Thursday, May 26, 2016

Florida - May 6, 2014

In attendance: Astrid, Gloria, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago
Nelson sensed a spirit who was happy to see Gloria back at the table.  This spirit wanted her to know that if she needed to stand or stretch during the session, the spiritual side understood.  Gloria explained that she was "not a lost sheep" who left and would not return, and Nelson heard the spirit say that what happened to her could have happened to any one of us at the table.
Nelson read an email in Spanish from Marta in Argentina.  Astrid explained the medical issues that Marta was experiencing to the group.  Gloria recommended acupuncture as a possible treatment.  Nelson had already told Marta that an operation was not advisable, and the other mediums agreed.  Gloria wanted Nelson to tell Marta that her health will get better with faith.  Her pain can be removed with love from within.
Nelson related a situation from Chicago regarding a persistent spiritual dream about his younger brother in Puerto Rico.  The brother (Nestor) needed to have a specific blood test.  When Nelson phoned his brother to relay the message, he had just left the doctor's office and he was shocked to discover that the spirit world had communicated his medical issue to Nelson - as Nestor had not mentioned anything to anyone.  Nelson said his brother seemed to have a renewed faith in spiritism.  Jeff pointed out the complicated organizational efforts from the spiritual side to cause Nelson and his brother to have the conversation at the exact moment it needed to occur - in the doctor's parking lot.  Nelson believed that, "as we eliminate the nonsense we involve ourselves with, life becomes easier."
Spirit 1 (via Jackie):  Jackie's Mom arrived, speaking in a clear, calm voice.  She introduced herself as Charlotte, and she addressed Gloria directly, stating that it was good to see her back at the table.  The spirit explained that she had been "gone for 26 years," and that she had overheard our discussion regarding "things that needed to be arranged" from a spiritual standpoint.  Charlotte said that there is a "perfect order" in our material world, but we live on a chaotic planet, which blurs our path to understanding.  Eventually, mankind will elevate to a higher level or "different worlds," but we first need to "plant" before we can reap.  Charlotte explained the organization of assigned tasks in the spiritual world.  "Orders are given," she said, "along with a material world time table.  We know the result before it will happen.  It's a labor of love for us, as we want to help.  The spiritual guardians around you have asked to be with you, as a way to lead you to a world of peace and harmony."  Charlotte said that her daughter (Jackie) was "learning better and sooner," but she was often hardheaded.  "We have to sometime hover, then let her fall, then hover again," she cautioned.  She told the group that remembering the spirits of those who have passed was important.  "Yesterday was the anniversary of my physical death, but the day we die is the day we are born - back where we came from on the spiritual side."  Charlotte wished our group "health and progress" as she quietly faded away.
While she was at our table, Jackie's mom showed her one view of how we appear to the spiritual world.  We look very similar to ants, rapidly scurrying around.  This image was presented with a contrasting view of a serene, very peaceful park-like setting that included people slowly accomplishing what needed to be done in an orderly manner.
Nelson had a message for the oldest daughter of Santiago and Astrid.  She was visiting her husband's family in Puerto Rico.  "Tell her not to get involved in anything that does not belong to her.  She is not in an easy position right now," Nelson advised.  Astrid understood that her daughter was carrying issues from this lifetime with her.  When Jackie recommended that the daughter should continue to move and recover after her knee surgery, Gloria cautioned, "Not over there."  Santiago and Gloria both visualized the house that she was staying in as very black, like a cave.  Nelson sensed that the daughter was certain that she could handle whatever she encountered, but in her current situation, she was "so wrong."  He saw her location as a place where she would be "squashed," while Jackie viewed it as a place "where she will learn lessons."  Gloria saw an image of the two brothers.  The brother symbolically poured a bucket of dirty water over the head of the daughter, while her husband watched, allowing it to happen.  It seemed to be a symbolic of an initiation into the family.
Spirit 2 (via Gloria): Gloria saw the spirit of a very pretty girl with the daughter in Puerto Rico.  She was dressed in a white dress, but it was torn and dirty.  This spirit was quietly stroking the hair of Astrid's daughter in an attempt to comfort her.  It seemed as if this spirit wanted to ask if she could do something to help, but she realized that she could not.  Nelson sensed the husband thinking, "If she want to leave me, it's OK."  Nelson also determined that the house was filled with "so much garbage," and the presence of many spirits.  Nelson understood that one of them was a deceased brother or step-brother who wanted the filth to continue.  This spirit wanted the others to suffer in the same manner as he had - when he died from what appeared to be AIDS.  There was also a frightened spirit of a boy around 11 to 14 years old, cowering on the sidelines, who needed to sit.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson): "No more covering up the truth," the spirit of the child sobbed, as he sat through Nelson.  "Can I tell you what he did?  Can I open up my heart?  There are a lot of us..."  Astrid and Gloria tried to calm the boy, as the table began to understand that he was sexually abused.  This spirit who spoke for his group was very cold and extremely frightened.  Gloria noticed the spirit of a woman offering to cover him with a blanket, and she advised him to consider her offer.  The spirit was confused:  "I don't need to be there anymore?  He's not going to touch me anymore?  I'm not going back.  He still thinks about me and calls me to him."  The spirit cried harder.  Jackie told him he now had the power to walk away, as it was all over now.  The conversation continued:
Spirit:  All of us, we are a group.  It was a bad, bad place, lady. Bad. I'm glad he is suffering now, although I know it's bad to say that.
Gloria: There is a lady with you now, and you are her baby.
Spirit: She will protect me?  She is not my mother, but she will care for me?  I don't have to look back.  Think of that.  I'm going to get better.  I can play again.  We didn't deserve what happened...
Gloria: That was a sick person...
Spirit: Look!  They are giving me shots of electricity to remove my facial markings...I see a park to play in.
Astrid: You will be healthier every day.
Spirit (to the table): Thank you.  You took me from a dark place where all I did was cry.  Me and 18 other boys.  19 boys total.  We can be free!  I'm sorry if I am crying, but now these are tears of happiness, not sadness.  Look, I have my pretty face back.  I'm going to go with her...
As the spirit departed, Gloria explained that the group of boys were not all abused by the same man, but they were grouped together on the spiritual side.  "It was like a private club with him," Nelson realized.  Astrid saw it as "a group of professionals, and the kids were brought to them as a group..." Jackie added, "This lifetime and former." 
Spirit 4 (via Nelson): Nelson reminded Jeff not to forget to phone Marie, the elderly woman that Jeff's mother was taking care of in her building.  The same "guardian angel" spirit from the last session had reappeared, and he stressed that Marie still wanted to speak with Jeff.  "Try to see her before it is her time to go," Gloria urged.  Nelson understood that the spirit guides with Gloria were trying to make her as comfortable as possible in her situation.
Spirit 5 (via Astrid): Astrid had a message in Spanish for Santiago from the spirit of her aunt.  The oldest daughter had made many spiritual promises for this lifetime, but she has not done any of them.  She finds excuses, and she is not doing what needs to be done.  Nelson added that she pretends to have a lot of faith, but she has none.
Nelson asked if Jackie had heard from Rafael, and she had not.  Nelson sensed that he was back "in the dark place" where Jackie found him.  He talks to the negative spirits surrounding him, as Rafael is certain that they understand each other.  Instead, these spirits are like vultures, waiting for death so they can feed.  The table discussed the free will that we all have to make our own decisions.  Gloria heard "Miami", and she thought that Rafael might be considering a trip.  Nelson repeated that there was nothing for Jackie to do now.  "Doors have been opened here for him to learn," Gloria said, "and he is not ready."  Jackie related a story from Edgar, as she envisioned him standing in the corner, observing the session.  Edgar was so certain that he would die and depart the material world, that he carried a stench of death about him.  This led to a discussion of death and dying, until Nelson heard a spirit sum it up with "Don't worry about dying, start living."  Santiago commented that "we are a spirit within a body, not a body with a spirit."
Spirit 6 (via Jackie):  The first husband of Jackie's sister (Michael) arrived.  He explained that he died in 1991, after being mistaken for another employee at work.  His passing was abrupt, as he was shot three times.  Since the age of nine, Michael knew that he would not live long in the material world, and he was fine with that realization.  Raised in the Jewish faith, Michael was now beginning to understand spiritism.  "I came into the material world knowing I would be killed," he explained, "but I had to come because I had done things that I needed to pay for.  Death is only in your eyes, it's birth in the spirit world."  Michael was amused at the souls who cross over with "preconceived ideas on death."  Those who cross over are often unsure about what new responsibilities he would encounter.  He was never a strong believer of the Jewish faith.  He stressed the importance of small incidents (such as Jackie talking with him about spiritism when he was on earth), and how it helps to change the attitude of individuals so that they are better prepared to cross over.  Michael had observed other spirits with various religious backgrounds arriving in a confused state.  As he prepared to depart, Michael expressed that he was sorry he did not have more time to spend in his last material world incarnation, but "we have lots of time to be together on the spirit side."  
Nelson was reminded of his uncle in Puerto Rico.  As the director of a spiritual center, it seemed as if his passing would be assured and simple.  Instead, three years had passed without a sign from him on the other side.  Astrid said that she had been waiting for thirty years to hear from her departed godmother.  The table discussed the possibility of these souls requiring extra rest in a hospital or more education in a school.  Astrid told the story of "Mr. Roy," a former neighbor who believed that he would stay in a box (or coffin) until Christ arrived to awaken him.  After he passed, Astrid occasionally visualized him patiently waiting in his box.  One night he appeared to her, outside of his box.  As with all spritual awakenings, Mr. Roy had gradually altered his religious perceptions to include the moral teachings and the eventual acceptance of the higher spirits - who were always nearby, also patiently waiting for him.
Jackie closed with a prayer.

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