Thursday, May 12, 2016

Florida - September 22, 2013

In attendance: Astrid, Gloria, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago
At the table, Jackie asked for prayers for Nick, Rafael's friend who recently committed suicide.  Nelson saw him as a "very troubled soul" who was lucky to last 27 years in the material world for this reincarnation.  The mediums sensed that he shot himself because, as Nelson said, "he could no longer live with what he did."  There was a consensus that he had many secrets, and he may have thought that suicide was the only way to keep them all hidden.  "When there is trouble, we need to ask for help,'" Astrid said.  In a society largely based on doing so many things independently by ourselves, it is difficult to promote the idea that we need to learn better ways to ask for and receive assistance when we are troubled.
Nelson read an email from Etel in Argentina.  Her daughter was experiencing difficulties with all four of her sons.  Nelson read a description of each situation.  "We are so devoted to our children, it's like we are blinded," Astrid said, "so we want to carry their burden."  Gloria saw it as a lack of discipline and predetermined guidelines.  "Parents and grandparents need a backbone," she said, as children are often testing the rules to determine which behaviors are acceptable and allowed.  Gloria also sensed that with each incident mentioned in the email, the parents became more frightened, which makes them more apprehensive about setting strict rules.  Gloria also saw a spirit with a black bandana covering his eyes, with slits for his eyes to see.  Astrid and Jeff felt that the adults may have hoped that the children's problems would sort themselves out, or someone else might arrive to fix everything.  Nelson started to sense that, "all of this has to do with Etel".
Nelson realized that there was group of spirits related to Etel huddled behind him, and one of them asked, "Why is she waiting to do what she has to do?  Stop writing and do what you promised."  Gloria added that if the current centers in Argentina are not meeting the needs of Etel and her family, a new center should be established.  Astrid cautioned that this new center should have specific rules and regulations, and the conversation switched to Spanish.  Nelson described the group of spirits as "black, black, black," and he saw them with a very strong belief in Candomblé, an African-originated or Afro-Brazilian religion, practiced mainly in Brazil by the "povo do santo" (people of the saint).  Popular in many parts of Latin America, this belief is an oral tradition and not much has been put into text throughout the years. Only recently have scholars and people of this religion begun to write down their practices.
The spirits behind Nelson were speaking in Portuguese, so it was difficult for Nelson and Astrid to understand what they were saying.  Astrid said that the Candomblé believers meant well, but they were sometimes wrong in relation to our spiritualist beliefs.  When the spiritual Portuguese switched back to Spanish, Nelson realized that these spirits believed Etel had betrayed them.  The assembled group kept repeating betrayal, betrayal, over and over.  One of the spirits cast shells that only the spirits could see - similar to rolling dice - across our table, illustrating how futures were read among this group. The group changed the chant to "Castigar! Castigar!", ("Punish!" in English) and the mediums realized that this group of spirits were using Etel's daughter and grandchildren as a tool to punish Etel.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  A very strong, very irate spirit passed into Nelson, speaking Spanish.  He was so agitated that the other mediums could not communicate with him in other way except to match his tone, by raising their voices to him.  The spirit banged aggressively on the table several times, so the mediums responded back with their own forceful table banging.  The spirit spoke rapidly, saying that his group was angry with Etel because she used to work with them at one point, and now that door has been closed.  Gloria gently told the spirit to explain the situation, and we would help finish this issue for them today.  There were twelve spirits in the group, and all of them had been taunting Etel. The spirit said, with a very evil laugh  "She is hiding - but I am her friend!  Listen!  Listen!"
Gloria told the spirit to look at the display of shells he had cast upon our table.  "I don't like flowers," the spirit complained, "Etel has forgotten us and you should tell her that she used to work with us moving the shells, but now we have pushed all of the bad shells to those boys."  The spirit described a "black mojito sauce" that was used to poison the boys all in different ways.  Astrid and Gloria asked the spirit to put his issues on the table.  Instead, he laughed again and placed another "bad shell" on the table, informing the table that this time, the bad shell was a different color.  Astrid asked him to clean all of it away. 
Astrid and Gloria continued to reason with the spirit, as he laughed and played with his shells.  After much persuasion, he decided to leave, stating that "we are all good friends of Etel, but there will be no apology."  He started picking up everything from the table, and he promised that all twelve spirits would depart with him. In the same strong, authoritative voice he had been using since he arrived, he said, "Perdona Mi," as the mediums saw him forcibly removed without saying goodbye..
"He did not want to go," Astrid said, "But he was taken by a very strong male spirit."  Astrid continued, "This group was from another reincarnation, and they felt Etel had betrayed them by not doing what she was supposed to do - even though she recognized them from the previous existence."  Nelson added, "She thought she could use their power for goodness, but they only felt betrayed."  Astrid saw them dancing in the street and the sea, throwing shells into the ocean.  Nelson encouraged Etel not to stop working (passing spirits), and Astrid added, "She should find one or two other mediums and work from home if necessary."  Gloria reminded everyone that rules or guidelines needed to be put into place for the reunions before they started.  "It's the same situation for the grandchildren," she added, "they need more rules."  Astrid felt that, "...the boy in the hospital will improve." 
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Nelson sensed a spirit insistently saying: "Ask her!"  The spirit wanted to know if Gloria's daughter and her husband were getting divorced, and Gloria stated they were not.  "It's not the husband you think that she is divorcing," Jackie said, encouraging Nelson to look elsewhere.  Nelson felt the spirit of a man, standing in front of the daughter, and the table realized that we had met this spirit before.
From the May 21, 2013 notes:
Spirit (via Jackie):  A spirit arrived and advised Gloria to tell her daughter to slow down (Nelson saw the same message and agreed).  "She thinks she is still twenty years old," Nelson says, "and if she keeps up this pace, she will have a health issue".  Both Jackie and Nelson are worried that the daughter may suffer a heart attack, and she needs to take care of herself.  "She's older and she needs to own it," Jackie says.  Nelson was shown an "opportunistic spirit" and asked Gregory to keep his phone with him over the weekend, in case his Mom needs him.  She needed to relax, and avoid extra pressure.  Jackie says, "It's not up to her to make everyone else happy."  Jackie added that if she is taking any medications, she needs to continue, as the spirit around her is very material and he is not giving up easily.  Jackie and Nelson saw the potential for the daughter to run from her hotel in a panic.  Jackie realized that the name of the spirit was Roberto, and he believed Gloria's daughter "owed him."   He appeared to be a wealthy Spanish gentleman who lived in the material world with plenty of obedient servants around him to do whatever he wanted.  In the spiritual world, he still had many servants around him to do his bidding, and he often used them as decoys.  They look just like him, but they are not him.  Nelson described him as, "all revenge, no love."  In a previous life, he was rejected by Gloria's daughter - and this material rejection has given him a constant spiritual task of humiliating her in this lifetime.   This spirit was an older, very strong and powerful man and he believed that humiliation for the daughter was a punishment for rejecting him in the past.  The group is able to remove the imposters who look like him, but he remains - hidden in the shadows.
The same spirit had now returned, as he had not been removed, only his impostors.  He still insisted that Gloria's daughter belonged only to him.  He appeared again as a very large presence, and Astrid sensed that compared to him, he regarded Nelson as a little worm, a nobody.  This spirit believed that he was the daughter's true husband.  When she sees him now, the spirit said she saw him differently, and she likes it.  "Like a long lost lover," Jackie said.  Astrid thought that Gloria's daughter did not fully understand the feelings she had for this spirit, as she seemed to feed from him, even though she was not sure why or what was happening - which is why the spirit believed that he had a reason to do what he had been doing.  "He's hiding," Nelson said.  Nelson saw him opening both hands and repeating "Surprise!  Surprise!  Surprise!" as he moved around the daughter's home.  "He has something in mind that he wants to do," Nelson stated.  Jackie saw him in a bedroom, blended into the wall, while Astrid and Gloria felt him in the office, sitting in the computer chair used by the daughter's husband.  Jeff thought the group should ignore him, so that the spirit would not get the attention he seemed to crave.  Jackie saw the spirit seated on the sofa downstairs, in the same spot where Gloria previously sat earlier in the day.  He was calmly smoking, enjoying his game of hiding.  Nelson and Gloria stressed that we needed to offer more prayers to remove him.  He did not sit.
Spirit 3 (via Jackie):  Jackie sensed a female spirit behind Astrid.  She was asking Astrid's mother, "Are you coming?" and Astrid's mother was telling her "No."  Jackie thought that this spirit might be preparing her for the transition, and Astrid told the table that her mother was not yet ready.  Astrid was amazed to see how much her mother had changed.  After being evasive for so long on so many things, Astrid's mother now saw things clearer.  Astrid believed that her upcoming birthday (October 16) would be her last.  Jeff commented that as Astrid's mother was finding peace, so was Astrid.  Based on Jackie's description, Astrid thought the female spirit preparing her mom might be the sister of her grandmother.
Nelson saw a large group of tired, sleepy spirits.  Their exhaustion was causing Nelson (and others at the table) to also yawn and feel sleepy.  These spirits were repeating what they had been told, "Sleep and rest, close your eyes and rest."  Astrid thought they might be Jewish people, as she saw them wrapped in white sheets.  Gloria believed that the good spirits had put the group to sleep for a while - almost like a coma - and now it was time for all of  them to wake up. 
Spirit 4 (via Nelson):  "Don't wake us up," a spirit said, passing into Nelson, "No, no, no!  We have been here for so long, and we don't feel good.  We want to go back to sleep."  Jackie realized that these spirits did not know where they were,and they had not yet realized that they were no longer alive.  The spirit speaking through Nelson said, "There are many of us..."  Gloria told the spirit and his group, "All of you need to get up.  Listen to the beautiful bells, wake up and listen."  The spirit now saw his own body, but he was still reluctant to wake up.  Astrid smelled something good, like flowers.  The spirit suddenly clapped his hands and shouted,  "Wake up! Our time has come!  People in this world just want to sleep.  No problems, no secrets to think about when we are asleep.  They told us to fall asleep!  Just close your eyes and you will feel better.  Don't open your eyes, they told us.  How can we be so ignorant?"
The spirit told the table to be patient, as there were many spirits being awakened, row by row.  "There are lots of people alive but asleep in your world," the spirit chuckled, "We put people to sleep - but no more!"  The spirit started laughing, and like his earlier yawning, the laughter spread to the rest of the table.  It's was as if he wanted everyone to wake up and be happy.  "We are thousands, all of us are aware now, and we are gonna go," he said, punctuating his declaration with more laughter.  "Thank you - whoever you are - for giving us this chance," he said, still laughing as he faded away.
Jackie told the group that 5,500 people die every day just in the US, and the table discussed how some spirits transition by themselves and how some spirits are removed in groups.  In both circumstances, there may be a period of sleep or extended rest.
Spirit 5 (via Gloria):  For a while now, Gloria had been seeing a spirit for Nelson in Puerto Rico.  He is wearing a formal hat, and he is waiting patiently near Normita (Nelson's cousin) for Nelson to arrive.  Gloria envisioned him as nicely dressed, in an affluent mafia gangster style, and he did not seem to be a bad spirit.  Nelson thought it might be Normita's grandfather.
Spirit 6 (via Nelson):  Ivan, the longtime friend of Jeff and Nelson's who passed a few years ago, has been observing our table since we sat down (Nelson sensed him in the house last night).  He wanted to speak through Nelson without using Nelson's body, as he wanted Nelson to hear him.  As he promised, he wanted to visit our table often to tell us many things, and Astrid sensed that he needed more time to experience everything before relating it all.  He said he was busy on the other side, working all the time.  He has not had time to visit those he left behind, because he has so many spiritual things to accomplish.  Ivan knows that he will have more free time once he completes his assigned tasks, and he wanted our table to know that he has not forgotten his promise to tell us more about the spiritual side.  It is still strange for him to see Jeff seated at the table, and he said: "Give me some more time to get used to it."  Ivan wants to do so much, and he wants to help everyone he couldn't help when he had a material body.  "When you come to this side, the faster you detach yourself from what you left behind, the easier it is," he said, silently passing into Nelson.  One of Ivan's responsibilities is to assist spirits who have a difficult time with this challenge.  "Nelson, listen," he continued, "You have a lot to do,so don't be lazy.  I remember all the times you took my hind and said, 'Ivan, follow this and you will be OK.'  I want Nelson to keep doing the work he does.  We will keep working hand in hand.  I'm learning."  
After Ivan departed, the table discussed how amazing the spirit world was.  Nelson wondered why his uncle (the director of a center) was not in the same place as Ivan.  It was agreed that we are not all on the same level.   
Spirit 7 (via Gloria):  Gloria said that the spirit of Don was still around Jackie (both Nelson and Jackie realized this as well), because he wanted to speak to someone who will listen to him.  "He cared a lot about you and still does," Gloria offered.  His issue is that he wants to help the family he left behind, and they are all at another center in Florida.  Nelson encouraged him to learn from Ivan, and detach himself from the material world - as they are not listening to him anyway - and busy himself with a new spiritual job.  He passed away six years ago, and it was time for him to progress and free himself from his previous associations within the material world.
Jackie wanted to ask for guidance for her friend Mary (MJ) in North Carolina.  She seemed to have one burden after another, often causing her to spend money that she does not have.  Nelson sensed her ex-girlfriend (still in the material world) was around her.  He also saw her past reincarnations, in which she put many people into symbolic small cabins after taking all of their money - the same situation she now finds herself in.  "Don't let her repeat what she did in her last life," Nelson cautioned, as he saw her as a hanging suicide.  "She has the spiritual knowledge to know better," Gloria added, since she had previously sat at our table.  Nelson knew that her reading of the Gospel was one thing that was keeping her from hanging herself again, and he encouraged her to continue.  In the past, she destroyed her family (and others) to get more money, and now she was getting back what she once gave out.  Nelson said her small space is packed with unlovable creatures, and Gloria saw the cabin covered in large trees and shadows, very dark, like a cave.
Nelson hoped that MJ would avoid Lisa (or anyone else connected to her) in the future.  Both Nelson and Gloria saw MJ as a medium, but although she can listen and see spirits, she usually chose the wrong options. Gloria envisioned bottles of liquor in the cabin, and she cautioned that any alcohol consumption would be bad.  MJ's faith has to be consistent and true, and she cannot have her judgement clouded by alcohol. 
Astrid told the table about a recent TV program she viewed.  It was the story of Fidencio, a Mexican child who always knew that God wanted him to cure people.  In his brief lifetime, he cured many people (including his own mother).  During Fidencio's lifetime, mass healing rituals were often held at Cerro de la Campana, known as a sacred site, and Rancho Puerto Blanco, where adherents could use the waters of the Charco Azul for its healing properties. Countless ritual cleansings took place there. Fidencio insisted on providing a happy atmosphere for the afflicted, so there was always music, dancing, laughing, and theater. He often sang cheerfully as he healed, and he never charged money for his healing services.  Read more here:
Gloria mentioned an excellent book she had been reading about healing, entitled Reconexion.  A chapter in the book described Dr. Eric Pearl, a chiropractor who healed people.  Nelson added, "All we need is faith." 
Read about Dr. Pearl here:
Jackie closed with a prayer.

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