Monday, May 16, 2016

Florida - October 29, 2013

In attendance: Astrid, Gloria, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago
After viewing a portion of a televised travelogue about Argentina, the group debated the practices of other spiritist centers.  In Argentina, attending education seminars is often required before participants are allowed to sit at the mediums' table.  When education is offered in Chicago, the participants do not meet to pass spirits together.  Each group has it own guidelines. 
At the table, Jackie relayed a thank you from her friend Donna.  She appreciated the work from our group in the last session. 
Spirit 1 (via Astrid):  The spirit of Marita arrived (an aunt of Astrid's who functioned as one of the spiritual guide for our table).  Speaking in Spanish, she reminded us that she was always watching over our reunions.  Her appearance served two purposes - as a blessing for our table and to wish Astrid and Santiago a safe journey on their upcoming vacation.
Marita wanted Astrid and Santiago's upcoming cruise to go well for them, but she also had a cautionary message.  If they encounter someone disagreeable during their vacation, they should politely push away.  Nelson saw this warning even clearer, and it involved Astrid walking near the ocean, with white rope railings nearby.  He cautioned Astrid not to get too close to the white rope railings.  Astrid understood, as she saw a gentleman stumbling into her from behind, causing her to fall.  Nelson added that "Not everyone is happy that you are going on this trip."  Marian saw the same image as Nelson, but this time the person encouraging Astrid to fall was a material being connected to Astrid who was not involved with the cruise.  "We open the heart to evil, not good," Nelson added.  As the spirit of Marita said earlier, "It's not in the flesh, it's in the soul." 
(Update: On her vacation, Astrid held tightly to the white rope railings and there wasn't any accident)
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  A spirit who described himself as "just a friend" passed into Nelson: "Sometimes in order to do the real work, the material side has to suffer."  His message was a continuation of Marita's warning regarding the cruise, and he had determined that there was a "cord" (it connected Astrid and Santiago to the material person who resented their trip and wished them to suffer) that needed to be severed.  This person hoped that an incident on the cruise would discourage any future trips (Astrid understood and acknowledged the situation, as it involved one of their daughters).  The spirit asked the group for two minutes of silence, as the spirit world wanted to "cut the cord" to minimize the harm.  As the table sat in silence, the spirit jolted everyone.  He suddenly banged Nelson's hand firmly on the table and shouted, "CUT!  Cut...cut...cut!"  After speaking softly to Astrid in Spanish, the spirit addressed the table again in English: "Everyone is responsible for their actions - good or bad."  The spirit told Astrid that she was not responsible for the actions of others anymore.  "If we cut the spiritual side, we must also cut the material side," he continued.  We have free will, and we know what we are doing.   The spirit wanted the table to realize that more of our future work would involve working from both the material and spiritual sides simultaneously.  "Don't close the door," he cautioned, "as there is so much work to be done.  You will not understand it at the beginning, but everything will fall into place."  The spirit departed, promising to observe the rest of the meeting from a position in the background.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson): Nelson sensed a message for Gloria, but the spirit delivering it would speak from behind Nelson,  instead of using him to sit at our table.  Gloria's grandson wass preparing to leave for an opportunity in Oklahoma, and this spirit advised Gloria that while he is there, he should not have any phone contact with her.  It is permissible to write (or exchange emails) but Gloria should not call him or take any of his calls.  There is to be no direct line or link.  The spirit was very insistent, repeating do not use the phone.  Gloria asked if she was allowed to speak with her grandson to say goodbye on Sunday before he left, and after considering the request, the spirit replied, "No." 
Nelson sensed that this spirit was too strong to sit and the conversation switched to Spanish.  A group of harmful spirits surrounded the grandson, and their luggage was already packed to travel along with him on the plane.  Nelson saw them in a constant state of disrepair, drinking to excess, abusing drugs and committing crimes.  Nelson knew that we had to remove these spirits, and he saw the spiritual side as they started unpack their luggage for them.  They are not allowed to go with Kevin, as this situation was offered as a chance for him to improve, and these spirits would hinder his progress.  To prove his point, the spirit told Gloria that she has been asking for this opportunity for her grandson, and now it was up to her not to jeopardize it.  The entire group that he was scheduled to travel with would all be cleaned.  It was up to them to keep themselves clean.
Spirit 4 (via Nelson):  One of the partying spirits was allowed to sit through Nelson as long as he promised to remain respectful.  "If I am not going on the plane with him, where are we being taken?", the spirit asked.  "We have the right to know.  If you only knew the plans we had..."  The spirit was in a very festive mood, but when Jeff challenged his motives, he displayed a quick temper.  He offered to dance on the table (or have a attractive girl dance for the group), until the spirits reminded him of his promise to be respectful.
The spirit was shown a different plane, and he was impressed by how large it was.  "Do you know how many seats there are?", he asked the table. "214!  There are 214 seats." he continued.  "They are giving everyone water, but it is not the type of water we want."  Jackie told him that the water being given to his fellow passengers would also hydrate him for the trip and make him feel good.  The spirit wanted everyone to realize that Gloria's grandson was a very good friend of his, and he seemed very reluctant to abandon that relationship by accepting the offer to travel on a different plane.  "That water is putting everyone to sleep," he noticed.  "I have to find out what is in that water."  He paused for a while, deep in thought.  "I am gonna go on that plane, it has all new stuff."  He paused again.  "Sorry if I was not respectful.  I'm gonna go on that plane..."  Once the spirit departed, Nelson clarified the situation.  The spirit world was putting many things into place for the grandson, as they were trying to save his soul.  It was very important that he brings the spirit of his future son into the material world, as this spirit has already started the transition.  The eventual son has seen his father and he is looking forward to his reincarnation.  In a prior life, the grandson killed the soul that would now be his future son, which is why another reincarnation needed to occur.  Nelson cautioned Gloria to instruct her son and his wife that whenever they communicate with their son, the news from Puerto Rico should always be light and positive.
Spirit 5 (via Jackie): Jackie saw Nelson's sister with a health issue, but it was nothing major.  Nelson thought it might be stress or her nerves, as she worries about her children, work, the family cars, etc. so much that she often forgets to eat and take care of herself.  Jackie said, "If she is not in good health, she cannot take care of her family."
Spirit 6 (via Astrid): Astrid saw the spirit of a child (dressed in period specific clothing) standing near Jeff.  This child had a basket of roses, and she was tossing them towards Jeff as a reward or accolade.  Jackie sensed Janet (the deceased best friend of Jeff's mother) also near him, and she was with some other spirits of people she had not seen for a while.  They all appeared to be friends, not relatives.  Janet wanted Jeff to know that she checks in on him occasionally.  Astrid saw Jeff doing better than others might think.  She envisioned him sitting in a large, luxurious bed of decorative sheets, comfortably draped around him.  Jeff was wearing an old fashioned nightcap, and he appeared to have red hair.  Astrid realized that in that lifetime, he was Scottish.  There was a younger girl standing near him, more like a former daughter or caregiver than a wife.  Was this an indication of the roles that Jeff and his mother had once shared in a previous reincarnation?  The table discussed the current situation with Jeff's mother, and the interactions over the years between the two of them.  Gloria believed that when Jeff is alone or by himself, he sees or senses things (in a spiritual manner), but he does not say much about it.
Jackie closed with a prayer.

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