Friday, July 8, 2016

Florida - December 8, 2014

In attendance: Astrid, Frank, Gloria, Jackie, Jeff, Marian, and Santiago
After opening the session, Jackie read a selection from "Teachings of the Silver Birch", a spirit guide whose words were transcribed by Maurice Barbanell.  The group discussed the reading, which led to a conversation about the Catholic church, among other topics.  Gloria sensed the presence of many spirits in the room from other churches and denominations.  They were formally dressed and listening intently. 

Spirit 1 (via Jackie):  One of these spirits spoke to Jackie.  He was a man who had been to different churches, and his message was that those churches had good intentions, but too many misconceptions.  "It's a shame that we have to label everything (into Methodist, Catholic, Baptist)," Jackie heard him say.
Spirit 2 (via Gloria):  The spirit of Edgar was present (when he was alive, he had his own center), and he had a related message for the table:
"I come here all the time when you sit.  I like the conversation today.  Where I am, there is no religious division, only the love of God.  Love, charity, and work.  We have to work - daily.  I was happy when my sister took me to different churches (while in the material world), as we brought the word of the spirit to those places.  Don't be afraid to do the same.  People want to learn.  It's a thirst.  Your mom (looking at Jackie) is always reading and working.  You know that I am with you always.  Love to you all."
Spirit 3 (via Gloria):  After Edgar's spirit had departed, Gloria noticed the painting on the wall (of Astrid's grandmother) staring at her.  She heard the grandmother's spirit say that she was compelling Gloria to look at her painted image.  Astrid had always hoped for some communication from this spirit.  As the spirit sat, Gloria clasped both of Astrid's hands and delivered the message in Spanish.  There was a tearful thank you from Astrid once the spirit finished.  The spirit also spoke to the group in general saying, "Everything is beautiful here at this table."  After she left, Astrid explained, "Because of her, I am what I am.  I found peace, harmony and love in her house."
Spirit 4 (via Gloria and Astrid):  Gloria asked Frank if he felt like the spirits were closer to him and that he was not alone.  Frank said he did feel that way, and Gloria told him that the spirits around him wanted him to notice them, especially his grandmother.  Frank needed to know that these spirits are bringing good energy and support.  "Don't lose the faith," Gloria cautioned.  There was the sound of a consistent heartbeat in Gloria's head, as she advised Frank to be strong.  Astrid sensed that Frank often closed himself off and did not let things in, and she told him that the spirits work better when he was relaxed and open.  Astrid also explained that we will die when we are destined to die.  She sensed that the spirits around Frank were Indians who could alleviate his physical and emotional pains, so Frank should not shut them out.  Gloria envisioned one of the spirits as a chief, and Astrid saw him giving his lance or spear to Frank as a symbolic gesture.  "They want to protect you," Astrid said, "and there is a lot of love around you."   Gloria added that these spirits were looking out for Frank.
Spirit 5 (via Gloria):  There was a spirit of a man standing near Santiago, and he was calling him by a nickname ("Chagito").  The spirit spoke in Spanish and gave his name (Jose Ramon) several times.  He wanted Santiago to know that he was by his side.  As the spirit stepped further into the background, Gloria told the table that there were many spirits at our meetings that we may not notice, but they were still with us.
Spirit 6 (via Jackie):  There was a message from Janet for Jeff.  She hugged him and said that he could "settle down a little" and be quiet now.
Spirit 7 (via Astrid):  The spirit of Paco, a cousin of Santiago and Gloria, was revisiting the table.  He appeared as just a shadow, and he was not in a condition to sit, but he had progressed from his previous state.  About 10 years ago, he hung himself.   When he last appeared (a month and a half ago), he was suffering and still in pain.  The group discussed the issue, including the possibility that the side effects of prozac (the medication he was taking) may have contributed to his suicidal thoughts.
Spirit 8 (via Jackie):  A cautious spirit had been appearing and hiding from Jackie, as he was fearful of being seen.  He was connected with the Vatican, and he never left that location.  The spirit explained that there were rooms unknown to the public population, and if the writings in those rooms were ever revealed, there would be worldwide chaos.  The spirit said that at one time, women held the power until the men took it from them.  The men had less compassion and nurturing instincts, and they buried the secrets they did not want revealed underneath the Vatican.  Jeff asked why the records were not destroyed to eliminate the threat that they would ever be exposed, and Jackie explained that the records were a type of blackmail - kept hidden to assure a continuous flow of money.  Gloria heard a spirit say, "Children, the path comes from the heart".
Spirit 9 (via Gloria):  Gloria saw Nelson surrounded by "madames" in Puerto Rico.  This vision was present in the previous reunion as well.  "He has eaten our food, and he is content," Gloria heard them say, "The food of Puerto Rico that he loves is fulfilling him."  The spirits also understood that Nelson was touching the earth that he loves, and Marian explained it with a Spanish adage that when translated to English meant, "He will never lose the stain of plantain." 
Spirit 10 (via Gloria):  Gloria asked Jackie about her sister, and Jackie shared that she was fine as she was preparing for a trip to Mexico.  Gloria sensed a male spirit next to Jackie, and his message was that Jackie's sister was missing her - and the tradition of Jackie's annual holiday visit.  "She won't say it," Gloria said, "but she will miss you."  Gloria saw Jackie's sister visualizing Jackie as she was packing suitcases that would remain unpacked this year.
Spirit 11 (via Astrid):  There was the spirit of a young woman behind Jeff, and she was carrying lots of books for him.  Astrid was unsure of the meaning, but Jeff thought it might mean that he had many more spiritist books to read. 
Spirit 12 (via Jackie):  There was a spirit of a little girl (five or six years old) skipping around the table in a frilly dress, wearing a gold ribbon of energy.  Jackie perceived it as a blessing for our group.
Spirit 13 (via Gloria):  As we prepared to close, Gloria had a message for Astrid in regard to her oldest daughter's husband.  He has brought some spirits with him from Puerto Rico into their house.  Astrid has already faced one of them, but there are more.  When she enters the house again, Gloria advised that Astrid should pray and cleanse the space.
Jackie closed with a prayer. 

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