Sunday, May 22, 2016

Florida - December 17, 2013

In attendance: Astrid, Gloria, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago
Nelson read a selection of questions and answers from Allan Kardec's El Libro De Los Espiritus that pertained to the "laws of work."  Work is natural and necessary, and it exists in the spiritual world as well as in the material world.  The jobs imposed upon us as humans (work, charity, simplicity and cooperation) are a "way of learning" that helps us to prepare ourselves for the spiritual side.
We mentioned the names of two individuals at the table.  Marta's son (Sebastian) who would be reuniting with his mother and sister in Brazil in January 2014.  He should have an update on his testicular cancer at that time.  Jackie mentioned in an email that she was experiencing some swelling in her legs, and the table hoped that mentioning her name would help her recovery be quick and painless.
Nelson also mentioned an incident over the phone with his cousin (Normita) in Puerto Rico.  She felt as if a negative spirit was enveloping her, and while speaking to her over the phone, Nelson was able to persuade the spirit to step aside.  Nelson also foresaw that the spirit of Normita's mother (Nelson's aunt who worked in the Puerto Rico group with Nelson and his uncle) would be visiting her daughter soon.  As he mentioned this, a spirit flashed briefly into Nelson and quietly said: "I am not ready for communication.  You read about work, so keep doing yours."  The spirit left as rapidly as she arrived.
Since Monday, Nelson had sensed the presence of a spirit attached to someone at our table.  This spirit was filled with hateful thoughts.  It was very difficult for Nelson to understand such intense hate, as it seemed unjustified, and he began to tear up.  This spirit was connected to Jeff, and it came from a member of his family - his sister.  Gloria saw the spirit representing this hate as an old woman - pure evil - who does not like Jeff. This old woman injects her thoughts into the head of Jeff's sister.  Nelson and Gloria both heard the spirit say to the sister, "If he If he dies, everything is yours."  Nelson was mentally trying to trap the spirit into sitting at our table, but he was using love, which was difficult with a spirit who only understood such extreme hate.
Spirits 1 & 2 (via Nelson):  The spirit moved into Nelson and asked, "What you're telling me is that I am confused?  What she (Jeff's sister) is telling me to do is the right thing to do - but now you say it is wrong?"  The spirit explained that she was being paid for her work.  When we have negative thoughts about a family member, these types of spirits often arrive to reinforce them.  Astrid reasoned with the spirit, saying, "Whatever she gives you, it will later go against you."  There was a pause while the spirit considered this information.  We never realize that our negativity towards others will eventually bounce back to us.  Gloria told the spirit, "And you are not feeling good now."  The spirit was confused and replied, "But, but I was..."  The spirit had made a decision: "I got tired of someone always telling me what to do.  I am going to tell you something.  Be very careful, because sometimes those smiles that seem so happy come with other attachments."  Marian told the spirit, "You want to hurt someone who has never done anything to you."  The spirit jumped to attention and said, "You are a smart lady."  Astrid encouraged this spirit to cut the negative thoughts completely. 
Nelson began to feel physically ill, as if acid reflux was continuously moving up and down his throat and into his stomach.  "It's sickness," the spirit said, "as I am reeling in all the cords."  Gloria said, "Once you have them all, you need to say that you are sorry - from your heart."  There was another long pause.  The spirit said, "They cut seven cords.  Seven."  The spirit seemed to consider his options and eventually he decided to leave with one of the spirit guides who brought him to our table.  He told the group that he was planning to go to a hospital better than the one that recently treated Jeff.  Before leaving, he apologized.  He saw his transportation, and he described it as a horse pulling a beautiful carriage.
As soon as the spirit departed, Nelson's physical condition deteriorated.  His stomach ached and he was nauseous.  Gloria moved behind him to cleanse him with the assistance of her Indian guides.  Astrid saw the removal of the pain and she described it as a large amount of a jelly-like substance, which fizzed up and disappeared.  Nelson asked for a glass of water.
The water was for Jeff.  Nelson's guide had arrived and he stared directly at Jeff, telling him that he was using Nelson's eyes to increase the intensity of his message.  "Sometimes evil can win, and it put doubts in our mind," he said, "The water will take it out and your mind will be completely at peace."  Jeff was instructed to grasp Nelson's hand as he drank the water.  There was a pause, and Jeff was told to return to his seat.  The spirit guide assured Jeff that for all his follow-up tests, he would not be going into the doctor alone.  He also wanted to remind Jeff not to stop loving the one who brought him into this world.  Nelson's spirit guide said that he would now move to the side, next to Nelson, where he would remain for the rest of the session.
(Note: As predicted, the additional testing showed no other signs of infection.)
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  Nelson saw a spirit around Jackie in Baltimore, and he heard the spirit say, "How sad if she were to die there..."  This spirit seemed to taunt Jackie, saying that she had her free will in regards to the trip, "but we are in the house, and we knew that she would come back.  We have been waiting."  Astrid understood that the spirit was the late husband of Jackie's sister (Mel).  Gloria also saw him, but she visualized an additional image of a casket surrounded by candles in a church.  "That's Jackie," the spirit of Mel said, "She came here for that.  I'm still in charge."  The spirit would not sit at our table, but he was content to speak from his spot standing behind Nelson.  The mediums saw him in a corner of the townhouse, on a landing within the interior staircase.  The mediums sensed that Jackie needed to be very careful on these steps, as Mel planned to push her.  Gloria now understood why she saw Jackie wearing boots in a previous session.  The "slippery" situation Gloria had described was Mel, waiting for an opportunity to make her slip on the stairs.  Astrid wondered why Jackie had to be in Baltimore, and the spirit replied, "She knows I am here, and she wants to talk to me.  I am standing on the stairs, up against the wall, waiting for the right moment."  The mediums saw him smoking a pipe or cigar, and the spirit explained, "So she will recognize me when she sees me."
Astrid recommended that we find a way to cloak or cover Jackie for protection.  Gloria sensed that another spirit had arrived, and his name was Michael - and he was the first husband of Jackie's sister.  This spirit was aware that Mel was a much stronger spirit than he will ever be.  "What an irony of life," Mel said, as if to prove Michael's point, "She will be in a casket, in a church - which not what she would ever want - final revenge."  Nelson saw the entire townhouse in turmoil, and all three mediums cautioned Jackie to be very cautious on the stairs.  Jeff asked how Mel was dressed, and Gloria realized that Mel might be the nicely dressed man in a suit (from the previous session) waiting to meet Jackie.  "I'm not going anywhere," the spirit confirmed.  Gloria saw him place a small radio on the ground.  He turned it on and said, "Do you see that?  That's Jackie, open to everything."  The spirit of Mel could not be moved, and the mediums encouraged Jackie to ask her spirit guides for help against him.  It was important to note that Jackie may think that she can talk or reason with him, but she should not make any attempt on her own.
Spirit 4 (via Astrid): A spirit passed quickly into Astrid, saying only one thing before departing again:  "She promised me last night."  Astrid explained that she felt a spirit yesterday, and she thought it might be her deceased cousin (who passed away three years ago).  She offered him the opportunity to speak at our table today.  As quickly as he left, the spirit returned to Astrid, telling us that his name was Rafael (and confirming that he was Astrid's cousin):
Spirit (very confused):  Memories.  I know I am dead, but I don't know where I am.  I made so many mistakes.  I am so sorry.  I said to remember me, but why am I feeling this way?  (Nelson stood next to Astrid, as the spirit continued)  I died because I was sick, and now I am still sick. 
The table eventually realized that although Rafael had spiritual beliefs, he doubted what he knew near the end, returning to his Catholic beliefs and the priest.  The spirit confirmed this harmful behavior.  Nelson encouraged him to forgive himself, instead of waiting any longer for a priest to arrive and forgive him.  The spirit began to cry through Astrid.  "I behaved so bad," the spirit sobbed, "I want to apologize to her (meaning his wife), but I cannot see her anymore."  Gloria told him to concentrate on seeing the spirit guide next to him, explaining that this presence was like a guardian angel.  Nelson told him again to forgive himself, and the spirit softly repeated several times, "I forgive myself."  Nelson explained that the spirit would not feel cold anymore, and the spirit replied, "I am leaving now.  I am going.  I will be back one day.  Will they bring me back?"  After assurances that he could return, he quietly left, saying "God bless my soul."  Gloria saw lots of money piled on top of everything - and Astrid was still shivering.
Nelson had a request.  He asked Gloria to set up a 10 minute meeting with her daughter.  "She will not understand what we are doing," Nelson said, "but she has been asking for it."  The meeting was to be with only Nelson, Gloria, Astrid and the daughter.  Astrid saw a group of spirits looking from the pool area towards the inside of the house.  She saw the daughter as physically unwell (and Gloria confirmed that she was suffering from asthma).  Gloria thought the issue might be related to negative thoughts from the children of her daughter's husband.  Nelson saw the situation as a military maneuver, with the group of spirits near the pool moving ahead steadily, and he heard them say, "the entrapment is getting closer."  Nelson stated that it was important for the husband not to be present during the medium's visit, as "He has a past that only he knows, and he wants to keep it that way."  The conversation switched to Spanish, and Nelson's spirit guide returned to deliver a message of hope (also in Spanish).
Gloria foresaw a future revolution occurring in Argentina.  The table discussed the issue, and Astrid closed with a prayer.
(Notes: The mediums did visit the house of Gloria's daughter.  The husband refused to leave for their visit, so some spirits were removed, while others remained.  There was a revolution in Argentina when the ruling party lost the political election in October 2015.)

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