Saturday, May 7, 2016

Chicago - January 4, 2015

(Note: These notes were authored by Denise)
Attendees:  Sonia, Mia, Marisol, Carmen, Denise
Guests:  Bernardo
Present in spirit: Nelson, Jeff

After the Opening Prayer, Marisol began a discussion regarding Sonia's sister going through a process but that Sonia is worried for her. 

Message: person wants to feel better but won’t analyze inside to feel better – to be happy in spirit not material things and needs a balance.  We ask for permission to reincarnate to progress instead we become cowards and don’t progress.

Quote from Madea:  “You have to be in peace in two places: in the grave and at home”

Marisol to Sonia: Your sister has to treat both spiritual and material issues

Spirit #1 (thru Marisol):  This spirit came in feeling very unwell and complaining of stomach pain.  As the session with this spirit continued, it was revealed that he was a passed husband but wasn’t a very good one and that he accepts the guilt.  She left him but he was responsible.  At the end, he asked for forgiveness and went with those good spirits for the help that he needs.

Our conversation continued next regarding a spirit that is with Bernardo (Burlon – jokester);  This spirit makes him feel sick and doubtful of his dreams and would like nothing better if Bernardo would stop attending these sessions and leave Spiritism behind.

Spirit #2 (thru Carmen):  This spirit was very upset that Bernardo came to the center for help.  During the session it was revealed that the two were friends in a previous existence and that Bernardo had betrayed him.  After some counseling, he began to understand that he had to leave the hate behind and that Bernardo was not the same in this existence as he was in the previous one.
Table discussion:

Negative people: try not to be around them because they can influence

Also seen were a man and women gossiping and were more responsible that this church isn’t successful (Wayne & Mavis) need prayers so there are no problems

Closing Prayer

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