Thursday, May 26, 2016

Florida - April 29, 2014

In attendance: Astrid, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago
Nelson saw a small growth (about the size of a raisin) in Jackie.  Due to the location, Jackie thought it might have been related an old incision scar, while Astrid saw it as polyp.  Nelson explained that it was supposed to be dead, but it's alive, and he recommended that Jackie take care of it before it grows.  The message he received was that the spirit world does not want her to be in pain.  This conversation prompted Astrid to remind Jeff about scheduling a follow-up doctor's appointment.  While watering her yard, Astrid remembered that the e coli infection could hide and return.  She cautioned Jeff to be tested every six months.
Nelson warned Jackie that our human minds are very powerful, often causing physical harm without realizing that negative thoughts can have a physical impact.  He asked Jackie if her Mother had a similar condition, and Jackie explained her maternal history.  The spiritual side is allowed to do only so much in these situations, and then the material needs must be addressed.
The table discussed Gloria and our continued hopes for her improvement.  Nelson saw her as trapped, and Astrid visualized her in a cage, with spirits around her determined to keep her confined.  Nelson related the Spanish segments of the Thursday session at Gloria's house to the group.  Gloria's mother sat at that reunion and her message was strong.  Nelson understood that Gloria's situation was more spiritual, but it was combined with physical issues.  As with Jackie and Jeff, once Gloria's spiritual issues were addressed, there would still be physical symptoms to resolve.  The earthly decisions made by others should not be allowed to create stress and physical pain for any individual.  For example, if Gloria's children need her help, her assistance is not an issue.  The issue arises when we continue to assist without allowing an individual to succeed or fail from their own decisions.  Nelson thought the negative spirits around Gloria might view her removal as an easy way to reach her children or other loved ones, and Astrid agreed.  
The group discussed that there was often a deep worry that once we die, our loved ones (children, partners, friends) will fail - as we are no longer nearby to protect them.  Or we may think that passing into the spiritual side might help us to better protect our loved ones.  Both ideas are very inaccurate.   
Spirit 1 (via Astrid):  The spirit of our table (Marita) appeared briefly to Astrid in regards to the discussion, and instructed the table to "let it go."  Analyzing a situation repeatedly leads to over-complication.  With so many detailed options and opinions, a clear choice is never evident. A better solution will come from within.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson): Nelson explained a situation he dreamt about related to Marta in Argentina.  He visualized a man watching her with intense concentration.  This man was very old, as even moving his fingers was extremely painful. As Nelson described the condition of the elderly man, the spirit moved into him. 
(Note: We assumed that the spirit spoke in English instead of Spanish so that Jeff could better record his words for Marta)
Spirit (sadly):  Why do I feel so old?  So old.  Why is everything is so fragile?  I feel like dust.  Only dust.  If I leave, who will watch over her?  I am always her caretaker.  
Astrid: Why are you watching her?
Spirit: I have loved her several times.  If I don't watch over her, who will?
Astrid: That was another time, in another country -
Spirit: So I should not watch her anymore?  She likes me...
Astrid: No, you cannot go back.
Spirit: What language am I speaking?  I do not understand it.
Astrid: You are speaking a universal language of spiritism.
Spirit: It's very funny (laughs).  You see, I haven't lost my sense of humor.  That's what keeps you alive.  If I don't understand something, I just laugh.  I see people visiting Marta in her current castle, but I don't recognize them.  They dress differently.  There is a presence (another spirit) next to me asking me if I recognize him. I didn't know him, but I recognized his clothing.  He said that I should follow him, as my time with her is up.  I don't need to watch over her anymore.  This spirit said that he could 'glue me back together' so that I am not so fragile.  I had to keep an eye on her."
As the table encouraged the spirit to go with the guide who was with him, the spirit had a request:  "I want to give her a message."  Noticing that Jeff was writing, he said, "They tell me that you will give it to her.  I loved her very much. I did not realize how much, as I didn't know who I was.  She left me, but I still loved and looked.  It was a very long time before I found her.  When I found her, I felt comfortable and I did not want to leave. I am not at the same level as her now." 
Astrid gently explained Marta's current state.  The spirit continued: "She was so beautiful.  People sat outside of her castle to see her.  She is still pretty, with very soft hair.  Sometimes I combed it for her. A nice guy brought me here.  Tell her that she still has a big brush, with ivory in it - like what the elephant has.  She likes to use it to comb her hair, and when she does, I comb it with her.  If she turns the brush, there is a mirror.  When she turns it, she can see the color of her skin in her cheeks.  In the castle tower, she only went out for 15 minutes a day.  Not too long, as a lady with too much color does not look good.  You see, I still have my sense of humor.  They will glue me back together now, and one day, I will see her rosy cheeks again."  The spirit faded away, speaking soft phrases in French.
Nelson recognized that a new spirit had arrived, and he described the sensation as "bizarre and weird."  The spirit was related to Marie, the elderly neighbor of Jeff's mother. "All those people think they will destroy her, and she will do it to them," Jackie noted.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  The spirit had arrived to help Jeff.  Marie wanted to find a way to talk to him.  "You are smart enough to find a way," the spirit told Jeff, "so find a way to talk to her."  The spirit explained that Marie called him her guardian angel, but he was also her spirit guide, teacher and protector.  "Tell Jeff that she misses his phone calls the most.  This might sound strange, but she has been waiting and waiting.  Please call her.  Every night she tells me that she misses that voice.  She needs to talk.  She said to "Tell my son" that she tolerates Jeff's birth mother because she gave Jeff to Marie again." Jeff promised to call Marie on Wednesday, and the spirit explained that Jeff's mother, "...was not a bad soul. She is just confused.  Help her - all of you.  Like us, go where you are needed.  With the woman you spoke of earlier (Gloria), just call her and tell her you love her.  Just tell her that you were thinking of her.  Say, 'We love you and hope you get well'.  You humans are difficult!  Difficult!".  As the spirit departed, he wished all of us, "love, peace and prosperity." 
Spirit 4 (via Nelson): Nelson asked Santiago how he was feeling - a question he wanted to ask since our last session.  Santiago said he was very well. Nelson's spirit guide arrived to stand behind Nelson:
Caballito:  Tell him he is doing well, but he should not attempt to do things that he cannot do.  Concentrate on other areas.  Take care of the spiritual needs now, it's not all about the material side.  Gloria (Santiago's sister) needs him now.  Some of the (negative) things she is undergoing are because she earned them.  What she is experiencing cannot be stopped by anyone.  Tell Jackie not to worry, the procedure for her issue is simple - like eating or bathing."
The spirit guide referenced Nelson's nephew, Gabe.  Addressing Jeff, he said: "You want to see him grow, but with growth comes pain.  Be soft, don't hurt him.  The rest of his family will involve Nelson, and there are rough times ahead.  It will be OK.  Tell Nelson that Gabe will be OK.  Nelson gets hurt, but he doesn't share that with anyone else.  He's a knucklehead.  Knucklehead!  But he will come around.  Different things are coming, and you need to keep the knucklehead under control.  I need to clean something he has been dealing with, and it will take all of our attention to do it, so we need a minute of silence to remove it."
After a brief pause, Nelson's spirit guide focused his attention towards Jackie:  "What you have, no one can find.  We are trying to burn it away."  He asked Jeff for a towel and wanted Santiago to stand behind Jackie.  As he lowered the towel to Jackie's abdomen, Nelson's spirit guide said:  "When you go to the doctor now, he will ask, 'Why are you here?'...There will be a slight burn's a delicate area.  We call this a spiritual operation on the spirit side....people need to believe..."
As the operation concluded, everyone was reseated, and Nelson's guide continued: "We have friends who do not like us, and they like to damage our bodies."  He advised that Jackie should still schedule an appointment with her doctor.  "Some things cannot be done by one of us alone.  We are cleaning the operating room now." 
Caballito the spirit guide understood why Nelson was reluctant to let him sit, as when that happened, Nelson could not hear his message.  "Tell Nelson that without him, I cannot do my job," he said, "and he has plenty of time to hear me.  I need Nelson's body to work."  Addressing everyone, the spirit guide said: "Always act with the benefit of others in mind.  Pains will subside, but when you do that, the body is never sick.  We are going around the room now, taking the other spirits who wanted to sit today away with us.  There is a group of Indians for the one you spoke of (Gloria), and we are removing them, as there was not enough time.  There are four children, related to the woman from the last meeting (Astrid's older daughter) and we are taking them, as they are not in a condition to sit.  Four children and 19 Indians, plus the chief.  Twenty Indians."
Nelson's spirit guide glanced at Jeff, and he said: "Keep doing the notes.  It reminds us of what we have done.  Do not stop.  Tough luck if someone else does not like it.  Next week, we have more work to do.  I will be here next Tuesday."  With that promise, Nelson's guide left, and Jackie closed with a prayer.

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