Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Florida - August 25, 2014

In attendance: Astrid, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago
As Jackie was finishing the opening prayer, an agitated spirit was attempting to pass through Nelson.  Nelson asked Jackie to read the prayer for hardened spirits, as he realized that the spirit was connected to Gloria's illness.  Nelson experienced a severe acidic taste of bile in his throat.

Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Nelson heard a spirit say, "If she is gone, we inherit all the money."  Astrid explained that the astral world did not work this way, and the spirit and his group did not have that power.  Astrid also cautioned that we would hear what the spirit had to say as long as the spiritual laws were followed. Nelson began to cough loudly and seemed to be experiencing dry heaves, and Astrid began to pray aloud.
"Where is the money? We need money," the spirit stated several times.  Nelson had nausea, with a strong burning sensation in his throat (which may have been related to some of the symptoms that Gloria had experienced).  Astrid explained to the spirit that if they wanted money, they would have to work for it, and the conversation continued:
Spirit: Where is the money?  Why am I here?  I have to finish what I started...You are not doctors!  None of you were where I was.  They took me.  What do you want?
Jackie: Your job is done now.
Spirit: It is not complete!
Jackie: There are other jobs for you to do now.  You cannot harm people.
Spirit: Who are you people?  You are different from where I was...
Astrid: We are soul doctors.
Spirit: Can I say something?  We present ourselves one way, but that's not who we are.
Astrid: Who are you?
Spirit: (laughing) A friend of hers (Gloria)...
Astrid: Friends bring people peace and love, not pain.
Spirit: All we wanted was the party we were promised.  Someone is with me.  I think he's a doctor.  He's all dressed in white.  You are not doctors.  I need to tell you - the reasons are not important - but I wanted a celebration!
Astrid: What are you celebrating?  There are laws and rules...
Jackie: You have no power...
Spirit: I cannot do that?  I was just doing my job.  When you are given a job to do, don't you do it? 
Astrid: You never asked why?
Spirit: Can I call them cowards if they never told me?
Jackie: You do have a choice...
Spirit: I didn't know that.  We are sent to do a job, we do that job.  This guy (the spirit guide dressed in white) now says that I am ignorant?
Jackie: Only because you didn't know the law.  You had a choice.
Spirit: I'm heavy.  I have to go now.  Where are we going?
Astrid: To a place where you will feel better and learn.
Spirit: A real hospital?  Tell that lady (Gloria) that I am sorry, I was just doing my job.  I was only doing my job.  I'm sorry.  They are going to clean us.  There are 24 of us.  Forgive me.  I was doing what I thought was my job.
As he agreed to depart, the spirit delivered a final message for the table: "Be careful who you open the doors to, there are more like me.  Tell that lady I am sorry."  The spirit apologized several times and left.  Astrid noticed three women around him, calming the spirit as he transitioned.  
Nelson's throat was in severe pain, dry with a thirst that water could not quench.  He described the sensation as firecrackers that burned or sharp sparks of electricity.   Astrid started to relate a situation in which Santiago had attempted to kiss her goodnight, and as he neared her, she visualized him as something else.  As Astrid spoke, a new, much calmer spirit passed into Nelson.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  "We need to learn to accept help from others and open our hearts," the spirit said. He continued, "Love doesn't need to be bought.  Don't wait until it is too late, open your hearts and minds now.  Don't cut your time too short.  Those are my words, and you can tell her that (referring to Gloria)." 
There was a quiet pause, and then the spirit continued, "We need to clean some areas, and that is what we are doing now.  You don't need my name."  
Astrid:  We only need your goodwill.
Spirit: I am always around, always looking over everything.  Name me whatever you want.  I am just one of the guides of this table.  Bless you.  
As he spirit slipped away, Jackie heard another spirit state, "You cannot right things wrongly."
Spirit 3 (via Nelson): Nelson had a message for Jackie, in reference to her friend Frank.  "Be careful what you wish for, you might regret it."  Frank has been longing to hear from his ex-girlfriend who passed, and she was already around him, causing some of his conditions and ailments.  Jackie said that Frank would not stop thinking about her.  Nelson envisioned Frank falling to his knees (and Jackie confirmed that his occasional dizzy spells have resulted in fainting).  "His fainting is her communication with him," Nelson explained, "It's her energy."  Astrid added, "She is completely materialized."  Nelson noticed that this was the first time he saw or sensed the spiritual presence of the former girlfriend, so she may be getting closer to sitting.  Jackie had always sensed that this spirit disliked her, but Nelson understood that she actually liked Jackie - as this spirit saw her taking care of Frank when she visited - and knowing that Frank had a caregiver would allow the spirit to move on.  Nelson wondered if Jackie would ask Frank to sit at our table next Monday.  He saw this spirit as "ready - and tired, with somebody already around her, encouraging her."  Jackie agreed to ask Frank.
Nelson asked Jeff if he thought at all about his departed younger brother (Scott) while visiting his mother last week (he had not).  Nelson sensed Scott's spirit was present, but instead of showing himself as a young 17 year old (the age in which the brother passed), this spirit appeared as a much older man.  The candlelight on the table dimmed significantly and burned with a deep orange color.  "He is showing us his spiritual age," Astrid stated.  The spirit asked Jeff if he was learning to understand his mother better (he was).  The spirit explained that Jeff's mom meant well, but her heart was often in the wrong place.  Jeff's brother was there on the trip to collect some spirits who did not belong.  The brother (Scott) asked the group if one of the spirits could sit, and the group agreed.
Spirit 4 (via Nelson):  A frantic spirit arrived and addressed Jeff,:
Spirit: We did not like you there.
Jeff: Why didn't you want me there?
Spirit: You're different.  You don't belong to that beehive.  We are like bees...bzzz...bzzzz.  All day.  We like that.  Bzzz...bzzz
Astrid: And at the end of the day, what do you feel?  Accomplishment?
Spirit: Nothing.  It's all we do.  Bzzz...bzzz...
Jeff: You must be exhausted.
Spirit: Yes.  That's why I came here with him (referring to Jeff's brother).  Can I tell you something?  It's hot!  Hot air.  I'm tired and hot.  (Looking at Jeff) You're different.  When you come, the buzz goes away.
Jackie: You need a rest.  It's your choice not to do this anymore.
Spirit: We even jump up and down all night.  Bzzz...buzzz
Jackie: It's senseless.  There's no purpose.
Jeff: Now you have a choice.
Spirit (referring to the brother): He's very nice.  He's saying, 'Come with me.'  We wanted to bother him (Jeff) when he was there, but he wouldn't let us.  Even with the driving - no.  (Referencing to Jeff's mom) She's kind of crazy...
Jeff: You were just adding to it.
Jackie: Crazy is exhausting.
Spirit: All day, all night.  Bzzz...bzzz.  There are 82 of us (laughs).  One for each year (referring to the age of Jeff's mother).  There is a big truck coming, and we are all gonna go in there.  They are calling us by number.  I'm number one.  They are calling number 42, so I have to wait (pause).  Now it's 19.  Now eight (another pause).  I'm in line now...3...2...1...I am going with all of them.
Astrid: Have a good trip!
Spirit 5 (via Nelson): As the group discussed the events of the afternoon, another spirit guide spoke from behind Nelson and joined in the conversation:
Spirit: What a great afternoon!
Jeff: We helped 24 spirits, and then another 82...
Spirit: Others might decide to do something else.  Look how much we accomplished in two hours.
Astrid: Some are not ready...
Spirit: ALL are ready, it's just that they have their own free will.  We cannot impose it.  You can tell others, but we cannot confront them.  (Referring to Nelson) You see, you needed to work. 
Nelson: Yes, I missed it.
Spirit: This group may do other things.
Nelson: Sometimes if we don't go there, the spirits will not come to us.  Just like Jeff had to travel to see his mom, otherwise those spirits would have never agreed to come here.  When we go there, the spirits see our perispirit as a vehicle - and they get on board...
Astrid: Like a train.
When Santiago's dog barked to be let outside, the spirit left quickly - cautioning the group to wait for Santiago's return before closing.  After he returned, Jackie closed with a prayer.

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