Sunday, June 5, 2016

Chicago - February 10, 2015

In attendance: Denise, Gabe, Jeff, Mia and Nelson  
Nelson wished that we could all see the spirit world rejoicing as we sat at the table (Denise sensed the same thing).  The spiritual side was enthusiastic and eager that our session would allow them to work.
Nelson asked about Marisol, and Mia explained the ongoing work that had been done in regards to her uncle.  Nelson felt as if there was something else that was not quite right, and the uncle was not the issue.  Mia added that a very negative spirit was present on Sunday for Marisol, and Nelson understood that the spiritual situation was between Marisol and her husband.  There was someone who wanted Marisol's husband to "flunk school," Nelson explained, and this spirit was creating conflict and discord for Marisol - in an attempt for her to lose her faith.  Nelson described it as a test, and he envisioned Marisol shaking.  Nelson felt the pain that Marisol was experiencing (as if the back of her legs were being hit repeatedly), and he knew that Marisol was asking for help.  "Help me out," Nelson heard her thinking, "Don't let me fail." 
Spirits 1 & 2 (via Nelson): A spirit had arrived, and he wanted to knock Nelson down as well as Marisol.  This spirit wanted Marisol's marriage to end, and Nelson sensed that someone from her husband's side of the family was involved.  There was a small black voodoo doll being used.  Denise began to cough with nausea, and Nelson experienced the same sensation as the spirit sat through him:
 Spirit: I will break this marriage apart no matter what happens...
Jeff: Why, What have they done to you?
Spirit: They don't deserve this.  She thinks she is going over there (to Ohio, where he was studying) to see him - for a party!  It will be HELL.  No one will be standing up.  No one.
Jeff: Why are you so angry?
Spirit: I have the power to do a lot.  I have to say what I want to say.  He belongs to someone else!
Jeff: To you?
Spirit: No - Not of that color!  Don't you get it?  They should not be mixed.
Jeff: Is that why you are bothering them?  Aren't you tired of being involved in that?
Spirit: No.  I am doing the job I was told to do.
Mia: Who asked you to do this job?
Spirit: You are asking questions that you may not be ready for the answer.  I was brought here to complete my work.  Some things are not to be mixed.
Jeff: No, that assignment is canceled.
Mia: They can mix, they are not different species...
Spirit: They are bringing me that doll now.  Tell her (Marisol) something - I thought I would talk to her today.  Be careful of those who pretend to love.
After some additional persuasion, the spirit decided to depart.  He became more aggressive and noisy, as he did not want to be taken away.  He started to dance and move around in his chair, with his arms over his head, shouting:  "Changa!  Changa!  We do the dance of the Changa!"
After his departure, Nelson's spirit guide had some recommendations for Marisol:  "Tell her to be careful who she invites into her home next month.  If she can, no visitors - until she and I can meet."  Nelson added that as mediums, both he and Marisol needed to protect themselves, as they were always susceptible.   
Nelson asked Mia how she was feeling after following the instructions of her guide (drinking the cup of tea).  She was rested and sleeping well, and as he promised, her guide had arrived to check in on her. 
Spirit 3 (via Nelson): Mia's guide said that there was still some cleaning to do.  This was a marathon, not a speed race, and it should be done one step at a time.  Her guide was charming and excited, as he was eager to meet Mia, and he said that the meeting would happen soon; "like a dream, but not a dream - awake and face to face."  Mia will recognize him, and it will be pleasant.  He has been waiting a very long time to meet her, and he always knew that Mia would find a group that could get her to where she is now.  Her spirit guide was at peace - finally - because, "We can start doing the job!"  He asked Jeff for a towel, and using Nelson, Mia's guide stood behind her, with the towel fully extended behind her head.  He wanted Mia to think of a memory of "her best day," as the conversation continued:
Spirit: I have already told you what that best day will be.  We are lifting a veil that has been around you for along time.  After today, there will be no more dark corners.  Only light.  We will begin the work we promised each other we would do before we came.  This is the only way to take away the pain that we hide deep inside.  (Mia began to weep as the guide returned to his seat)  I want her to cry.  Tell her that when she experiences happiness, it will be so beautiful that she will want to reject it. Don't.  She will work with her hands.  Little by little, I will introduce myself.  It will be a peaceful feeling, with a slight tingling of the fingers, and just "Hello." 
As he faded away, Nelson understood that Mia's guide liked his spirit and he was comfortable working with Nelson.  Gabe had expressed some apprehension earlier over negative messages if he continued to attend the sessions, and Nelson reassured him, telling him not to be afraid.  Gabe should feel comfortable, and understand that nothing bad will happen.  As if to prove Nelson's words, a group of spirits was being brought to our table from the house of Gabe's parents in Puerto Rico. 
Spirit 4 (via Nelson): These spirits were around Gabe's mother and they were encouraging her pessimistic thoughts.  The mother wanted to protect Gabe, but she felt useless, because she thought, "He is too innocent for this world."  Nelson understood that deep inside, the mother really felt alone.  She cried often in a corner, sometimes screaming, and then crying again over her feelings.  Mia realized that Gabe's mother did not know how to let go, and the conversation continued:
 Gabe: Is there a way I can help?
Nelson: She wants to reach you, to hug you, but her emotions and craziness take over...(a spirit moved into Nelson)
Mia: She's overwhelmed...
Spirit: She's a nut!  She doesn't know what she is.  She feels ugly, old, she's worried that her mom will die.  She wants to get in a car and go where no one can find her.  She doesn't want to deal with anything anymore.
Jeff: We are here to listen...
Spirit: You are not going to control me!  (the spirit began to speak in Spanish)
The spirit and Gabe's mom were both attracted to the same things - pain, suffering and discontent.  The spirit was making sure that Gabe's mother would feel as if she didn't belong in her house anymore.  "The name of our group is the Unhappy Ones," the spirit explained.  It was a group of 14, but there were "countless members," as the spirit described other similar groups in the house.  There was a need to fully clean the house of these groups, and the spirit of Philomena (Nelson's grandmother and Gabe's great-grandmother) had arrived to help.
Spirit 5 (via Nelson): Philomena flowed seamlessly into Nelson, replacing the pessimistic spirit.  She asked for a moment of silence as the house was cleansed and the spirits were relocated.  She told the table that she always looked after her granddaughter (Gabe's mother).  Looking at Gabe, she said:  "She knows the way, but she walks another path."   The mother would feel more peaceful now, Philomena said, and she would no longer suffer.  Philomena departed as gently as she arrived.
Nelson asked if everything was okay with Sonia (she was vacationing in Puerto Rico), and Mia said it was.  Nelson cautioned that Sonia had gone with the best intentions - but that she shouldn't get too involved.  She should keep her distance, as there were some things in Puerto Rico who were not welcoming her, and Sonia would not receive the welcome she expected.  Nelson had no idea of the town or house where Sonia was visiting, but he was being taken there by the spirits.  It was a new sensation for Nelson, as he fluctuated from our table to a small balcony with Sonia in Puerto Rico - back and forth.     
Spirit 6 (via Nelson): Nelson saw Sonia seated on the balcony, talking to her sister.  The setting was important as a form of verification, and Nelson wanted Mia to ask Sonia if the topic changed immediately while they were having this conversations, as Nelson was there when it happened.  Sonia was drinking some sort of relaxing beverage (similar to coquito), and she placed her glass or small cup on the floor between sips.  Mia began to experience severe shoulder pain in the same area as Sonia described in our last session.  Nelson thought that Sonia said she was okay, but she was not as okay as she stated.  The conversation switched to Spanish.
Nelson said that next week we would revisit Sonia's vacation - as more time will have passed.  Nelson also wondered how her grandchildren were doing,and he sensed that Isaac's mom enjoyed the attention she received for her illness.  Jeff was asked to remind Nelson to call Marisol, and Nelson closed with a prayer.

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