Saturday, June 18, 2016

Chicago - January 27, 2015

In attendance: Denise, Gabe, Jeff, Mia, Nelson and Sonia  
After the opening prayer, Nelson explained that his mother was hospitalized, and he read a prayer for her.  Nelson told the group that if it was time for his mother to pass, he was at peace with the upcoming transition, and he hoped that she would feel the same.  Nelson felt at peace, and he encouraged our group to feel the same serene emotions with our loved ones.  They are going home when they pass, while we stay behind here.  We never know when we may have a similar experience with a loved one. 
Spirit 1 (via Nelson): Nelson's spirit guide wanted to sit briefly to welcome the group back and to deliver a message:
Caballito (Spirit Guide):  I am happy to be back with everyone.  I wanted to take this opportunity to give Nelson some peace.  It's important that he understands that he will be okay.  Just keep quiet and smile.  He is not alone.
For Gabe:  For the youth - It is his grandmother and he loves her.  He will have emotions that he has never experienced before.  It's okay to cry.  A year ago, he never thought that he would even be here.  It's part do you say  You will find strength.  If you call me, I will show up.  I will put my hands around you and give you peace.  Your distance from her does not diminish your love for her, it increases it.
For Denise:  Don't make an issue where there isn't one. Let it go by and smile, so that you do not create situations that are not necessary.  (laughing)  Now the other two at the table are worried as to what I might say to them.  I have nothing for them now, and I am not going anywhere, but I will move into the background so that the work can continue.  I might come back later, but the work is important.  You may be wondering, 'Why does the spirit world need us?'  When you come to this side, you will understand why we need you.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Denise sensed a strong odor, and she wondered if anyone else could smell it.  Nelson said that the odor belonged only to Denise.  Denise described it as "a sweet, rotten smell," and Nelson called it, "the odor of death."  Denise explained that she had a second cousin who died a violent death (murdered) a few years ago.  Nelson sensed that this woman had a son (Denise did not know this), who was given up for adoption.  Her spirit had returned now to look for this son, as she wondered where he was and what happened to him.  Someone in Denise's family knows the answer, so this spirit disturbs the various family members, hoping to find out.
Nelson asked where the person was who found the body, and Denise responded that she was living in the same location.  Denise also said the murderer was now in jail.  Nelson said he physically felt as if he was wrapped like a mummy and unable to breathe, and Denise clarified that suffocation was involved.  Nelson said that this spirit was not in any condition to sit, but the good spirits would take her away to remove things until she was in a better condition to return.  Denise should feel lighter now, and Nelson encouraged her to look online or ask family members about the identity of the missing son. The son has his mom's maiden name as his last name (Vega) and he has asked his adoptive parents about his real mother.
The table discussed the issue, advising Denise and her entire family not to think of this spirit.  While they may be remembering her with encouragement and prayers of compassion, this spirit will not progress until she learns about her son.  She should be urged to leave, not welcomed with remembrances.  Jeff mentioned that it seemed as if "compassion" was becoming a theme for this session, and a female spirit responded immediately through Nelson:  "I don't feel any compassion towards her."
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  Nelson's mother (Patria) had one sister (Rosa) and one half sister (Lydia).  This female spirit was the half sister of Nelson's mother, and she felt "no compassion" now that Nelson's mother
was hospitalized.  This spirit was deeply hurt, as she believed that as a half-sister, she was never treated as well as her siblings.  She was curious as to why Nelson could see her.  She told him that he looked "unchanged."  Lydia's spirit believed, "If I get to one sister, (meaning Patria), she will tell me where the other one is...."  The spirit of Lydia explained that she felt rejected by the rest of her family even as an adult.  She described an incident when Rosa threw her out of her house, and the spirit had saved letters from her family telling her never to visit them again.  With the alienation she felt from her sisters and her unresolved past, Lydia felt no compassion for either sister now.  Jeff urged her to forgive her sisters.  Lydia said her sisters described themselves as Spiritists, but they were hypocrites.  "We only take with us what we keep close at the end," Lydia told the group.
The good spirits were restoring the leg that Lydia had lost to diabetes before she passed, and Lydia marveled at how good she was feeling.  She had kind words for Nelson, saying: "He's a good one.  He was always my little negrito.  I would call him, and he ran to me.  We went to the races together.  He was always good to me.  Tell him I died a few years ago.  Tell negrito that I always loved him.  He was always humble, and when he ran to see me, he always gave me a hug.  I saw him now, so I came in.  He made me happy.  (noticing the spirit guides around her) I have two now - two legs!"  As Lydia faded away, she was too excited with her new ability to walk to be concerned about her sisters.  Sonia noticed that her visit had enabled her to have the compassion she lacked when she first arrived at our table. 
Spirit 4 (via Nelson):  Nelson sensed a spirit behind Mia who wanted to smack her with a large mallet.  The spirit asked, "When will she wake up?"  Nelson slowly realized that this spirit was Mia's main spirit guide.  The conversation continued:
Spirit Guide: You always let your emotions control what you do, why is it so difficult to separate both?  I sit behind you, and you must feel me there.  Emotion comes in and then reason and thinking takes over.  I am standing right behind her!
(Nelson's guide replaced Mia's spirit guide
Caballito (to Mia):  Try not to over think things.  Relax, and the let your spirit guide in.  He wants to pass into your body, so why are you stopping him? 
(Mia's spirit guide passed  back into Nelson and he walked over to Mia)
Mia: I feel numb.
Spirit Guide: Why?
Mia: I've been battered - I have no faith in people.
Spirit: But why are you numb?  You cannot live your live your life this way, you need to do the work.  You have to act.  More than spiritism, I see you as congested...
Denise: Blocked...
Spirit: And inside, yes - she is blocked.  I'm going to break it and liberate your spirit, as you were not always that way.  We need to bring that happiness back.  (Nelson's hands trembled as the spirit guide used them). 
Spirit (walking back to his seat): I like him (Nelson), so I only come around when he is here.  (to Mia) Ten days from now (Friday, Feb 6), can you do something for me?  Go home, and when you are alone in the evening:
1)  Warm  a cup of very hot water.  Put any tea you want into it.
2)  Open the book of prayers.  Wherever you open it, read that prayer aloud as you drink the tea.
3) Read the prayer until the tea is gone.  When you are done with the tea, put it in a bag and throw it away outside of your home.
4) I will be back two weeks from now to see how you feel.  And we will have a conversation.  I need her to start doing the work.  God bless you all.
The table discussed the symbolism of the tea and the session in general.  Nelson advised Gabe to be honest with his mom.  Nelson understood that Sonia's daughter was doing much better (and Sonia agreed), but there was an ongoing issue with Sonia's son and grandson (Isaac) that needed to be resolved.  The group agreed to hold a special session for them whenever they could attend (possibly on a Sunday at 6:30pm).  Sonia explained that she was experiencing some neck pain, and she was advised by Nelson's spirit guide not to fear her upcoming examination - and to sleep with a big pillow.  Going forward, the Tuesday sessions will start at 6:30pm and the Sunday sessions will continue at 1pm.  There was some additional conversation going around and around in regards to scheduling until Nelson's guide summed up what the session had become: "Humans. They took a pencil and wanted it to write in ink." 
Nelson closed with a prayer.

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