Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Puerto Rico - May 24, 2014

(Note: Thank you Maribel, for translating these notes from Spanish to English!)
In attendance: Bienvenido, Diego, Eduardo, Enrique, Ivan, Jeff, Junior, Maribel, Mirelsa, Nelson, Nestor, Normita, Patria, Pierangely, Rina and Yiri

Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  One of the traditions that Junior brought to our group was something that his uncle Luis did when he was alive and had his own center.  We went around the room and gave each individual an opportunity to say how they were doing and what were the issues that needed to be addressed.  The process took 30-40 minutes to complete.  Nelson felt the presence of a couple of guides (including his own) who advised us that this process was not necessary - as the spirit world already knew how we were feeling and they understood our concerns and requests in advance.  In other words, we were verbalizing subjects that were already understood.  (Note: After this session, we stopped.)

Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Some spiritual soldiers arrived,and these spirits were looking for a member of the Alejandro family who had already passed away.  They insisted that they wanted to take this person to a much better place than where he was now.  There was a total of 250 spirits involved in this special work.

Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  Nelson detected the presence of 12 spirits in Normita's house.  These spirits were very harsh, tough and cold blooded.  They were encouraged to move on.

Spirit 4 (via Nelson):   Maribel was asked about her allergies.  She was suffering, and uncertain about the cause.  A spirit moved forward and explained that in a past life, Maribel gave her children water with a lot of ants on it.  Because of that decision to torture her children in her previous existence, she developed strong allergies in this present time.  Maribel's children in her current life were surrounded by the children she slowly killed from her previous life.  Spirits often become confused when they see a mother protecting her children, as they were not offered that same love when Maribel was previously their mother.  The good spirits offered to help Maribel with her allergies, as they understood that this behavior was from her past.  During the process, Norma (Maribel’s mom) was seen, watching the spirits who were helping her daughter.

Spirit 5 (via Nelson):  A new group of spirits were seen.  They came to our table with a positive message, as they were going to be part of a spiritual change.  They were preparing to reincarnate back to earth, even though they had progressed to an elevated level where returning was not necessary.  They wanted to come back because they believed that the strength of their united group would be a benefit to spiritsm in Puerto Rico.  The group consisted of:
Doña Filomena  (Bienvenido's mother - Nelson's grandmother)
Don Polo (a spiritual advisor and medium in his last reincarnation)
Angel Rodriguez

Spirit 6 (via Nelson): Nelson’s guide had accompanied the spirits to our table, and he explained their mission of this group.  He also empathized that when these spirits returned, the spirit world would need elevated substitutions on the spirit side to continue the work that they had been doing. Caballito also spoke to Patria about her daughter, he also gave a message to Jeff about his mother (that he needed to understand her), and there was a message for Pirangely.  Nelson's guide encouraged us to love and support each other with the same enthusiasm as the three spirits who were willing to endure an unnecessary reincarnation.  There was also a message for Eduardo:  He should not abandon his journey.  The place where he was located now was good, but there were some spirits who wanted to talk to him, and he was not yet prepared to hear that message.

Junior closed with a prayer.

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