Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Florida - September 10, 2013

In attendance: Astrid, Gloria, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago
Nelson wanted to share a passage from a book called "Obreros De La Vida Eterna".  Astrid read the selection in Spanish while Nelson translated it into English.  Gutozo was a devout 19th century Catholic who believed that his strict "by the book" belief in Catholicism assured that he had the "right documents" to find peace within the Catholic spiritual world.  After passing, the welcoming angels and the guarantee to see God that was promised to him by the priests were nowhere to be found.  He requested assistance which did not arrive, so he went back to the Catholic church (in a spirit form).  Nobody could see him when he appeared again in the material world.  As a former doctor who gave money to the Catholic church, Gutozo was certain that the church had not lied to him, and yet he felt as if he was now blind in the spiritual realm in which he found himself.  He had spiritual guides around him to assist, but his mind was unprepared to hear what they had to say.  He was too stubborn to change his beliefs, after years of following the same patterns.
The table discussed suicide, an act often committed out of despair, and how it might seem like a way to "quit living" and "make the pain go away."  Free will ensures that we have the right to take our own life, but we must be aware of the consequences and the responsibilities that we have to every other single person whose life we would have touched in a significant way.  The group discussed direct forms of suicide (hanging or shooting) and indirect methods, such as overeating or drinking to excess that could cause someone to leave the material world before their predetermined time.
Nelson saw an image of someone holding a pistol to their head, and Jackie experienced a similar vision.  The table discussed how many people might be on the verge of suicide.  Is the image of someone holding a gun to their head related to the former spirit friend of Astrid's daughter (Pam) who visited our table in the past?  Astrid shared an incident that occurred to her in the past that was recently repeated again.  As a child (about 10 years old), Astrid attended an event and noticed the spirit of a woman hanging from a mango tree.  She later discovered that there was a woman who committed suicide by hanging herself from that tree.  A few days ago, Astrid experienced the same vision of the hanged woman, but this time, Astrid saw her hanged outside a window of her home.  
This story led Nelson to believe that it might be Marta (from Argentina) who wanted to kill herself.  She had expressed that she was lonely, unwell and tired of her daily struggle, and as Nelson sensed it, "I'm done."  With no other resource to help her, Astrid suggested that Nelson speak with her.  The mediums realized that it is Marta's former husband with the gun held to his head, and they think that his spirit is encouraging Marta to join him.  (Note: In a dream after the session, Nelson realized that Marta's husband did not shoot himself in the head, he suffered a massive heart attack or stroke that paralyzed the right side of his body, damaging him in a way that he thought was "beyond repair."  Marta later confirmed that her husband was a paralyzed invalid for five years.  His indirect suicide situation was that he gave up on ever recovering, which is what he hoped to encourage Marta to do now, resulting in either a direct suicide attempt or a slow, antagonizing eventual suicide that was similar to his.)   
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  A spirit moved into Nelson, attempting to speak, but nothing came out except for slurred noises that sound like "Shhuc, Shhuc, Shuuc..."  This spirit was stuttering, he was very insistent, and he was clearly frustrated that he could only speak by spitting out word particles in noisy bursts.  Astrid rose to calm the spirit, as he struggled and made the sounds of "La Pa...La Pa...", trying to form words.  Eventually, the spirit was able to say, "La palabras" ("the words" in Spanish), and then he slowly said: "The words won't come."  As the mediums encouraged the spirit to speak more, he responded in Spanish: "You are listening?  You can hear me?"  The spirit was amazed and very surprised that his damaged mouth was working again.  Not realizing that he was deceased, the spirit demanded to talk with Marta, his former wife.  "Mucho culpa (much guilt)," he said.  He also wanted to chide and tease Marta in regards to her current situation, stating that "When we don't have money, and when we are sick, then things are not so rosy..."  The spirit felt that Marta had not treated him well, and he now wanted to hurt her in the same way he believed that she had hurt him. 
The mediums were able to calm the spirit down, and he started to cry.  "I have a son who doesn't love me, and a daughter I never loved," he sobbed.  He became worried about his mouth again, as he knew it was deformed and he was uncertain if the table would understand what he needed to say.  He could not comprehend how he was able to speak now, and he really needed us to understand why he did not love his daughter.  "I never accepted that she was different," he wept, "and it has left a pain in my soul."  Astrid explained that everyone was distinctly different, and that the characteristics the disliked about his daughter are what made her unique.  "It's too late to tell her now," the spirit cried, "because they have taken away my mouth."  Astrid and Gloria stressed that his inability to speak was only an issue in the material world, and he was speaking now to a group that fully understood him.  The conversation continued with the spirit insisting, "Marta was the guilty one," for not agreeing with him (in regards to disliking his daughter and killing herself).  Now it was "difficult to forgive her," and even more difficult "to accept what I did." 
The conversation veered off into another direction.  In English, the spirit asked, "Who is this guy who brought me here?"  Astrid responded, "A protector, or a guide."  The guide told the confused spirit that the first step was to forgive his daughter, son and Marta.  He needed to clean his heart by asking for forgiveness.  Hating Marta because he wanted her to dislike their daughter was just one issue.  Returning to Spanish, Astrid and Gloria encouraged him to forgive each circumstance "little by little" as the spirit guides showed the him departing from the various places he had been visiting. 
The spirit became very agitated again at what he saw, and Astrid realized how difficult the situation had become.  After a while, Gloria was able to coax the spirit into calmness by telling him that he was going to a spiritual hospital.  "Senor muy bueno," the spirit said, as he seem to realize that he had spiritual help nearby, and he warmed to the idea that he had somewhere to go.  He insisted that our group should tell Marta that he "was from Argentina, but his heart always belonged to Brazil".  The spirit sensed that the pistol aimed at his head had been removed, and he asked for some similar aid for Marta, saying, "She needs more help for her soul."  He asked the spiritual guide to take him to her, so he could say goodbye and "cut the cord" between the two of them.  "I need to say 'chow' (the term for goodbye in Argentina) to Marta," he realized.  The spirit sensed that his face was now intact, and he wanted to thank the group at the table.  As he softly faded, he said to the group, "Chow...Chow...Chow..." and he was gone.
The group discussed the experience.  The spirit was definitely Marta's former husband from this lifetime.  Nelson was freezing cold, and Astrid saw the spirit world as they removed the reluctant spirit.  The next steps would be up to Marta - learning to live with what she has, and accepting it, as things could be worse.  This is the life she agreed to before reincarnating, and this phase is what she has earned or merited.  It is important for Marta to tell her daughter to pray to her father and ask for him to forgive her for any negative issues between the two of them.  While asking for his forgiveness, she needs to tell him that she also forgives him.  Nelson agreed that passing this damaged spirit was very difficult, and he sensed that Marta's son was upset with her because he felt that she was not strong enough to make his sister change.  The father's spirit pushed both children away from Marta.
Nelson relayed a message from his cousin (Normita) thanking our table for all of their prayers and efforts towards her family.  Her son (Ivan) would be operated on this Friday, and Gloria saw him continuing to improve, "He is going to be fine."
Spirit 2 (via Gloria):  Gloria asked Jackie if her friend (Rafael) ever rode on motorcycles.  Gloria sensed an image of him, seated behind the handlebars of a big motorcycle.  Jackie stated that Rafael was too short to ride large motorcycles, but he had a scooter.  Rafael's shorter height may be why the image of him riding a motorcycle made the bike seem bigger than it really was to Gloria.  As a precaution, Marian said that Rafael should not be riding a motorcycle (or the scooter) as she sensed that it would not be good for him.  Astrid reminded the table that we cannot help the ones who do not want to be helped.  The table discussed how Rafael may be more comfortable in his current condition because it is all he has ever known. 
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  Nelson sensed a spirit who arrived earlier while we were reading, and this spirit was not conflicted, as he was already aware that he is deceased.  This spirit did not like it when we read and tried to learn more, as he preferred people who were ignorant.  He stated that he has more fun with them once they die.  He enjoys toying with these confused spirits, and he does not like groups that are similar to ours because we teach and encourage everyone to think.  "This is what we need to close," the spirit said, passing into Nelson.  Astrid realized that the spirit knew what he was doing, but he did not know where he was going.  He was clever and he clearly knew it.  Astrid also wondered why he was visiting our table and she wanted to know who brought him.  The spirit explained that he was part of a group that started out small and continued to increase in size - and it was his job to eliminate groups such as ours.  Gloria sensed a group of about six others around this spirit, as she told him, "Our job is to help people like you."
"I don't like any of you," the spirit asserted, "And don't tell me that I am dead, a spirit or where I am going, as I already know all of it!"  The spirit continued: "Let's do a deal.  I will go away and you will close this group."  The table tried to reason with this adamant spirit who was in a playful mood.  "They trapped me," the spirit complained, as he thought he was looking into a window that would give him the opportunity to close our group.  Now that he was here, other spirits were gathering around him, taking away the powers he thought he had.  Jackie told him, "They have a new job for you." 
Speaking through Nelson, the spirit said, "You people are difficult," as he listed the various religions that he preferred to antagonize.  "You need to move on," Jackie continued, "this job is over."  The spirit explained that he had "assistants," a group of seven other spirits (for a total of eight, counting himself) who came in with him, and they functioned as his subordinates.  It seemed as if this spirit believed that his actions were innocent, as he only ordered the work, while other spirits committed the tasks he assigned.  The mediums continued to speak with him.  "Stop telling me where I am going," the irritated spirit scolded the table, as he and his group were eventually coaxed into leaving, "Time is up and there will be no more playing ignorant when we are not.  It was a game."  The spirit wanted to advise our table that there were many similar groups within the spiritual world, and he cautioned, "Don't open that door."  He continued his warning, advising that once a door was opened, "We go in...we go in...we go in..."  The spirit became cranky as he realized it was time to go.  "Four ladies are taking me," he sighed with resignation, also promising as he left, "So until next time..."
Gloria related a story of sensing Edgar (the spirit of a deceased medium who had his own group) in her home, around 9:30 PM or 10:00 PM while she was watching television.  Edgar was worried about the center he established (his daughter was running it now), because he knew that there were spirits like the one who just sat who are dedicated to closing them.  The spirit who sat today mentioned that he visited "centers in which we went unseen," and Gloria wondered if that center may have been one of the visits.  The group discussed the possibility.
As the discussion continued, Nelson brought up the topic of other centers in the area.  Astrid shared a story of a male nurse who had once attended to her mother.  He was Brazilian, and seemed to have an aura of spiritualism around him.  The next time Astrid looked for him, he had been transferred to Tampa.  Jackie and Gloria discussed Denise, who used to have a Portuguese spiritualist center in Tampa, but Jackie thought that it may have closed.  The conversation veered off into a discussion of spiritualist origins in different countries, and Jackie mentioned a Brazilian training team that once toured the US.  Referring to our table, Astrid said: "When the time is right, we will branch out," and Gloria added, "Our table is here to help the needy." 
Spirit 4 (via Gloria):  Gloria asked Nelson about a spirit that was previously with him (on another day at our table), as she sensed this presence listening to our discussions.  Asking questions of the spiritual world is another learning tool, and Santiago added the we need to accept people as they are, but if there is a spiritual need, we need to tell them directly what they need to hear.  Gloria and Nelson rose up from their seats to clasp hands, and the presence was gone.
Spirit 5 (via Nelson and Gloria):  Nelson asked if Astrid had spoken recently to her daughter, as Gloria sensed the same black clouds gathering over Pam that she saw in our last session.  This time, the clouds were different, as there was a dark, cloudy side over one side of Pam's head, and a clear area over the other side.  "How can someone be so stubborn?" Nelson asked, and Astrid responded, "Because it is easier."  Gloria sensed the word "hoarder," but she was not certain if it related to Pam hoarding in the material world or the spiritual world - or both.  Nelson asked Astrid, "Would you feel guilty if something happened to her, and you were partially responsible?"  The conversation switched to Spanish between the two of them.  In English, Nelson related a vision of the fire department, police cars and ambulances around Pam's residence.  Jackie sensed that they may be responding to a possible heart attack. 
"She has never been at the point where she is now," Nelson cautioned.  Gloria sensed that Pam did not want to die alone, she wanted to take Santiago with her.  As the table discussed the ramifications of Pam's life, Nelson realized that Pam was carrying a massive amount of spiritual baggage from her previous life.  In this life, "Nothing she got was what she wanted," Jackie added.  With spiritual help, Nelson understood that Pam was living the life she had to repay her spiritual debts from the previous life.  She agreed to come again and work to repay what she owed, but now she does not like what she agreed to.  "She was forced to come here," Jackie realized.  Nelson saw her wondering, "Why did you send me this way when I hate the way I am?" For Pam, the table sensed that her current existence will always be a struggle between dark and light, just like the cloud images that Gloria saw, hovering over her head.
As it so often occurs at our table, the session had circled around to where it began with the earlier reading - a story of someone who had the spiritual guides around to assist, but with a mind that was unprepared to hear what those guides had to offer.  Nelson understood that the spiritual messages for Pam were intended for Astrid and Santiago.   
Jackie closed with a prayer. 

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