Saturday, July 9, 2016

Florida - December 15, 2014

In attendance: Astrid, Frank, Gloria, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago
Guest: Michael 
After opening the session, Astrid read a prayer of peace.  Nelson felt it was needed, as he sensed that both the material and spiritual worlds needed to be at peace with each other.  Gloria added that there was dark energy all around, with so many people angry in the streets.  Jackie agreed, saying, "They cannot find any peace in their own homes."  Nelson wondered why it was so difficult for humans to discover and understand peace.  He was shown different parts of the world with several spirits promoting peace, but he was not shown any effort extended from the material side.  Nelson also saw spirits standing behind each one of us.  In our own small group, there were conflicts behind each individual.  With no peace within a small group like ours, how could there be hope for worldwide peace?
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  The conflicted group behind Jackie was the smallest, so the spirits speaking from a location behind Nelson used them as an example.  This group was described as always being at odds with each other, and Jackie agreed.  She explained that there was a lot of jealousy in her family.  Nelson saw them as ants who could not work together.  He realized that this group was content not to have Jackie near them, as she disrupted their negative patterns.  When she was around this group, Jackie described it as "Like a tornado, all the time."  Nelson understood that this "circle of animosity" created by the group would have an end result that was not going to be good.  He recommended the least involvement possible for Jackie, explaining, "This is what they have earned, and it's what they deserve."  Nelson also sensed a strong spirit who had something scary planned for the group's upcoming trip to Mexico.
There was a knock on the door from Michael, a young (in his late twenties) neighbor of Astrid's.  He arrived to ask a favor, but our table knew that the spiritual side had arranged his impromptu visit for another purpose.  Astrid invited him in, and he sat near the table.  Nelson began to cry, as he realized that Michael was dying.  There was an icy coldness surrounding Michael, and Gloria envisioned a sterile hospital setting.  It was quietly explained that Michael had a tumor, and that he knew his transition would be soon.  He was lonely and afraid.  Nelson sensed that there was nothing left of his material body, and his gaunt, thin physical appearance made it apparent to everyone.  Michael spoke politely and seemed to understand and accept his situation.  Nelson knew that he was here to say goodbye.  The previous conversations that Michel had with Astrid had given him an understanding of how our table worked, and he realized that the time he had left was very short.
Spirits 2 & 3 (via Nelson):  Nelson sensed that the spirit of a lady had led Michael to our group.  Michael asked if it was his mother, and Nelson answered that it was.  "It's OK," Nelson tearfully continued, "She is waiting for you."  Michael's mom was as confused over her role, so Nelson's spirit guide arrived to address Michael, his mom and our group:  "We have to clean what we don't see.  That work will not come from your mom, although she is here.  The work has to be done by someone else, as your mom does not understand.  Life takes us to where we need to be.  We will do the work that needs to be done, but it requires silence from everyone."
Nelson's guide (Caballito) explained that he would not stand up or move from his seat.  With Nelson's fingers clenched together, he moved both of Nelson's arms towards Michael.  There was shocking movement similar to an electrical charge, followed by extended arm waving.  Nelson's guide explained the situation:  "We had to clear the path.  Nothing has happened except for what needed to be done.  We will all eventually walk that path.  The door will always be open to all.  He (Michael) will feel better, and I will move to the side now so that the work can continue."
Sensing that more could be done, Nelson's guide decided not move to the side.  Using Nelson, he stood up and walked over to where Michael was seated.  He asked permission to hold Michael's hand.  Speaking softly, Nelson's spirit guide reaffirmed that Michael was a decent man.  Michel wondered why he was enduring the excruciating daily pain that was exhausting him.  Nelson's guide assured him that the pain would pass.  Michael was already experiencing a renewed energy, and temporary or not, this respite seemed to give him a new outlook, and he was not alone or afraid.  Nelson returned to his seat.  Michael asked to be excused from the table.
Spirit 4 (via Gloria):  Gloria saw the name of "Hector" for Nelson.  Hector was Nelson's best friend in the material world, and he wanted Nelson to know that from his position in the spiritual world, "Everything was okay, and we will talk soon."  Nelson explained that Hector's family believed in spiritism, but they never practiced it.  He remembered Hector as a decent, kind man.
Spirit 5 (via Nelson):  There was a female spirit near Frank, and she was praying for him - because he had once prayed for her.  Nelson understood that it was Frank's girlfriend, Carolyn.  She was shouting with joy over her new realization that she was a spirit.  Astrid understood it as, "She's free, and Frank gave her that freedom."  Frank had prayed for her, and now she was praying for him.  This spirit was determined to speak, so she moved into Nelson:  "All we have - all we take - is love."  She spoke directly to Frank:  "Thank you, thank you, thank you.  I have no words to express everything I want to say.  They tell me it will be easier, that I will get better now.  Express my heart out, that's what I used to say.  You are not alone, I am praying for you.  The love is all we take.  I know what I am now, and I can say it out loud - I am a spirit!  Thank you. (referring to Nelson) Please thank this individual for allowing me to speak.  Until next time..."
Spirit 6 (via Gloria):  As Carolyn's spirit faded away, Gloria sensed a new spirit standing between Michael and Frank.  His name was John, but Michael could not remember an association with anyone having that name.  Nelson asked Frank about his upcoming health tests, and Frank explained that the specific dates for the testing had not yet been determined.  Nelson understood that if Frank contacted his insurance company on Wednesday or Thursday, the dates would be done.  Nelson and Gloria encouraged Frank to go to the scheduled testing with a positive attitude and with faith.
Spirit 7 (via Nelson):  Nelson realized that Frank was not Catholic in this reincarnation, but he was a Catholic priest in a prior life.  As a priest, Frank was firm and unmoving.  There was the spirit of a priest around Frank now, with the same resolute belief.  He was offering something (holy water?) to Frank, and Nelson asked the spirit who he was.  Jeff wondered if the priest's name was John (as Gloria had sensed), and it was.  The water he was offering Frank was intended to burn.  The spirit of the priest became more intense, insisting that he had to give Frank the liquid.  Gloria believed it was something used in the Catholic church to ward off spirits.  The priest became more frustrated as Frank refused, and he blamed Nelson, calling him a "smooth talker" who was intentionally confusing the priest.  The priest was determined to continue his work, and Nelson sensed that he was chanting as part of his ceremony.  Michael began to imitate the chanting of the spirit.
Jackie advised the priest to stop his ritual and to pray for Frank instead.  The priest confided in Jackie, explaining that he wasn't really Frank's friend, his intentions were to burn and hurt him.  The priest and Frank had hidden secrets from their past reincarnation, and he needed Frank to be "kept quiet."  The conversation continued:
Spirit: He cannot speak the secrets.
Jackie: That was another time and place.
Spirit (to Frank):  Remember what we did?  Say nothing...I am afraid that they will find out.
Jackie:  That was another time.  Look at him now.
Spirit: He looks exactly as he looked, always in a robe.  That's why I need to keep him quiet.
Jackie: He has no memory of the secret anymore.
Spirit: I've been putting things in, affecting his memory.  Do you know how much trouble we would be in?
Jackie:  There's not going to be any trouble, because you are not in the material world.
Astrid: Take a look at yourself.  You are not in a body, you are a spirit.  Dead.
Jackie:  Your secret died with you.
Jeff: Your secret has no power.
Spirit: My secret is safe?  I harmed him for no reason?  A lot of what he has are things that I put in (pause, as the spirit guides showed his body to him).  That is my body?  (pause)  I don't have to tell you the secret?  To say it aloud?  The secret is making him (Frank) sick.  I am taking it with me.  I don't need that secret anymore, I am liberated, free.  I have been carrying this with me...
Astrid:  You made yourself a prisoner, and now you are freeing yourself.
Spirit: Now I forgot the secret!  Can you believe it?  There are 17 of us, 18 counting me.  We will go.  This is a nice man, I like his smile.  I am free, goodbye...
Although the priest focused on Frank, the other priests who were with him had some connection to Michael, and they left with the spirit priest Gloria sensed named "John."  Michael asked permission to leave, and as he exited, Jackie sensed various entities putting white robes around him.  Nelson understood that this was being done to make his passing easier.  Nelson believed that Michael was a good soul, and he predicted that his passing would be as simple as falling asleep and not waking up with the pain of the material world any more.
Spirit 8 (via Nelson):  Nelson was tired and wanted to close the session, but the spirit world had a message for Santiago.  Nelson delivered it in Spanish.  Santiago was encouraged not to let his anger build and grow in silence.  There was a group of spirits with him, and one of them was much stronger and more powerful than the others.  Gloria described this spirit as a "killer", and Nelson saw him patiently waiting for an opportunity to overtake Santiago.  This spirit fed Santiago's anger, but Santiago also gave the spirit the necessary fuel and power needed to gain more strength.  Nelson described the spirit as a thorn that had to be removed to stop further infection.  Nelson urged Santiago to establish a date for Christina to move out of the house (which was part of the stress).  Nelson said it was time "put the cat out with a smile"  Santiago should also have the conversation he knew was necessary with one of his daughters.  He knew which daughter and what needed to be said.
Spirit 9 (via Jackie):  As Jackie prepared to read the closing prayer, her mom appeared briefly with a message for the table.  She explained that today we saw the real spiritism, with (Michael) a man at the door who had no connection to us, and how we were able to help him while we learned.
Jackie closed with a prayer.  (Read more on spiritist healing in the next post)
NOTE: On the ride home, we passed Michael confidently walking down the sidewalk, looking nothing like the defeated sick man we had met earlier.  Once again, the spirit world clearly illustrated that our perspective of helping is much deeper than we realized.  When we extend a benefit to others, we enrich ourselves.
UPDATE: Two years later (2016) and Michael is still alive and thriving.  Astrid often sees him riding his bike past her house and walking around the neighborhood.  He no longer has the tumor.

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