Sunday, May 22, 2016

Florida - Dec 10, 2013

In attendance: Astrid, Gloria, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago
Astrid confirmed that the woman who knocked on the back door of our last session (soliciting donations and bringing the spirit of the starving African child with her) never returned.
Jeff explained a situation he was having with a spirit who was obsessed.  The spirit wanted Nelson to suffer and he thought the best way to accomplish this goal would be to hurt Jeff.  Nelson added that this spirit was very angry and he thought he was still alive.  Both Astrid and Gloria also saw the spirit in the form of a man, and Gloria realized that he had a horrible stomachache.  The mediums sensed that this spirit died when he was very sick, with some sort of debilitating disease (maybe AIDS?).  Although he appeared to be in love with Jeff, he also hated him, as he blamed Jeff for his death and because he died alone.  Now he was determined to make Jeff experience the same pain that he had endured.  This spirit was burning with anger, and yet Jeff had been feeling clammy and cold over the last few days.  Gloria saw the spirit as he looked in Nelson's direction and said, "He should not be here."  Glancing next at Jeff, the spirit said, "He should be in diapers, like I was."
Nelson and Astrid described the spirit as severely ill, and there was a sense that he was in love with Jeff and he had been searching for him since his death.  Jeff thought it might be his former roommate (named Ray, Jeff was roommates with him for less than a year over 29 years ago until he met Nelson).  "He was for me," Gloria heard the spirit say.  Gloria also understood that this spirit was present in the material world when Nelson walked into Jeff's life.  Nelson sensed that this spirit died from some type of cancer (bladder, kidney, liver).  Astrid read a prayer for him and as she read, the spirit passed angrily into Nelson.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Speaking in Spanish, the spirit was agitated and upset.  He wanted to know why Jeff chose Nelson over him.  Switching to English, he called Jeff a "traitor," and for many years he has thought of Nelson only as a "demonia" (demon). He was extremely upset that Jeff had "abandoned" him for Nelson, and it took a while for the table to calm him down.  He had no idea where he was, and he wondered where Nelson had gone to (not realizing that he was speaking through him).  The spirit glanced over his (Nelson's) right shoulder and sensed a presence next to him.  He wondered, "Who is this guy?"  Gloria encouraged him to look at what the spirit guide was offering to him.  he asked, "Why am I so tired?"  The table continued to calm him down.  Jeff explained that what this spirit perceived as an offer of love and a relationship was only a friendship.  The spirit said that it was not much a friendship, as after Jeff moved out, he never saw him (or Nelson) ever again.  When the spirit started to cry, Gloria encouraged him to go with the spirits who brought him, so that they might help with his sickness and pain.  The spirit of Ray said he died all alone, with no family or friends.  The spirit told that group that if he decided to leave, he would take his "five helpers" with him.  He said that Jeff's unexplained sickness was aided by these five other spirits who each controlled one area: one had the mouth (vomiting, and the inability to eat).  Another controlled, as he called it, "the front" (frequent urination), while the third was in charge of the "back".  The fourth controlled the mind (while Jeff was awake and asleep), and "most importantly, the fifth regulated the heart."  Ray's spirit  wanted the group to tell Nelson that he did not intend to harm him.  Once he agreed to go, he told Jeff, "I love you, goodbye".  The table discussed the situation.
When he first saw Gloria today, Nelson felt something spiritual around her. 
Spirit 2 (via Gloria): Passing quickly into Gloria, a spirit said: "Blessings, blessings to this table.  This is a place for you to learn many lessons.  One comes and one goes.  Sometimes you feel them, sometimes you don't.  These feelings - for all of us - are a beautiful gift.  Some of you can see us, you know what is going on.  The lessons are there, and we will be there."  Referencing the spirit that had just passed, the spirit said, "Sometimes things have to be worked out.  That's the way it is.  We prepared this table not just for today, but for many, many days."  As abruptly as he arrived, the spirit departed.
Nelson felt as if there might be something physically wrong with Jackie. He knew that she was in Baltimore, but he also understood that her mind was with us at the table.  Gloria envisioned her seated, with a large red slash (similar to a "do not enter" sign) in front of her.  Nelson heard her as she contemplated "Why did I come here - for this?", and he hoped she was feeling as welcomed on this visit as with her past trips.  Gloria saw her as a "third" in the new relationship between Jackie's sister and her boyfriend.  Astrid added, "There is a lesson to be learned, but she has not gotten it yet."  (NOTE: Jackie confirmed by email, "I have been having trouble with my right ankle and foot swelling...called edema")
Nauseous since his arrival, Jeff left the table to lie down on the sofa.  The group quietly finished the session, and at one point they were around him by the sofa before closing with a prayer.
(NOTE from Jeff:  Two days later, I was diagnosed with a kidney infection. I truly appreciated all of the support and positive energy from everyone at the table (during the session and after). As Nelson mentioned in the session, he sensed that this spirit died from some type of cancer (bladder, kidney, or liver). So I returned to the doctor for a liver test (as the urine and blood tests disclosed that it was functioning higher than usual).  Exposure to a strain of E.coli bacteria caused the kidney infection, and no other issues were detected.  But those five friends of the spirit gave me a sample of everything the spirit told us that he had.)
Stay healthy!

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