Sunday, July 3, 2016

Wednesdays in Chicago - June 29, 2016

(Note: Our Wednesday sessions in Chicago include an educational topic.  The talking points on how to question or counsel the spirits who visit our table are below...)

From Allan Kardec's The Book of Mediums 

What is the best way to question the spirits? 
286. Too much importance cannot be attached to the manner of addressing questions to spirits, and to the nature of the questions addressed to them. In regard to the questions we address to spirits, two things are to be considered - their form and their purpose. In regards their form, they should be conveyed with method, clearness, and precision; complexity should always be avoided. 

But there is another point not less important, the order in which our questions should be arranged. When a subject requires a series of questions, it is essential that these should be made to follow one another in regular sequence, so that they may grow naturally out of one another. Spirits answer questions, when put in this way, much more easily and clearly than when they are asked at random, jumping abruptly from one subject to another. Those who adopt this plan will find that the spirit evoked, frequently answers a question as though he had foreseen it; thus proving that he had been aware of it beforehand. 

Do we even need to ask questions? 
287. As previously remarked, some persons think it better not to put any questions to spirits, but to await their spontaneous communications. To the considerations we have already opposed to this view of the matter, we add, that spirits do, undoubtedly, make spontaneous communications which are often of great interest and value, and which it would be wrong to neglect; but there are explanations for which we should have to wait a long time, if we did not elicit them by our inquiries. The Spirits' Book, and The Mediums' Book, for instance, would be still to be written, (or would be far less complete), had we not addressed questions to the spirits and heard the answers given. The weighty problems involved in these questions would be still awaiting the solutions that have been obtained in response to our inquiries. 

The questioning of spirits, carefully, thoughtfully, and respectfully, with a view to obtaining such information as they are able and permitted to give us, is of very great utility. And it is by questioning them closely, that we are able to unmask the deceptive spirits who are so apt to present themselves under assumed names, and with pretensions to superior knowledge of which their falsity is made apparent.

(Kardec asked for clarification from a trusted spirit guide. Various enlightened spirits responded in reference to the types of questions on which they are usually asked by beginners.)

288. Questions with spirits sympathize, and those with which they do not sympathize

1. Do spirits willingly answer the questions addressed to them?
"That depends on the questions themselves. Serious spirits always answer with pleasure the questions that you address to them with a view to your moral advancement. They take no notice of idle questions."

2. Does the seriousness with which a question is asked ensure its receiving a serious answer?
"No, for the quality of the answer depends, in part, on the quality of the spirit who replies."

- But does not a serious question drive away frivolous spirits?
"It is not the question that drives them away; it is the character of the questioner."

3. What sort of questions are particularly displeasing to good spirits?
"All that are useless or prompted by mere curiosity; they do not answer such questions, but are repelled by them."

- Are there any questions which are specially disagreeable to imperfect spirits?
"None but such as would show up their ignorance and cunning, when they wish to deceive you; in other cases, they answer any and every question, without regard to truth."

4. What is to be thought of those who only seek, in spirit-communications, for amusement, or for information concerning their worldly interests?
"Such persons afford delight to inferior spirits, who, like themselves, want to be amused, and who take pleasure in hoaxing them."

5. When spirits do not answer certain questions, is it because they do not choose to do so, or because they are forbidden to do so by a superior power?
"It may be for either reason; there are some things that cannot be revealed to you at present, and others of which the spirits themselves are not cognizant." - By insisting strongly, can we always succeed in getting a spirit to reply? "No; the spirit who does not choose to reply is always able to go away. For this reason you should never persist in trying to make us answer. To insist on having a reply, when the spirit interrogated is not willing to give it, is a sure way to be deceived."

6. Are all spirits able to comprehend the questions addressed to them?
"Certainly not. There are many questions which imperfect spirits are incapable of comprehending; but this does not prevent their replying at random, as is done by foolish people in your world."

Remark - When a useful end is to be gained by so doing, a more enlightened spirit often comes to the aid of an ignorant one. Such help may be easily detected by the different quality of the answers, and also by the admissions of the more ignorant spirit himself. This, however, only happens when the latter is good, although ignorant; no such help is ever given to spirits who make false pretensions to knowledge.

Can spirits tell us the future? 
289. "If men foresaw the future, they would neglect the present; and yet it is about the future that you are always trying to obtain answers But you are wrong in doing so; for spirit-manifestation is not divination. If you are absolutely determined to obtain answers about the future, or anything else, you will get them; for foolish and deceiving spirits are always ready to answer you. We are perpetually telling you this."

But are not future events sometimes spontaneously foretold (truthfully) by spirits? 
289. "A spirit may foresee events which he considers it useful to make known, or of which he may be commissioned to inform you; but announcements respecting the future are generally to be distrusted, because they are more often made by deceptive spirits for their own amusement. It is only by a consideration of all the circumstances of the case that you can judge of the degree of confidence to which any prediction is entitled." 

Why do serious spirits, when they predict an event, rarely give us a specific date? Is it because they cannot, will not, or it is not allowed? 
289. "It may be for any reason. Spirits feel the approach of an event, and may sometimes give you warning of it; but as to predicting exactly the time when it will take place, they are sometimes not permitted to do so, and sometimes they cannot do so, because they do not know it themselves. A spirit may foresee that an event will happen; but the precise moment of its happening may depend upon conditions not yet accomplished, and which are only foreseen by the Almighty. Frivolous spirits, who have no scruple in deceiving you, specify days and hours without troubling themselves about the fulfillment of their predictions. For this reason, circumstantial predictions are usually to be distrusted. 

Should I ask a spirit for specific information or advice (such as jobs, travel. love life)? 
289. "We remind you that our mission is to aid your moral progress, and thus to help you forward on your road to perfection. He who seeks only wisdom from his commerce with spirits will never be deceived. But you must not suppose that we waste our time in listening to your foolishness, telling your fortunes, and assisting you to waste your time; we leave all that to the tricky spirits who amuse themselves with doing so, like mischievous children. 

Can the spirits tell us about our past existences? 
290. "God sometimes, for a special object, permits those existences to be revealed to you. When such knowledge will aid your instruction and edification, the revelation is permitted; but, in such cases, it always comes to you spontaneously, and in some unforeseen manner. It is never permitted for the satisfaction of mere curiosity." 

Can anything be revealed to us about our future existences?
290. "No; whatever spirits may tell you on this subject is all nonsense, as you may easily see; for your future existence cannot be fixed beforehand, because it will be what you will have made it for yourselves, both by your conduct during your present life on earth, and also by the choice which you will make, in regard to that new existence, when you have re-entered the spirit-world. The less you have to make up for, the more happy your existence will be; but to foreknow that phase of your life is an impossibility, excepting in the special case (a very rare one) of spirits who are only on your earth for the accomplishment of an important mission, and for whom the road is traced out beforehand, and may therefore be foreseen." 

Can spirits give us advice on private matters?
291. "Sometimes; according to the motive of your demand, and the nature of the spirits to whom you apply. Advice concerning private life is best given by familiar spirits (spirit guides), because they attach themselves to individuals, and interest themselves in whatever concerns the individual life of those whom they protect. The familiar spirit is your personal friend, the witness and confidant of your most secret thoughts; but you sometimes weary him with questions so ridiculously stupid that he ends by leaving you. It is as absurd to ask for advice of an intimate nature from spirits who are strangers to you, as it would be to ask advice of the first person you met in the street. 

So only 'good' spirits will offer us advice? 
291. You must also take into account the qualities of the familiar spirit himself, who is usually good or bad according to the qualities which cause him to sympathize with the person to whom he has attached himself. The familiar spirit of a bad man will naturally be damaging; but he will be compelled to withdraw and to give up his place to a better spirit, as soon as the human himself begins to improve. Like goes with like." (In other words, we receive bad advice from the negative spirits we attract, and good advice from the positive spirits - which is why it is important to differentiate the difference.)

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