Sunday, July 3, 2016

Florida - September 15, 2014

In attendance: Astrid, Cristina, Frank, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago
Nelson updated the group on the conditions of Marta and Etel in Argentina.  Jackie read the prayer for the sick, and our group agreed to keep them in our minds, both physically and emotionally.  Astrid said that there were many ways for both of them to conquer their issues if we helped them with our strength.
Nelson also explained the ongoing progress of his father.  After we removed the spirits surrounding him, his health was continuing to improve.  We went around the table to see how everyone else was feeling, and Santiago told the group that he was experiencing sinus problems.  He wondered if an operation was needed, but a spirit speaking from a position behind Nelson advised Santiago that an operation was not necessary. 
Nelson asked about Astrid's oldest daughter.  Her legs were still troubling her, and the same spirit who advised Santiago also encouraged her to wait on any operation.  As her daughter's job was becoming more stressful, Astrid was concerned that part of her stress might be emotional.  Nelson felt that the daughter might not be able to take the cruise with her parents in October if her stress and her legs continued to trouble her.  In addition to the pressure at work, Nelson thought her husband might also be contributing to her stress level.  The group discussed his religious and spiritual belief that he was a "master" of Rosicrucianism.  (Read more about it here:  Nelson saw their house filled with "zombies", very sickly spirits with blank brains.  Astrid wondered if her daughter's husband attracted these type of souls, and Nelson believed that the house was so saturated with these spirits, Astrid's daughter had begun to accept their daily presence in her home, as she was exhausted from fighting their ongoing influences.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  There was one spirit present in the house who stood in a corner, over a spot where the husband liked to sit, and he was persuaded to leave his location to speak through Nelson:
Spirit: I own that.  That place belongs to me.  I own that, and I am going back.  You took my power.  I need that power.  Without it, I am nothing.  I have no power.
Astrid: You do not need that power now, you need to do positive things.
Spirit (referring to the husband): He belongs to us...
Astrid: He is material, not a spirit...
Spirit: I don't like anyone here.  None of you.  Do you know how long it took us?  That house gave us the power.  It was a long time.  A long, long time.  Long time.  The guy that brought us here said it's time to go now.  Time to leave him and her alone.
Astrid: Yes, please leave them alone.
Spirit:  Do you know how many we are?  Nine, ninety nine (999).  Plus one.  I was trying to fool you and go back.  The plus one is me, but he said that he is going to take me.  I will go with him now...
As the spirit departed, Nelson said that for Astrid's oldest daughter, spiritism was something that she sometimes believed in and sometimes doubted.  He hoped that she would believe and feel better, and he was confident that she would be able to go on the upcoming cruise with her parents now.  Nelson also explained that his spirit guide "took" him along to visit the house, as it was the only way to remove the zombie spirit.  Our table discussed how complicated this process must have been, and Nelson's spirit guide replied with a sigh, "Humans are difficult."
Spirit 2 (via Nelson): Nelson spirit guide asked Jackie about her recurring shoulder pain:  "Why do you think that you can carry someone else's burden on your shoulder?  There are things on your shoulder that do not belong to you."  Jackie thought that she could help Yvonne, and Nelson's spirit guide told her no she could not, explaining, "That's what you are carrying on your shoulder.  You may not think that you are turning the switch on, but it is not in your hand.  Others can get in."   With the help of his guide, Nelson heard Yvonne asking, "Where is Jackie when I need her?"  He envisioned Yvonne wanting to see Jackie, so she often drove towards her house, only to realize that she could not do it.  Nelson's spirit guide would attempt to alleviate some of Jackie's shoulder pain, but he warned that Jackie must also make an effort.  He advised that for the next month or so, whenever Jackie's friend (Mary) brought up topics related Yvonne, Jackie should say, "Let's discuss that in November," as a way to stop the conversation.
Spirit 3 (via Astrid): Astrid saw a tall, dark (suntanned from the sun) lady standing behind Frank.  She was dressed in clothing from the 1800's, decorated with beads, and she was not wearing any shoes.  This spirit was looking at the back of Frank's head, and she was placing her hand near him.  Astrid determined that she was happy to see Frank at our table.  "She approves," Astrid said.  Jackie realized that this was Frank's grandmother, and she told the group that the grandmother was a medium before in the material world.  Nelson explained that she wanted and earned the right to see Frank and tell him, "I'm glad you're here."
Nelson discussed the seven cords connecting our material bodies, explaining that the silver cord was the last one to be cut, severing our material relationship and signaling our spiritual return.  Astrid said, "Free will is our biggest inheritance," and Jackie added, "And our biggest problem".
(Note: Read more about the silver cord in the next blog post)
Spirit 4 (via Jackie): Related to the previous conversation, Jackie sensed that Michael (the departed ex-husband of her sister) was present.  He always knew the "when, where and why" of his death, and Jackie said that as she explained that concept to others attending his funeral, she was certain that at least three other people left with a better perspective and information that they would carry with them to help them when it was time for them to transition.  Michael was wondering how much longer Jackie's sister (Jan) would continue her current behavior before learning as the others had.  Michael knew that Jan would be looking for him to come for her when it was her time to transition, but he explained that he would not be the one, as he would be there for Jackie.  "Jan will be Jan," he explained, "and nothing will help, even though she grasps at everything."  Michael explained that although he needed to work and he tried to assist Jan, when she did not understand, it hurt the work of the spiritual world. 
(Note: The next spirit arrived in a manner that Nelson had never experienced before)
Spirits 5 & 6 (via Nelson): Nelson saw a caravan of spiritual covered wagons.  The front wagon functioned as a "lead scout" for the rest of the group.  The caravan was flying through the air, preparing to visit Cristina's parents in Spain.  There were ten covered wagons in the procession, and Astrid sensed that they were "looking for something."  Cristina shared that her father was currently unemployed, and she explained the circumstances related to his rehiring (court cases and various protests for reinstatement).  Cristina wondered why 60 of the 62 people laid off with her dad were called back to work when he was not.  Nelson was told, "They don't want him."  Jackie saw that Cristina's father was too involved with the protestors, and Cristina said that he was never previously involved with the gossip or protests before, as he was afraid that it might eventually cost him his job.  And now it had.  Nelson advised Cristina to tell her father to be cautious, as he was not receiving the best advice for his current circumstances.  Nelson was transported to the first wagon in the caravan, and he experienced blowing sand and strong wind in his face, as he was seated in the front, next to where the driver sat.  "A storm is coming," he advised Cristina, and the conversation continued in Spanish.
Nelson sensed that the father's unemployment was one part of the caravan, but there were ten covered wagons with ten different issues all heading towards the house.  The wagons near the end of the caravan were not as harmful as the ones in the front.  Cristina explained that her mother's sister was currently living in her parents house, and Nelson understood the lead wagon in the caravan was related to this person.  The covered wagon had a driver who could overhear the conversation between the three individuals seated in the back of the wagon, and the driver knew that this group had bad intentions.  After Nelson sat with him, the spirit of the driver for the first wagon agreed to visit our table and sit through Nelson:
Spirit: I was just driving them there.  I don't like it.
Jackie: We understand...
Spirit: I don't like what they say - they want to cause problems.  I don't want to deliver this, I don't want to be their driver.  Be on the lookout.  Something is coming.
Jackie: Deliver them and then leave after.
Spirit: I am talking to you, but I am still driving them.  Can they hear me?  Tell the old man to be careful - there is a lot of talk about him.  I don't like what else is back there (referring to the rest of the caravan).  One of them (wagons) has very dark things inside.  Even if I can talk to you and they can't hear me, I'm going back now.
Nelson's spirit guide arrived to confirm that the three negative energies in the lead wagon were trying to influence Cristina's three cousins - the children of the aunt living in her parents home.  Cristina's aunt was suffering the effects of this negative energy, but she will begin to feel better now in her new location.  If possible, the aunt should remain in the house of Cristina's parents.  Caballito was very specific, explaining that a blue pill for depression should be prescribed for her condition.  Nelson saw the aunt as a good spirit, very advanced, and at a different level than the others around her.  Her material mind does not comprehend what is happening around her now, but her spiritual side does.  In a previous life, the aunt was once a famous medium - not in Spain, but in France.  She had the ability to move objects with her mind, and Nelson saw lines and lines of people waiting patiently to see her.  Cristina's aunt was in a deep depression in her current reincarnation, but a spirit was stepping forward to sit at our table and offer help.
Spirit 6 (via Nelson): Nelson moved his chair into a corner, explaining that he felt the need to illustrate how this spirit guide once worked with Cristina's aunt.  The spirit would gesture for an individual to step forward, and she would diagnose their issue.  The aunt would recommend a remedy.  The two of them wored nonstop at a rapid pace.  She spoke so eloquently, our table was reluctant to interrupt her: 
Spirit: This is the work I did, to help everyone.  That's all we did, we worked.  We were very poor.  Very poor, but very rich in our belief.  We worked three days every week, from 10 AM until 6 PM.  We never turned anyone away, no matter what was needed.  I have continued in my work, but she (referring to Cristina's aunt) has not.  I can come to her rescue now, so I am thankful that you have allowed me to speak.  We healed the sad, and the mentally ill - but of course they were not mentally ill - with her hands and mine.  They could continue their lives.  She is not alone.  She will never be alone, I will be there with her until it is her time to join me. 
Treat her with kindness, treat her with love.  I continue to do my work.   Tell this gentleman whom I am speaking though that he is very generous and he should continue to work as we need the work.  Tell him that I thank him for allowing me to do this today.  Ask her (referring to Cristina's aunt) about her dreams.  She didn't understand, but I would come and get her and we able to still work that way, holding hands together.  Dreams and travel - ask her.  Those are her dreams.  I still need her at night to continue my work.  We have a lot of work in front of us, as there are lines and lines....
The spirit departed and Nelson wondered how he and his chair had moved to one corner of the room.  Jackie closed with a prayer.

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