Sunday, July 3, 2016

The Silver Cord

What is it? 
Babies are born into the material world with an umbilical cord connecting them to the life-giving source of the mother - which is disconnected after birth. When we die and enter the spirit world, we sever an umbilical-like cord that connected our spirit to the life-giving source of the physical body. Many religious traditions describe this spirit-body connecting cord as the "silver cord." Just as the baby's umbilical cord must be severed for the baby to experience life, the silver cord must be severed for the spirit to leave the body behind to experience spiritual life. 

What does it look like? 
The silver cord has been described as being smooth, very long and very bright - similar to an elastic cable made of light, about an inch wide, and sparkling like tinsel on a Christmas tree. Your belly button is a reminder of where your umbilical cord was once attached, and the silver cord is attached to one of several possible locations on the physical body. 

Where is it attached? 
The silver cord can connect to various locations in the body, but it almost always hooks up with a spiritual center in the body - either a chakra or endocrine gland. In addition, it may move around, depending on our "out of body" experience. One day it may go through the abdomen, another day through the head. People with "near death experiences" usually describe it as being attached to some part of the head, although there are other examples suggesting it is attached to the chest, back, or where the umbilical cord was severed. During the dying process, as the spirit body leaves the physical body and moves farther away it, the silver cord becomes thinner as it is stretched to its limit and becomes severed - like stretching a rubber band and then releasing one end of it. When this occurs, the spirit body is released from being attached to the physical body. Once the silver cord is cut, it becomes impossible for the spirit body to ever return to the physical body. For this reason, we can define "irreversible death" as that point when the silver cord becomes stretched to its limit and severed. Once this barrier is crossed, the near-death experience becomes an irreversible death experience. 

Can it stretch and not be broken? 
Of course! A near-death experience does not involve the silver cord becoming severed; otherwise, the near-death experience would then become an irreversible bodily death. While we are asleep we may travel with our spirit guides to other existences or places from our past lives. We can never stray to far as the silver cord leads us back home to our material body lying comfortably in bed. The silver cord is extremely strong and it can stretch very far, so we are not limited by distance when we travel. 

Where can I read more? 
Allan Kadec writes about the silver cord in The Mediums' Book, on pages 30 and 79

In 1974, Divaldo Franco described the silver cord as: "An energetic or fluidic link that connects the perispirit to the physical body while the spirit is incarnated. It may stretch out to a considerable distance without breaking or damage, as in astral projection. The silver cord, also known as the luminous cord, or line of force, is severed only some time after physical death (minutes, hours or many days)."

In the New International Version of the Bible - Ecclesiastes 12:6-7 
"Remember him - before the silver cord is severed, or the golden is broken; before the pitcher is shattered at the spring, or the wheel broken at the well, and the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it." 

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