Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Florida - June 17, 2014

In attendance: Astrid, Gloria, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago
Note: Prior to sitting at the table, our group had a raucous discussion (with everyone speaking loudly and all at once) in the living room. 
Spirit 1 (via Astrid): Astrid noticed the spirit of a man near Santiago at the start of the session.  He was from the University of Santiago de Compostela, located in the city of the same name, in Galicia, Spain. It is one of the oldest extant universities in the world.  The spirit appeared to be a professor, dressed in a long black robe with an overlay of yellow cloth, and he spoke English.  (Note: Perhaps the professor appeared as a way for the table to realize that a lesson was about to be presented?)
Nelson sensed several groups of spirits gathered around our table, all of them wanting to speak at the same time.  They had traveled from all over after sensing that the doors had been opened for them to do what they wanted.  Jackie and Gloria noticed the same phenomenon.  Nelson was trying to decipher the voices.  At one point, he told the table, "He says...", and he was quickly corrected by a spirit who was female.  She said, "I have come very far," and Astrid sensed that she was standing near Nelson because she wanted "Nelson to hear."  The candlelight in the center of the table dimmed to a soft burnt orange color. Nelson determined that the spirit groups were surrounding the individuals at our table.  Even though we may not want to hear each other in discussions, as we all want to be "right," sometimes we are wrong.  Jackie sensed Edgar's spirit saying that we will not fully grasp the concept until we are in the spiritual world. 
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Nelson's spirit guide arrived to facilitate the understanding of each group.  He spoke very rapidly and with authority (to mirror our earlier living room discussion), and he had messages for everyone at the table in regards to the spirit groups that surrounded them:
Jackie: She is trying to help people in the material world who cannot be helped.  She should redirect her efforts to others.  Stop trying to help those who cannot (or do not want) to be helped.
Santiago: A spiritual group of monks were around him because he was once a part of them - but he did not learn.  The monks talk to him, and he doesn't listen.  There are too many other things to occupy his mind and his time (TV, his wife, caring for the dog).  One spirit asked, "Why isn't he listening?  When is the last time he picked up a book?"
Jeff: "Why are you here?  These people are nuts.  Go back to singing."  Nelson's guide explained that Jeff was once in a choir.  "All he says is spirit world, spirit world," the guide continued, "Does he know the spirit world?  What is it?  Are we in it?"
Gloria: Madams were around Marian, and there was also a man who asked her, "Where is the botella (bottle)?  Botella, where is it?  Who moved it?"  The madams wanted to know why Gloria forgot her job - like everyone else had at the table.  The spirits warned that without them, there were no "powers."  The spirit also referenced the seven African powers and related them to colors.
Astrid: "When are you going to start listening," Nelson's spirit guide asked, still speaking at a rapid rate.  "You are not listening, because you are preoccupied.  So many things are in her head.  There are seven groups that we are picking up.  There is so much going on, she doesn't know what to listen to.  She wants to confront me, but I am not going to do that.  She's not listening.  Listen to what people say, not what you want to hear from them."
Nelson: As the spirit directed his attention to Nelson, he said, "I haven't finished.  I have this one to talk about.  Tell him he cannot tell people what to do.  He can suggest, and then shut his mouth, but he cannot tell them.  I tell him to say this, and he says no.  That's coming to an end very soon.  The things are not nice, but they need to be said."
Addressing the entire table again:  "What I've done is a presentation of what's going on in the world.  I used you as an example.  Did I offend anyone?  It was not my intention.  I used you to show you what you attract.  We collected what each individual had as a way to help them.  Some of you think you have secrets, well, you don't.  We see them all.  What is hidden, we already know about.  He (Nelson) wants to be in control, but sometimes he cannot be.  For the others, clean your home. How can you help others?  Some of you recently went to a show.  We can have a show here anytime (laughing).  You see, I do have a sense of humor..."
As he continued: "In daily life, open yourself to things that you cannot see or feel.  We had to clean your house - every single one of you - before you were ready to work.  At the end of this session, do something that has not been done in a while.  Drink the water.  Before you drink it, I will come back.  I will remove myself to the side, so that you can do what is planned for today.  God bless you."
Gloria mentioned that the conversations from the living room before the sessions often move with us to the table.  (Note: Read more about drinking the water at the end of these notes)
Spirit 3 (via Gloria):  A spirit briefly passed into Gloria and spoke in both Spanish and English.  "This table has been prepared and cleaned for a long time," the spirit explained, "Sit and work.  You think it's a little, but it's big for us."
Nelson saw the spirit world trying to avoid a war on earth, but humans seemed to want it.  The table discussed the topic, while Nelson saw spiritual soldiers getting prepared.  If war comes, it will be bigger than we think.  Gloria saw a large bomb being used to clean everything, as a spirit moved into Nelson.
Spirit 4 (via Nelson):  "It's all over, not one region," the spirit said sadly.  "Even in the country where spiritism is number one, they are playing games with a ball...(referring to the World Cup in Brazil)...but the real games are being played out on the streets."  The spirit identified himself as a "big soldier" who was assembling the troops.  Referring to previous world wars, he asked, "What do you call them? One?  Two?  This could be three."  He was trying to stop a war from occurring, and he was collecting war spirits.  "That's my job," he said, "As three wars have already started.  Africa, the Middle East, and Europe.  Also South America, but that is kept quiet.  My job is to remove some agony from the world.  Stop.  Just stop.  They have allowed me to bring spirits from all over.  I have guides in place to help me move them.  Difficult spirits from Africa, where they are killing children are with me.  They will be removed, including the children who were recently killed.  Other spirits who speak a different language - even I don't understand it - removed."  He quietly asked the group, "Any time you have a second, pray for the spirits of WWI and WWII, so there is not a WWIII.  None of us are prepared to see what I brought here today."
Astrid began to tear up, as the candlelight dimmed and flickered again.  Astrid mentioned the churches and places of worship who plant hate, encouraging everyone to be by themselves and still be saved.  Astrid thought that we should also pray for the earth and good energy.  The spirit of the soldier spoke through Nelson and added that the earth can no longer tolerate the negativity of these people any more.  "That's my job to collect them," the spirit continued, "they think it's for a war, but it's for peace.  There were thousands.  So big, I cannot give you a number.  They are going to another planet, not this one."  As the spirit prepared to depart, he said, "I have never seen your group, and I have never been here before.  Continue, as we need groups like yours."
Spirit 5 (via Astrid):  Gloria had noticed Astrid's father around her (he was a former soldier) and he spoke in Spanish as he passed into Astrid.  He appeared to have a spiritual memory of Astrid (or the table), and he encouraged our group to continue to learn.  Astrid explained a spiritual gift she received earlier in the day - the recognition of her mother when Astrid visited her in the hospital.  Astrid sensed that her father and aunt were also present.  The mediums discussed visions of spirits filled with holes, the result of war damage and sadness - and the innocent spirits who are also taken during conflicts.
Spirit 6 (via Gloria):  For a while during the session, Gloria sensed the spirit of a woman (all dressed in white) near Nelson.  She wanted to embrace him, and she was referring to herself as his grandmother.  Nelson recognized her as his Father's mother.  She said that both of them (Nelson and the spirit) knew the reason for her visit - the health of Nelson's Dad (her son).  Nelson knew that this spirit was preparing to reincarnate - but not yet - as she still had two of her sons in the material world.  Her two remaining sons were in fragile health, and the assumption was that they would go together, around the same time.  Nelson's aunt will replace his grandmother as a spiritual guide, making his grandmother's reincarnation (with 8-10 other spirits) more effective for the future promotion of spiritism.  Gloria understood that "Don Polo" would be part of the group, and Nelson agreed.  Jackie saw the reincarnation of two groups, and Astid asked if these groups would be born in Puerto Rico.  Jackie and Nelson both said yes.  As she left, Nelson's grandmother explained that spiritism needed to be taken to the next level, and she would bring the mediums with her to accomplish that goal.
Nelson told the group that Marta (in Buenos Aires) wanted to thank the table for the efforts on her behalf.  She knew when the group was meeting, and she had felt much more peaceful after our last session.  Marta understood that her son's upcoming visit would be difficult, but she knew how far she could go before asking him to leave.  Gloria envisioned Marta sitting at our Florida table one day in the future.
Nelson related a story of his spirit guide showing him how he might be on a stage one day, explaining spiritism to an assembled group.  Jackie also envisoned Nelson on stage, during the recent James VanPraagh appearance in St. Petersburg. 
Gloria updated the group on the progress that her grandson was making in Oklahoma.  He loved his new location and his new job, and with a new apartment and roommate, he had made a dramatic change.  He bought a bedroom set and has the promise of a salary increase in the future.
Nelson explained an issue with his sister, understanding that some of the issues between them were spiritual - but there were also material concerns to resolve.  Jacike advised that Nelson should "stay out of it," and Gloria agreed.  Gloria also sensed that Nelson's sister felt that he was "stealing her boys from her," and that Nelson was a bad influence on the behaviors she had already strongly instilled in them.  Gloria realized that the sister thought, "I'm losing my child, and I am losing it."  Astrid believed that the sister had to endure what she was experiencing, as sometimes, "the only way to learn a lesson is through pain."  Nelson hoped the spirits surrounding his sister would understand that while the two siblings may have been married in a previous life - that lifetime was in the past.  Gloria advised Nelson to walk away from any confrontation with his sister.
Spirit 7 (via Nelson):  Addressing Gloria, a spirit spoke from behind Nelson and said, "You started it..." This spirit was referring to Gloria explaining her grandson's progress and happiness in Oklahoma.  "Do the same with your son in Puerto Rico, let it go a little," the spirit advised Gloria.  "Don't talk to him for a day or two.  It will help you and him to skip a day.  It will make things easier later on in life."  Gloria was uncertain if she could comply, so the spirit offered to "plant a thought" for her.  "All of us have room to grow, and he needs to grow.  Sometimes, say no to his phone calls.  Just say no.  Say no."  The spirit switched to Spanish, explaining that the phone chatting had become like a cane or a crutch.  The spirit wanted the group to know that he was not a member of Gloria's family, he was one of her guides.  "She is as stubborn with me as she is with you," the spirit sighed.  "Why have you sometimes closed the door to spiritual things?"  The spirit had physical work to do with Gloria that could not be accomplished at the table.  Gloria understood, and she realized that this guide was the one showing her Nelson's grandmother.  Nelson described the spirit as "insistent."  Gloria agreed to think of him in later in the evening, before she falls asleep, and the spirit promised to help alleviate some of her pain.
Spirit 8 (via Jackie):  Edgar's spirit was in his usual corner, and Jackie understood that he was also collecting a group of spirit mediums.  His group would be the second group (after the one with Nelson's grandmother) to reincarnate.  Edgar explained that the two groups were politically and spiritually connected before, and that both groups would now face less opposition.
When Jackie asked for permission to read the closing prayer, Nelson's spirit guide reminded the group about the earlier promise of the water.  In a session filled with unusual lessons, we were already forgetting things.

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