Friday, July 22, 2016

Florida - January 19, 2015

In attendance: Astrid, Frank, Gloria, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago
After the opening prayer, Nelson realized that the room was filled with a large group of slaves (we were meeting on the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday).  "They say we are not slaves anymore," one of them said, "but we are."  Gloria commented, "We are all slaves to the material world."
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  One of the slaves stepped forward to speak through Nelson.  He had been trapped underwater for a very long time, as the boat used to transport him had capsized:
Spirit: You celebrate a lot of things.  When will it be our time?
Gloria (softly): And their own people sold them...
Astrid: The slaves were freed over 200 years ago, so some should have already heard these celebrations...
Spirit: No.  It was not that long ago.  They are still selling us.  (gesturing to his wrists, ankles and neck)  How long do I have to keep these shackles on?
Gloria: Until today.
Astrid: Those shackles are also emotional - from abuse.
Spirit (struggling with the metal collar around his neck): Can you take this off?  I cannot swallow.  Where is my family? I left them behind.  Where?  Take me there - where are they?  I cannot go without them.
(Astrid and Gloria counseled and calmed the spirit)
Astrid: your family is gone, and you can free yourself now.
Spirit: Help me find them, I need to know where.  Where are they?
Astrid: They are not here anymore.  Let yourself learn new things.
Jackie: You are not leaving them behind, they are waiting for you.
Spirit (struggling with his neck collar): Can you help me take this off?
Jackie: Someone next to you will do that.  It's been on there a long time, so it's tight.  Hold still.
Spirit (as the good spirits removed the collar):  Now I am free.  I can breathe.  (sadly) I died with that on.  They tell me today is my freedom day, and where they will take me, my family is waiting for me!  I have been so angry for so long.  (long pause)  My own family sold me.
Jackie: That's behind you now.
Spirit: I am going to see my two sons.  My wife and two sons.  I am going to see them now.  I don't know who you people are, but I want to thank you.  They are cutting all my shackles.  They are also cutting them away from the others with me, like they did for me.  (pause, as the shackles were removed form the others) We all died on that boat.
Gloria: You didn't die, your spirit is still alive.
Spirit: Thank you - whoever you are.  Thank you.  There are 124 of us.  We died at night.  I can swallow now, and I will see my sons.  They have grown.  They are telling me that my wife and sons did not suffer like me, but they are with me now.  They were not slaves, they all hid and my sons took care of their mom.  124 and my wife and sons.
The spirit faded away very softly.  Nelson immediately sensed a group of African spirits hiding in a cave.  They were engaged in a ceremony, and Astrid explained that these groups often had a shaman leader.  Nelson saw a very black man as the shaman, and he wore thin lines of white paint under his eyes and up to his hairline.  The shaman was chanting, and Nelson began to repeat his chant: "Ahaa, Ahaa, Ahaa).  Astrid explained that the chanting was a way for the shaman to put himself into a trance - similar to hypnosis.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  The shaman spirit wanted to sit, but first, he wanted to paint Nelson's face to resemble his.  Even after the painting, the spirit was worried.  He asked, "If you remove us, how will the others know where to go?"  Nelson began to rhythmically tap one of his knees, like a drum.  The shaman asked, "If I do my singing, will you understand me?"  He began to sing, "If I do it, if I do it, if I do it if I do it, do it do it," faster and faster, as the conversation continued:
Astrid: Be in harmony with this body (meaning Nelson)...
Spirit: He was painted, so I can speak
Astrid:  We understand.  You have a ritual...
Spirit: If we depart, do you have someone to replace me?  They won't come if they cannot see one of us.
Astrid: There will be other souls.
Spirit: They are saying that I don't need that paint anymore.  Can I tell you where I come from?  You changed the name, and I don't even know how to say that word.  I am from "Nigeria". 
Astrid: It's still called the same.
Spirit: You call it that, but it's outside of Nigeria.  We were in that cave, but they say it's not necessary to hide.  It's time to move, and not be afraid.  Where we are going, they will understand my language.
Astrid: The language of spiritism is universal.
Spirit: We were the Naija group.  Naija was our guide.
(Note: The word "Naija" is still used - it denotes a new beginning or dawn for Nigeria.  Naija is another name for Nigeria, the patriotic name for Nigerians to show their strength and smartness. Read more here: 

It is also interesting to note that children are currently being kidnapped and sold into slavery in the area in Nigeria where this spirit came from - so the schools have all been closed {as of September 2014}
Spirit: I don't need to bring these things with me?  I will find love?  I recognize someone at this table.  She was there with us at that time.  She was part of that group (the spirit looked at Gloria).  She likes these things now (pointed at Gloria).  MaHa was her name.  MaHa.  Her name is similar now, but not the same. 
(Note: An internet search revealed that MaHa is still a Nigerian name - there is even a street named MaHa)
Gloria explained, "We have many, many lives and changes.  You can progress just as I have."  The spirit said that Gloria's friends from the past wanted to say goodbye to MaHa.  Raising his left hand in a salute, he chanted "MaHa" with the others in a sign of respect.  He told Gloria, "We will meet again," and she replied, "I would love that."  The spirit said, "MaHa, I will bring your friends with me.  There are 45 of us, and 20 are the friends of MaHa.  We are all going to go now..."  After his quiet, appreciative departure, Nelson was freezing cold.  He had been inside a very cold cave, with weeping willow trees outside.  Our table understood that the weeping willow branches may have been used to apply the white face paint.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson): Nelson asked Jackie if she would accompany Frank to his doctor's appointment on Tuesday, and she said that she would.  Frank has been feeling better, and Nelson told him that, "with a little faith, everything is wonderful."  Things will be fine for him at the doctors, but the spirits did not want Frank to go alone.  Nelson asked Frank if missed our reunions when the group wasn't meeting, and Frank said that he did.  Nelson advised Frank not to attend the sessions with the other group where he went before for three months.  It was a difficult message to deliver, as the spirit world always allows us to have our own free will.  So the advice was not for him to ever attend again, it was just to ask that he take a break for three months.  Gloria understood that Frank picked up things at those sessions that were not helpful.  "What's there is not good for anyone," Jackie offered, and Astrid agreed.  The spirit speaking from behind Nelson said, "She stated it better than I ever could."  Nelson explained that the spirits were working to cleanse Frank, "And how good is cleaning if you keep going places to get dirty?"
Astrid updated the group on Michael, the man who attended our December 15 session.  He fell, and his father took him to the hospital.  As they examined him, the doctors discovered that his lungs were now clear and his tumor had disappeared.  Nelson said that Michael should thank the spirits, and he hoped that Michael would now be encouraged to have faith and pray.
Cristina attended our December 22 session, and Nelson told her that the next time we met, she would be relocated.  Astrid confirmed that Cristina moved to her own apartment last week.  Nelson said that the timing of these updates on Michael and Cristina were not accidental, they were examples for Frank to continue his own positive thoughts that would also gave him good energy.  Gloria shared a story of how she used her faith - and prayer - yesterday.  While speaking to Santiago, Gloria noticed a consistent, strong cough.  After praying and calling on her guides, Santiago had not coughed at all today.
Spirit 4 (via Jackie): Jackie visualized the spirit of an older woman next to Nelson's father.  She was whispering to him, gently shaking him and stroking his cheek to make certain that he could hear what she was saying.  She seemed to be concerned that Nelson's dad was not taking care of himself properly.  Gloria sensed the same message.
Spirit 5 (via Nelson): Nelson had a message for Jeff.  His mother's health was not good, and Nelson believed that she was getting tired of her life and she wanted to check out.  Gloria understood that when she couldn't do the things she wanted, Jeff's mom became depressed.  Jeff agreed, and explained that his mother had decided not to visit her doctors any more to treat her various medical issues.  Nelson said that there was something in her stomach that made her feel bloated.  He also saw her departed ex husband (Lee) around her.  Jeff's mom often smelled the smoke in her house from the pipe he smoked, and this scent worried her.  She continuously checked for a source of the smoke.  She also thought that her younger brother (Bruce, who lives in Mexico) might be the source of the smoke smell, and it was his attempt to confuse her into dying, so he could inherit some money.  Astrid explained that Jeff's mom blamed others, "because she doesn't want to see what is there."
Nelson saw Jeff's mom looking up at the sky and repeatedly saying "Damn you!" to Janet, her best friend who passed.  Jeff confirmed that his mother thought her life would be better now if Janet was still alive.  The spirits took Nelson to the house of Jeff's mother, and he noticed a tiny chair near a large desk in one corner of the living room.  There was the spirit of a dwarf (little person) who sat in the chair, counting pennies.  He was angry at Jeff's mom.  "She will leave with one, just one penny," he chuckled, as he counted his coins and continued the conversation:
Spirit (pretending that a penny was glued to his finger): Take one penny with you, if you can!  And I will be there to put it in.  Watch, it's magic! On the end of my finger, but it will not fall.  She has to suffer.  I just want to push her down from the balcony - not to die, but to suffer more.
Astrid: Who are you?  Explain, elaborate...
Spirit: She took everything from me.  Everything!  Now they will take it all from her.  No house, no money (laughing wildly)...
Astrid: You are not going to make her suffer...
Spirit: Damn her!  Damn evil!
Jeff: Leave her alone.
Astrid: Don't get involved with her.  It's bad karma for you.
Spirit: She is so evil that she doesn't even need my help to suffer.  Don't stop me, I can say want I want.  Damn woman! 
Gloria:  What did she do to you?
Spirit: She stole from me.  Everything I worked for my entire life.  She took it all.  I want her to know what it's like to have nothing.
Jeff: She has suffered enough.  Aren't you tired?
Spirit: I want to see her cry.  She never wants anyone to see her cry.  I've seen her cry, I look at her all the time.  Ha, ha, ha.  Here's a penny back for crying.  I need to go back there now.
Astrid: Not there, and not back to that corner.
Spirit (looking at Jackie): Do you want her pennies?
Jackie: They don't belong to me.
Astrid: She will learn her lesson, leave her alone.
Spirit: Damn woman!  They say I have to be respectful.  You know what?  She can keep everything except what belongs to me.  I put things everywhere over there, but she's not having anything.
Astrid: Leave that house and take it all with you.
Spirit: She makes her own misery.  I'm taking six bags of stuff with me.  I'm leaving behind what is not mine.  Six bags and six people are going with me. 
Astrid: Now you can go.
Spirit (looking at Jeff): You were right, I am tired.  I'm going to leave her alone and take all of my things.  Only my things.  They are telling me they will empty those bags for me.  I deserve better.  I'm sorry if I said something rude - but I meant it.
Spirit 6 (via Nelson): Once the dwarf spirit had departed, Nelson was reminded that he wanted to mention Marta from Argentina at our table.  As he spoke her name, Nelson saw a group of spirits dressed formally as upper class servants.  They were looking at Marta.  The "major domo" of the group decided to speak through Nelson, forcing him to adjust himself in the strict posture of a butler holding a white cloth on his extended left arm.  The spirit spoke politely, but an authoritative tone: "Ask her how it feels now not to have anything.  She doesn't need any servants now, does she?  No servants, and she is alone. Huh."  The servant explained that he was an educated man who attended a school for his profession - and he thought Nelson needed to attend the same school.  In his past life with Marta, the servant and the rest of the staff lived in their own wing of the house.  Marta never went back to that section, as it was strictly for the these lower class servants. 
The servant explained that although Marta said that she never visited that section of the house, in reality she did - for romantic reasons.  Marta got pregnant by the servant who was speaking to our group, and she told him she had an abortion.  The servant politely explained that he now wanted to find his child.  He knew now that Marta had lied to him, and his son was not aborted.  The child they had in the past reincarnation was now Marta's son in this lifetime.  He reincarnated as her child again, and again she left him.  The spirit began to speak in Spanish.  Astrid and Gloria explained to the spirit that these events happened many years ago.  Marta was a different woman now, and both she and her son did not look the same.  Marian told him that what he saw was Marta's spirit, and that spirit had found another life.  The spirit continued to ask polite questions.  Eventually he wondered who was with him, and it was explained to him in a way that he would understand - the spirit guide with him was his "guardian angel."  The servant still insisted on seeing his son, and he wondered where he was going to work now.  He had always had the same job, and if Marta had moved on to another life, where would he work?  He was very sorry that he could not talk to Marta.  The spirits promised him that they would take him to Marta's dreams so that he could say goodbye to her and inquire about his son.
The spirit apologized for asking so many questions, and he thanked us profusely for our answers, describing our table as, "a very educated group."  He said his experience with us was "very beautiful," and he thanked us again.  The spirits around him were taking him to a new home now, where his butler work could continue. 
Jackie closed with a prayer.

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"There were no sex classes. No friendship classes. No classes on how to navigate a bureaucracy, build an organization, raise money, ...