Monday, July 18, 2016

Florida - Dec 29, 2014

In attendance: Gloria, Jackie, Jeff and Nelson 
Once everyone was seated at the table, Nelson sensed that Jackie had considered staying home.  Jackie explained that "everything hurt last night," and that she had slept for only three hours.  Nelson explained that when we commit to a meeting day and time, the spirit world expects us to keep the commitment.  Gloria said that she had something else scheduled, but she was able to move it to attend, "our last session of the old year."  Nelson understood that Frank was also spiritually persuaded not to attend (due to illness), but his mind was present and with us.  Nelson also knew that Frank would begin to feel better after our session.
Jackie's situation was related to her family.  Whenever she invited them into her life, it created conflict.  Nelson sensed that Jackie's sister (Jan) would be mailing Jackie a package from her recent vacation in Mexico.  Nelson advised Jackie not to open it, and Gloria thought it might be a Santería related item.  Nelson heard Jackie's family as they said, "She's not thinking that we would ever get her this," and "She doesn't know what she is missing" (referring to Jackie not being with them in Mexico).  Nelson saw Jan blaming Jackie for her troubles.  He visualized Jan trying to tie a head scarf without Jackie's help, and Jan cursed at Jackie when she was unable to complete the task.  Jackie explained that everything was hitting her sister all at once - jealousy, envy, financial issues, growing older, relationships, etc.  Gloria sensed that Jan had gotten sick on her Mexico vacation, which added even more stress.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  A determined spirit arrived and sat through Nelson.  Referring to Jackie's sister, he said: "She asked me to watch over you.  She asked me!  She has a weird way of praying, but when she wants something, the energy is there."  The spirit began to chuckle and laugh.  "I did my job!  I had fun doing this together with her.  She called me and said that we needed to do this.  And I did my job."  As the spirit became aware of his surroundings, the conversation continued:
Spirit: This is not what they offered me at the end...
Gloria: But this will help you.
Jackie: She lied to you.
Spirit (being shown something unattractive that made him wince): I don't want to go back there now.  I am not alone, there is a group of us.
Jackie: Aren't you tired?
Spirit: Yes.  I'm tired of doing things that I do not want to do.  He (referring to the spirit guide) said he's taking me on a trip.  A vacation - a real vacation to a paradise!  I didn't enjoy the beach over there (in Mexico).  There are six more, seven with me. 
Gloria: How nice...
Spirit: (to Jackie) Don't be mad at me... (to the table) I am going to go with this guy.  They told me to tell you there are seven of us, but I don't know why.  I didn't like that vacation over there... 
Once the spirit faded, Nelson's spirit guide arrived to caution Jackie: "Love your sister, but protect yourself from her.  What's coming is not what you want."  Nelson said that his guide was going to Jackie's house to clean what the seven spirits left behind.  Nelson knew that Jackie would sleep well now, but if she has similar nights of discomfort, he recommended that she read the gospel or her prayer book.  Gloria heard a spirit say, "There is more to come."  Nelson also suggested that Jackie should invite her sister to visit her in Florida.  The spirit of Mel (Jan's husband) was in the Baltimore house with the sister, and Jan felt trapped.  She was trapped because of with the family and friends around her, but she is unwilling to change.  Simultaneously, Gloria and Nelson realized that Jan was looking for a man with money, hoping that he might change her situation and remove her issues.  Nelson also said it would now be okay now for Jackie to open the package from her sister when she receives it.
(UPDATE: Jackie never received any package from her sister.)
Nelson asked Gloria when her father died (26 years ago on April 1st of a heart attack at age 78).  Nelson was shown a vision of him as a sailor, transporting and selling merchandise from port to port.  Gloria said that her father had a similar job before he passed - traveling by car to sell merchandise.  Gloria explained that her father loved dealing with the different people he met. Nelson sensed that the father enjoyed his life as a sailor even more, and he saw him giving things to people in need - for free - in both existences.  He was a kind, generous man who would often let his clients skip payments when they were short.  Gloria agreed.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Nelson was shown a massive sailboat.  Gloria's father was on board, and he had a blue flag on a stick that he would always place at the front of his boat before any journey.  He could not go anywhere until his blue flag was securely in place.  He wanted to take Nelson below deck to show him the significance of this flag.  Directly below the flag, there was a small table with two framed drawings on display- a portrait of a man and woman.  "Those are the ones who guide me," the father explained, "My parents.  Everywhere I went, they guided me."  Nelson saw the sailboat as it moved on the water, and a storm was approaching in the distance.  The spirit of the father began to move and sway in the wind.  "A storm is coming," the father confirmed, "and I know it is time to turn around -  because we need to return, I know it.  No, no, no!  I tell everyone we need to go back, but they want to go forward.  We have to go back."  The father knew the danger of the storm, because the spirits of his parents had told him.  The crew eventually agreed with Gloria's father and Nelson was shown the sailboat safely anchored in a port.  Gloria's father stretched out his hand as he spoke to her:
Spirit: They are telling me to take my blue flag and give it to you.  A storm is coming for you, and you will need this flag.  I need to give it to you to assure that you are safe at port.  Do not give this flag to anyone - it will protect you from that storm that is coming.
Gloria: I will have it and keep it.  I appreciate it.
Spirit: I want you to know what I had to go through to give you this flag.  People wanted to stop me, but a guide told me that nothing would stop me.  (long pause)  I have never forgotten you.  You are always in my heart.  Stop thinking that you could not say goodbye - we did.
Gloria: Yes, the day before.  But I wanted to be there with you...
Spirit: I was not alone.  My spirit guide was there.  You didn't have to wait this long to see me.  It was me, I had to wait to see you.  A beautiful bright light brought me here to pass this safety net (the flag) to you.  I am on the sailing boat because that was when my spirit was the happiest.  Now you can understand why you loved the ocean.  My passion for it took me to many places.  The ocean is right over there (points towards the Gulf of Mexico across the street).  My boat is parked there and I walked over.  They told me to come in, that I didn't need to knock.  My heart is happy to see you.  The bright light that brought me here wants me to tell you to open your heart to things that you don't want to hear - so I can return and give you more things.  I am so happy that they let me bring my boat.  I don't recognize the others around you, but I know they are friends.  Thank you for listening.  Tell the young guy I am speaking through not to be afraid.  He knows who I am now.  He asks a lot of questions, but he has a good heart.  They told me today that I would be here to do my celebration, and my spirit could say the words now.  Until the next time, hold onto that flag.  Moments are coming that will make you tremble.
Nelson explained that this elevated spirit had an intense light and his words were filtered through a spirit guide.  His energy was very different and unique.  In his last existence as Gloria's father, he life was so fulfilled that the spirit world had allowed him to go back to his happiest existence - sailing on his boat. 
Gloria's father returned, and he asked for some paper and a pen.  This is what he drew:
He described this sketch as a paper drawing that was attached to a cloth.  It was done when Gloria was newly born.  If Gloria looked for this item, she would find it.  "I took that with me," the father said, "as she was my baby."  He held the drawing so tightly in his hand, he could still see the imprint of the photo on his palm.  

The spirit moved behind Nelson to continue speaking.  Gloria's father had been spiritually guided to give merchandise to those in need free of charge.  Nelson was shown his sailboat again, as it was arriving in a port.  Late at night, after the cargo was unloaded, Gloria's father would make another trip ashore in a smaller vessel.  He walked past three roads to bring the free items to a single mother.  He did this once a week, bringing rice, beans, vegetables - and tiny miniature ships that he had carved from wood for the children while he was at sea.  The woman he visited had five children.  Her husband was a sailor on the same boat as Gloria's father, and when he died, Gloria's father made a commitment to visit the wife and children he left behind every week - for the rest of his life.  He also gave them his last name so that the widow "would not live in shame."  The sailor that he promised this to was now his spirit guide.  One of the widow's five children in that lifetime was Gloria.  "They have asked me to come back," Gloria's father explained, "but I will not do that yet."  He said that as long as Gloria was alive in this existence, he would not go anywhere.  Gloria's father and the bright light of his spirit guide would take care of her, which is what both of them did in the past life. Gloria's father left to return to his beloved ship.
Spirit 3 (via Gloria):  Gloria sensed that the relationship between Jeff and his mother was improving, and Jeff agreed.  His mom knew that Jeff was busy, and she was happy when he phoned her at Christmas.  She was looking forward to his next visit, but in the meantime, she knew that her son was in good hands with Nelson, and she did not have to worry about him.  "He's on his own, doing fine."
Spirit 4 (via Nelson):  A spirit standing behind Nelson wanted to speak:  "A house in commotion should not be a place to meet'" the spirit informed the group, "discord is not good for meetings."  The spirit showed Nelson the inside of Santiago and Astrid's house, and it was filled with plastic wind up toys of teeth chattering - a symbol of many people talking all at once.  The spirit explained that everyone in the house was so busy, there was never any time to listen.  Nelson was also shown the exterior of the house, surrounded by children tightly holding hands and jumping up and down.  To an outsider, the children looked happy playing their game, but as Nelson moved closer, he realized that the children were all wearing masks.  One of them removed the mask and asked, "How do you like me now?"    
Jackie sensed that something drastic might be coming.  The spirit explained: "We are circling the house to enclose it.  More spirits are coming.  It might be more than you think.  I'm not new, I have been in that house for years, and I am not going anywhere.  My circle is getting stronger and tighter.  We are using a vine to slowly choke them, weaving it all around them.  We are here and no one is listening.  We sit on wooden benches (similar to a church pew), waiting and whispering. How long do we have to wait?  When?  We ask each other, from row to row.  Next week?  Same question - How long?"  The spirit was strong and unable to sit, but Nelson thought that the spirit guides would work on him and his group for a later session.
Spirit 5 (via Gloria):  When Gloria arrived, Nelson noticed the spirit of an Indian chief had followed her into the house.  He sat through Gloria with a message for the table:  "When there is a reunion, go to bed early the night before.  Be rested."  The Indian also wanted Gloria to cleanse Santiago and Astrid's house with burning sage.  "Not now," he advised, "closer to the next reunion.  Go early."  The Indian also had a message for the table: "My brothers and sisters, the great light will take care of you.  We are at this table with you, all afternoon.  I glued her (Gloria) down."  Waving Gloria's arms, the Indian offered cleansing passes for each individual.  "Next year will be a good year, because it's in your hearts," he said.
The Indian left as abruptly as he arrived, offering blessings for the table.  Nelson's spirit guide wanted to remind everyone to stay home and safe over the upcoming New Year's holiday.  Jackie closed with a prayer.
(NOTE:  This is one of my favorite sessions, because of the visit from Gloria's father.  Until he explained it, I never realized that if we had made enough progress in the material world, we would be allowed to work in the spiritual world at the occupation that previously gave us the most pleasureAnd in a later session, Gloria's father sailed his ship back to our table again, to speak with Gloria and her brother, Santiago.)

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