Friday, July 15, 2016

Florida - December 22, 2014

In attendance: Astrid, Cristina, Frank, Gloria, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Nelson saw a group of dwarf spirits jumping in a procession.  "Let's go here and make everyone jump," one of them said.  It was very easy for them to manipulate people in the material world, and they laughed whenever they were able to make people jump.  There was also a female spirit by Nelson, and she appeared to be about 65 years old.  She was wishing that everyone at our table could see what she saw - all of the many spirits who surrounded us at the table.  She explained that the dwarves were laughing because they liked to create chaos.  The spirit asked the dwarves to come and sit near her, so they could learn new ways to have fun, but they were content to stay where they were.  More female spirits were arriving, and they looked similar to the first spirit, but they were younger.  These spirits began to take positions behind everyone at our table.
Astrid saw an extended archway which led to a large room filled with the dwarves.  They were singing and holding candles, and Astrid could smell the wax and feel the heat of the candles. They were nicer spirits now, attempting to bring joy and happiness instead of startling people. 
Nelson understood that the spiritual ladies standing around us had calmed the dwarves.  The ladies resembled a chain of transparent paper dolls, and they were all standing.  Only the original, older spirit was seated.  This older spirit was passing a baton to the younger women, as they would now continue her work.  The older female spirit was moving on to other things (not retiring, as Jeff suggested), and she assured our group that with her replacements in place, we would continue to be in good hands. 
Spirit 2 (via Astrid):  There was an angry spirit present, and he wanted to know why Nelson doesn't like Christmas (as he expressed in an earlier conversation in the living room).  Nelson explained that it had nothing to do with liking or disliking Christmas, he was just discouraged to see that the real value (or meaning) of the holiday had been put aside and replaced with a focus on acquiring more items or things. Gloria added that Christmas was "commercial."  Nelson said that he did not want to be a part of the current celebrations because they differed so much from his memories of Christmases from his childhood.  The spirit wanted Nelson to know that he had the right to privacy during the holiday, but he should not judge others who celebrated in their own way.  Christmas was private for each person.  Nelson was encouraged not to run away if he felt Christmas was betrayed by the actions of humans, instead he should "refrain, and put whatever you want into place."  As the spirit left, Astrid described him as a very strong man. The group discussed other Christmas memories and shared stories of the upcoming holiday.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  Nelson asked Frank if his doctor appointments had been scheduled, but nothing had been coordinated yet.  Nelson realized that there was something spiritual in the way, and it was not allowing these appointments to happen.  This spiritual blockage was symbolized by a hand that deflected all the communication attempts.  Nelson sensed the energy of a man who wanted to know why our group was concerned with Frank's affairs, wondering "What is it to you?"  Nelson asked Frank if his girlfriend (Carolyn) had been married before she met Frank, and she was.  Both Astrid and Nelson sensed this presence as negative energy - not a spirit - as this man was still alive.  His adverse thoughts were creating the blockage because they were very concentrated and continuous.  "If I did it to one, I can do it to another one," Nelson heard him thinking.
There were several circumstances that led the ex husband to blame Frank for his misery instead of blaming himself.  In his mind, Frank replaced him by assuming his role with Carolyn and the children.  "He should pay, and I want him to suffer," Nelson heard.  When confronted with changes, we often blame others instead of ourselves.  Gloria sensed that the ex husband had dark spirits around him to help.  Nelson saw the ex as a tall man, and he realized that the negative energy directed at Frank was also present at our last session.  Nelson said that this man was not well, and he thought that he may have experienced a stroke, as he walked with a limp.  The dark spirits that Gloria saw around him had been with him for a very long time. One of them was persuaded to sit through Nelson:
Spirit: Who are you to bring me here?  Why am I here?  I don't want to be here...
Jackie: What you have been doing is wrong.
Spirit:  It's my job.  Don't you do your job when told?  I'm not done and I need to finish my work.  It's my job.
Jackie:  The one who wanted you to do that work lied to you.
Spirit: Who are you people?
Jackie: The man telling you to do this is mad over something that this man (Frank) never did to you or him.
Spirit: Someone told me to follow them so we could finish him, and I did.  He told me we could finish (Frank), and now I cannot.  He just wanted to remove me.  Who will do the work now?  I tell you, I'm tired.  I'm exhausted.  I don't really even know who this man (Frank) is.
Astrid: Who told you to do this?
Spirit: I can take you to his house and show you.  I'm tired and I don't want this anymore (pantomimed giving Jackie a pile of something, which symbolized what he was putting into Frank).  Here, you take it. 
Jackie: We will get rid of it.  And take the others with you.
Spirit: How did you know there were others?  Who are you?  (to Frank) I'm sorry, I was just doing my job.  I'm glad he lied to me.  I don't need to be there anymore.  He is offering me peace...and a different job.  It's an upgrade!  More money and a better position.  I am taking six.  With me, there was seven.  He tells me that I am their boss now...
After the spirit faded, Nelson told Frank that his appointments could now be scheduled, and he predicted that they might occur around January 3 or 4.  Nelson also sensed that Jackie had felt guilty about not being around Frank, but she should not feel that way.  It was done as a way for Jackie to avoid exposure to the seven spirits around Frank, and Jackie understood.
Spirit 4 (via Gloria):  Gloria heard the name of "Mirna" for Jackie, and this was the spirit of Edgar's sister.  Her deceased husband (Joe) had previous visited our table in a past session.  Perhaps the holiday had caused her to be around Jackie.
Cristina arrived at the table while Nelson was passing the spirit related to Frank.  When Nelson noticed her, he visualized her as someone else.  Nelson began speaking to her in Spanish about her past lives, specifically one in which she broke the hearts of many men.  Cristina was now surrounded by the spirits of these men.  In her past life, Cristina kept a book to rank and rate these men, and she still carried a spiritual version of that book with her in this reincarnation.  Nelson knew that we needed to remove her book of notes.  He sensed that she was not sleeping well, as she was preoccupied with the book, flipping the imaginary pages back and forth and reevaluating all the men continuously.  There was always something wrong with every man.  Jackie understood that the spirits of these men were all here now because they wanted to know why she left them.  In unison, Nelson, Astrid and Gloria all said the same thing, "There was never anyone good enough for her."  Nelson envisioned an army of attractive male spirits standing behind Cristina, and he explained that she always had an excuse for each one of them.  Jackie saw the same vision, and she heard the spirits list the individual reasons why Christina rejected them:  Hair color, my eyes were wrong, I had a mole on my cheek - even though I removed it, not enough money, etc.  Cristina wondered why these spirits were all assembled today, and Nelson explained that if they were not removed, she would never find happiness with any man in this lifetime.
These spirits controlled Cristina thoughts, and they were part of a long pattern.  The life they came from was not the first time Cristina had treated men in this manner, and she needed to break her cycle of abuse.  Nelson sensed that she was once "La Patrona" ("The Patron" or owner in English) of a vast farm.  Cristina had a wealthy, very handsome husband in that existence, but she had him killed.  She wanted the farm, his money and the opportunity to be with other men.  After his death, Cristina's husband remained at the farm, and he witnessed what she did to the other men, including having their many of their wives removed so the men would be only with Cristina.
Spirit 5 (via Nelson):  Nelson saw Cristina's husband from that existence, and he described him as brutally handsome and riding a beautiful white horse that was almost translucent in color.  He was a count with immense power.  He died at age 27, which was Christina's age now in this existence.  Santiago saw him with a wide belt, with his family crest displayed on the buckle.  The spirit decided to sit through Nelson, and he arrived in a majestic manner, carrying himself as if we should kneel in his presence.  This determined spirit had been looking for Cristina, and Astrid advised him to take a good look at her now - as she was not the same.  The spirit insisted she was, calling her "Rubia" (Blonde) and rolling the letter R in a regal manner.  The spirit wanted to cut her hair and keep it.  As the conversation fluctuated from Spanish to English, the spirit announced that his name was "Alejandro Cordoba".  The spirit looked around our table and decided that we were not fit to clean his horses.  The spirit guides began to show him that everything was different now.  Astrid explained that things were different now because he was a spirit, as the guides showed him his body.  The spirit stated, "That's the way I died, it's correct." He was surprised to see that his body was gone.  Cristina had abused his love, and now he wanted her to suffer, so he was determined not to forgive her.  The spirit said Cristina's name was Carolina when he knew her, as he slowly realized that he really was dead.  The spirit began to understand that Cristina was not Carolina, and he agreed to leave.  He would take 21 of the other "hearts she destroyed" with him. 
After his departure, Nelson advised Cristina not to keep journals or written records that would entice similar spirits.  When writing down the quotes that she collected, Cristina should avoid writing down any names.  The table discussed the spirit world and explained the reasons for our many reincarnations.  Nelson summed tit up by saying that our goal for this existence was to leave nothing behind that was unresolved.  We should strive to be a better human being.
Spirit 6 (via Nelson):  Nelson told Gloria that in the next month or so, she will receive news that she will not like from a male.  He advised that she should just smile and when asked to get involved, she should do only what she could.  There was a spirit present who wanted to slap Nelson for revealing this information, but Nelson persisted.  "Think first and then react," he advised Gloria.
Spirit 7 (via Jackie):  Jackie sensed a spirit with a message for everyone at the table: "When he was born (referring to Christ), it was about the message he preached.  The customs, rites, days, dates are all unimportant.  He was like you, in human form, and he suffered and died to let you know that there was more to life.  Understand that love is all that's needed."
Spirit 8 (via Nelson):  Nelson's spirit guide wanted to say a few words:  "It's very simple.  Love each other a little bit more every day, and that will bring you more things like you have seen today.  We are putting things into place.  Nothing is impossible.  There is no sickness, sadness or hurt that we cannot help, but we need you to be united.  If you want to talk, call on me.  (referencing Christmas)  Celebrate, don't celebrate, cheer or don't cheer - as long as all of you love each other a little more each day.  Hard times are coming, and I don't want to frighten you.  Be prepared.  If you are, it will be like nothing happened.  Whatever is going to happen, it has already been scheduled, and nothing will change it." 
Caballito continued, "I am asking you for the last day of the year, or the first day of the new year, however you call it, to make sure you are in a safe place, a good environment.  And also your loved ones.  We want no surprises for this group and their family members. Remember, a safe environment.  And you are not alone.  Thank you for allowing me to do my work, I watch over all of you.  Keep doing what you are doing..."
Jackie closed with a prayer.

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