For several years, I have wondered about twins. Why is it
necessary for two separate spirits to reincarnate together in bodies that looked
identical (or nearly identical in the case of fraternal twins)?
At one of our Chicago sessions, a visiting spirit gave our group the
opportunity to ask questions, so I asked:
Spirit 2 (via Nelson from October 12, 2014): Don Polo had
arrived, and he spoke to Jeff from his position behind Nelson. Jeff had often
wondered about twins. Why did two separate spirits need to look alike in the
spirit world? Don Paulo explained that it had nothing to do with the material
world. These spirits had made a commitment to reincarnate together before
arriving in the material world. The spirits were not strong enough to
reincarnate as individuals, so they had to come connected, as twins (or
triplets, etc.). Don Polo knew that Jeff had often thought that it might be
interesting to have been a twin. He told Jeff that if he had come as a twin,
Jeff would have hated him, as Jeff liked, "his own individuality." Don Polo
also told Jeff that he could ask to be a twin in his next reincarnation, and
that if he did, he would be "two of the same" (an identical twin, not
fraternal). Don Polo also explained that Nelson and his spirit guide were not
twins, although they were as close as twins, and like twins, they often sensed
and understood each others feelings. Don Polo added that, "At this level, you
can imagine how difficult it is with triplets (and other large groups of
siblings that look identical but have different spirits)." Don Polo knew
that we had many questions about the spirits that we hoped would be answered,
but we could not understand everything yet. "Keep studying," he
Here is what Kardec wrote on the issue:
The twins do not share a soul, but they have a similar soul
profile. Just as you may have a similar personality or specific traits
as other members of your family. Many twins also have something that you may
not have - a method of telepathic communication among themselves. That
communication is similar to what mediums experience with their guides as it
involves understanding thoughts. Remember with twins, one of them was reluctant
to reincarnate. The other twin promised to come along - with a material body
that was identical (or very similar). Physically, the twins look the same, but
their two separate spirits needed a method of continuing their communication.
In the photo below, the media presented the two babies holding hands as
something cute. In reality, one spirit was reluctant to reincarnate, so the
other spirit offered a hand to pull the other one twin into the material world.
Wouldn't they need a way for those two spirits to still communicate in the
material world?

So if twins contain one apprehensive spirit, is the suicide rate
higher for twins? Twins are less likely to commit suicide, as strong
material world relationships are a deterrent to suicide. Twins share an
especially strong bond. But the research also indicates that the strongest
factor in any suicide is mental illness, which is slightly more common among
twins. The twins look the same, but they are still two separate souls with
individual personalities - and it's difficult to be unique when someone looks
just like we do. Another interesting finding was that if an identical twin
attempts suicide, his/her co-twin has a 17.5% increased risk of making the
same attempt (11.3% for fraternal twins).
Read more here:
And here:
If twins are two separate souls who often have a telepathic
connection to help them progress when they return to the material world, what
happens when the twins do not want to reincarnate together? We had an
interesting example in our Florida May 15, 2016:
Spirit 3 (via Nelson): Our discussion about twins brought
a new spirit to the table who was a twin:
Spirit: In my case, I was a criminal. I was a twin, and I had to
be born with the spirit who killed me. The only way we could make it was for us
to come together - even though I hated him. We came in holding hands, and I
hated him! I couldn't do it again and I wouldn't do it again. I knew he would
kill me again, or I would kill him - even if we came as brothers. I couldn't
kill my own brother. How wrong. How wrong that would be. If they knew I was
capable of doing that, why would I come with him?
Astrid: You need a lesson of love.
Spirit: I failed again. I did it again, I committed the same
crime with him. And you call that love? They brought me here today to convince
me to do it again. To come with him a third time. And there is a chance that
we might do the same thing again. (Note: In the first life, one twin killed
the other, and in the second life, the roles were reversed.) It's hard to
forgive someone who kills you. You try, you think you are capable. You say
yes, they send you together, and it happens again. I don't know what to
Jeff: You can fix that relationship.
Astrid: Learn your lesson and start loving him.
Jackie: If you succeed, it will be all over. You know it's wrong now, when
all you had before was hate. Now you know better.
Spirit: He's putting out his hand again. I don't want it. Can I
do that task without him?
Astrid: I guess not. Let go of the past.
Spirit: They cannot prepare our next life until I agree. How can
I put behind what has been done twice? I do want to come. (pause) I
guess I have to say yes. It's my last chance. (pause) I'll take that
hand (weeping). I am going to close my hand, close my mind, and say
yes. (reaching out his arm) They will take us to that place to be
born again.
Astrid: You will succeed.
Spirit (tearfully): Thank you for helping me understand. I'm
going to take his hand again (closed his hand tightly), and we are
going to do it again...
As Nelson recovered, Caballito returned with a message for Jeff:
Caballito: Take what you experienced here and write something
about it on that place where you write. Take what we started today and expand
it, using the opinions of others.
Jeff: I will, thank you.
And the above is what I wrote.
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