back to Gabe)  With your friends, be careful how you present things to them (regarding spiritism).  Keep it light.  One of your friends is a very troubled boy (Mike).  He tells you things often.  Pay more attention to what he tells you, he is despondent and needs your help.
Nelson wanted to again express that Gabe should be careful with his explanations of spiritism - as not everyone was prepared to listen or understand.  Nelson knew that Gabe saw his sister suffering and he wanted to help her with spiritism, but she is not ready.  "Let it be," Nelson's spirit guide said, "She will tell you when she is ready."
Spirit 4 (via Nelson):  Nelson (speaking for his spirit guide in the background) wanted to ask Gabe some other questions before ushering in the next spirit:
Caballito: Did your sister ever tell you that she had an imaginary friend?  She still has it. 
Nelson: Why do we have to open such an unpleasant door?  Jackie, this is your fault!
Caballito: What are they called, zombies?  The people who do not have their mind on anything?
Gloria: She is controlled.
Jeff: It's easier for her to just do what she is told so she doesn't need to think.
Nelson:  There is a spirit with her, this friend, and she is showing me what Gabe's sister is thinking:  'When will someone love me for the way I am, without changing me?' 
Nelson said he was a guilty as everyone else for making fun of her issues - and he was sorry.  Gabe's sister was confused by the spirit of this girl who pretended to be her friend.  She was tired of being controlled, and she did not want to return to Puerto Rico for her winter break from college.  
Astrid: She is very lonely, and that spirit is a reflection of her mother.
Jackie: The spirit is a puppeteer, sent by the mother.
Nelson: The spirit is quiet like her, and they were supposed to come together - as a sister - but she was left behind.  Maybe there was a miscarriage?  They made a pact not to leave each other.  The spirit hates Gabe for interfering, and she does not want to be removed...
Spirit (arriving through Nelson and speaking to Gabe): Loser!  I am the winner!  Winner!  I'm the winner here.  Leave me alone!
Astrid: What did you win?
Spirit: I have her in a little box (demonstrated the winding and pop of a jack-in-the-box toy).  She talks only when I say.
Jackie: You're here with us now, not with her.
Spirit: I'm going back!  She needs me!  They abuse her.  (sadly)  None of them love her. 
Gabe: And you do?
Spirit: When we are together, we talk and do things.  We don't need anyone else!  Just the two of us.  Just us!  She needs me.  We promised!  (upset)  They will abuse her - don't tell me no, I've seen it!  I have been there!  She is only okay when she doesn't listen.  You haven't been there to see it.  (to Gabe)  I don't like him.  He says things about her that hurt.
Gabe: I tell her the truth, she needs to learn.
Spirit: I don't like any of them, and I need to go back.  None of you are there when we cry alone.
Astrid: You have to let her live her life.
Spirit: Without me?  What will happen to me?
Jackie: You will rest and find others who are like you - kind and compassionate.
Spirit: I won't be happy.  I am anxious and nervous.  Don't leave her alone, watch over her.  Do me a favor?  Will you take care of my toy, that box?  Don't let anyone open it.  There are a lot of things in that box, keep them quiet.  I get sick just thinking about it.  I have to go.  I'm a nice girl, not bad, I'm a good person and I just wanted to protect her.  Take care of that box, there are secrets in there.  (crying)  I have to say goodbye to her:  'You take care of yourself, and be strong.  Don't let them - be strong for me.  Protect yourself...'
The spirit left quietly.  Nelson told Gabe that he would earn a lot in this life by helping her, and he should expect to see a difference with her the next time they are together. 
Spirit 5 (via Jackie):  Jackie observed a scholarly spirit pacing by the table.  Our session was not foreign to him, but it was different.
Spirit: Hmmm.  What they are working with here is help.  They want nothing.  I could give you so much information to help you with the material world, but it would mean nothing.  Hmmm.  All you do is help, no matter who or what they believe.  I need to follow someone to see where they go.  He (Nelson) is very interesting.  I saw him talking to all of you, and another one (his guide), and a girl (the previous spirit) - all at the same time.  It was confusing, I wanted to tell him to stop asking questions!  I would like to take him to my laboratory for some experiments.  To see how he works.  There is something that I remember about this, from a past life, which is why I followed the path over here.  I want to follow the next one who comes here, to see where that path goes...
Nelson asked everyone about upcoming vacations.  He advised caution, and Astrid added, "Things are in the air that are not good."  Jackie agreed, saying, "There's tension, uncertainty, and we need to put peace and love in our hearts for protection."  Nelson began to sense an army of warriors with bombs.
Spirit 6 (via Nelson):  Nelson said the army resembled a black cloud that was getting bigger.  A leader emerged from the group to speak:
Spirit: Everything is going to explode, everywhere!  We hate everyone and we want to hurt them.  We are making an army, so big.
Gloria: They are planting bombs all over - in the minds of the people.  The unhappiness is everywhere.
Spirit: We are the Army of the Enemies - because everyone is our enemy.  We have no friends, everyone is an enemy who wants to stop or destroy us.  All of you are enemies.  I need to get up now and leave, I want to get out.  We were told not to go to these places!  They convert you!  We don't like what you do.
Jackie: Because you don't like peace?
Spirit: Because you convert people and they don't follow us!
Gloria: They are tired of following you.
Spirit: I came to stop you, but this is the wrong place for me.  I build and build, and you take them away.  (to his army)  I told you it was them!  We need more commotion!
Jackie: You're all alone.
Spirit: I'm angry with myself.  Mad!  They were ignorant and easy to convince, and now I have to go with them. I can't go back or they will behead me.  I failed.  He trapped me, and he is showing me what I have done.  I don't like that, I was running to avoid it.  My running is over now.  They took my power.  We almost got there.  All the bombs were ready, and I failed.  I have to go with this one, and boy can he talk.  Over there, it was easy with their silence.  I have to go and get the rest.  You are lucky that we will not do what was planned.
Jeff:  How many will you take with you?
Spirit: In the thousands.  3,114 of them.  He said this is the first step of me getting better - thinking good things.  I am watching them board.  It would have been bombs exploded everywhere at the same time...
Spirit 7 (via Nelson):  Jackie saw the curious scholarly spirit following the same path as the departing warriors.  Nelson's spirit guide moved forward to offer some additional comments:
Caballito: We had to remove them, but ii doesn't mean that something else might happen.  We are working hard not to let some of those groups take over.  The earth has become a war of good and evil, and it was never that way before.  Emotions are too fast, and our work is harder.  We thought that being programmed for love would not change over time.
Jackie: We were given free will.
Caballito:  Yes!  We have discussions with him about this all the time!  We never thought that free will would give so much power to the other side.  There is more to spiritism than you think there is, with enemies at many levels.  We showed that group a little bit of light to draw them in.  But it's not easy, it's a process.
(for Jackie): I need to ask you a favor.  When you take that trip and get to that house, take the whole book with you - not those scattered pages - and before anything else, say a couple of prayers.  Just pick any two prayers.  If you need me, you can call me.  I want everyone to do this if they are planning a trip soon.  Take the book, pick two prayers.
(for Gloria):  We are very happy to see you at the table again, working.  I know you are not planning a trip, but on December 31, pick any two prayers and say them for me.  And Jeff, do the same, and also Gabe.
(for Gabe):  Do me another favor.  (long pause)  If there is one person in a large car - what do you call it, them, an SUV? - and they are sick, it can infect everyone else, correct?  You are the only one in your family on the right track, so it's difficult for you to remain clean with that car.  Do two prayers for me on December 24 and December 31. 
(for Frank): I know you gave the message to your brother, and that is all you had to do.  You did the right thing.  It's up to him now, we will not take his free will away.
(for Santiago, in Spanish):  How are you?  Are you content?  Is there something you wish or want for the upcoming new year?  Remember what I am telling you:  If things come to your mind - anything - I need you to tell me.  Don't think that you are asking the wrong question.  Sometimes we have to talk backwards to reach him.
Gabe: I have a question.  Do I need to do two more prayers because I am traveling tomorrow?
Caballito: Did I say to do prayers tomorrow?  It's a good question, as he is worried because he is taking a trip.  He is so eager to know it all, everything in one hour.  All your questions will be answered, a little at a time.  One day you will see me, as I know you want that, but I am not a toy.  When you see me...
Gabe: ...I won't believe it's you.
Caballito: Yes.  So you need to be prepared.  You will know our relationship in time.  We will have a conversation one day, when this one I am speaking through is not around.  If I ask you if in a future date, if you would sit where he is now, would you accept that?  (No)  Good, only when you are older and wiser.
Jackie: I have a question about a health issue with Frank.  One doctor wants him to have an exploratory procedure, while another doctor tells him not to do it.
Caballito: As of today, follow the one who said no procedure is needed.  If it changes at a later date, we will let you know.  (Frank understood)  Don't be afraid, you can ask me anything.
Gabe: When you moved the (military) spirits from darkness into the light, wasn't it without their free will?
Caballito: No, they all followed their leader - it's the military way.  The light we show them has love, and they are attracted to it (like the adhesive on a fly strip).  They were looking for that light, but they were not allowed to see it.  Once they discovered it, they had free will to move towards it.  The leader of the military group came from within the group itself, and he led them towards that light. 
Is everyone happy?  Full of love?  It's in your hands to keep working for love and peace.
Jackie closed with a prayer.

Florida - November 18, 2015

In attendance: Astrid, Frank, Gabe, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago
Jackie read a selection from Kardec's The Gospel According to Spiritism on compassion.  As she finished reading, Nelson heard a group of spirits talking about Jeff's mother.  One of them asked, "When did she ever have compassion for us?"  These spirits were brought to the table by the spirit of Jeff's brother (Scott), and they were laughing at all the pain that Jeff's mother was experiencing with her current case of shingles.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  The disease isolated Jeff's mom, and she was very frustrated - and wondering what she did that triggered it:
Spirit: And now she knows how being alone feels!  She will never know the cause, because, because we want to destroy her because, because she's done that to us.  (irate)  She had no compassion for me!  Not only me, but many, many, many like us.  Many.  She lives in a nuthouse over there.
Astrid: You have made mistakes too - or have you forgotten?
Spirit (laughing):  She wants everyone out, and now she's alone!  (the spirit laughed and sang, clapping his hands) No one wants to take that good time away from her, la, la la...we like to see it, la, la!
Jeff: That good time will hurt you later.
Astrid: You know what you are doing, and she does not.
Spirit: She knows.  She did that to us.  La, la, la, I'm not listening.  I don't like you, la. la.  I want her to be in pain and suffer.  I'm collecting my pennies, it's all I wanted.  (upset)  One penny.  Just one penny, so I take it.  She never paid me for the work I did. 
Jackie: If you are better than her, give her some compassion...
Spirit: Compassion?   Do you know what I do?  I blow on her softly (demonstrated) and she asks, 'Is there a window open?  What is that draft?'  (laughed) I get her confused.
Gabe: Today you will receive some compassion for the first time.
Spirit: I only wanted to express myself.  There's a lot going on over there.  This guy (the spirit guide) talks a lot.  Talk and talk.
Jeff: She is my mother and you are bothering her.
Spirit: She is not lovable.  Wait, your mother?  So I can collect from you?  It's not from now, I am collecting from priors.  I've been doing so many bad things.
Jackie: You are hurting her - and him - and yourself.
Spirit: She looks the same...
Astrid: It's the same soul, but not the same person. 
Spirit: Everyone is looking for a penny, all of us.  You will not believe how many.  There are 330 of us.  This guy really talks a lot.   Now he tells me that where I am going, I will not need the penny.  He said that you (Jeff) know who he is?  (it was Jeff's brother, Scott)  Okay, okay.  I'm going with him...
The spirit left, but the spirit of Jeff's brother stayed behind to clarify the situation.  Nelson was shown a large farm, somewhere in England, with Jeff's mother in charge.  She had married a man just to have the land, and she had promised to pay each worker a penny for their labor -  but then she never paid them anything.  They stood in a long line, with their hand out for the penny they earned, but there was always an excuse not to pay them.  Nelson saw her in a Victorian home, with piles of coins (British pounds) stacked up on a large table.  She died in a chair at the table, endlessly counting her piles of money.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  As Nelson watched, the table was extended, and there was even more money.  Jeff's mother was experiencing a shortness of breath, and Nelson understood that in this life, she had visited a doctor for that same reason.  A dark man was standing behind Jeff's mother.  He looked at her with sadness.  After some additional details, it was determined that the spirit of this man had been standing behind Jeff's mother in this life for forty years - and he was her father (Jeff's grandfather).  Nelson heard Jeff's mother disparage her father, saying, "He could have done more!" several times:

Spirit (Jeff's grandfather):  Ungrateful!  Ungrateful with everyone, even him (Jeff).  She was so ungrateful to her (Jeff's grandmother), a great woman who was wonderful and hard working.  I don't want anyone else to be haunted by her, but now I cannot go back there.  But I had to keep an eye on her.  Enough hurt.  Enough!  (Jeff's grandfather began to sob as he recognized Jeff)  My boy, my boy.  You know I am not a man of many words.  I don't want her to hurt you.  They said I can say whatever I want.  She said you are the last one she can get her hands on - to get what you have.  I want to tell you to be careful.  She's my daughter, I love her, but she is dangerous.  She would rip out our hearts when she didn't let you stay over.  He made us laugh, kept us jumping and running.  He brought such happiness to a home of old people.  Made the house as bright as you could imagine.  I came because I heard her say, "He (Jeff) should have gotten what I got" (shingles).  I patted his head and he always knew that love was there.  I can't touch you now, but I can give you a kiss.  She (Jeff's grandma) has been talking to me.  She's here to take me.  She's going to hold my hand, just like we used to do.
Jeff:  She probably has a picnic all packed.
Spirit: Yes, remember?  A picnic in the most weird places.  She's here, holding my hands.  We love you.  One day, we want to come back and talk to you.  We loved you so much.  You brought us the happiness that will take us where we are going now.  I don't know who this is, the one who is taking us there (Jeff's brother never met his grandfather), but we are going with him...
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  The grandparents departed, and Jeff's brother stayed at the table to explain more:
Spirit (referring to Jeff's grandfather): He's happy.  We got him with the help of this one (Nelson).
Jeff: Thank you.
Spirit (to Gabe):  You can do anything you want - enjoy life - as long as you do it correctly.  I am taking his (the grandfather) spot.  It's difficult to deal with her, but I still love her very much.  Sometimes I go there, when she thinks of me.  She doesn't listen.  She thinks of only the sad memories - the day of the accident.  It was my day.  It was very fast, no pain.  It's what I selected before I came.  I knew I was going out as a young adult.  It was instant.  It wasn't hard, because I knew.  I have a lot of good friends who got me.  You call it a hospital, but it's really a reconciliation process.  You reconcile your life with yourself, and you realize where you belong.  The process is more difficult when people don't want to go, as it takes some convincing when they make it difficult.  It's just a transition into a better situation.  It's one bright spirit watching over another, that's all.  You have something that we don't have (the material body), that's all.  If you read the Koran, it is really the simplest book.  The interpretations of it make it bad.
Jackie: Just like the bible.
Spirit: Both were written and interpreted by men for men.  The two of us (Nelson's guide and Jeff's brother) came together.  If you have any questions, we will try to answer them, but we are not elevated spirits.  If we cannot answer, we will find others who are more educated and ask them to answer.  Be careful what you wish for, and be sure of the questions.  We worked together today, and we will depart together.  I'm going to help them (Jeff's grandparents) and he (Caballito) will step aside, as there is more work to do.
Spirit 4 (via Jackie):  There were two female spirits behind Gabe, and they were trying to pull him back.  The women were from the lifetime when Gabe was a priest, but they might also be something from this life.  Gabe feels them, but he doesn't understand the "pull".  These spirits have compared notes, and now they want to pull him back into something.  Nelson advised Gabe that he should keep shaking them off.
Spirit 5 (via Nelson):  Nelson's spirit guide wanted Nelson to ask Frank if his brother had any health problems.  Frank said there was an inflammation of the intestinal track (diverticulosis) issue, but his brother was taking medication for it.  Nelson felt the pain that the brother was experiencing, and he advised Frank to tell his brother to see a doctor immediately.  Astrid saw tangled intestines, with food and waste lodged inside.  If the obstruction remained unmovable, it could rupture and cause an infection.   Nelson again stressed the urgency of the situation.
Nelson also sensed a feud between Franks brother and his daughter in Orlando.  Something was not quite right between them, and the stress from this situation was related to his health issue.  Franks' brother should not visit him this weekend until the intestinal issue was examined and treated. 
Caballito also wanted Nelson to remind Jackie again about the issue with her niece, as it still needed to be addressed.  He wondered why Jackie wanted to visit to her sister's house:
Caballito: Do you know what you will be involved with over there?
Jackie: I think a baby from my great niece.
Caballito: Lots of loose ends.
Jackie: But I enjoy my sister's company.
Caballito:  Something is there, and we need to clean the road.  It's bumpy.
Nelson was shown a double barrel shotgun, and Jackie explained that it was how her sister's husband (Michael) was killed - along with another executive from the same company. 
Things were not as they appeared, and Caballito wanted Jackie to read the prayer for suicide at the Sunday session.  Nelson sensed a religious aspect to the killing (Michael came from a Jewish family), and he also wondered what Jackie had to do with it now - as the event happened in 1991.  Nelson envisioned a ball of commotion, with Jackie in the middle of it.  A candle was being lit to calm the chaos.
Jackie closed with a prayer.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

(Note: All mediums perform similar work in a different way.  Nelson is able to let spirits sit through him, and sometimes his spirit guide takes him places while he is asleep.)

On Saturday, we had a spiritual session in our rented Buenos Aires condo.  One of the attendees has been a great friend of mine, and she is a very good medium with a very positive spirit.  During the session, I was wondering why she and her family had such a strong atmosphere of mistrust and doubt among themselves for such a long time.  I asked about her relationship with her sister, and she explained that her family was always divided in half - there were some family members who always sided with the mother, but on her fathers side, only she and her dad were every really together.  The father had passed on, and my friend assumed that her sisters regretted the opportunity to establish a better relationship with their dad.  I stated that I would like to help with that situation, and find the reason for the discord.  Be careful for what we wish for...
Early Sunday morning, my spiritual guide took me on trip that went back in time.  He wanted me to understand the past relationships between the individuals involved, so that I could find out the reason for the current issues with the family relationships.
I found myself in a battleground back in the 1800's.  When I arrived, I saw two groups of soldiers. There were two brothers, and each one directed and controlled their own troops.  They were working together, from two different locations, hoping to win their battle against the enemy.  It became apparent that the two brothers in this past life were the two sisters from this life.  The battle they were planning would take place in a valley.  The brothers would mount two attacks that would happen at the exact same time.  One brother would lead his troops down a hill into the valley, and at the same time, the other brother would charge down another hill with his army. The older brother was telling the younger brother to travel down to where the enemy was located, while he would go around the other way to surprise and destroy them.  The brothers were competing for the favor of their king - and the king in that life of the two brothers was now reincarnated as the father of the two sisters in this life. 
The younger brother saw a problem.  The hills were uneven, so the two groups of fighters would not arrive at the same time.  This brother was concerned that if his group fighting alone, they could not take on the valley people alone, and they would be destroyed.  The other brother assured him that his group would travel all night and day, so both groups would arrive at the same time.  The older brother was able to persuade his younger brother. 
I assumed it was the end of the vision, but my spirit guide instructed me to WAIT AND SEE what was next.  The older brother who promised to travel all night had other plans.  He had already arranged to arrive late to the battle, so that when he arrived, the soldiers of his younger brother would be destroyed - and they would have left the enemy too weak to fight.  The younger brother would lose the battle with the enemy, but the older brother would arrive in time to defeat the valley command - and emerge as a victorious to the king.  One brother would betray the other for a better position with the king.
Next, my guide took me to the war camp of the younger brother.  This brother had a son who was preparing for war, ready to proudly march into battle next to his father.  In the current life with the two sisters, the son of the younger brother from that past life had reincarnated as the son of the older sister in this life.  Ironically, the younger sister was now the godparent of the son that was once hers.  I watched the previous life at the war camp, and I saw the younger brother have a change of heart with his son.  Instead of asking him to march next to him him into war, the younger brother had doubts.  He requested that his son travel alone, back to their country, with a special message for his grandfather, the king.  The son was confused, and the younger brother did not fully understand his own feelings, but they were so strong that he decided to listen.  The son was told to deliver the message to the king without reading it.  I was shown the message - and it was blank inside.  Deep down, the younger brother knew the false message was a way to assure that his only son would survive the battle.   
The older brother betrayed the younger brother for the favor of their king.  In the current life, the brothers were now sisters, and the son was born to the older sister.  This new reincarnation was a way for them to be all together again, so they could amend and change those past feelings of betrayal. 
For the older sister in this life, there has been a pattern of interactions with others in which they feel betrayed by her for some reason that never resonates with her.  She is not deliberately looking for a way to cast doubt or betray someone, but the spirits of all of those fighters that she used to betray her younger brother from the past still have those feelings.  When those spirits are around her, they find a way for everyone to see her as they remember it from the past.  The sisters share so many things in this life that connect with their past existence.  The brothers worked together to plan a battle, and the sisters work together in this life.  The king reincarnated their father, and they competed for his love.  And the son from the past is in the same role - but he was born to the other sibling.

I was overwhelmed by this trip back in time, so I decided to write it down while it was fresh in my mind.  My next step is to share this past with the two sisters, so they will understand and be able to resolve any friction between them.  Hopefully, they can move forward from this and spend the completion of this reincarnation working to repair that old existence, becoming two sibling partners who work together, instead of enemies within the same family, experiencing feelings of mistrust and betrayal.  Sometimes we have to look back to move ahead.  When we understand a past existence, we are able to repair it and find the happiness that everyone hopes for in this life..

Chicago - November 15, 2015

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Florida - November 15, 2015

In attendance: Astrid, Frank, Gabe, Gloria, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson, Rafael and Santiago
Before the opening prayer was read, Nelson's spirit guide wanted our group to know that our session would involve "a lot of work for the good of the world."  Jeff read a selection from Kardec's The Spirits Book referring to the process of spiritual perfection: "Material life is a trial which they have to undergo many times until they have attained absolute perfection..."
The reading was interrupted by a spirit.  Nelson heard him ask, "What we have been following is wrong?  We were told the wrong thing, and so we are following the wrong religion?"  Nelson was taken to a desert setting, and Jackie saw terrorists.  Gloria envisioned a group of Muslim women walking together.
Spirit 1 (via Astrid): The Muslim women were all mothers, and one of them moved forward to tearfully speak through Astrid:
Spirit: We are the mothers, and we have come here to pick up souls.  No matter what happens, we are still mothers.  Let's do something about all this hate.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  The spirit representing the mother stepped back as the male spirit who felt betrayed by his religion began to speak through Nelson:
Spirit (frightened and on the verge of crying): We are looking for the kingdom of Allah, and all I see is darkness, blood, and evil.  I don't want to go there.  Please help me, I don't want to go into that cone of hate.  I didn't know.  (looked at Jackie)  Lady, why are you not covered?  That cone sucks you into it.
Jackie: You have to stop what you were doing.  You caused a lot of what is in that cone, and the killing has got to stop.
Spirit: Why did they lie to us?
Astrid: You wanted to believe what they were saying.
Spirit: We feel betrayed.  We are innocent.  They are pointing at us and saying, 'criminal!'
Gloria: Because you were a killer.
Spirit: If we didn't, they would kill us.  I don't want to be part of that cone.  It's the end, there is no way out once you are in there.  My group does not want to go.  We are willing and capable of change.
Astrid: Are you willing to give love instead of hatred?
Spirit: We are capable.  We don't feel too good.  We feel the hate.
Astrid: You planted the hate in your soul.
Spirit: We are responsible for our actions.  They say we don't need the prayer to Allah here?  I am confused.  He wants me to look at her (Jackie) uncovered - he said it's my first test.  I have never looked at a lady uncovered.  He said to take my time.  (the spirit opened Nelson's eyes and looked at Jackie)  I see a kindness in her eyes.  There is not much difference between her and I, but I have to get used to it - because where we are going, there are no ladies who will be covered.  Her eyes remind me of my mother's eyes.
Jackie: Inside, we are all the same.
Spirit (to Jeff): You asked for a number (how many were in his group), and they tell me that you will give the number.  What year is it?  That's the number, 2,015.  (softly)  We don't see a cone anymore.  Are you Allah?  That's what we expected.  This man (spirit guide) is very nice.  Can you protect him so he will help more of us?  Can you protect him like a mother would protect a child? 
Jackie: He already has protection.
Spirit: I am in the place I wanted to be, so we are going.
The spirit reclined in his chair, stretched out his arms and shouted "Allah!" as he left.  The group discussed his visit (and we were told by Nelson's guide that there was one good spirit for each of the 2,015 departing spirits - and maybe those were the spirits of the mothers?).
Spirits 3 & 4 (via Nelson):  The next spirit was being ushered in by Nelson's guide, but first he had some questions for Gabe:
Caballito: You don't want to miss a minute of life, do you?  Do you feel as if you missed so much before?
Gabe:  Yes.  I was secluded when I was growing up.
Jackie: You were a priest.  But he didn't take his vows seriously - he was a womanizer.
Caballito: Now that he is free, he does not want anything to hold him back.
Gabe: I know my limits.
Caballito: Why did your parents protect you so much?  Do you feel like things might have been better if you were born into another family?
Gabe: I used to think that, but now I understand.
Gloria: He's a spirit who asked to be born in that family.  If he went to another family, he would have been lost.  He has to be thankful for the beginning, because without it, he would not be where he is now.
Caballito: Your father doesn't understand why you are different, as he wants you to be like him.  Don't you think that if he doesn't come to you, that you could go to him?
Jackie: The father believes his life should be like Gabe's life.
Caballito: And he thinks that if he is not around, something will go wrong.  (Gloria was shown a dark car involved in an accident)
Nelson's guide stepped back.  A spirit looking for the Pope stepped forward.  He was a devout Catholic, and he was very skilled at creating conflict:
Spirit: I open the bible, and I create a problem - like wars between fathers and sons.  Put some holy water on that demon (referring to Gabe).  I am only trying to bring that lost son back to the father.
Gabe: Maybe the father is lost.
Spirit: You are the one talking to dead people now!  My alter boys are putting water on me for protection.  He's wrong, he's an evil son.
Jackie: Maybe you are wrong.  You are causing him harm, and he does no harm to anyone.
Spirit: I am often with them.  It's a chaotic family.  I have been around a long time.  I just came here to get him and bring him back home.
Gabe: I'm not going with you.
Jackie: What do you see standing next to him?
Spirit: A spirit!  I don't understand it!  I don't know it.  This is very confusing for me.
Jackie: It's a guardian angel - where are yours?  He and his dad will make peace on their own time.
Spirit: If you are sure that he will find that peace, then I will leave.  I will take my four alter boys with me, and I am taking everything that belongs to me.  You people are very confusing.  I just wanted to understand why I am in this situation...
The spirit departed, and Nelson told Gabe that his father thinks he is in a cult.  Gabe needs to find a way to let him know that spiritism is not a cult.  Nelson said that many other religions do not accept our beliefs, and Jackie explained the similarities between Catholicism and spiritism to Gabe.
Spirit 5 (via Nelson):  Nelson wondered what was going on with Rafael.  Caballito weaved in and out of the conversation until a spirit was encouraged to sit through Nelson:
Rafael: There are lots of changes in my life - and my priorities.
Caballito: You discovered something or someone that was there all along.  Why are you afraid to find out who you are?
Jackie: Maybe he won't like what he sees?
Gloria: You have doubts over everything around you - even spiritism.  Spirits will not solve your problems, you will solve them yourself.  They observe and they give you the strength.
Caballito: Has your entire life been a commotion?  (yes)
Gloria: He has to get out of it.
Caballito: What happened with your wife back in Chicago?
Rafael: She got cancer, had depression, and there was an affair.  If I didn't move, I would have killed her.
Caballito: It doesn't matter where you hide, they will find you.  Your son is part of something that he should not be involved in (the situation between his parents), and that boy can give you real problems.  How is a nut going to help a nut?  Mentally, she (the mother) is not in the right place, so how can she help her son?  He's angry.  Has he told you, 'Get me out of here'  and screamed for help?  How easy it is to list all your many problems, when you are it. 
(Caballito was replaced by a spirit who was a copy of what Rafael's son was experiencing)
Spirit: Please help me, when is something going to change, I need help!  (crying)  Stop, stop, I don't want to hear it now, stop!  When is it my turn to say I am done?  Help me!  Stop it, can someone take me away from all of this?  I don't want to be here anymore.  You have no idea where I am, I am so crazy.  It feels like another world - none of it is real.
Jackie: We will help you get out of that situation.
Spirit: Thank you, oh thank you.  I sit in a corner and rock (demonstrated) and I count the hours.  You get tired of that.  What can we do?  We think drugs, or get a gun and get it over with.  I don't want any part of this life anymore.  You know what I would like?  A kind hand to come and reach out.  Just a kind hand, so I could feel a little bit of love.  I'm in a dark corner and it is not nice.  I want to be a kid and not be punished.  They tell me I am not going back there.  Is it true?  I'm ready to leave it.  No one deserves that.  Who are these people around me?
Jackie: You can trust them.
Spirit: I can give them my hands?  Will you let me go with them?  I want to be happy....
Nelson's spirit guide explained more about the spirit once he was gone.  Caballito traveled to Rafael's son and created a "copy" of his spirit - what we heard was what Rafael's son was thinking.  That spirit copy was brought to our table so that Rafael could hear the words of his son - and understand his feelings and nothing else.  This method was used as a way to for someone far away to express themselves.
Nelson strongly recommended that the son be removed from the home soon, or it would be too late.  Gloria cautioned that belonging to a gang would give him the family atmosphere he craved, and the son has already been approached.  Nelson's guide returned to explain more to Rafael:
Caballito: We have given you all the tools to work with - don't destroy them, or you will get nothing.  Take him, and do what you need to do as a responsible spiritist - not because he is your son, because he is another human being in need. 
Gloria: He has to feel that he is really wanted.  (Gloria was shown a shiny white smoke - ectoplasm)
Jackie: I am hearing, 'Do not abandon this child again.'
Gloria: Believe it in your heart - and you can do it.
Caballito: All I did was reflect the urgency of a soul.  I went there, and I recorded a conversation.  That's all I have done, because I wanted you to hear the words of your son crying for help.  Every soul in need is son of God.  Isn't that we do?  Help everyone?  So give your hand of love to those who need it, and that is my message for all of you today.  Offer a hand of love.  (to Gabe) Tell your father, 'Grab my hand, all I have for you is love," and he will take it, and hold it tighter than you think.  (to Rafael)  As a father, extend that hand with only love, and your son will grab it.  (to all)  You can do it with anyone.  Just love, nothing else, and the hand will be clean.  Take the hand of love everywhere you go.  Do that when you leave here today.  When you offer love, you feel love.  That could be a song...  (for Gabe)  You always wanted to know how other mediums worked, and you saw that today.  You will have more examples.  Before you leave this trip, Jackie will do something you have never seen before.  Gloria is ready to be back at the table working.  There is another friend here, to say a few words, so I will move to the side.
Spirit 5 (via Jackie): Lula, a spirit with the ability to diagnose material world issues and offer relief, arrived and sat through Jackie:
Lula (for Gabe): The young one, it's good to see him.  Finally!  You have traveled a long way to get here.  So many thoughts in your mind.  Ah, to be young.  Your instincts are wise, listen to them.  Be straight and be sure before you take another step.  You have many with you.  He's a good boy with a large heart.  This lifetime will cleanse a lot of things from the past.
For Gloria (grabbing her hands):  There she is!  You need to work,  Not to work makes you ill.  The two of you (Gloria and Jackie) need to work.  What you have experienced is over.  Your mediumship has been dormant too long and you know that.  I love you, and I want to see you back.
For Rafael: And this young man over here.  So much fear - for nothing.  Absolutely nothing.  Work on your heart, not on the material.  You have locked up your heart - unlock it.  When the heart dies, the body dies.  Call on the spirit world for this adventure you are about to take, and obstacles will fall by the wayside.
(Water was poured, and Lula extended Jackie's hands over it)
Lula: I do this as a symbol, asking God to magnetize the water - so you think of him and all of the available spirits when you drink it.  You are the workers of the last hour.  People look to you to see how you live.  Each person has the opportunity to change the world.  Don't lose faith in yourselves or God.  As long as there is a spark, there is hope.
For Nelson: To you, my son, congratulations on doing a wonderful job.  Sometimes you hesitate, and that's only the human part.  
For Frank:  It's good to see you again.  How are you feeling?
Frank: Not 100%
Lula: This one (Jackie), listen to her.  She has your best interests.
For Astrid: You my dear, I know, teeth are terrible- we are happy not to have them.  But you will be fine.
For Santiago: It's not easy living with an opinionated woman.  We commend you.  If you lose patience, call on us.
Spirit 6 (via Gloria): The spirit of Lula faded away, and she was replaced by a spirit who was the great uncle of Santiago.  He spoke in Spanish: "Amigos, war is coming and we need to pray to avoid it.  (to Santiago)  I have been around you.  We used to travel in the material world, and that is what you enjoyed.  And that's how we learn the truths."  Gloria was shown a castle that was bombed during WWII, and this spirit lived in the half of the castle that still existed.
Spirit 7 (via Jackie): Jackie's mother arrived, and she asked Gloria about her arm.  "Your mom and I talk, and I had to come today to say that you need to be at the table.  Jackie needs help.  She knows I have been around.  I want to offer encouragement over these men fighting over nothing.  All around the planet, there are groups of spirits who have the function of prayer.  It's energy.  People on this planet have lost their way.  We need your individual prayers added to the continuous prayers.  We are all of service in the spirit world, and we do it out of love.  My daughter won't be there to see it, but a better world is coming.  I love her very much.  Your group is known in the spirit world, as a place for us to go and we will be welcomed.  You will not know the impact until you return home.  When you need us, call on us.  We will be right there - if you listen.
Gabe closed with a prayer.

Just A Thought

"There were no sex classes. No friendship classes. No classes on how to navigate a bureaucracy, build an organization, raise money, ...