Friday, June 24, 2016

Florida - September 11, 2014

In attendance: Astrid, Cristina, Gloria, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago
Nelson heard a spirit say that no matter who we are, we are all loved by God.  Astrid agreed, adding that we were a part of God, and we are allowed to be who we are destined to be until we go back into the spirit world.  Astrid also wondered if this presence might be a mischievous spirit.  Nelson's vision expanded to include a group of spirits now, and they appeared to be from the Middle East.  It was difficult to understand their speech.  They seemed to think that while some souls were remembered, their group had not been remembered.  There were several women and children with this group, and Jackie sensed that they were innocent causalities from wars and bombing missions.  Nelson felt one spirit step forward, a religious man who stated that he died "for his faith."
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  The spirit was attempting to speak in English, but it was difficult. "Hassam," he repeated several times in a thick Arab accent, "Hassam".  (Note: After researching the word, and not finding anything for "hassam", this spirit may have been saying "Asam", which means "to be jealous" - which fits with his initial statement that while some souls of September 11 were being remembered, this group was not.) 
"Allah...Allah..." the spirit said softly, as if praying.  He spoke quietly, confused over his location and the English words he was using:  "I understand little.  Not much.  Different...different people, language.  Different.  I can see, but I don't recognize.  Celebration of Allah...Allah." While we welcomed this spirit and encouraged him to tell his story, the spirit guides around him were also communicating with him.  The spirit was becoming aware of what the guides were telling him: "Celebrating freedom?  Allah.  I will be free today?  No more suffering?  Pain?  Allah will embrace me?"  The spirit bowed his head towards the table, as if in prayer.  "Allah...Allah," he chanted, "Time for all of us to go.  Allah...Allah. Asam!  Asam."  The spirit thanked our table and departed while yelling, "Alllllah!"  We discussed the spirit after he was gone. Nelson said that he had heard the spirit ask, "Is this when I get my prize?"  Nelson also understood that nothing was impossible in the spirit world - they can do anything.
Spirit 2 (via Gloria):  A spirit for Santiago (Gloria's brother) had arrived, and the message was in Spanish.  Miguel Ruiz was the name of this spirit, and he was a former coworker of Santiago (about 10 years ago).  After his message was delivered to Santiago, there was a long silent pause in the room.
Spirit 3 (via Astrid):  There was a spirit who wanted to speak with Nelson, and she also spoke in Spanish.  The table determined that she was a "madame," and she was promising to "defend" Nelson.  When she saw Nelson, she determined that "like me, he likes to work."  Nelson said that he respected the madames, and he believed that they gave him light.  The spirit of the madame rapped sharply on the table, and she was gone.  Nelson said that he and the madames had a relationship of cooperation, as Nelson was certain that he had worked with them previously, in an other life, as a healer or "shaman.".  (Note: A shaman is a person regarded as having access and influence in the world of good and evil spirits, especially in northern Asia and North America. Typically such people enter a trance state during a ritual, and practice divination and healing.)  When Nelson's grandmother was working as a medium, she always left an empty chair available at her table for the "madames."
Spirit 4 (via Jackie):  When Jeff and Nelson returned to Chicago, Jackie cautioned them that there were four confused spirits in the basement of their house.  They seemed harmless and uncertain.  These spirits were released from the walls during the remodeling process, and although they knew that they belonged in that space, nobody had told them where to go after their release.   Based on the way they looked and how they were dressed, Jackie thought that they may have been there since the 1920's.  They were members of a group that had already moved on, and now these four spirits were just waiting for some direction.  Nelson promised to give them some direction when he was in Chicago. 
Spirit 5 (via Nelson):  A spirit guide standing behind Nelson spoke, telling us that in the future, there would be many spiritual tables, with many mediums working.  Nelson saw this entity as a male, about 50 years old, and he was very enthusiastic.  He was dressed all in white, with a long tunic length guayabera style shirt.  This spirit wanted Nelson to tell our table that the work we did was not wasted - we were opening several doors, and he seemed very excited with our progress.  He stated, "All new people are coming," and also wanted us to know us that "different things" were coming.  Nelson described him as very nice and filled with positive energy.  As he was preparing to step aside, he promised the group that he was "coming to change things" and that he would "clean away the cobwebs."  "I'm going to move it," he said.
Spirit 6 (via Gloria):  After the enthusiastic spirit had departed, another spirit arrived immediately and sat through Gloria.  This spirit wanted the table to know that some things would not change, and we were still needed to help the spirits cleanse themselves and to pass (or move) them as needed.  This spirit wanted our group to keep an open mind about the work.  "Yes, all of that is change, and there will be some, but the other work continues," the spirit advised.  He left as abruptly as he arrived, offering blessings and politely apologizing, saying: "Forgive me for jumping in."
Spirit 7 (via Nelson):  Another new spirit spoke from a position behind Nelson.  Nelson thought it was interesting that we don't completely understand how the spirit world works, as we are only given glimpses.  Nelson was convinced today that our table would work with the spirit of the nun who was stacking her teeth in her cell from the last session, but this spirit had arrived to tell us that it was now unnecessary.  Astrid also said, "The situation has been fixed." The spirit wanted Cristina to know that it was now up to her to move her life forward.  "We have done what was needed, we have cleaned," the spirit guide said.  He continued the conversation with Cristina in Spanish, and our table began to understood that the spirit speaking was Cristina's spirit guide.  "That's gone," he said, referring again to the issues of the last session, "It's time for something new."  While cleansing the table, the spirit offered Cristina an instructional message of hope and encouragement (in Spanish).  "Keep the past in the past," he advised, promising Cristina that she was not alone, she could always call on him to assist her.  He repeated the word "camino" several times (Spanish for "I walk", possibly a reassurance that he would walk along with Cristina whenever she needed it).  As he softly faded away, he wanted Astrid to know that Cristina would "find her direction from within."
Nelson sensed a poetic rhythm to the words of this spirit.  He added that when we reincarnate, we can change some of the things we decided to do before returning, but other circumstances were decided and planned in advance, and those must be completed.  Nelson suggested that Cristina read some spiritual books for guidance.  Her spirit guide would walk with her - in her dreams and daily life - offering direction.  The table discussed the situation with Cristina, assuring her that although she felt that much was given to her and she needed to pay it back, that was not the case.  Nelson stated that the best way to "pay back" what was offered was to offer the same to someone else (for example, Cristina might recommend a spiritual book that helped her to someone else in need).  As another example, Nelson said that it was difficult to pass the Arabic speaking spirit, but maybe this spirit would later offer the same help to Nelson on the other side.
Spirit 8 (via Jackie) and Briefly:  The word "trouble" had appeared behind Jeff, and Jackie sensed that it had something to do with Jeff's sister.  Jackie urged caution, and Jeff understood.  Nelson asked Astrid and Santiago if everything was set for their October trip, and it was.  Gloria asked Nelson if he had spoken with his father (he had), because she saw him standing in a strong, secure posture, but he also seemed to be waiting for Nelson to visit him.  Nelson explained that his father was continuously worried over money, and Jackie and Gloria said that those worries often arrived as we age.  Nelson had not yet felt a need to visit Puerto Rico, and Gloria assured him that the spirit world would tell him when to go, but she also heard that "time is shortened" for Nelson's father.
Gloria shared a story about seeing a vision of her mother.  Her mother knew that Marian regretted never having an opportunity to say goodbye to her father before he passed.  As she continued to visualize her mother, Gloria saw Edgar's head resting on her mother's lap.  Gloria's mother and the spirit of Edgar encouraged her "to say goodbye now.".  As Gloria gave Edgar a goodbye kiss, Edgar opened his eyes and his head became the head of Gloria's father.  She was able to say goodbye to both men.
Spirits 9 & 10 (via Jackie):  Janet, the departed best friend of Jeff's mother was standing behind Jeff's chair at the table.  Her hands were on his shoulders, offering reassurance.  Jeff said that he often feels her around him.  Her message was that Jeff "worries too much," and she wanted Jeff to take more time for himself.  She said that Jeff and Nelson spent most of their time together, but they needed "time apart sometimes," and she encouraged Jeff to take some time for himself.  Jackie also saw a spirit near Gloria.  It was Joe, the departed husband of a friend named Myrna.  In his material life, Joe was a police officer, and in his spiritual life he was still on patrol, walking the condo area where he once lived with a dog to assure that everything was safe and secure.  Joe was tired of his endless walking routine, as it was getting him "nowhere." Joe believed that Myrna was also tired of her daily routine, saying "She sits in that house all day."  Gloria and Jackie decided that they would both speak to Myrna (who was still alive) and with the spirit of Joe.
Spirit 11 (via Gloria):  There was a large, beautiful black dog near Cristina, patiently seated beside her.  Astrid wondered if it was possibly the vision of a dog that she will own one day.  Gloria said the dog had a positive meaning, and Cristina thought that she had previously seen or known the black dog.  Gloria said that the black dog's name was "Jackie."
Jackie (the person, not the spiritual dog) closed with a prayer.

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