Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Chicago - February 22, 2015

(Note: These notes were authored by Denise)
Attendees:  Carmen, Bernardo, Marisol, Denise
Present in spirit: Nelson, Jeff, Mia, Sonia
We continued part of our conversation of appreciating what we have.  We were discussing Marisol’s uncle, who currently lives in Puerto Rico but is insisting on returning to Chicago.  With appreciation we are happier and more positive; with less appreciation there is more negative.  Difficult times help us to become stronger.
Carmen arrived feeling weak and she had difficulty rising this morning.  She realized that this feeling didn’t belong to her, and that she was being made to feel this way by a difficult spirit who came in with her.
Spirit #1 (thru Marisol)
This spirit came in stating that he and the others that were with him didn’t want her to continue this work and were trying to prevent her from coming by making her feel weak and having a hard time getting up.  They were also attempting to have her end up in the hospital where the doctors would not have found anything wrong with her.
He did understand that he is a spirit and was feeling sick and uncomfortable. He was feeling thirsty so we recited the Our Father to provide him with what he really needed.  Once this was recited he began feeling better and decided to go with the good spirits but would leave Carmen cleansed so that she can continue the work.  He is also convincing the others that came with him to go with the other to the beautiful place that they were shown.  He thanked Carmen for being strong, Bernardo for helping her get to the session and asked for forgiveness as well.  Marisol then gave Carmen a cleansing.
Marisol asked me (Denise) if I had been receiving anything, and I noticed that two if my favorite hymns were being sung (“Here I Am, Lord” and “Earthen Vessels”).  Marisol revealed that there were some good spirits who were nearby.
Marisol asked if anyone and if we knew anyone were having stomach pain.  Carmen revealed that her sister has had that pain and that she (Carmen) were being attacked by spirits and that her sister was not practicing her mediumship.  Her sister needs prayer as she is depressed and crying.  Marisol asked if her sister was obligated to stay in her current relationship and Carmen said no and that her sister’s daughter wanted him gone.  Marisol indicated that her daughter is in the right in wanting him gone.
Spirit #2 (thru Marisol)
This spirit came in very violent, lifted the table and slammed it down, pushed the chair back and moved it around and around.  The good spirits needed to tie him up to help calm him down.  He isn’t interested in listening to those good spirits that are surrounding him and hates that his work is being interrupted.  As we and the good spirits are talking to him he remains unconvinced and admits that he is feeling lost. The Our Father and a Spanish prayer was recited in order to help him to calm down. He is beginning to understand that he is a spirit and that it is unnecessary for him to feel bad.  He is also feeling much calmer and is being taken to someplace where the good spirits take the sick.  He asked for forgiveness for how he first arrived and took what belonged to him when he left.
Spirit #3 (thru Carmen)
A spirit came in to bless the glass of water for Lala (Carmen’s sister) and had observed the previous spirit who had sat who had wanted to cause harm and was incidental in helping to calm him down.
Spirit #4 (thru Carmen)
(Came in crying) This spirit is one who is with Lala (her guardian angel).  She revealed that Lala feels lonely and thinks wrong, but she is protected.  Lala’s hands are tied because of her wrong thinking.  Her guardian will remain with her to help her and is the one who will be providing the cleansing that we are sending to her and also cleansed the table as she left.
Closing Prayer

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