Thursday, May 12, 2016

Florida - October 18, 2013

In attendance: Astrid, Gloria, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago
A discussion in the living room before the reunion allowed the group to share recent educational opportunities (a television program for Astrid and Santiago and the Spiritist Society of Chicago presentations that Nelson and Jeff attended in Chicago).
Once the group was seated at the table, Nelson sensed a spiritual issue related to Gloria's asthma illness.  A spiritual healer was present (Astrid saw the same image earlier) and he was attempting to heal Gloria as the reunion started.  Nelson also saw a spirit from a previous existence, one of Gloria's husbands from the past.  He was waiting for her to join him, extending his icy cold hand out to her.  Nelson's spirit guide arrived, and he instructed Nelson on how to spiritually cleanse Gloria.  While she was standing, with Jeff next to her in case she needed assistance, Nelson fanned the asthma energy away from her with a small towel and by occasionally blowing air away from her back.  As the participants sat back down, Nelson's guide told the group that there was more work to do, and he offered to reappear if needed later in the session.
Nelson sensed that the spirit of Gloria's ex-husband believed that Gloria and her condo belonged only to him.  "He keeps her sequestered," Jackie added.  Astrid realized that Gloria was, "doing what he wants, and he thinks he is doing something good - as he wants the best for Gloria."
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  The spirit of the ex-husband arrived through Nelson, speaking in Spanish and sobbing.  He was from another time and another existence.    "My love..." he wept, as he caressed his own face as if it were Gloria's.  He wanted to hug Gloria, and he recognized that she had the same name in this lifetime as in the one they shared in the past.  Astrid and Gloria attempted to enlighten him in regards to his situation, and they encouraged him to progress.  The spirit wanted Gloria to come away with him, as his crying switched over to soft laughter that was intended to make her want him.  The spirit described what their life would be like together (with guitar music, which is something that Gloria has always enjoyed).  Astrid clearly saw the idyllic life he was describing. 
The spirit noticed another entity beside him, and his crying returned when he realized that this spirit intended to accompany him to the next stage of his progression. "Gloria De Los Angeles," he softly repeated over and over, using Gloria's name as a way to say goodbye, "I love you."  Gloria realized that his deep love for her in the past must have been reciprocated by her former self.  "Hasta luego," he cried softly as he left, and "Perdona..." (Sorry)  
The table discussed the experience.  This spirit came from a small town or villa, and Nelson saw Gloria walking with him on cobblestone streets.  They only had eyes for each other.  The location seemed to be somewhere in Spain, and it was clear that the two of them adored the time they spent together.  Astrid sensed that Gloria died young in her existence with him, and Nelson agreed.  "The two of you had a daughter," he said, "who also died young."  Gloria died brokenhearted once her daughter had passed.  The daughter's death occurred when she was about 10 years old, and Nelson believed it was caused by the European Black Death (also referred to as the Black Plague or the Bubonic Plague), which was one of the most devastating pandemics in human history, killing an estimated 75 to 200 million people and peaking in Europe in the years 1348–1350.  Gloria sensed that in that life, she blamed the ex-husband for the death of their daughter.
This daughter from a previous existence was the spirit who brought her father to our table.  She was a very elevated spirit who had been working with her father for a very long time, and her dedicated efforts were about to be rewarded by the spirit world.   
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Nelson saw her spirit as a column of white, pure light (as did Astrid).  This spirit started speaking directly to Jeff, telling him that he was being prepared for what was coming in the future.  She communicated in English, as she understood that Jeff did not comprehend Spanish, but she reminded him that he knew it before in his past.  She realized that the spirit world had given her a great gift today, as she recognized Jeff as her beloved husband from a former existence.  She had been asking the spirit world about him, and today she was filled with emotion as they brought her to our table to see Jeff again.  Her last wish was finally fulfilled, and she explained that Jeff will see her one more time - but she did not elaborate.  Her energy was very powerful, and she was very grateful.  "What an opportunity they have given to my spirit today," she exclaimed, "To allow me to communicate from the one you love now from the one who loved you before." 
She told the table that the spirit world was going to allow her to do something unique.  "From the one who loves you now, from the one who loved you before," she marveled.  The spirit asked Jeff to grasp Nelson's hand.  As she tightly held his hand, she explained that she wanted to share some of the love she had with him.  This spirit knew that she had difficult tasks and much work ahead of her, but her reunion today with her past love had strengthened her will to accomplish what she needed to do.  As she prepared to depart, she reminded the group to keep the love she shared with them, and "help whomever you can."  She departed with "helping" spirits (her word for the good spirits).  The table discussed how powerful her love was, and the manner in which she appeared.  Jeff noted that the spirit of Gloria's daughter from the past (born from the intense love of Gloria and her former husband) later became the spirit of his (Jeff's) former wife in another reincarnation.  "There is still hope for all of us," Astrid added.
Spirit 3 (via Jackie): Jackie saw Jeff's mother and sister involved in a series of constant disagreements, and Jeff updated the table on what he knew of their situation.
Nelson's spirit guide asked Astrid if the last hospital visit to her mother was good (and it was).  Jackie also sensed a little girl near Nelson, dressed in lace, possibly from the 1920's.  This spirit offered Nelson an opportunity to sit near her on a concrete bench.  Jackie saw her opening a book and saying, "You don't read to me anymore."  Nelson said he will read to her again.
Jackie closed with a prayer.

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