Thursday, May 12, 2016

Florida - October 2, 2013

In attendance: Astrid, Gloria, Gregory, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago
Nelson explained his premonition that some sort of major disaster might happen in the future.  Astrid felt the same sensation, and she said, "It feels as if it might touch us, but there is nothing we can do, except to live with it once it occurs.  The table discussed the issue, and Astrid reminded the group that being more sensitive, we often carry burdens that are not always our own.
Gloria sensed an image of Nelson's father, and she was uncertain if it was related to a specific issue.  Perhaps Nelson or his father were just thinking of each other?
Nelson asked Jackie about the friend she mentioned in our previous session.  Her name was Donna, and she was getting better, but Jackie suspected that her improvement was temporary.  Jackie thought that Donna might be ready to give up.  Nelson saw the situation as a game of musical chairs in which Donna was the only participant, continuously circling the row of connected chairs.  Astrid sensed that one of Donna's problems was the financial dependency of her children.  Nelson saw other energies around Donna, but they wore hooded sweatshirts that obscured their faces.  Nelson also believed that Donna was attracted to a very negative group of her deceased "friends" (and Jackie agreed).  These spirits kept Donna in a state of dizziness all day long - like an endless game of musical chairs.  The spirits were too powerful to sit.
Nelson recommended that Donna take a long walk and drink mineral water.  He also realized that she needed to clean out whatever items she had in a top right hand drawer of a tall dresser in her bedroom.  The drawer should remain empty and unused.  Astrid sensed that even with this action, Donna still had a lot left to endure.
Jackie also wanted to know if any of the mediums sensed anything with her former brother-in-law, Mel.  They did not, and Nelson cautioned Jackie not to try to carry more than she should spiritually.  She has been overloading herself.  Gloria heard a voice saying, "Jackie, leave it alone."  Nelson recommended that Jackie also disconnect herself from Rafael, as he saw Rafael dazed, as if he was in a dream.  There is a spirit who looks like an identical twin attached to Rafael - and he wants to kill Rafael (Gloria saw the same thing).  Astrid saw Rafael giving up his ability to fight against this spirit, and Gloria saw him realizing that he has more friends when this spirit is around him.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  The spirit angrily asked, "What do you want?", as he sat through Nelson, "I almost have him, he is almost mine.  We are together.  Friends."  Gloria informed the spirit that he did not have the power just to do what he wanted, and Jackie told the spirit that it was time to leave Rafael alone.  The spirit was silent, and after a long pause, Astrid realized that the spirit was being shown what he had done.  He was also being shown his deceased body.  "That's not me.  Not me!", the spirit shouted, repulsed at what he saw.  Astrid told him, "Your have been out of that body for years," as she and the spirit saw the body only as bones.  Jackie explained, "You are no longer material, and you can't live through Rafael."  The spirit guides who brought him were trying to encourage him to leave with them.  "Don't take the laughter away from me..." he said.  He eventually decided to leave, but he wanted us to caution Rafael to be careful, saying, "Not everyone who comes in with a smile is really carrying a smile."  Gloria noticed how the air in the room improved and became cooler once the spirit departed - a change from the thick stagnant temperature in the room was when the spirit was present.
Spirit 2 (via Jackie):  Jackie saw Nelson in Chicago around the 1800's, riding in a carriage.  The driver pulled up to a building without any name or address, and told Nelson that he had arrived at his destination.  The building was filled with white light, and Jackie saw Nelson debating if he should enter.  Astrid saw it as Nelson possibly not trusting himself (or his instincts), and she told him, "eventually you will."
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  Nelson cautioned Gregory to educate himself more (in regards to spiritualism) before attempting anything.  "Don't do things you think you can do, as you might be harmed," he advised.  Gregory should try to avoid making mistakes that he might regret later.  The table discussed spiritualism and free will, and Nelson reminded Gregory that once we are committed to spiritualism, there is no going back.  The spiritual education cannot be "undone," because as we learn and grow, we know better.  Nelson also encouraged Gregory not to be "frustrated by life," as we can always call on our spirit guides for assistance.  It became apparent that Nelson's words were not his, they were from a spirit guide who was very close to Gregory. Nelson and the spirit guide thought that Gregory would benefit from attending more sessions, to give him a sense of continuation.  Although he may not have many questions now, the questions will eventually come to him all at once, and Gregory will need to be prepared.  Nelson also sensed that Gregory's spirit guide was very protective of him, and he expressed a desire to sit at our table in a future reunion, where he could speak directly, unfiltered.  Jackie sensed the spirit of a Spanish nun near Gregory, ready to hit his knuckles with a book or ruler.
Similar to the last session, Jackie also felt the continuation of arguments between Jeff's mother and sister.  There was a spirit standing between them, trying to tell each of them that the ongoing arguments were ridiculous.  Nelson sensed that in a prior life, one of them may have killed the other.
Jackie closed with a prayer.

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