Friday, June 24, 2016

Florida - September 8, 2014

In attendance: Astrid, Cristina, Gloria, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago
Nelson felt a spirit presence who wanted to make sure that the spirits of 9/11 were not forgotten.  Our group hoped that these spirits knew that our table was always available if any of them needed to speak.  Astrid sensed another presence who wanted us to know that the souls of 9/11 were all in the right place and made the correct connection.  As soon as Astrid mentioned the word "connection", a spirit moved into her. 
Spirit 1 (via Astrid):  Referencing the conversation regarding 9/11, the spirit said, "That was the way it was, for them to leave.  It was a learning process.  All spirits are fine in the connection."  The spirit stated that there would be more elaboration on the connection later, but he wanted the table to realize that the word "connection" referred to "divine light, that small piece of God (or light) that is inside all of us.  The empathy we have is because of that connection."  Gloria shared that she had been reading some materials yesterday with that very same message.
Spirit 2 (via Astrid):  It seemed as if another spirit had quickly passed into Astrid (or the previous spirit was ready to divulge a name), and this spirit told us her name was "Graciela" and she was the grandmother of Cristina.  She spoke mostly in Spanish, and her message was simple: "We will be able to help all in need."
Nelson mentioned that all of us at the table had some sort of relationship with Puerto Rico (having lived there, visited, or with our interactions at spiritual tables), and he felt a spirit guide asking if we could occasionally offer a prayer for this place that was undergoing a rejuvenation and changes.  Many at our table still had family there, and a prayer instead of criticism for Puerto Rico would also benefit those family members in need.  Nelson stressed that the residents needed our compassion, as it's "easier for those not over there."  The table discussed the issue, and Astrid shared a story regarding a session that occurred about five years ago.  Three influential men who helped to develop Puerto Rico later realized that they had to leave when they determined that no more could be done.
Spirit 3 (via Astrid):  As Astrid was speaking, Marita (an aunt of Astrid's who often functions as the spirit guide for our table) arrived.  She spoke in Spanish, offering blessings for our table and mentioning karma.  She urged the table to be calm before she departed.
Nelson asked Jackie to read the prayer for hardened spirits.  He envisioned a dark cloud.  The cloud was ready to burst, but instead of being filled with rain, it was packed with spirits.  These spirits needed to know that they should stop doing what they did every day.
Spirit 4 (via Nelson):  A spirit sat through Nelson and repeated several times, "We know that we don't belong there.  We are lost."  The spirit was confused and apprehensive, and everyone at the table attempted to calm him.  The spirit was still uncertain when he spoke again: "They told us we didn't have to be in the storm, that we could move.  It hurts to hear.  It hurts!"  The spirit covered Nelson's ears as he repeated that it hurt again and again.  Astrid and Jackie spoke with him, and the spirit seemed to realize that it was time to move on, as the conversation continued:
Astrid:  Let those minds make decisions without your influences.
Spirit: We don't need to influence them?  They cannot hear anyway.  We think we are communicating but they cannot hear.
Astrid: All of you will be guided to a different path.
Spirit: They said it's enough.  Enough.
A spirit guide interrupted the conversation to tell the table, "We wanted to show you how the minds of so many are confused.  Talking, but not hearing.  It's so easy to influence others.  This storm has to pass." 
The guide stepped aside and the spirit returned to say that the group of spirits with him numbered in the "thousands."  The spirit understood that all of their minds would now be cleaned.  It was a very concentrated assembly of negative energy.  "We don't have a number," he told the table, "because we are so many."  He explained that this group would be going to another planet, as their minds no longer belonged here on earth.  As one of the spirits left, he said, "There are no excuses for our behavior."
Spirit 5 (via Gloria):  A spirit now abruptly arrived through Gloria.  It was one of her Indian guides, and he had appeared to offer the table blessings.  "Now you see why this table is clean," he said.  "Love, charity, faith.  No judgment at all.  To help, give your hearts with love."  He directed his attention towards Nelson and told him, "Dear brother, we are with you too - taking care."  The spirit focused on the table again, and he had a final message before departing: "Bless you, you are protected always and we will be here always."
The table discussed the five spirits who had appeared in rapid succession.  Nelson said not to forget that our feelings and thoughts motivated spirits to appear around us.  Nelson had a feeling of being drowned yesterday, and he wondered what was happening to many of the other mediums he knew.  Many were sick or hurting.  Gloria said, "We are material, we go through things.  What is my lesson is your learning."  Gloria also cautioned the group to never lose hope and to have faith.
Spirit 6 (via Astrid):  Astrid saw the spirit of a man near Santiago.  It was his departed uncle, "Tio Federico".  He was carrying a shoulder bag with him (similar to the ones that European men often wore) and he wanted to give it to Santiago. It was filled with travel experiences for him.  Gloria related a story of seeing an Indian with a lance walking stiffly ahead of her when she was recently admitted to the hospital.
Spirit 7 (via Jackie):  Jackie saw an Indian (possibly the same one that had guided Gloria) silently standing between Jeff and Santiago - and he was also holding a lance.  He said that he came from "the chief of chiefs," and he wanted the group to know that "when we go to war, we go to war.  For peace, it is peace."  He was showing Jackie a lush, peaceful green valley.  "This is what it should be," he explained, "Not this.  Not a city in ruin."  The Indian began sprinkling a green plant around (similar to rosemary) and he told our group that his warriors would always be with us.  Referring to the mediums, he stated, "those who see will always be under attack".
Nelson wanted to know what Cristina was looking for from her life.  He felt a spirit speaking from behind him who asked her, "What is it that you are looking for?  Tell me, my love..."  Cristina replied that there were many things, but the spirit insisted that there was something specific, deep inside.  "Love," Cristina replied.  Astrid saw Cristina receiving a gift of flowers; large beautiful mums that were chosen just for her. 
Spirit 8 (via Nelson): Nelson asked where Cristina was born, and when her answer was Seville, the spirit moved from behind Nelson and sat through him, speaking in Spanish.  The spirit with Nelson was Cristina's husband from a previous life.  He wanted to hug her, tilting his neck as if his head was on her shoulder.  He loved her so much during their time together.  He played romantic guitar music for her and explained that they had two children together.  Cristina told the group that she loved music and she had often hoped for two children in this life.  The spirit became very emotional, telling Cristina that she "was the love of my life," and that her name with him was "Magdalena".  Astrid explained that Cristina was no longer Magdalena, as that was in a different lifetime.  The spirit continued to softly strum his guitar.  He told us his name was "Arturo De Los Robles Garcia", and he did not want to leave.  He was trying to understand where Cristina was in relation to where he was.  "Find me in yourself," he said, as he moved back behind Nelson.
Nelson said that the spirit spoke beautifully, using soft, poetic words.  Cristina mentioned that she had seen this spirit in her sleep.  Nelson felt that in this past life, Cristina was a nun.  She loved this man so strongly that she left the convent for him.  Cristina wondered if she would find someone in this reincarnation to care for her as deeply.  Tired of relying on herself so often, Cristina sensed that something deeper was waiting for her.  As if on cue, Nelson's spirit guide arrived and spoke through him.
Spirit 9 (via Nelson):  "This is not Nelson now," the spirit guide said, "even if my eyes are open.  I love what I's not a job, it's a pleasure."  He asked Cristina to stand (with Astrid behind her), so that Cristina's heart could be cleansed.  He waved a towel near her heart, instructing Cristina to keep her heat clean and open.  "Real love is very difficult to remove," he stated.  Glancing towards Jeff, he asked how difficult it would be to remove the love between Jeff and Nelson (very difficult).   The love that filled Cristina from her prior lifetime would gradually be removed, in small sections, to open her heart for new love to enter.  After everyone was seated again at the table, Nelson's spirit guide had brief messages for everyone:
(For Nelson)
Spirit: I have to take him sometime to do the work.
Astrid: We understand, when the work requires the material...
Spirit:  It's needed to perform our work. 
(For Jackie)
Spirit: Jackie, what we said to Cristina also applies to you.  Sometimes the heart aches.  Don't let it happen. I know that it is hard.  (Jackie nodded in agreement)
(For Jeff)
Spirit:  Leave a little room in your heart for your mom.  Can you do that for me?  When something happens, or she says something, just think, 'She's still my mom'.  Thank her for bringing you into this world. 
Jeff:  I can do that.
(For Gloria)
Spirit: The theme here today is the heart.  You still have a lot of work to do.  If something happens to you, the ones left behind will be OK because you have shown them love.
Gloria: They will be OK like I am OK.
(For Santiago and Astrid)
Spirit: You are going on a trip, an entertainment or vacation, yes?  Show each other how much you care for each other.  Do something to remember forever. 
(For the table)
Spirit: The theme today is the heart.  Help each other, love each other.  Call or show up when someone is missing.  All you take with you is love.  It will fulfill you in the other life.  Look at Nelson and myself.  The love we have keeps us going.
(For Cristina)
Spirit: It's OK that you are learning.  Think about "just love" tonight, and you will find happiness. 
Nelson's guide moved to the side and Nelson explained the relationship he had with his guide to Cristina.  Recently, Cristina had felt that something good was coming, and Nelson said, "And that started today."  Nelson saw her again in her prior life as a nun in a silent order.  Cristina's desire to move away from Spain was due to the events that happened there.  Nelson envisioned a Mother Superior standing behind a desk, with Cristina asking for permission to leave the order.  When her request was denied, Cristina ran away from the convent and her commitment.  The Mother Superior was too materialized to sit, but Nelson thought that we might be able to remove her.  There was also a nun who helped Cristina to leave the convent, and she was present.  Because she helped Cristina run away, the Mother Superior had banished this nun to a small windowless room, similar to a prison cell.  Nelson described the Mother Superior as having no feelings for this nun.  She saw her "like a tomato to be squashed," not as a person.  A spirit guide would try to remove both of them.
Cristina stated that she was looking for validation in her current life.  "Now you know the past," Astrid told her, "and you can change."  Nelson saw the nun in the cell as a more controlling presence in this reincarnation than the Mother Superior.  Cristina shared a recurring dream in which she touched each one of her teeth (as if checking them), only to discover that they were all falling out.  As they fell, she stacked the teeth into a pyramid, but the teeth disintegrated into dust.  Nelson realized that the nun trapped in the cell was sending her these dreams, showing what her life had become.  Nelson was confident that Cristina would find a job once this obstacle was removed.
Gloria wanted to add that what Cristina saw as a recurring dream was not really a dream - it was an out of body experience from the spirit world.  The spirits repeatedly showed Cristina what happened with the nun in the cell, while the spirit of this nun painfully recounted her previous existence over and over - for many years.  Nelson saw that the spirit of the nun in the cell was ready to move on.  The Mother Superior was not.
As we prepared to close the session, Nelson's spirit guide knew that Jackie had an issue.  Jackie said her shoulder was hurting, and the spirit guide said, "Why are you lifting more than you can?"  He placed Nelson's hand near her shoulder, and he said he was "putting something there to readjust." His recommendation was that Jackie should apply ice to the area.
Jackie closed with a prayer.  

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