Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Chicago - March 3, 2015

In attendance: Denise, Gabe, Jeff and Nelson 
As we were walking to the table, Nelson asked Denise, "Do you have a sister?  While she did not have one in the material world, Nelson sensed the presence of a spiritual sister who watched over her. Denise often spoke to this spirit, and the spirit was extremely excited over her opportunity to finally speak with Denise, as she had been waiting and working a very long time for this moment.  Denise wrote down two names that she used to call on this spirit.  Nelson understood that our session today would be all about brothers and sisters.  He described it as people who are born into the same houses and families, but they find it difficult to love each other.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson): Speaking through Nelson, the sister said that she tells Denise things - but Denise doesn't listen to her.  The spirit wondered why.   Denise agreed, but she had no answer.  The spirit said she liked it better when Denise, "lived in that other place," because it was calmer, and Denise agreed.  The spirit also knew that Denise sometimes pretended to be sick to get attention or avoid her family.  This spirit also disliked Denise's younger brother.  The conversation continued as the spirit moved into Nelson:
Spirit: She looks like me, doesn't she?  But there is one difference.  I am happy, and she is not.  Look inside, listen to your heart, and scratch out one of those names you wrote.  You know which one.  Ahhh, I knew you would know.  Rosa Maria is the one I like.  That's my name.  Ask your mom if she ever thought about having a sister for you.  (we eventually understood that this spirit was a miscarriage who decided at the last minute not to be born)  I am here tonight because I want her (Denise) to be happy.  I have been asking for this opportunity for such a long time.  It couldn't happen until now.  On our side, we have to wait until we earn it.  I worked hard for this.  We look alike, but we each have a problem with our weight.  I am too slim.  (The spirit suffered from anorexia in her past reincarnation, and if she was not a miscarriage in this life, she would have suffered the same fate.)  That's how I died, but I don't have that anymore. 
The love I have for Denise will never end - here, there, or in between.  All I want is to help you to be happy.  I want to provide you with what I finally found.  It's the only reason I am here, to see you start laughing and smiling.  I want to share my happiness with you.  With work and effort, I came to understand my problem, what and why I had to endure it.  It wasn't easy.  Let me in sometimes, when you feel me close by.  I am not going to harm you, I just want you to be happy.  This is a coronation!  I know I'm a spirit, and I know I am using a man's voice to say these words directly to you.  When you leave here today, realize that this is the first day of happiness for you, and it will last for the rest of your life.  Tell mom that I also watch over her.  Tell her to stop being afraid.  She is always afraid - why?  She is not alone.  I'm not alone either, we are never alone, we all have "helpers".  (Speaking about Denise's father)  Tell that stubborn old man to look at the sky one night and find the brightest star - and smile.  I will be that star for him.  On that day, he will believe.  I will do something and he will ask questions.  He is a goat (the table laughs).
It took a long time for me to come here, and it was not easy.  It was the perfect night tonight, because you are the only female here today.  I didn't want to share this moment with anyone else.  Call me Rosita, or Rose, the name you wrote for me.  A rose in bloom is beautiful.  I will always be around to help you.  If you could see my spirit - I am the biggest rose, with a fragrance that fills the room.  Thank the man I am speaking through...
After the spirit left, Nelson asked Jeff about his sister.  Jeff had often wondered why there were never any spiritual communications regarding her, and he was always curious to know why their relationship was so strained.  Nelson said that Jeff's sister wanted to torture him - again.  Jeff was asked, "Do you believe that two enemies could be born into the same house?  Nothing will ever work between the two of you.  You were enemies."  Nelson envisioned a war.  Jeff's sister was a lesbian in this life because she was a man in her previous reincarnation during this war.  Jeff was a captain in this war, and although he and his sister were on the same side, she killed him to move herself from second in command into his position.  A very confused, difficult spirit was emerging.  Jeff's sister hated herself whenever she tried to be closer to her brother.  Nelson was shown the "Joker" card, with one red and one black joker looking in opposite directions.  One of the jokers had a very long, extended eye - and the other joker had no eye at all.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson): The spirit was unable to understand his feelings, but he knew that he hated everything about Jeff.  "I don't even want to be near him," he said with disgust, scooting his chair away. 
Spirit: I hate you, and everything about you...
Jeff: I don't hate you.
Spirit: At the same time, I love you - I think I must be crazy.
Jeff: It is easier to love than to hate - and it feels better, too.
Spirit: I don't understand myself.  My emotions are scrambled.  Kiss him?  I just want to spit on him.  Move near him?  I want to kick him.  When good things happen, I don't want him to be there.  I'm so tired, I don't even know what I want.
Denise: Let go of the hate...
Spirit: What I hate is when he is kind to me, but I like it when you are.  (long pause) I will let go of that battle.  I don't have to be there anymore.  (to Jeff) Forgive me.  I want to thank you now for not pushing me away.  You never did and now I am sorry.  They say I am too heavy to be here now.  I used to call you and say I loved my brother, so I want to say it again before I go - I love you.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson): Nelson was exhausted from passing the angry spirit.  His spirit guide had arrived to cleanse him.  Jeff thought there might also be a message for Gabe, but the message was for Nelson, so his guide spoke from a position behind him.
Spirit:  You have become hard with your sister (Lourdes), and it was never that way.  We need that bond to become strong.
Denise: Maybe she needed it to learn?
Spirit: But that's not who you are (Nelson).  She should be grateful for what you have done for Gabe (her son), and instead she is angry.  She is still human and she hurts.  When you do that, you fail at spiritism, which is only love.  I am not sitting through you so that you can hear me.  Your relationship with her son is different than your relationship with her, just as Gabe's love for you is different from the love for his mother.  But you did the right thing when you pushed Gabe to be closer to his mother.  Your sister will soon need you more than ever, and her love for you is still there - but her love of being a mother blinds her.  She thinks you took her son away.  Let me say this.  Tell her that Gabe is not going to be gay because he is with you.
(Nelson's spirit guide sits to speak through Nelson) All of you think that I am always kind and nice to Nelson - and now you see it is not that way.  I can sit now.  Do I have to say "Good Evening?" (laughs).   I wanted to sit to clean him.  And I hear you Gabe, as I am around.   We will see if we can reshape that relationship with Nelson's sister, so the two of them can be at peace before mother goes.  I have to remove things to mend the relationship.  The love is still there, so it will not be difficult to reconnect.  He misses her.
Gabe, do you understand the word "siblings"?  (He does)  Not long ago, you said you were different from your siblings now (this happened in the car on the way to the center).  Do you know why?  You are going to be the glue that keeps them all together.  Without glue, you are three individuals with no meaning.  That's why you are here, it's not just curiosity.  Little by little, more details will emerge when you are ready for them.  If the door is closed to your siblings, knock.  Then knock again - it may take several attempts.  Do you understand? (He does)
It's a quality of humans to need and want love - and not to like it when that love is abused.  Let the spirits in and find love with your siblings.  Understand why we do - or do not - come back together.  It's always about love, understanding, and patching things to move forward into the future with nothing but love.  Have a wonderful evening.  Until next time...
Nelson closed with a prayer.

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