Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Florida - September 17, 2013

In attendance: Astrid, Gloria, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago

While seated in the living room, Nelson shared some emails that Marta had sent.  The emails were validation and clarification of the past issues she experienced with her former husband and Marta also thanked our group for the efforts and prayers to help her and her son with their spiritual needs.

At the table, Nelson asked for prayers and spiritual guidance for Michael (a long time tax client killed in a car accident last week). While in the material world, Michael had attempted suicide. Nelson felt as if the car accident might have been another attempt, as he sensed Michael's thoughts ("he just wanted to feel loved") right before the impact of the accident. Perhaps he hoped to hospitalize himself instead of ending his time in the material world? The table discussed the issue, and the mediums saw Michael surrounded by black shadows. Once we open the door to those darker shadows, it is extremely difficult to change the circumstances we have put into place - as we have surrounded ourselves with very limited, often negative options.

Nelson also spoke about his recent week-long illness, and he sensed that the spirit world had two messages for him. The first was in regards to the stress of trying to manage multiple issues - family, the centers in Argentina in disarray, and the death of Michael that led to Nelson questioning his own mortality.  The spirits wanted Nelson to ask himself, "What would happen to all of these individuals if you were gone?" The second issue that Nelson sensed was that the spirit world needed him to sleep and rest as they prepared him to handle new challenges.

Gloria also requested prayers and spiritual guidance for someone named Carmelita, who passed away a week ago. Nelson saw her with two young children around her, and Gloria sensed that it might be her surviving daughter. Nelson thought it might be Carmelita visualizing herself as a young woman with a baby and that baby was mourning the loss of her mother, saying "she went too soon". The conversation segued back and forth from English to Spanish. Santiago saw the two females reliving a time when they were the most happy, and Nelson sensed the child tugging on the mother's long skirt, holding tight as she begged, "Please don't go". The group discussed the situation, and Astrid read the prayer for the recently deceased in an attempt to help Carmelita and Michael.

Nelson inquired about Jackie's health, as he saw her physically unwell. He sensed an issue with her stomach or intestines, possibly leading to a bloated, uncomfortable situation for her. Gloria confirmed that this area was an issue for Jackie. Nelson saw it as a bloated stomach, and he knew Jackie was hoping that whatever was causing it could be removed. The table discussed the issue (in English and Spanish) and saw the situation as "black blood" around the stomach area, possibly a combination of stress in the material world and some residual negative energy that had surrounded her friend Rafael. Astrid recommended a change of pace - a vacation, a walk on the beach - something to free the mind and cleanse the body.  The table concurred that we are often the only ones who can help ourselves.
Astrid shared a related dream.  In this dream, a triangle of people related to Astrid were fighting and screaming at each other in an argument that never seemed to end.  A cousin, her mother and father were involved, and their high pitched aggression reminded Astrid of screeching cats.  "Why did you let them treat me like that?", Astrid remembered one of them saying.  Santiago said that the dream was so vivid, that he was startled to hear Astrid speaking aloud as she dreamed, and eventually, she screamed.  Nelson saw the three participants departing from the material world with all of the anger they had for each other when they were here, and now they still held tight to it in the spiritual world.  Astrid wondered why she was an observer of the argument.  What was the reason?  Did she play any role in the situation? 
Spirit 1 (via Astrid):  As Astrid spoke, a spirit named "Marita" passed into her.  The table recognized her as an aunt of Astrid's and she had arrived to tell the group that the spirit world was working with the three individuals from Astrid's dream.  With time, there was hope that they will have calmed down enough to sit at our table.  Gloria sensed that the spiritual world was continuously working towards guiding the angry souls into a resolution by allowing them to sit at our table in the future.  Nelson added that it had reached a point that if the anger did not start to subside, the three of them would be forced to reincarnate with the same unresolved anger, continuing their ongoing arguments into each additional reincarnation.
Spirit 2 (via Gloria):  Gloria saw a casket covered with a white cloth, and in the middle of it there was a big, bright blue cross.  The cross and the casket seemed to be some sort of symbol.  Nelson recognized Gloria's vision as the spiritual center he formerly attended (for many years) in Puerto Rico.  Gloria was shown Nelson standing in front of the casket, looking in to see who was inside.  This center is where Nelson's family went for many years, and now the father of Ivan (the son of Nelson's cousin, who underwent surgery last Friday) is a director.  The cross was a vibrant blue.  Nelson stated that some people from the center are still angry at the members of his family who left.  Astrid sensed an older man, a spirit named "Otillo De La Rosa", who wanted to speak.
Spirit 3 (via Astrid): "How beautiful is this invitation to speak," Otillio said, as he passed into Astrid and spoke to the table in Spanish.  Nelson saw the Alejandro family being "collected" as souls who used to offer and embrace spiritual help for themselves and others, and now they have stopped.  "The incentive to participate is gone," Jeff said.  Astrid saw the situation as a lack of responsibility.  The whole family is symbolically asleep, unwilling to participate because they are unwilling take responsibility for their own situations.  The spirit faded away.
Nelson apologized to the table for physically being in poor shape to pass spirits.  Glora saw the casket again, still draped in white with the blue cross.  It was still empty, but the spirits whispered that "Someone is coming."  The table discussed how members of Nelson's family are "too busy" to schedule spiritual time, and Nelson saw them asking, "Without a group of mediums, why bother?"  Astrid saw the situation as one filled with doubt.  If Nelson's uncle, who supervised the center had his doubts about spiritualism when he died, his daughters may now wonder, "What did we really believe in?"  The family grew up with a tradition of spiritualism, and to abandon it now was disrespectful.  "Nothing can be done," Astrid cautioned, "but the spirit world wants us to be aware."  She encouraged Nelson to still conduct sessions when he visited Puerto Rico, and Nelson agreed, "Sometimes the spirit world shows us things, even if there is nothing we can do about it."
Spirit 4 (via Astrid):  A Spanish speaking spirit passed into Astrid.  It was Carmelita (the woman we prayed for earlier), who passed after a lengthy battle with cancer.  "I fought all those years, because I did not want to die," she said.  Nelson saw the spirit world showing her the material body she left behind, but this spirit would not accept that she was dead.  She still envisioned herself as a young woman (about 20 years old).  This spirit will need more prayers than the ones we offered today to guide and help her.  Nelson added that we never know what prayer will be the most beneficial to a recently passed spirit, so every prayer is valuable.
Astrid and Gloria had a conversation regarding ways to educate the spirits while enlightening the loved ones they left behind in the material world.  "We try," Gloria said, "but it not often that both sides learn."  Astrid added, "It starts with a small seed - and grows - maybe...." Nelson said: "So many spirits - and many in the material world - are stuck.  They are constantly worried over what they left behind on earth, so it's difficult for them to notice something as small as a seed."  Nelson also sensed a group of spirits listening in to the conversation.  These spirits seemed to like things the way they were.  "Why educate them?" these spirits asked, referring to the material and spiritual worlds, "We like them ignorant."  Gloria started to say, "For all of us, there is a time to learn..." and she was interrupted by a spirit who passed into Nelson.
Spirit 5 (via Nelson):  "We are very happy being the way we are," the spirit spoke, using Nelson, "Call me ignorant.  Call me ignorant, I don't care.  We go wherever we want, we worry about nothing, we are happy as we are."  This spirit was very calm and seemed content, so the other mediums asked him why he was sitting at our table today.  "I will tell you why," he said, "We are tired.  We go over here, we go over there, and nothing ever changes."  Astrid asked him, "You do not have anything, any purpose?"  The spirit replied, "It's the same thing, over and over.  Over and over to the same places.  We are always running.  Run over here, running, running, running."  Astrid explained that this never ending schedule of back to back visitations left the spirit felling as if, "You have no fulfillment..."
The spirit interrupted her with: "I don't even know my name.  I would like to give you my name, but I don't know it.  There are millions of us like this.  We even go to funerals.  Do you know what that is like?  Everyone is talking at the same time."  The spirit indicated that this ceaseless conversation comes from the material world as well as the spiritual world, and it happens all at the same time.  He was confused by all the noise he heard, and the spirit wondered, "Who am I?  Where am I?"  Astrid explained that he was in a stagnant state, and he needed to tune out the other voices and listen to the good spirits who brought him to our table today.  The spirit was puzzled: "If I don't have a body, why am I still in pain?"  As the spirit was shown his own body, he was repulsed by the odor.  The spirit continued speaking: "We like to go to the funerals and to the cemeteries, but we are all confused.  Can I tell you something?  I am tired of smelling the damn dead people.  I want to go to a different place, just to think of something to make me happy."    He decided to leave with the spirits who brought him.  "I cannot give you a name," he apologized, "because I don't know it.  Sorry.  We are a big group - millions - and we will all go now.  Until next time..." and he faded away.
Spirit 6 (via Gloria):  Gloria saw a similar spirit who was teaching others what he was taught.  His belief was that once someone was buried, the body waits patiently inside the casket for the coming of Jesus.  When Jesus arrived, the spirit was resurrected.  Many religions teach this concept.  Gloria saw a hand reach into the casket - and it wasn't Jesus - to pull this spirit out so he could be taken someplace to learn.

Nelson closed with a prayer.

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