Sunday, June 5, 2016

Chicago - January 11. 2015

(Note: These notes were authored by Denise)

Attendees:  Sonia, Mia, Marisol, Carmen, Denise
Guests:  Bernardo, Isabel
Present in spirit: Nelson, Jeff
Opening Prayer
Marisol is studying an obsessed spirit that came in with Sonia that is around her niece
Spirit #1 (thru Carmen):  This spirit is around her niece and has been refusing to leave.  With further counseling, by us and the good spirits he came to understand that he cannot stay with her niece and is leaving with the good spirits.
Marisol indicates that Cando is having problems with his transition and is worried about his temple and his followers.  He needs to separate himself so that he can elevate.  We each are responsible for our spiritual development.
Message for Sonia regarding her mom: Dona Pura:
- Marisol asked Sonia if she felt her mom around and if she smiles when she does.  Sonia responded yes to both questions.
- It was related that Dona Pura is a spirit in progress and is proud of you and the path that you are taking.  Dona Pura never expected for you to take this path and with this format in spritism.  She is smiling and singing (humming).
Carmen asked about Nelson and if he’s okay.  She related that things haven’t gone the way he thought.  He asks why did he come, I want to leave.  It has become difficult for him. He made the trip even though he didn’t want to go but it had to happen so that he can learn.  The trip had to happen because certain things had to happen.
Marisol asked Isabel if she had felt palpitations or if her husband has – her husband has heart problems but she has felt the palpitations.
Spirit #2 (thru Marisol):  This spirit is with Isabel’s husband and wants him to have everything in order for when he dies and that her husband worries that Isabel will be out in the streets when he passes away.  After further counseling, the spirit reluctantly decided to leave with the good spirits.
Passes were given to Dona Isabel and her husband by Denise
Passes were given to Mia’s sister by Carmen
Closing Prayer

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