Friday, July 29, 2016

Florida - April 28, 2015

In attendance: Astrid, Frank, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago
After the opening prayer, Jackie read a passage from "Silver Birch" and Nelson asked Jeff to read "I am the charity" from the prayer book.
Nelson asked Jackie about her upcoming travel plans.  He recommended that she not get involved with her hosts, as their invitation comes with something that they want Jackie to be a part of - and Jackie should not allow it.  Nelson said, "Sometimes a rose...," and Jackie finished his sentence with, "...Still has thorns."  Nelson said that the couple Jackie will visit does not have anyone else in mind who might provide them with what they need.  The situation is in regards to the male.  There is a spiritual spider web enclosing him, and he feels it on his arms and senses that it is getting tighter.  Nelson said the house Jackie will visit is very dirty - not in the physical sense, as this couple paid someone to clean it - but in the spiritual sense.  "He's a minister of some sort," Jackie said, and Nelson added that "his mind is a mess."  There was a spirit with him in the house who was not at all happy that Jackie planned to visit.  Nelson saw that several books had been prepared for Jackie to review, with pages of questions marked in advance, and the "all powerful" spirit was not happy about this.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  "The one that controls that house is me," the spirit said, as he sat through Nelson, and the conversation continued:
Spirit: Why?  Why, why, why?  Why is someone from the outside coming in here?
Jackie: I am coming as a friend, nothing more.
Astrid: She was invited as a guest.
Spirit: That is my home.  I am looking through my book of invitations and it is blank.  You are not listed.  Tell this guy to stop holding me.  I just want to know why.
Jackie: What do you think I am going to do?
Spirit: I know you are going there to control them - and I am the only one who controls them.  There is only one minister, and (laughing) no female ministers are allowed, we all know that.  You are not in my pages.  I want to ask you something.  I am looking around, and this is not their house.  You are already doing things!
Jeff: This is a house to learn
Spirit: I am not confused.  He (referring to a spirit guide) wants to take my book.  I need my book to remember....
Jackie: Why?
Spirit: Because I don't know what I am doing.  I don't even know why I am here - or over there.  He calls to me.  'The Grand Intelligence', he calls me.  I don't know anything.  He says to me, 'Grand Genius, come!' - and I know nothing!
Astrid: And you go?  He is playing with you and you are playing with each other, wasting time.
Spirit: I am hot over here.  That guy (spirit guide) said to be honest, and I am hot.  Where am I going now?  I don't want to go back there, (looked at Jackie) I am going to let you deal with it.  I'm tired.  I don't even know my own name.  I'm not the only crazy one there...
Jeff: Take the others with you
Spirit:  There are six.  Myself and five others.  (to Jackie) When you get there, ask him about the 'Grand Genius' and he will tell you.  I am tired and hot.  I am sorry lady.  Forgive me if I said something wrong.
After the spirit left, Nelson explained that he saw Jackie's friend standing on an interior balcony of the house that overlooked the front entrance.  He summoned the Grand Genius spirit from that position.  Nelson also sensed water, and Jackie said it was all around the house.  There was some sort of fountain (Jackie agreed), and this spirit was hiding in the fountain, near the back, with the webs around him.  Nelson told Jackie that she "will be the medicine that this woman needs."  (Note: Jackie later canceled her trip.)
Nelson asked Astrid how long it was since her mother died, and Astrid replied that it was about two months.  There were still a lot of spirits who haunted her mom, Nelson sensed, and they were looking for her now.  Astrid thought that some of the spirits might be nearby to guide her mom.  Astrid recently saw a departed cousin looking for her mom.  Astrid had not seen the spirit of her mother in the house, so she assumed the spirit had moved on.  It had not.  In a previous life, Nelson saw Astrid's mom involved in the French Revolution, and Astrid confirmed that her mother spoke about it while she was still alive.  The mother had regrets over the many people she sent to the guillotine.  "She didn't send them there," Nelson said, "she was the one who pulled the rope to cut off their heads". 
Nelson wondered where her remains were now, and Astrid explained that she was in the house until the end of this year when Astrid's daughter would take the ashes to Puerto Rico.  "Don't wait that long," Nelson said, "take them away sooner."  Nelson was made aware that the spirit of Astrid's mom was staying in the house, because it was where she felt comfortable.  She knew Astrid would not allow anything to happen to her, and Astrid agreed.  Nelson sensed the mother saying, "After all, she will protect me". 
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Nelson saw the spirit of Astrid's mother in a dark black protective cocoon.  It was a long, narrow hole, with chunks of slippery black rock, and the mother understood that she needed to free herself.  She was asking for charity (which explained the earlier prayer reading).  She was in the black cocoon to protect herself, and what was around her needed to be removed - and that would be the charity.  It was a sad situation, and difficult for Nelson to communicate.  A spirit arrived, and the conversation changed to Spanish as the spirit spoke and Astrid counseled him.  After he left, Astrid explained that he took 14 others ("brothers") with him.  Astrid's mom had involved them in things that were not good.
"At the end of a life, we end up where she is," Nelson said, "How sad.  She fought from the day she was born until the day she died (Astrid agreed), and she is still fighting over the life that just ended."  The table discussed the situation and Astrid gave everyone some additional insights.  After many previous lives of being a strong male, Astrid's mom disliked being a woman in her last life.  Her relationship with Astrid was often difficult, because whenever she saw her daughter, she was reminded that she was a woman.  She also wished that Astrid had been born a boy, or that one of Astrid's daughters was born a boy.
Nelson asked Frank how he was doing and what was bothering him.  Frank explained that he still had headaches, and sometimes they were mild, but frequently they were strong.  Frank also had shoulder pain, and this combination caused him to worry and wonder.  Astrid said the shoulder pains were just old age, and Nelson agreed that they were nothing to worry about.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  Nelson saw that Frank's pain was concentrated behind one ear, but Frank described it a it as located near the top of his head.  Nelson's spirit guide had arrived.  He walked over to Frank and asked Jeff to stand behind Nelson.  With one hand hovering over the top of Frank's head and the other near the right ear, there was a lengthy silence during the cleansing/passes.  Another long silence occurred as Nelson and Jeff returned to their seats.  Nelson's guide said, "I will sit for a few seconds, to clean him out.  Next week, I will come and give a message to everyone."  Frank explained that the doctors wanted to do another MRI, and Nelson advised him not to do it yet.  Nelson's guide wanted to spiritually shrink whatever what there before the next MRI.  Frank was scheduled again with the doctor for June 6, and Nelson said that he could keep that appointment, as it would be enough time for the spiritual work to be completed. 
Jackie closed with a prayer.

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