Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Florida - June 22, 2014

In attendance: Astrid, Gloria, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson, Pam and Santiago
(Note: We reference "lower spirits" with the visitation of the first and third spirits below.  Kardec's The Book of Mediums develops and extends into detail some concepts explained in The Spirits' Book.  But new concepts are also introduced.  One of them was the idea of a hierarchy [a rank or order] for the spirits.  Lower spirits, especially those who are striving to be forgiven or to improve, are often used by other spirits.  Higher, more elevated spirits may use them as an apprentice; while weaker spirits of low morals may be enslaved by strong, evil spirits - especially if they were enemies when previously incarnated.
As we were seated at the table, Nelson sensed a spirit who asked that we read the prayer for the sick, and Jackie complied.  The spirit reminded us to remember the sick and the suffering (in the material and spirit worlds) and take a few seconds to pray for them whenever possible.  The other mediums also saw sick and troubled spirits surrounding our table.  Gloria sensed a low spirit, who was very dirty.  Nelson advised that we should be cautious about where we go, as we may attract spirits who don't mean to do harm, but sometimes they cause it, as they wander around looking for someone to attach themselves to.  Jeff described them as homeless spirits.  Astrid explained them as "still alive, but without a spiritual body." Jackie felt a spirit guide who told her that these were the spirits who go into homes and create erratic behaviors, not because they are evil, but because they just don't know any better.  They start a fight or argument to create conflict.  The discussion at the table caused a spirit to leap into Nelson
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  "Here we cannot do that?" the spirit demanded, "I wanted to start something, and they said no.  They trapped us here.  We were promised a different kind of party." 
Astrid: This is a different kind of party. There is no music, drinks or noise here.
Spirit: We left a lot of things at the door.  Like arms.  Do you understand?
Astrid: We understand, and we are here to listen and help you.
Spirit: They are bringing us a uniform.  Like a nurse.  It's all white.  They say that's our uniform now...
Gloria: It will make you feel clean...
Jeff: It's like a new job, a promotion...
Spirit: They are going to give us a different kind of ammunition now.
Jackie: Intellectual ammunition.
Spirit (laughing loudly): When we shoot now, love will come out?  That's what they say.
Astrid: You have different clothes, and you will also have different ideas and feelings.
Spirit: Let me tell you something before I go.  Be careful who you open the doors to.  I like this new uniform.  It's nice.  Someone is combing my hair now.  Look at that, I have my pretty hair again.  I learned a lot today.
Jackie: Do you see that lady next to you?
Spirit: Yes, there is a lady next to me.  She has some neighbors with her (other spirits).  We will take them with us.  There are 1,101 of us.  I like that number, (laughing) play it.
Once the spirits moved on, Nelson smelled a scent associated with hospitals - a combination of medicine and disinfectant.  Astrid visualized the departing group of spirits as lost souls who had reincarnated many times without learning any lessons - until now.
Nelson read an email from Marta's daughter (Carla) in Brazil.  She wanted to thank our table for helping her mother, and she wanted to update us on her pregnancy attempt.  She is almost certain that she will be pregnant, and she will know the final result on June 30.  "She is pregnant," Astrid advised, "and the baby will be born into a family that wants him."  Gloria added, "They will give him direction."
Nelson and Jeff updated the table in regards to Marta's son (Sebastian).  He was visiting his mother in Buenos Aires now.  The mediums believed that ultimately, Sebastian will decide be the one to his own fate.  Gloria and Nelson felt that his visit was a way to say goodbye.  "Without realizing it," Astrid added.  Jackie understood that even his goodbye was "on his own terms."
Spirit 2 (via Jackie):  Jackie asked Jeff about Marie, the elderly woman who was under the care of Jeff's mother and sister.  Jackie sensed a conflict stirring, and she wondered if it might be related to an upcoming decision that was worrying Marie.  Jeff explained that his family made all of Marie's decisions for her, and he promised to phone Marie soon.
Nelson noticed a group of spirits who had committed suicide.  He wondered if they were connected to Marta's son.  Jackie realized that they were related to her friend (Rafael).  Nelson understood that these spirits saw  Rafael on the path to his own suicide.  Surrounded by such strong spirits, Rafael was confused.  Jackie said, "Nothing is the way he wants it to be," and Nelson explained that the spirits around him were giving him the various options for killing himself.  Santiago suspected that drugs might be involved (maybe pills) and that they were probably one of the options.  Nelson felt that Rafael was having an episode of depression.  He visualized Rafael clutching his hands to his head and screaming Jackie's name loudly.  Nelson advised Jackie that if he called, Jackie should answer the phone. 
Nelson also saw a female in the home that Rafael shares with his father.  It appeared to be the girlfriend of Rafael's father, and she was creating new issues.  Nelson (and perhaps Rafael) overheard conversations that if Rafael was gone, the father and girlfriend could move to Miami.  If the son were gone, everything belonged to the father.  There was a group of spirits around Rafael who were already planning his welcome party if he would commit suicide.  Gloria reminded the table that we had noticed this group around him in a previous session.  Nelson believed that a spirit was present who was too disturbed to sit.  Jackie read the prayer for suicide. 
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  A moment after the prayer had ended, an angry spirit jumped into Nelson: "You think that's going to do anything?" he sneered.  Slamming the table with his palms, the spirit spoke angrily in Spanish.  Returning to English, he laughed a Jackie and said, "Do you really think a prayer will help?  No prayer gets to where I came from..."
Gloria: The prayer brought you here
Spirit: I don't like these lights.  Dim them.  There is too much light.
Astrid: You have been in the darkness too long.  We want to help you.
Spirit: Almost got it done.  They removed me to stop me.  I'm angry.
(Pam and Astrid asked the spirit why he wanted to do this to Rafael)
Spirit: He is part of us.  That's all we think about. 
Astrid: This knows the name of a soul, and that gives him power.
Gloria: Ask him if he was Rafael's best friend who committed suicide...
Jackie:  Were you Rafael's best friend?
Spirit: You know too much, lady.  I did my part, we had a pact.
Astrid: You finished your material life, let him finish his...
Spirit (sobbing): Do you know what he did?  He jumped off from the motorcycle.  We had a pact.  Now I don't know where he is.  He's all I had.
The spirit was angry when he committed suicide and Rafael did not.  Astrid calmed the spirit by encouraging him to see where he was now.  Jackie wanted the spirit to notice the lady near him, encouraging him to go with her and leave his pain behind.  The spirit considered Jackie's advice and then he addressed the table and warned, "Be careful with what you promise.  It's all we take when we go."  The spirit had been restrained in a strait jacket, and he felt it being removed.  The spirit no longer wanted to see what was around Rafael.  Jackie explained that the female spirit had made a promise to this spirit, and unlike Rafael, she would keep it.  As the spirit departed, Jackie understood that the female spirit was from another era, as she saw demonstrations of dueling.  Astrid read a passage in Spanish from her notebook.
Spirit 4 (via Nelson): Nelson's spirit guide arrived, and he explained that we had "Nothing to be afraid of...this is the kind of work that needs to be done, and it needs to be done for his (Nelson's) own spirit.  He said he wants to go to the next level and do more - and this is it." 
Astrid: We were not afraid. 
Caballito (Nelson's guide):  Nelson is never alone, I am with him always.  Doing it the way we did today surprised him. 
Astrid: And us.
Caballito:  He has no idea what he's asking for, but he wants to do it.  He tells me that he wants more and he will have it.  It's the only way to remove spirits from dark places, and we took a lot of them away with him.  I want to tell you something about a friend that we have at the table.  She comes very infrequently (referring to Astrid's daughter, Pam).  Some of the spirits we removed were related to her.  We have to work quietly, so the spirits do not understand who we are and where they are going.  Sixty were removed.  Thirty for him and thirty for her.  Sixty (long pause).  It is quiet now as we are cleaning.  Not only the spirits removed, we also must remove what is left behind.  If we don't, the spirits will replicate.  All over the world, there are cowardly acts from those who don't want to deal with the reality of their own lives.  Sometimes we do not want to look deep inside.  Take time and change something that you do not like.  Whatever you see that you do not like, try to change it.  You will see the growth.  It's time for me to move aside, we have more to do today.  (The candlelight increased, burning brighter in the brief silence.)
Nelson's spirit guide had moved behind Nelson, because he wanted him to hear the next message.  The spirit world was cleaning the house in Chicago in anticipation of Nelson and Jeff's arrival.  "They think they are remodeling a basement," Caballito said through Nelson, "but they will be remodeled."  The remodeling will change Jeff and Nelson, but not others.  The spirit guide predicted that there will be resistance at first (with Nelson screaming and Jeff fearful of the change), but later, both of them will like it.
Spirit 5 (via Jackie): Jackie sensed the Knights of the Round Table.  In the legend of King Arthur, they were given this name because of a special table in Camelot that was round instead of rectangular. This meant that everyone who sat around it was seen as equal.  Jackie saw their presence at our table as a sign that the battle ahead of us was beginning, and it would be long and filled with perils.
Nelson sensed the spirits of Gloria's Indian guides.  Gloria understood, as she spoke them often, usually in the morning.  It was an entire tribe, and one of them wanted to speak.
Spirit 6 (via Nelson):  The spirit addressed Gloria directly:  "What you might think is different, it is not.  Work the way that you want.  Just do it.  Both ways are right.  When we want to sit and do something different, do it."  Gloria agreed.  The spirit explained that in our culture, movies usually portrayed the chief of a tribe as a man - and that was not always true.  Sometimes the chief was a woman, and Gloria was one of those women.  Nelson described the tribe adorning themselves with beautiful feathers.  It was not for war, it was the preparation for a celebration.  They were adding ingredients to a fire to make it burn with special colors.  The celebration was to honor Gloria, as she was once their leader.  The conversation suddenly switched to Spanish, as the spirit stood up to grasp Gloria's hands, and she accepted.  After they returned to their seats, Nelson saw the tribe applying a blue face paint to their cheeks and brows.  (Note: Blue face paint applied for a celebration traditionally symbolized wisdom and intuition.  Read more here: http://www.warpaths2peacepipes.com/native-american-symbols/color-meanings-symbolism.htm)
The tribe had spears, and Nelson described their ceremony as very beautiful, and a very happy time.  He knew that these Indians and this tribe would again be with Gloria when it was time for her to go. 
Jackie updated the table on Frank's progress.  He has less headaches, and Nelson's guide stressed that he still another week of cleansing left.  It will take time to remove all of the negative spirits that Frank had invited into his life over the years.  Nelson's guide also had a message for Astrid's oldest daughter.  The brother of her husband was still very sick - despite his ongoing treatments.  Astrid agreed, as she also sensed it.  Nelson saw his deteriorating condition, as if leeches were attached to his skin.  The leeches were never satiated, and they were never going to fall off of him.  "They are going to finish him," Astrid realized.
Astrid asked about the job for her youngest daughter.  "It's on hold now," Nelson advised, speaking for his guide who was still in the background.  Jackie sensed another candidate for the position (and Astrid agreed).  The "hold" wasn't with the daughter, it was coming from the company.  "We ask for things, and sometimes they do not arrive in the way that we think they will," Nelson's guide explained.  He also wanted to know if the daughter's "house was clean."  It seemed as if she needed to fix her home situation first, and Gloria nodded in agreement.  Something was there, which is what Gloria had sensed in a previous session. 
Spirit 7 (via Nelson):  Nelson's guide decided to speak directly through Nelson about the daughter:
Caballito:  Does she want the job or a divorce?  The hold is all about that.  She has to open herself by asking for help.  The reason for the hold is within her.  (Astrid and Santiago were advised to talk with her.)  Picture her as a closed rose, and ask her, 'Would you open for me my daughter, so I can see the beautiful flower within?'
Nelson's guide said that he had to step into Nelson for his message to be direct, and he apologized if it seemed as he was "bad mouthing" the daughter.  Referring to Nelson, he said, "I love him, and he wants everyone to love him and like him.  That's not the way it is." 
Astrid was advised to call on Nelson's guide after she spoke with her daughter  "If we can get that rose to open, one day she will sit at this table and I will speak through her.  Open that flower, work on it."  There was another spirit related to the daughter who had arrived with Nelson's guide.  He did not speak, as Nelson's guide believed that he could relay the message in a more direct manner.  Gloria believed that the daughter needed to balance her job and her marriage.  If there was a problem, it needed to be resolved.  Nelson's guide said, "We put the material side before the spiritual side.  Take a deep look inside.  All of you."  As he prepared to leave, Nelson's guide wanted to thank us, "We do that in the spiritual world." 
Turning to Astrid, he said:  Call me Caballito, I like that name - not the other one."  Referring to the spirit who traveled to our table with him, he said, "And we will both be there."
Jackie closed with a prayer.

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