Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Florida - May 12, 2014

In attendance: Astrid, Gloria, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson, Santiago and Astrid's youngest daughter 
Astrid noticed tiny lights softly falling on our table and the group as we started the session.  Jackie saw it as a spiritual blessing, and Astrid agreed, describing it as "like a gift."
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Nelson saw a spirit for Jeff that was making taunting faces at him.  The spirit appeared as a female, but the mediums later determined that it was a male presence.  Passing into Nelson, the spirit gleefully said, "I'm gonna get it all...everything.  Soon you will not even exist."  The spirit was ridiculing Jeff, and he described his actions as "taking everything, little by little."  This spirit had a checklist of items to finish, and Jackie realized that it was a "revenge list".  The list had smaller items designed to slightly irritate Jeff, and then it gradually moved up to larger items, as the spirit became more obsessed with the mission.  The final box on the checklist was number 16, which was death.  Astrid tried to reason with the spirit, explaining that he was confused and his actions were wrong.  The spirit wondered who Nelson was, as he was worried that he was trying to take away her checklist.  The spirit refused to speak with Jeff, and the conversation continued:
Gloria: Are you afraid to talk to Jeff?
Spirit: No, no, no.  I am disgusted.  No, no, no!  I don't even like to look at him
Gloria: What did he do to you?  That was another existence.  He is a good person now.
Astrid: Why do you feel like that (disgusted)?
Spirit: He pretends to be the good one, the good son.  I am tired of it.  Kids should be treated equally.
Astrid: Are you a Mom?
Spirit: He was perfect.  Him, him, him!  I didn't exist.  If I get rid of him, everything is mine.
Astrid:  What do you need now?  That was another time and another life.  Look at yourself and look at him now.  What do you see?
Spirit: Same one.  I see him the same.
Astrid:  Your perceiving it that way, but that is not correct.
Spirit:  I am using the other ones (referring to Jeff's mom and sister), and I am making progress with my list.  It's a combined effort.  We all work well together.
Astrid: What have you gotten out of it?
Jackie: He's fine...
Spirit: I am up to line six.  I check that box and it disappears and I have to start over on line six again.  He cannot run.  I want her love (referring to Jeff's mother) so she will pay for what she did to me.  I don't want to hurt her, and I don't care about him.  I don't even know why I don't like him.
Gloria: The same way you hate, you can love.
The spirit said he was an "enemy of the whole family," until the mediums eventually encouraged him to let go of the hate.  The spirit agreed to go with the guide who brought him to the table, promising to return again one day.  After he left, the mediums realized that it was the spirit of Jeff's brother who accompanied her, and he encouraged him to sit at our table.  It was also understood that this spirit was a male, presenting itself as female.  The spirit was a miscarriage or an abortion, filled with hate over not being allowed to reincarnate into the material world. 
Spirit 2 (via Gloria):  Gloria saw the spirit of a man who resembled a professor hovering around Astrid's youngest  daughter.  He was not harmful, he only wanted the daughter to "remember that science goes with spiritism.  Don't study it lightly.  We know that both of them go hand in hand."  Gloria explained that the spirit world sometimes attempted to communicate with the daughter.  "They give you things, and you put them aside," Gloria sensed the spirit saying.  The spirit stressed,  "You think you know science, but sometimes we don't know as much as we should."  The daughter understood, and Nelson added that we all have a lot of learning to do.  Jackie heard a spirit (possibly the same professor) stating that "over the centuries, the laws of the universe have been changing.  The science we know now will one day be primitive."  Gloria advised the daughter that if she had questions or doubts, all she needed to do was think of the spirit of the professor, and he would be there for her.  The spirit faded away, and the mediums reminded Astrid's daughter that they were also available to answer her questions or engage in discussions.
Jackie visualized a spirit standing behind Astrid.  This spirit was aligning Astrid's posture, putting her head into position and encouraging her to sit up straight.  Nelson began to sense something in the daughter's future.  He saw her going somewhere soon.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  There was another spirit for the daughter, and Nelson determined that like the professor, it was not a bad spirit - it was one of her guides.  The spiritual guide encouraged her to "humble herself" on her upcoming trip.  The conversation switched over to Spanish, as the guide addressed the daughter directly.  After a while, the guide revealed his name (Juan Pablo Cazares) and Astrid's daughter recognized it.  Warm and personable, the guide directed his attention back to the entire table and he asked if there were any questions he could answer.  This was another new experience for our group.  The spirit wanted us to "ask questions to learn."  Uncertain over what to ask, there were no direct questions, and the spirit departed.  The table discussed the situation and Nelson noted that the daughter was fortunate to have a spirit guide of this caliber.  Gloria related a newspaper story involving another person who was looking for work, just like the daughter was doing.  Nelson advised caution during the daughter's upcoming interview, encouraging her to sell herself as "humble."  Nelson also advised her to ask for her spirit guide right before the interview - as he would arrive to help her.
Gloria had a question for the daughter's spirit guide, but she was reluctant to ask it.  The group discussed the issue, understanding that the good and bad spirits who appear at our table may arrive for a variety of reasons.  Nelson thought that the spirits who appearrd to individuals outside of our sessions were a "half and half" result of the will of the spirit and our willingness to open the door to them.  The sensitivity of the mediums to see this situation was also addressed.  Gloria related a past experience she had with a friend who was dropping her off after a night out together.  While stopped at a traffic light, Gloria glanced at her friend.  Instead of looking as she always did, Gloria saw her friend morph into a very negative spirit.  Startled by the sudden change in appearance, Gloria decided to exit the car while it was stopped at the traffic light.
Spirit 4 (via Nelson):  Nelson sensed a presence that had visited our table in the past.  This spirit appeared as a child, and he was in a much better physical and mental condition than the last time he appeared.  In the previous visit, it was determined that this was a male spirit of a boy who was aborted.  The spirit had now grown into a very humble boy (around age five or six) who wanted to keep progressing in the spirit world because he was determined to sit at our table again.  He still had some bad memories, but Nelson saw him in a hospital setting that resembled a cheerful day care facility or kindergarten environment.  The spirit only "wanted to see my mom again" (referring to Astrid), so he was "doing everything they say."  He was nervous and excited, as he jumped up and down with joy and spoke through Nelson.  All of his efforts were dedicated to just one goal - seeing his mom again.  It was interesting to note that he had earned this visit one day after the material world celebration of Mother's Day.  The spirit and Astrid had a tearful reunion in Spanish.  The spirit said Astrid "looked older," but he added that, "when you look deep, it is the same Mom." The spirit was very, very happy ("contento") as he proudly described his spiritual accomplishments to his mother.  Still eager and excited to develop and improve even more, the spirit departed.  Astrid explained her decision as to why this child could not be born (difficult pregnancy, family disruptions, etc.).
Nelson understood the progress of the boy's spirit.  After an initial belief that his reincarnation was halted, the boy was now learning and growing in a spiritual environment that mirrored what his development on earth might have been.  Nelson said that it was often difficult for the spiritual side to plan our reincarnation back into the material world.  Is an abortion ever an option?  The table discussed the issue.  The general consensus was that "natural" abortions (miscarriages, for example) were spiritually acceptable, while "man made" abortions were not.  The mediums realized that if the spirit of the boy had been born, he would have suffered from some sort of deformity.  The group discussed the suffering of a spirit who is not allowed to be born and compared it with the guilt suffered by the intended family.  We will never fully understand the issue until we are on the spirit side, with the ability to look down and comprehend all the variables.  Some spirits are happy to return, but some are forced.
Jackie closed with a prayer.  

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