Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Florida - November 24, 2014

In attendance: Astrid, Frank, Gloria, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago
After opening the session, Jackie read the prayer for the recently departed for Renee, a friend of hers.
Nelson envisioned a cord that extended across the table, originating from Astrid and stretching across to Santiago.  The cord was made from some sort of braided husk, and it was being cut in several spots.  As soon as one of the severed sections was repaired, another cut was made.  Cut, cut, cut.  As fast as someone was trying to put it together, it was falling apart.  Jeff thought it was similar to Astrid tossing a rope to Santiago, but the rope was never able to reach him, and Gloria believed that Astrid was tugging and pulling the cord without any results.  The spirit with Nelson was very angry, and he wanted Astrid to stop tossing the braided cord over to Santiago. 
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Nelson described the anger of this spirit as very intense.  He just wanted to open the door and run away, out of the house.
Spirit: They think it's love, but it's not.  It's just convenience, because it's easier this way, and they are accustomed to it.  I want to go somewhere not to see it, hear it - what do you call those three monkeys? 
Jeff: See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil...
Spirit (mimicking the monkeys by covering his eyes, ears and mouth): Let me be a monkey.  They have been talking for 30 years.  Let me talk - no - let me be myself - let me talk.  All I want to tell you is that the cord is broken (laughing).  Broken!  It cannot be reattached (in a teasing, sing-song voice), it's broken, the cord is broken...
Astrid: That's okay, get it out of your system.
Spirit: I was fine where I was, doing my work!
Astrid: Well, you were not doing a very good job...
Gloria: It didn't work.
Spirit:  I was almost done. (looked at Astrid) I don't like you! 
Astrid: You have that right.
Spirit: I don't want this cord.  It's my cord, but just give it to her.  (looking at Santiago)  He doesn't talk?  Is he the monkey who cannot speak?
Gloria: Do you have something against him or her?
Spirit: I am angry because she did to me what she is doing to him now.  She belongs to me. (sigh) I have been around for so long...The cord it not with him (Santiago), it's with me.  (long pause, as the spirit listened to what the guides are saying)  He tells me no more games.  It's time to tell the truth.
Astrid: That cord is breaking because you and I do not belong together.
Spirit: The cord is yours now.  It belongs to you.  Destroy it, or throw it and see if it will attach to anything.  I have been around for years.  I go and come back.  I have caused so much damage through so many people for so long.  When you were born, and you know this, your mother said, "There is someone else who came."  I have been around since the moment you were born.
Astrid: Since always.
Spirit: You came and I came (began to cry).  I couldn't be without you.  I know you saw me!  You smiled, I know you saw me.  (Astrid agreed)  There are three of us going.  I will be free, they tell me.  Free to see and hear and talk - I don't have to be a monkey anymore.  That cord will now unite the three of us until we become one (referring to the "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" personalities).  I'm going happy. Happy to become one
As the spirit prepared to depart, he said, "Juan Francisco was my name."  Astrid and Nelson both understood that in this reincarnation, Astrid's mother did not let this spirit come back in a human form, as he was promised on the spiritual side.  At one point in Astrid's life, this spirit was so determined to return that he pushed aside the spirit of a baby that Astrid was going to have because he wanted it to be him instead.  When Astrid went on her recent cruise, the spirit thought she was returning to Europe to look for him to bring him home with her.  He was the recent Astrid needed to walk carefully on the cruise.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Santiago was quiet when the previous spirit was here, and Nelson now saw the spirit guides trying to cleanse him.   Nelson's spirit guide arrived to take a more direct approach.  He asked for a kitchen dishtowel, and rose to stand behind Santiago.  "We have to extract some things from him," he said, "they are in his heart and mind."  While he worked (waving the towel and patting Santiago's back with it), he addressed the group and Santiago: "What is it you say - just chill?  This will feel like glass of water pouring over his head.  Let it be.  You are a good man.  We cannot let our anger get to the level that it got with you.  We will clean you and put in good thoughts of love and peace."  The spirit guide asked Santiago to clasp the towel tightly between both hands, putting all of his anger into the clenched towel.  "We have to be understanding," he said, "I need this table to be in peace for the work that needs to be done.  Everyone.  We are putting that cord back together again between them.  This time, it will not break."  Nelson's spirit guide returned to his chair and said that he would remain with us in a location situated off to the side.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  In Spanish, Nelson asked Gloria how she was doing.  "There are people out there worse than me," she said.  There was a spirit present, but he had not identified himself.  Nelson turned to Jackie and said, "But you are not okay," and Jackie agreed.  "Your heart is crying.  Don't feel bad, as everything you love is not falling apart."  Jackie remained silent, and the spirit told her, "You think that if you don't say it, it cannot be real.  We need to open and cleanse her heart, as it is sealed too tight."  The spirit glanced at Frank (seated next to Jackie), and said: "He is going to be alright.  Things related to the body are taken care of by doctors, but we do the other work."  The spirit revealed that he was Don Polo, a mentor for Nelson when he was in the material world, and a frequent spirit guide at the sessions now that he was on the spiritual side.  Don Polo said that he would not do anything for Jackie right now, but he would do something for Frank.  "I want him to go to the doctor with nothing else in the way,"  he said.  Don Paulo explained that, "English is not my first language, but I like you, so I will speak in English."  He asked Frank for his mother's maiden name, and told us that Frank's mother was with him to help.  Nelson stood up behind Frank, and there was a long silence.  Nelson's hands trembled as they hovered over Frank's head.
"Make an appointment with the doctor now," Don Polo said, "and he will find what needs to be found, and it will be done."  As Don Polo moved back to his seat, he paused and placed his hands over Jackie's head as well.  "Be at peace," he told her.  "We are removing what you are allowing us to remove, but you need to remove the rest by yourself."  After returning to his chair, Don Polo addressed the group:  "Call me Polo.  Not Don, as that is for old men.  I am not old.  Nothing is impossible."  Polo began speaking in Spanish, offering positive messages for the table.  He looked directly at Jeff, and changed back to English, as he referred to Nelson:  "Keep helping him.  When he goes off track, tell him that Polo told you to put him in place.  He wants to be human again, but he has more important and fulfilling tasks in his life."  Polo told the group that he would return in two weeks, after Frank had visited the doctor, and he then he left.
Spirit 4 (via Gloria):  Astrid sensed a spiritual presence around Gloria, and she wondered if it was Gloria's mother.  The spirit held two beautiful calla lilies with a beautiful fragrance. The spirit sat through Gloria and began to whisper softly in Spanish.  As the volume increased, it became apparent that this spirit was the grandfather of Gloria and Santiago.  The spirit stood up and moved near Santiago.  He asked permission to clasp both of his hands as he continued to speak in Spanish.  (Note: I only understood fragments of his message): "The pain will pass...cleansing you now...call me when you need me...love is love...forgiveness." 
After the spirit left, Astrid shared a story from her past regarding a surgery she was scheduled to have.  With faith and spiritual help, the surgery was deemed unnecessary.  Gloria shared a similar story about a scheduled eye surgery that was also not needed after much prayer and faith.  Nelson understood that these stories were related to Franks' upcoming MRI scan.  With faith, the test will show nothing.  Nelson hoped that Frank would keep his mind open and have faith.  Before he consented to any surgery, Nelson wanted Frank to bring it up at our table.  Nelson also advised Astrid and Santiago that the disconnected cord between them had been established over many years.  It would also be a process to remove the disharmony it caused.
Jackie closed with a prayer.

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