Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Chicago - March 1, 2015

In attendance: Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Gabe, Jeff, Marisol, Mia and Nelson 
After the opening prayer, Nelson wanted to put the name of his 21 year old nephew (Ivan) on the table.  Ivan had been hospitalized again with more complications from his Crohn's disease, and his diet was restricted.  Nelson hoped that Ivan would find "a little bit of peace and health."  Nelson also wanted to ask for some relief for Puerto Rico.  "I love my little island," he said, "and they have really been having a rough time."  Nelson explained that with the upcoming closing of Doral bank (and others), many families would suffer, and he hoped that "something could be done to help them out."
Carmen described a recent dream she had of getting married.  It was explained that in the spiritual translation of dreams, this type of scenario was not positive.  Marisol understood that a prayer for these dark spirits needed to be said, to encourage them to move into the light.  Carmen spoke directly to the dark spirits and tried to persuade them to move closer for the help they needed.  Nelson believed that these spirits were having an effect on all the mediums at our table.
Spirit 1 (via Carmen): One of the spirits from the group sat through Carmen.  This angry spirit told our table that everyone who was present was going to die, and that her (or his?) group of dark spirits, "was not rotten, all of you are rotten!"  Marisol tried to reason with the spirit by asking, "What are you doing here?"  The spirit replied, "I'm going to take you all out.  You are doing things I don't like."  Looking at Nelson, the spirit hissed, "You are not my friend!"  There was more conversation in Spanish as the counselors attempted to help the spirit comprehend her situation.  Carmen eventually slumped in her chair as the spirit sobbed: "I have a headache.  There is a bad smell and I am nauseous.  I'm cold.  Frio!  Frio!"  The spirit began to cry.  The crying intensified into heaves and wailing, and Nelson rose to stand behind Carmen.  "They are showing you your body," Marisol explained to the spirit, "And those are just reason to be afraid."  Nelson began to cleanse the area around Carmen until the spirit stopped weeping and began to understand.  In a relieved voice, she wondered, "I don't have to say those things anymore?"  Marisol encouraged the spirit to listen to her guides (friends) and to go with them so they could help her - and the spirit departed.  Carmen's spirit guide arrived.
Spirit 2 (via Carmen): The spirit guide was cleansing Carmen and the entire table, and the guide told our group that she would be stay around for the rest of the session.
Nelson said it seemed as if all of the mediums were under attack.  "The darker spirits want to attack the mediums," he explained, "because they think that if they take us down, they can close this group."  Before we were seated at the table, Nelson described an experience he had at the top of the staircase in his home.  He heard two spirits whispering that they should push him down the stairs.  Addressing Marisol, Nelson told her, "And they want to break you."  Marisol explained that she had been experiencing odd dreams and burnt odors.  In an attempt to calm the spirits, Nelson was mentally consulting with the group.  "It has something to do with the color of your husband's skin," Nelson realized.  There was a spirit stepping forward to speak, and she showed herself as a black madame.  Nelson said that she worked with Cando when he had his group, and now she saw Marisol as a link for the work to continue.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson): In an authoritative voice, the madame spoke directly to Marisol: "I have been trying to say it.  You are like us.  We want to do your work.  We have looked for you, and we have wanted to tell you something for a long time.  You do the work that you need to, but you don't close the door.  So because of that, your door will close as well, and it will be hard to reopen.  Whoever doesn't like it - turn away!  But this is my work.  (pause)  I know I'm a spirit.  I need for her (Marisol) to do the work.  Tell those others, 'God bless you,' but I have to live my life my way - and they can live their life their way.  There are many of us here.  See them dancing?  I came to pick up everything at the sides.  You know who I am?"
Marisol guessed correctly that it was Madam Rosalee (or Rosaly), as the spirit continued: "We need to wake you up!  You are still a little asleep.  This is the place to do the work - that's why we brought you here!  I am taking 345 spirits with me.  I won't be too far.  Call me if you need me.  I am going to retire, but I will still be near."  As the madame moved to the side, Maritza commented that she heard drums in the background, and Nelson understood that this madame was protecting Marisol's husband.  Marisol added, "He protects me and they protect him."
"Tonight it is all about the mediums," Nelson mused as he realized that the next group of spirits were for him.  "He has the face of a pig," Nelson heard one of the spirits say.  "All this work he does, it doesn't help anyone.'
Spirit 4 (via Nelson):  Restrained in his seat, an angry, belligerent spirit moved seamlessly into Nelson:  "Listen to those around you that tell you it's time to stop.  Ha!  They would have found him in his house on the floor.  It would have been too late to help him."  The table questioned the hostile spirit and wondered where he came from.  "I don't want him to help," the spirit replied, "And I come from far away, from Puerto Rico.  From a house over there.  (sneering)  We come from many places over there.  That family doesn't love him.  That's what they are thinking."  The conversation continued in Spanish, until the spirit began to listen to the guides around him.  He had finally realized that it was time to go.  "There are many of us," he said, "they freed me because it's time, so I am no longer tied up."  The spirit agreed to remove 44 other spirits and himself.  "And I am going with them," he said, "as I am tired.  Forgive me if I said anything out of place."
Spirit 5 (via Nelson):  With a sensation that could never be accurately described in human terms, Nelson's spirit guide arrived to cleanse the table:  "Good evening.  We had to let that happen.  I hope everyone understands that sometimes the offer of love is not really love.  He's not alone (Nelson), but they attacked him.  Never fear, there is nothing to be afraid of - he has a good heart and he does a good job - so nothing will happen.  We are here, all around.  We protect." 
For Gabe:  "Young man, a few words for you.  You left an environment where you were not happy, correct?  You didn't like growing up in Puerto Rico, feeling like an outsider who didn't belong?  You had to be born there, to learn things and understand yourself.  And you have that now.  You look in the mirror and say, "I am so different".  You have a job to do.  (Gabe agreed, and he understood that it involved bringing his brother into spiritism)  Don't be afraid.  We are using you to get where it is hard to go.  We have a road for you, and we are trying to clear away the - how do you call them? - speed bumps.  You have someone in your family who also feels - can I say 'her'? - as if she does not belong there in Puerto Rico.  She is part of that road.  Your feelings are correct.  Some people might fight you, and don't let them stop you.  Guide her, talk to her.  Tell her, 'You are not alone.  I have been where you are.'  It's a dark hole where she is,and she doesn't belong there.  She is the kind spirit of an old lady.  So this is your road, it's where you belong.  The first time you came, you thought it was something weird, correct?  But this is the correct place.  Remember that I protect all those who call on me."
For Jeff:  "Don't ever fear, you worry too much and too often.  It's not a casualty of life that you are sitting here and a part of this.  One day, I will tell you our relationship, as you have been wondering - correct? (Jeff agreed)  But not today.  You and I have something in common (Nelson) and you will be very surprised.  You need Nelson more than he needs you.  Nelson and I have a special relationship, a love of the spirit.  Our prior life was a very short time, but we come from a very long shared time of friendship, love and protection.  He (Nelson) will never be alone. We will be together forever.  Those are the last words we said to each other.
For Marisol: I am cleansing Nelson and everyone here while we are talking, but you knew that.  I am going far away, to your house before he (Marisol's husband) returns there.  (laughing)  "That room has to be ready..."  (the entire table laughs, as he was referring to the bedroom)  If I ask for a prayer, no one remembers, but mention that room and everyone knows!  I am going to open my eyes now."  Nelson's guide refolded the towel and moved towards Marisol.  "When you go back home, it will just be you.  No one else.  Keep your mind on yourself.  Some friends come to your house and they put bad things there that do not belong.  Things will be fine now.  When the mind is clean and pure, it means that the body is clean and pure.  How do you feel now - good, right?" 
Nelson's guide returned to his chair.  He glanced a Gabe and said, "I do not have special powers.  That's what you were thinking.   I can read your thoughts."  There was also a message for Bernardo related to Carmen: "Take care of her, don't leave her alone.  Some things that come around her are very dark.  But she likes it."  It seemed as if Nelson's guide had finished with his cleansing, but he still had more to say:  "I haven't forgotten about you, Mia.  When you do jump with a spirit, everyone will jump with you - and say, 'Finally!'  I am Caballito, Nelson's friend, but all of you can call on me.  If I am allowed, I will give you my hand to help clear the road so that all of you can be happy."

Nelson closed with a prayer.

Chicago - February 22, 2015

(Note: These notes were authored by Denise)
Attendees:  Carmen, Bernardo, Marisol, Denise
Present in spirit: Nelson, Jeff, Mia, Sonia
We continued part of our conversation of appreciating what we have.  We were discussing Marisol’s uncle, who currently lives in Puerto Rico but is insisting on returning to Chicago.  With appreciation we are happier and more positive; with less appreciation there is more negative.  Difficult times help us to become stronger.
Carmen arrived feeling weak and she had difficulty rising this morning.  She realized that this feeling didn’t belong to her, and that she was being made to feel this way by a difficult spirit who came in with her.
Spirit #1 (thru Marisol)
This spirit came in stating that he and the others that were with him didn’t want her to continue this work and were trying to prevent her from coming by making her feel weak and having a hard time getting up.  They were also attempting to have her end up in the hospital where the doctors would not have found anything wrong with her.
He did understand that he is a spirit and was feeling sick and uncomfortable. He was feeling thirsty so we recited the Our Father to provide him with what he really needed.  Once this was recited he began feeling better and decided to go with the good spirits but would leave Carmen cleansed so that she can continue the work.  He is also convincing the others that came with him to go with the other to the beautiful place that they were shown.  He thanked Carmen for being strong, Bernardo for helping her get to the session and asked for forgiveness as well.  Marisol then gave Carmen a cleansing.
Marisol asked me (Denise) if I had been receiving anything, and I noticed that two if my favorite hymns were being sung (“Here I Am, Lord” and “Earthen Vessels”).  Marisol revealed that there were some good spirits who were nearby.
Marisol asked if anyone and if we knew anyone were having stomach pain.  Carmen revealed that her sister has had that pain and that she (Carmen) were being attacked by spirits and that her sister was not practicing her mediumship.  Her sister needs prayer as she is depressed and crying.  Marisol asked if her sister was obligated to stay in her current relationship and Carmen said no and that her sister’s daughter wanted him gone.  Marisol indicated that her daughter is in the right in wanting him gone.
Spirit #2 (thru Marisol)
This spirit came in very violent, lifted the table and slammed it down, pushed the chair back and moved it around and around.  The good spirits needed to tie him up to help calm him down.  He isn’t interested in listening to those good spirits that are surrounding him and hates that his work is being interrupted.  As we and the good spirits are talking to him he remains unconvinced and admits that he is feeling lost. The Our Father and a Spanish prayer was recited in order to help him to calm down. He is beginning to understand that he is a spirit and that it is unnecessary for him to feel bad.  He is also feeling much calmer and is being taken to someplace where the good spirits take the sick.  He asked for forgiveness for how he first arrived and took what belonged to him when he left.
Spirit #3 (thru Carmen)
A spirit came in to bless the glass of water for Lala (Carmen’s sister) and had observed the previous spirit who had sat who had wanted to cause harm and was incidental in helping to calm him down.
Spirit #4 (thru Carmen)
(Came in crying) This spirit is one who is with Lala (her guardian angel).  She revealed that Lala feels lonely and thinks wrong, but she is protected.  Lala’s hands are tied because of her wrong thinking.  Her guardian will remain with her to help her and is the one who will be providing the cleansing that we are sending to her and also cleansed the table as she left.
Closing Prayer

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Chicago - February 10, 2015

In attendance: Denise, Gabe, Jeff, Mia and Nelson  
Nelson wished that we could all see the spirit world rejoicing as we sat at the table (Denise sensed the same thing).  The spiritual side was enthusiastic and eager that our session would allow them to work.
Nelson had returned to Chicago after being in Florida, so he asked about Marisol.  Mia explained the ongoing work that had been done in regards to her uncle.  Nelson felt as if there was something else that was not quite right, and the uncle was not the issue.  Mia added that a very negative spirit was present on the previous Sunday for Marisol, and Nelson understood that the spiritual situation was between Marisol and her husband.  There was someone who wanted Marisol's husband to "flunk school," Nelson explained, and this spirit was creating conflict and discord for Marisol - in an attempt for her to lose her faith.  Nelson described it as a test, and he envisioned Marisol shaking.  Nelson felt the pain that Marisol was experiencing (as if the back of her legs were being hit repeatedly), and he knew that Marisol was asking for help.  "Help me out," Nelson heard her thinking, "Don't let me fail." 
Spirit 1 (via Nelson): A spirit had arrived, and he wanted to knock Nelson down as well.  This spirit wanted Marisol's marriage to end, and Nelson sensed that someone from her husband's side of the family was involved.  There was a small black voodoo doll being used.  Denise began to cough with nausea, and Nelson experienced the same sensation as the spirit sat through him:
Spirit: I will break this marriage apart no matter what happens...
Jeff: Why, What have they done to you?
Spirit: They don't deserve this.  She thinks she is going over there (Ohio) to see him - for a party!  It will be HELL.  No one will be standing up.  No one.
Jeff: Why are you so angry?
Spirit: I have the power to do a lot.  I have to say what I want to say.  He belongs to someone else!
Jeff: To you?
Spirit: No - Not of that color!  Don't you get it?  They should not be mixed.
Jeff: Is that why you are bothering them?  Aren't you tired of worrying about them?
Spirit: No.  I am doing the job I was told to do.
Mia: Who asked you to do this job?
Spirit: You are asking questions that you may not be ready for the answer.  I was brought here to complete my work.  Some things are not to be mixed.
Jeff: No, that assignment is canceled.
Mia: They can mix, they are not different species...
Spirit: They are bringing me that doll now.  Tell her something - I thought I would talk to her today.  Be careful of those who pretend to love.
After some additional persuasion, the spirit decided to depart.  He became more aggressive and noisy, as he did not want to be taken away.  He started to dance and move around in his chair, with his arms over his head, shouting:  "Changa!  Changa!  We do the dance of the Changa!"
After his departure, Nelson's spirit guide had some recommendations for Marisol:  "Tell her to be careful who she invites into her home next month.  If she can, no visitors - until she and I can meet."  Nelson added that as mediums, both he and Marisol needed to protect themselves, as they were always susceptible.   
Nelson asked Mia how she was feeling after following the instructions of her guide (drinking the cup of tea).  She was rested and sleeping well, and as he promised, her guide had arrived to check in on her. 

Spirit 2 (via Nelson): Mia's guide said that there was still some cleaning to do.  This was a marathon, not a speed race, and it should be done one step at a time.  Her guide was charming and excited, as he was eager to meet Mia, and he said that the meeting would happen soon; "like a dream, but not a dream, awake and face to face."  Mia would recognize him, and it would be pleasant.  He has been waiting a very long time to meet her, and he always knew that Mia would find a group that could get her to where she is now.  Her spirit guide was at peace - finally - because, "We can start doing the job."  He asked Jeff for a towel, and using Nelson, Mia's guide stood behind her, with the towel fully extended behind her head.  He wanted Mia to think of a memory of "her best day," as the conversation continued:
Spirit: I have already told you what that best day will be.  We are lifting a veil that has been around you for along time.  After today, there will be no more dark corners.  Only light.  We will begin the work we promised each other we would do before we came.  This is the only way to take away the pain that we hide deep inside.  (Mia began to weep as the guide returned to his seat.)  I want her to cry.  Tell her that when she experiences happiness, it will be so beautiful that she will want to reject it. Don't.  She will work with her hands.  Little by little, I will introduce myself.  It will be a peaceful feeling, with a slight tingling of the fingers, and just, "Hello." 
As he faded away, Nelson understood that Mia's guide liked Nelson's spirit and he was comfortable working with him.  Gabe had expressed some apprehension earlier over naegative messages if he continued to attend the sessions, and Nelson reassured him, telling him not to be afraid.  Gabe should feel comfortable, and understand that nothing bad will happen.  As proof, a group of spirits was being brought to our table from the house of Gabe's parents in Puerto Rico. 
Spirit 3 (via Nelson): These spirits were around Gabe's mother (Lourdes) and they were encouraging her pessimistic thoughts.  Lourdes wanted to protect Gabe, but she felt useless, because she thought, "He is too innocent for this world."  Nelson understood that deep inside, Lourdes felt alone.  She cried often in a corner, sometimes screaming, and then crying again over her feelings.  Maritza realized that Lourdes did not know how to let go, and the conversation continued:
Gabe: Is there a way I can help?
Nelson: She wants to reach you, to hug you, but her emotions and craziness take over...(a spirit quietly moved into Nelson)
Mia: She's overwhelmed...
Spirit: She's a nut!  She doesn't know what she is.  She feels ugly, old, and she's worried that her mom will die.  She wants to get in a car and go where no one can find her.  She doesn't want to deal with anything anymore.
Jeff: We are here to listen...
Spirit: You are not going to control me!  (the spirit began to speak in Spanish)
The spirit and Gabe's mom were both attracted to the same things - pain, suffering and discontent.  The spirit was making Lourdes feel as if she didn't belong in her house anymore.  "The name of our group is the Unhappy Ones," the spirit explained.  It was a group of 14, but there were "countless members," as the spirit described more groups in the house.  There was a need to fully clean the house of these groups, and the spirit of Philomena (Nelson's grandmother and Gabe's great-grandmother) had arrived to help.
Spirit 4 (via Nelson): Philomena flowed seamlessly into Nelson, and she also spoke in Spanish.  She asked for a moment of silence as the house was cleansed and the spirits were relocated.  She told the table that she always looked after her granddaughter (Lourdes).  Looking at Gabe, she told him, "She knows the way, but she walks another path."  Lourdes would feel more peaceful now, Philomena said, and she would no longer suffer.  Philomena departed as gently as she arrived.
Nelson asked if everything was okay with Sonia in Puerto Rico, and Mia said it was.  Nelson cautioned that Sonia had gone with the best intentions - but that she shouldn't get too involved.  She should keep her distance, as there were some things in Puerto Rico who were not welcoming her, and Sonia would not receive the warm welcome she expected.  Nelson had no idea of the town or house where Sonia was visiting, but he was being taken there by the spirits.  It was a new sensation for Nelson, as he fluctuated from our table to a small balcony with Sonia in Puerto Rico - back and forth.     
Spirit 5 (via Nelson): Sonia was seated on the balcony, talking to her sister.  Nelson wanted Mia to ask Sonia if the topic changed immediately while they were having this conversations, as Nelson was there when it happened.  Sonia was drinking some sort of relaxing beverage (similar to coquito, a type of eggnog served in a small glass), and she placed her glass or small cup on the floor between sips.  Mia began to experience severe shoulder pain in the same area as Sonia described in our last session.  Nelson thought that Sonia said she was okay, but she was not as okay as she stated.  The conversation switched to Spanish.  (Note: Sonia later verified that the location and events happened in the way they were shown to Nelson.)
Nelson said that next week we would revisit Sonia's vacation - as more time will have passed.  Nelson also wondered how her grandchildren were doing,and he sensed that Isaac's mom enjoyed the attention that she had received for her illness.  Jeff was asked to remind Nelson to call Marisol, and Nelson closed with a prayer.

Prayer - Why? When? How?

Why Pray At All?
Many people believe that God is always present and in all places - so why would we need to pray?  If God and the spirit guides already see and know everything, why would we repeat it back to them?  The objective of prayer is not to call God's attention to us, it is to bring ourselves (our minds and our thoughts) closer to him. What would happen if you stayed in a pool of pure water for a long period of time, but you never opened your mouth to drink any of it? You would die of thirst.  The same thing happens with prayer. It's our way of “opening our mouth,” spiritually speaking, and becoming receptive.
Prayer is one of the greatest resources that we have to confront our issues and conquer obstacles that previously seemed unbeatable.  Imagine a man alone, climbing a mountain - hot, hungry, tired, and weary. He stops temporarily to rest under a tree. This tree is a blessing for him in many ways.  The shade cools him, he's able to rest his weary body, and his mind has time for introspection. The fruit from the tree relieves his hunger. Soon after, with renewed energy, he is ready to resume his climb up the mountain.  Just as the tree helped the mountain-climber, taking time to pray has the same benefit for us. Prayer gives us renewed energy and strength, it helps us to remain strong in our faith, as when we are confident that we will overcome our trials, we become conscious that we will always have a spiritual mentor at our side.
Is A Prayer Routine Important?
When we pray for help, we are always heard. A request for help might be answered by asking us to concentrate and listen to the suggestions that our spiritual friends give us to solve the little problems that arise. We might ask for help to remain calm in a moment when our real urge is to react with aggression, or to understand rather than judge another person. By turning our thoughts to  prayer, we are better able to turn away from negative tendencies and energies that may lead to us feeling alone, and trapped in the darkness of desperation.

When we pray on a daily basis, in good times and bad, we establish a strong link with God and the spiritual realm.  When difficult times arise, we already have a structure of support that sounds loudly and clearly in our heart. The faith that we develop through a prayer routine gives us strength, courage, and the energy we need to overcome our problems (trivial or serious). 

How Can Prayer Help?
Our prayers are answered with the aid of our spiritual mentors.  They are always at our side, giving us strength and support.  Their suggestions are communicated to us using mental intuition during the day.  if we are not in a tranquil state of prayer, we may not clearly hear the messages.  At night, the spirits may take us on learning excursions while we are asleep.  So wouldn't it be easier if our spiritual mentors could just give us the answers in clear, easy to understand terms?  Because we have free will, the spirits offer us suggestions.  If we were handed the answers, there would be no merit for us - as we were not required to make any choice - so we have not learned or made any progress on our own.
In Allan Kardec's book, The Gospel Explained by the Spiritist Doctrine, he relates a story in which a man
traveling in the desert has lost his way and eventually faints from exhaustion and thirst. He prays to God for help, but no one arrives to give him water. Instead, the good spirits inspire him to lift his tired body and travel a little further down a nearby path.  The path leads him to a clear, cool stream of water.  Kardec’s lesson was that a person of faith would thank God and the spirit guides for the guidance and strength received. A person without faith would vainly pat themselves on the back for the great idea they had or attribute their fortune to chance.
What Should We Ask?
We can ask for whatever we want, as God and the spirit guides already know why we are praying.  So how far does this "help" from prayer and the good spirits extend?  Kardec asked this question in The Spirits Book: "As we pray for ourselves, can we prevent our trials from taking place or change their nature?"  The spirits responded by first reminding us that prayer always helps by giving us strength and a positive outlook, that many of our sorrows are actually self-inflicted, and that we need to endure some trials, as they are part of a larger plan.  When we reincarnate, we do not remember the events of our past lives, and rather than being handed the solution to our suffering, we must use our free will to overcome our temptations and trials.  We need to accept our struggles with a bravery and faith that will allow us to grow and progress.
We should not always be asking for something when we pray. The other two elements of prayer are appreciation (gratitude or thanks) and praise.  When things going well, we start taking it all for granted - until tragedy strikes and we experience something that jolts us into realizing how quickly our lives can change.  We can pray and be thankful for the sound of a loved one's voice, the warmth of the sun, or the chance to reach out and help a neighbor in need.  We should not wait for something to happen to remind us of how fortunate we are. Praying with both praise and appreciation for what we already have is one way to help us to maintain a mind set that strengthens our affinity with the good spirits. 

    Who Should We Pray For?
It would be selfish for one to think only of ourselves during a time of prayer. Spiritism teaches us that as human beings evolve, they pray more for others than we do for ourselves. In Kardec's The Spirits' Book, we read that when we pray for others, we will attract compassionate spirits who share our intentions and will come to the rescue of those for whom we are praying.

We naturally pray for our friends and loved ones.  We ask for their protection and hope they are offered guidance, especially when we see them suffering, as well as at their time of disincarnation (death of the body) and their return to the spirit world.  This is a natural extension of our love for them.  It's also important that we pray for those for whom we do not have such affection and for those who we do not know at all. Any prayer of support or forgiveness helps us understand the process of making amends.  Pray to keep those feelings of anger and rancor out of our hearts, and pray to bring positive energies to our offenders or those we may have offended. 

There are also many spirits who need our help, including some who suffer their own self-inflicted torment.  These spirits may not have awakened to the good, so they continue to act out of their moral weaknesses. They need our prayers to inspire them to see the error of their ways and the happiness that could one day be theirs once they begin the processes of repentance and making amends.  There are also many discarnate spirits who do not admit the death of their mortal bodies and who believe themselves to be alive, in the same way they were on Earth. We can pray that the good spirits will go to their aid, guiding them to places of recuperation and schooling in the spirit realm, so that they may come to the realization that they are still alive, but they no longer have an Earthly life.  When we pray for a family member or friend who has transitioned, we need to be careful of asking for resolution to any earthy matters they left behind.  In many circumstances, a recently departed spirit may yet not be in a position to hear our prayers, but the spirit guides will relay our messages when the conditions improve.

A prayer should come from the heart.  It does not need flowery words; it should flow naturally as a true expression of our sentiments.  Kardec wrote, "The spirits have always said, 'The form means nothing, the thought is everything. Say your prayers in a way that is in harmony with your convictions and in the way most inspiring to you, because a good thought is worth more than countless unfeeling and unfelt words.' "  We should avoid the habit of repetition.  It requires no concentration and becomes an easy movement of the lips with beautiful words that our not ours.  The length of the prayer is also unimportant, as the number of words we use is not related to the quality of the prayer.

Kardec, Allan. "Ask And It Will Be Given To  You." The Gospel Explained By The Spiritist Doctrine.  Trans. Allan Kardec Educational Society (translated from 3rd edition in French). Philadelphia, PA. Allan Kardec Educational Society. 2000. pgs 255-266 and pgs 267-306.

Peralva, Martins. "Eficácia da Prece" [Efficacy of Prayer]. O Pensamento de Emmanuel [Emmanuel's Thoughts]. Rio de Janeiro-RJ, Brazil: Federação Espírita Brasileira [Brazilian Spiritist Federation].1998 (20th ed). pgs 159-164.

Schubert, Suely Caldas. "A Prece" [Prayer]. Mediunidade: Caminho Para Ser Feliz [Mediumship: The Path to Happiness]. Votuporanga- SP, Brazil. Casa Editora Espírita "Pierre-Paul Didier". 1999. pgs 92-97.

De Angelis, Joanna (Spirit Author), Franco, Divado (Medium). "Da Lei de Oraçã" [On The Law of Prayer].  Leis Morais Da Vida [Moral Laws of Life]. 3. ed Salvador-BA, Brazil. Livraria Espírita Alvorada. 1986.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Florida - September 11, 2014

In attendance: Astrid, Cristina, Gloria, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago
Nelson heard a spirit say that no matter who we are, we are all loved by God.  Astrid agreed, adding that we were a part of God, and we are allowed to be who we are destined to be until we go back into the spirit world.  Astrid also wondered if this presence might be a mischievous spirit.  Nelson's vision expanded to include a group of spirits now, and they appeared to be from the Middle East.  It was difficult to understand their speech.  They seemed to think that while some souls were remembered, their group had not been remembered.  There were several women and children with this group, and Jackie sensed that they were innocent causalities from wars and bombing missions.  Nelson felt one spirit step forward, a religious man who stated that he died "for his faith."
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  The spirit was attempting to speak in English, but it was difficult. "Hassam," he repeated several times in a thick Arab accent, "Hassam".  (Note: After researching the word, and not finding anything for "hassam", this spirit may have been saying "Asam", which means "to be jealous" - which fits with his initial statement that while some souls of September 11 were being remembered, this group was not.) 
"Allah...Allah..." the spirit said softly, as if praying.  He spoke quietly, confused over his location and the English words he was using:  "I understand little.  Not much.  Different...different people, language.  Different.  I can see, but I don't recognize.  Celebration of Allah...Allah." While we welcomed this spirit and encouraged him to tell his story, the spirit guides around him were also communicating with him.  The spirit was becoming aware of what the guides were telling him: "Celebrating freedom?  Allah.  I will be free today?  No more suffering?  Pain?  Allah will embrace me?"  The spirit bowed his head towards the table, as if in prayer.  "Allah...Allah," he chanted, "Time for all of us to go.  Allah...Allah. Asam!  Asam."  The spirit thanked our table and departed while yelling, "Alllllah!"  We discussed the spirit after he was gone. Nelson said that he had heard the spirit ask, "Is this when I get my prize?"  Nelson also understood that nothing was impossible in the spirit world - they can do anything.
Spirit 2 (via Gloria):  A spirit for Santiago (Gloria's brother) had arrived, and the message was in Spanish.  Miguel Ruiz was the name of this spirit, and he was a former coworker of Santiago (about 10 years ago).  After his message was delivered to Santiago, there was a long silent pause in the room.
Spirit 3 (via Astrid):  There was a spirit who wanted to speak with Nelson, and she also spoke in Spanish.  The table determined that she was a "madame," and she was promising to "defend" Nelson.  When she saw Nelson, she determined that "like me, he likes to work."  Nelson said that he respected the madames, and he believed that they gave him light.  The spirit of the madame rapped sharply on the table, and she was gone.  Nelson said that he and the madames had a relationship of cooperation, as Nelson was certain that he had worked with them previously, in an other life, as a healer or "shaman.".  (Note: A shaman is a person regarded as having access and influence in the world of good and evil spirits, especially in northern Asia and North America. Typically such people enter a trance state during a ritual, and practice divination and healing.)  When Nelson's grandmother was working as a medium, she always left an empty chair available at her table for the "madames."
Spirit 4 (via Jackie):  When Jeff and Nelson returned to Chicago, Jackie cautioned them that there were four confused spirits in the basement of their house.  They seemed harmless and uncertain.  These spirits were released from the walls during the remodeling process, and although they knew that they belonged in that space, nobody had told them where to go after their release.   Based on the way they looked and how they were dressed, Jackie thought that they may have been there since the 1920's.  They were members of a group that had already moved on, and now these four spirits were just waiting for some direction.  Nelson promised to give them some direction when he was in Chicago. 
Spirit 5 (via Nelson):  A spirit guide standing behind Nelson spoke, telling us that in the future, there would be many spiritual tables, with many mediums working.  Nelson saw this entity as a male, about 50 years old, and he was very enthusiastic.  He was dressed all in white, with a long tunic length guayabera style shirt.  This spirit wanted Nelson to tell our table that the work we did was not wasted - we were opening several doors, and he seemed very excited with our progress.  He stated, "All new people are coming," and also wanted us to know us that "different things" were coming.  Nelson described him as very nice and filled with positive energy.  As he was preparing to step aside, he promised the group that he was "coming to change things" and that he would "clean away the cobwebs."  "I'm going to move it," he said.
Spirit 6 (via Gloria):  After the enthusiastic spirit had departed, another spirit arrived immediately and sat through Gloria.  This spirit wanted the table to know that some things would not change, and we were still needed to help the spirits cleanse themselves and to pass (or move) them as needed.  This spirit wanted our group to keep an open mind about the work.  "Yes, all of that is change, and there will be some, but the other work continues," the spirit advised.  He left as abruptly as he arrived, offering blessings and politely apologizing, saying: "Forgive me for jumping in."
Spirit 7 (via Nelson):  Another new spirit spoke from a position behind Nelson.  Nelson thought it was interesting that we don't completely understand how the spirit world works, as we are only given glimpses.  Nelson was convinced today that our table would work with the spirit of the nun who was stacking her teeth in her cell from the last session, but this spirit had arrived to tell us that it was now unnecessary.  Astrid also said, "The situation has been fixed." The spirit wanted Cristina to know that it was now up to her to move her life forward.  "We have done what was needed, we have cleaned," the spirit guide said.  He continued the conversation with Cristina in Spanish, and our table began to understood that the spirit speaking was Cristina's spirit guide.  "That's gone," he said, referring again to the issues of the last session, "It's time for something new."  While cleansing the table, the spirit offered Cristina an instructional message of hope and encouragement (in Spanish).  "Keep the past in the past," he advised, promising Cristina that she was not alone, she could always call on him to assist her.  He repeated the word "camino" several times (Spanish for "I walk", possibly a reassurance that he would walk along with Cristina whenever she needed it).  As he softly faded away, he wanted Astrid to know that Cristina would "find her direction from within."
Nelson sensed a poetic rhythm to the words of this spirit.  He added that when we reincarnate, we can change some of the things we decided to do before returning, but other circumstances were decided and planned in advance, and those must be completed.  Nelson suggested that Cristina read some spiritual books for guidance.  Her spirit guide would walk with her - in her dreams and daily life - offering direction.  The table discussed the situation with Cristina, assuring her that although she felt that much was given to her and she needed to pay it back, that was not the case.  Nelson stated that the best way to "pay back" what was offered was to offer the same to someone else (for example, Cristina might recommend a spiritual book that helped her to someone else in need).  As another example, Nelson said that it was difficult to pass the Arabic speaking spirit, but maybe this spirit would later offer the same help to Nelson on the other side.
Spirit 8 (via Jackie) and Briefly:  The word "trouble" had appeared behind Jeff, and Jackie sensed that it had something to do with Jeff's sister.  Jackie urged caution, and Jeff understood.  Nelson asked Astrid and Santiago if everything was set for their October trip, and it was.  Gloria asked Nelson if he had spoken with his father (he had), because she saw him standing in a strong, secure posture, but he also seemed to be waiting for Nelson to visit him.  Nelson explained that his father was continuously worried over money, and Jackie and Gloria said that those worries often arrived as we age.  Nelson had not yet felt a need to visit Puerto Rico, and Gloria assured him that the spirit world would tell him when to go, but she also heard that "time is shortened" for Nelson's father.
Gloria shared a story about seeing a vision of her mother.  Her mother knew that Marian regretted never having an opportunity to say goodbye to her father before he passed.  As she continued to visualize her mother, Gloria saw Edgar's head resting on her mother's lap.  Gloria's mother and the spirit of Edgar encouraged her "to say goodbye now.".  As Gloria gave Edgar a goodbye kiss, Edgar opened his eyes and his head became the head of Gloria's father.  She was able to say goodbye to both men.
Spirits 9 & 10 (via Jackie):  Janet, the departed best friend of Jeff's mother was standing behind Jeff's chair at the table.  Her hands were on his shoulders, offering reassurance.  Jeff said that he often feels her around him.  Her message was that Jeff "worries too much," and she wanted Jeff to take more time for himself.  She said that Jeff and Nelson spent most of their time together, but they needed "time apart sometimes," and she encouraged Jeff to take some time for himself.  Jackie also saw a spirit near Gloria.  It was Joe, the departed husband of a friend named Myrna.  In his material life, Joe was a police officer, and in his spiritual life he was still on patrol, walking the condo area where he once lived with a dog to assure that everything was safe and secure.  Joe was tired of his endless walking routine, as it was getting him "nowhere." Joe believed that Myrna was also tired of her daily routine, saying "She sits in that house all day."  Gloria and Jackie decided that they would both speak to Myrna (who was still alive) and with the spirit of Joe.
Spirit 11 (via Gloria):  There was a large, beautiful black dog near Cristina, patiently seated beside her.  Astrid wondered if it was possibly the vision of a dog that she will own one day.  Gloria said the dog had a positive meaning, and Cristina thought that she had previously seen or known the black dog.  Gloria said that the black dog's name was "Jackie."
Jackie (the person, not the spiritual dog) closed with a prayer.

Florida - September 8, 2014

In attendance: Astrid, Cristina, Gloria, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago
Nelson felt a spirit presence who wanted to make sure that the spirits of 9/11 were not forgotten.  Our group hoped that these spirits knew that our table was always available if any of them needed to speak.  Astrid sensed another presence who wanted us to know that the souls of 9/11 were all in the right place and made the correct connection.  As soon as Astrid mentioned the word "connection", a spirit moved into her. 
Spirit 1 (via Astrid):  Referencing the conversation regarding 9/11, the spirit said, "That was the way it was, for them to leave.  It was a learning process.  All spirits are fine in the connection."  The spirit stated that there would be more elaboration on the connection later, but he wanted the table to realize that the word "connection" referred to "divine light, that small piece of God (or light) that is inside all of us.  The empathy we have is because of that connection."  Gloria shared that she had been reading some materials yesterday with that very same message.
Spirit 2 (via Astrid):  It seemed as if another spirit had quickly passed into Astrid (or the previous spirit was ready to divulge a name), and this spirit told us her name was "Graciela" and she was the grandmother of Cristina.  She spoke mostly in Spanish, and her message was simple: "We will be able to help all in need."
Nelson mentioned that all of us at the table had some sort of relationship with Puerto Rico (having lived there, visited, or with our interactions at spiritual tables), and he felt a spirit guide asking if we could occasionally offer a prayer for this place that was undergoing a rejuvenation and changes.  Many at our table still had family there, and a prayer instead of criticism for Puerto Rico would also benefit those family members in need.  Nelson stressed that the residents needed our compassion, as it's "easier for those not over there."  The table discussed the issue, and Astrid shared a story regarding a session that occurred about five years ago.  Three influential men who helped to develop Puerto Rico later realized that they had to leave when they determined that no more could be done.
Spirit 3 (via Astrid):  As Astrid was speaking, Marita (an aunt of Astrid's who often functions as the spirit guide for our table) arrived.  She spoke in Spanish, offering blessings for our table and mentioning karma.  She urged the table to be calm before she departed.
Nelson asked Jackie to read the prayer for hardened spirits.  He envisioned a dark cloud.  The cloud was ready to burst, but instead of being filled with rain, it was packed with spirits.  These spirits needed to know that they should stop doing what they did every day.
Spirit 4 (via Nelson):  A spirit sat through Nelson and repeated several times, "We know that we don't belong there.  We are lost."  The spirit was confused and apprehensive, and everyone at the table attempted to calm him.  The spirit was still uncertain when he spoke again: "They told us we didn't have to be in the storm, that we could move.  It hurts to hear.  It hurts!"  The spirit covered Nelson's ears as he repeated that it hurt again and again.  Astrid and Jackie spoke with him, and the spirit seemed to realize that it was time to move on, as the conversation continued:
Astrid:  Let those minds make decisions without your influences.
Spirit: We don't need to influence them?  They cannot hear anyway.  We think we are communicating but they cannot hear.
Astrid: All of you will be guided to a different path.
Spirit: They said it's enough.  Enough.
A spirit guide interrupted the conversation to tell the table, "We wanted to show you how the minds of so many are confused.  Talking, but not hearing.  It's so easy to influence others.  This storm has to pass." 
The guide stepped aside and the spirit returned to say that the group of spirits with him numbered in the "thousands."  The spirit understood that all of their minds would now be cleaned.  It was a very concentrated assembly of negative energy.  "We don't have a number," he told the table, "because we are so many."  He explained that this group would be going to another planet, as their minds no longer belonged here on earth.  As one of the spirits left, he said, "There are no excuses for our behavior."
Spirit 5 (via Gloria):  A spirit now abruptly arrived through Gloria.  It was one of her Indian guides, and he had appeared to offer the table blessings.  "Now you see why this table is clean," he said.  "Love, charity, faith.  No judgment at all.  To help, give your hearts with love."  He directed his attention towards Nelson and told him, "Dear brother, we are with you too - taking care."  The spirit focused on the table again, and he had a final message before departing: "Bless you, you are protected always and we will be here always."
The table discussed the five spirits who had appeared in rapid succession.  Nelson said not to forget that our feelings and thoughts motivated spirits to appear around us.  Nelson had a feeling of being drowned yesterday, and he wondered what was happening to many of the other mediums he knew.  Many were sick or hurting.  Gloria said, "We are material, we go through things.  What is my lesson is your learning."  Gloria also cautioned the group to never lose hope and to have faith.
Spirit 6 (via Astrid):  Astrid saw the spirit of a man near Santiago.  It was his departed uncle, "Tio Federico".  He was carrying a shoulder bag with him (similar to the ones that European men often wore) and he wanted to give it to Santiago. It was filled with travel experiences for him.  Gloria related a story of seeing an Indian with a lance walking stiffly ahead of her when she was recently admitted to the hospital.
Spirit 7 (via Jackie):  Jackie saw an Indian (possibly the same one that had guided Gloria) silently standing between Jeff and Santiago - and he was also holding a lance.  He said that he came from "the chief of chiefs," and he wanted the group to know that "when we go to war, we go to war.  For peace, it is peace."  He was showing Jackie a lush, peaceful green valley.  "This is what it should be," he explained, "Not this.  Not a city in ruin."  The Indian began sprinkling a green plant around (similar to rosemary) and he told our group that his warriors would always be with us.  Referring to the mediums, he stated, "those who see will always be under attack".
Nelson wanted to know what Cristina was looking for from her life.  He felt a spirit speaking from behind him who asked her, "What is it that you are looking for?  Tell me, my love..."  Cristina replied that there were many things, but the spirit insisted that there was something specific, deep inside.  "Love," Cristina replied.  Astrid saw Cristina receiving a gift of flowers; large beautiful mums that were chosen just for her. 
Spirit 8 (via Nelson): Nelson asked where Cristina was born, and when her answer was Seville, the spirit moved from behind Nelson and sat through him, speaking in Spanish.  The spirit with Nelson was Cristina's husband from a previous life.  He wanted to hug her, tilting his neck as if his head was on her shoulder.  He loved her so much during their time together.  He played romantic guitar music for her and explained that they had two children together.  Cristina told the group that she loved music and she had often hoped for two children in this life.  The spirit became very emotional, telling Cristina that she "was the love of my life," and that her name with him was "Magdalena".  Astrid explained that Cristina was no longer Magdalena, as that was in a different lifetime.  The spirit continued to softly strum his guitar.  He told us his name was "Arturo De Los Robles Garcia", and he did not want to leave.  He was trying to understand where Cristina was in relation to where he was.  "Find me in yourself," he said, as he moved back behind Nelson.
Nelson said that the spirit spoke beautifully, using soft, poetic words.  Cristina mentioned that she had seen this spirit in her sleep.  Nelson felt that in this past life, Cristina was a nun.  She loved this man so strongly that she left the convent for him.  Cristina wondered if she would find someone in this reincarnation to care for her as deeply.  Tired of relying on herself so often, Cristina sensed that something deeper was waiting for her.  As if on cue, Nelson's spirit guide arrived and spoke through him.
Spirit 9 (via Nelson):  "This is not Nelson now," the spirit guide said, "even if my eyes are open.  I love what I's not a job, it's a pleasure."  He asked Cristina to stand (with Astrid behind her), so that Cristina's heart could be cleansed.  He waved a towel near her heart, instructing Cristina to keep her heat clean and open.  "Real love is very difficult to remove," he stated.  Glancing towards Jeff, he asked how difficult it would be to remove the love between Jeff and Nelson (very difficult).   The love that filled Cristina from her prior lifetime would gradually be removed, in small sections, to open her heart for new love to enter.  After everyone was seated again at the table, Nelson's spirit guide had brief messages for everyone:
(For Nelson)
Spirit: I have to take him sometime to do the work.
Astrid: We understand, when the work requires the material...
Spirit:  It's needed to perform our work. 
(For Jackie)
Spirit: Jackie, what we said to Cristina also applies to you.  Sometimes the heart aches.  Don't let it happen. I know that it is hard.  (Jackie nodded in agreement)
(For Jeff)
Spirit:  Leave a little room in your heart for your mom.  Can you do that for me?  When something happens, or she says something, just think, 'She's still my mom'.  Thank her for bringing you into this world. 
Jeff:  I can do that.
(For Gloria)
Spirit: The theme here today is the heart.  You still have a lot of work to do.  If something happens to you, the ones left behind will be OK because you have shown them love.
Gloria: They will be OK like I am OK.
(For Santiago and Astrid)
Spirit: You are going on a trip, an entertainment or vacation, yes?  Show each other how much you care for each other.  Do something to remember forever. 
(For the table)
Spirit: The theme today is the heart.  Help each other, love each other.  Call or show up when someone is missing.  All you take with you is love.  It will fulfill you in the other life.  Look at Nelson and myself.  The love we have keeps us going.
(For Cristina)
Spirit: It's OK that you are learning.  Think about "just love" tonight, and you will find happiness. 
Nelson's guide moved to the side and Nelson explained the relationship he had with his guide to Cristina.  Recently, Cristina had felt that something good was coming, and Nelson said, "And that started today."  Nelson saw her again in her prior life as a nun in a silent order.  Cristina's desire to move away from Spain was due to the events that happened there.  Nelson envisioned a Mother Superior standing behind a desk, with Cristina asking for permission to leave the order.  When her request was denied, Cristina ran away from the convent and her commitment.  The Mother Superior was too materialized to sit, but Nelson thought that we might be able to remove her.  There was also a nun who helped Cristina to leave the convent, and she was present.  Because she helped Cristina run away, the Mother Superior had banished this nun to a small windowless room, similar to a prison cell.  Nelson described the Mother Superior as having no feelings for this nun.  She saw her "like a tomato to be squashed," not as a person.  A spirit guide would try to remove both of them.
Cristina stated that she was looking for validation in her current life.  "Now you know the past," Astrid told her, "and you can change."  Nelson saw the nun in the cell as a more controlling presence in this reincarnation than the Mother Superior.  Cristina shared a recurring dream in which she touched each one of her teeth (as if checking them), only to discover that they were all falling out.  As they fell, she stacked the teeth into a pyramid, but the teeth disintegrated into dust.  Nelson realized that the nun trapped in the cell was sending her these dreams, showing what her life had become.  Nelson was confident that Cristina would find a job once this obstacle was removed.
Gloria wanted to add that what Cristina saw as a recurring dream was not really a dream - it was an out of body experience from the spirit world.  The spirits repeatedly showed Cristina what happened with the nun in the cell, while the spirit of this nun painfully recounted her previous existence over and over - for many years.  Nelson saw that the spirit of the nun in the cell was ready to move on.  The Mother Superior was not.
As we prepared to close the session, Nelson's spirit guide knew that Jackie had an issue.  Jackie said her shoulder was hurting, and the spirit guide said, "Why are you lifting more than you can?"  He placed Nelson's hand near her shoulder, and he said he was "putting something there to readjust." His recommendation was that Jackie should apply ice to the area.
Jackie closed with a prayer.  

Florida - September 1, 2014

In attendance: Astrid, Frank, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago
Nelson asked the group if anyone had a connection to the word "Lily".  For the past few days, he was hearing "Lily" repeated over and over.  Was it a name?  The flower?  Jeff suggested that lilies were often used as flowers for funerals.  With no other connection, the table thought that lilies might be a symbol for the passing of Frank's girlfriend. 
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  With the mention of the lilies, Nelson heard the spirit of Frank's girlfriend say, "Oh my God...I can see him..."  This spirit was overcome with emotion, and Nelson began to tear up.  He saw her spirit as very tired, but despite her fatigue, she did not want to abandon Frank.  She now realized and appreciated that she had the opportunity to say goodbye to Frank.  She no longer wanted to suffer and feel sick.  "At the end, everything hurt," she told the table.  She started to sob intensely as she passed completely into Nelson.
"I want him (Frank) to know how much I appreciated all the love, the caring, and the things he did," the spirit said through her tears, "I am so happy to see him."  She continued her message for Frank:  "I want you to remember me from he heart - not pictures or things.   Send me your love."  She also wanted to thank Jackie for her role in bringing Frank to the table, and she wanted Jackie to tell Nelson that she was sorry for bothering him over the last few days.  She was just incredibly grateful and excited over the opportunity to finally see and speak with Frank.  "I wanted to see him," she explained, "but they are teaching me to use a different set of eyes - the eyes of the heart, they tell me, not the eyes of the body."  Just as her suffering was coming to an end, she wanted Frank to know that there was no need for him to suffer any more.  There was a short silence, and then the spirit softly said, "Those were my lilies."  Indicating her chest, the spirit told Jackie that as a woman, she would understand.  (The spirit transitioned after suffering from breast cancer)
Focusing again on Frank, the spirit told him, "You do not have to suffer or cry for me.  I want to be ready for when it is your time, so that I can be there for you.  My love was big, it was real.  I am taking all of that love with me, but I am leaving a little behind for you."  Addressing the table, she said, "You guys were very nice."  As the spirit prepared to depart, she began to weep so strongly, it was very difficult for her to speak clearly.  Through her tears, she said, "Look, they are giving me my two lilies.  I feel full, whole again."
Once she had departed, the table discussed what had occurred.  Astrid explained the energy with the perispirit of this entity to Frank - and the effect it had on him.  Frank may still feel her presence around him, but her energy will be different now that she had been cleansed.  Nelson said that the most important part of her progress was that she understood that she was a spirit and she wanted to get better.  He advised Frank to also be free to live his life.  Astrid added that "We need to live our life, so that we do not go before or after our time." 
Nelson asked Jackie how she was feeling.  "Off a little," she replied.  Nelson saw it as if she were in a fog.  "We often create that for ourselves,' he said.  Nelson visualized Jackie as if she were in a cartoon, with continuous storm clouds over her head that were heavy and intense.  "I told myself that I was not going to work today," Nelson said, understanding that both he and Jackie were experiencing stomach pains that were intended to keep them away from the table.  Nelson continued: "They put us to the test, to fail or pass, and I will not fail."  Astrid had a vision of Nelson's back, and she saw how the spirit world could open him up to remove his energy, and insert a spiritual presence.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  A spirit standing behind Nelson told Jackie, "Stop thinking what you are thinking.  Stop it."  With these thoughts in her head, Jackie would continue to feel as she does, "all insecure."  Nelson also saw a group of spirits who have a job to close groups such as ours - while our job is to keep them open.  A member of this group moved into Nelson and began to speak in Spanish.  This spirit was very experienced with his work, and he told the table that while we want to liberate spirits, he wanted to keep them prisoners.  The spirit had been fighting with Nelson to sit, believing that Nelson did not "want me to say what I want to say," as the conversation continued:
Spirit: I am doing my job the best that I can
Astrid:  Are any good things coming from it?
Spirit: Depends.  Do you have a boss or a God?  Mine likes what I do...
Astrid:  But do you feel good about it?
Spirit:  I will tell you how I feel.  We like to control people.
Astrid: By fear?
Spirit: I like what I do. I tell them what to do, and they do it.
Jackie: What happens when you lose that control?
Spirit: We lose.
Jackie: Aren't you tired of trying to control everything?
Spirit: That's all we know.  Today they trapped me.  It's time for me to stop, they say.  Enough, they tell me, there is no going back.  I'm going with them.  Before I go, they are telling me that I have to say I am sorry.  But I am not sorry.  I am not going to apologize. 
Astrid: When you are ready, we will be waiting.
Spirit: I am taking so many others with me.  The only way to capture them was to take me.
Jeff: How many are going with you?
Spirit: What year is it? 
Jeff: 2014. 
Spirit: One for every year...2,013 others and me.
The spirit told Jackie that he did not mean to create confusion for her, and he asked for her forgiveness.  After his departure, the table spoke about his mission.  This spirit did not want Jackie (or Nelson) to be a part of our group today, and we cannot allow that to happen.  Astrid related that when she met Jeff and Nelson at her back door today, she saw this group of spirits enter with them.
Spirit 3 (via Jackie):  Jackie sensed a spiritual group in the hallway who were present "just to hear."  They viewed our table as if it were a movie, giggling like school children at what was obviously new and different to them.  Jackie also had a message from the spirit of Edgar:  "Days before any session in any house, the spirits are lined up everywhere."  Jackie explained that when Edgar was working as a medium, he would be so exhausted that he went to bed immediately after a session.  The impact of what he felt often affected him for several days later.  When his health began to deteriorate, and his material body could not take it anymore, he stepped down.
There was a group of spirits assembled behind Nelson.  One of them asked, "If you were called to Puerto Rico tomorrow, would you go?"  Nelson said that everyone was responsible for their own behavior, so he doubted it.  The group of spirits were around Nelson's father,  taunting him, and saying "Look at you now.  You are useless."  The spirits were seated in a circle, using sticks that had been stuck into a fire to burn Nelson's dad.  Astrid saw it as a show to lure Nelson into visiting Puerto Rico.  Nelson's father seemed to think that his prayers were not being heard, as these spirits were asking him, "Who are you going to call now...?"
It appeared as if a spirit guide had temporarily replaced the negative presence, and he offered some advice for Nelson's father: "He needs to stop thinking about the material world."  These negative thoughts were fueling the bad spirits into telling Nelson's dad that it was time for him to "come back to where you came from."  Astrid began a calm conversation with the spirits, explaining that "It has to happen when it is his time."  Nelson saw the circle around his father as a group of handicapped individuals - with all of them missing something.  The spirits were powerful, and Nelson thought it might be better for them to sit next week.  Then he heard a spirit say that the matter could not wait for another week, "or there would be no next week."
Spirit 4 (via Nelson):  A spirit sat and told the table that Nelson should be attending "One funeral after another.  They are all dead anyway.  Useless and dead.  Dead."  The conversation continued:
Astrid:  You are making things worse.  Leave them alone.
Spirit: None of them are okay.  I don't want them there.  I don't want them there. 
Jeff: Why?  Are they bothering you?
Spirit: That belongs to us.
Jackie: It was your land?
Spirit: Yes, my land.
Astrid: You are a spirit now.  You do not own anything.
Spirit: We take care of it
Astrid: They can stay there.  It's material, let is go.
Spirit: They come to eat and drink and don't remember us.  They offer nothing.  If we want some water?  Wait until it rains!
The conversation switched to Spanish, with the spirit explaining that "taking care" of the land and owning it were two different things.  "I am the Capataz!" (Spanish for Foreman) "Don't forget!."  As the spirit became aware of his surroundings, he spoke in English:  "Where am I?  It was raining today and I was drinking water.  Now the rain has stopped.  We ask for water and they tell us to wait for rain.  It was raining."  The group explained the situation to the spirit, and he began to realize what would happen next.  He asked: "Where are they taking me?  Who will tend the land?  I am the Capataz!  Don't forget!"  Astrid explained that our group understood how the spirit felt.  "They don't remember us," the spirit said several times.  As he prepared to depart, his language changed back to Spanish.  This spirit agreed to take other spirits with him - Madame's, Indians - he left with a wide variety.
Spirit 5 (via Nelson):  Nelson's spirit guide arrived, but he knew that Nelson was too fatigued for him to sit.  Speaking from behind Nelson, he said, "We have given a lecture to many, and we have learned much in the process."  Nelson was already feeling better, despite the large groups of negative spirits who were passed today, and we were reminded that the room was also filled with many good spirits.  Caballito wanted Nelson to deliver a message to Marta: "She needs to finally start loving herself.  Stop what she is doing.  Stop.  Don't wait until it is too late to start learning.  She has all of the tools she needs, so use them.  We cannot give her anymore.  She already has the tools to make her life happy."  Nelson's guide stepped aside.
Nelson also sensed the presence of soldiers in the room.  They were with us to learn that there was more to their existence than fighting battles.   They were very slow learners, and Nelson saw them as babies, taking one little step at a time.  Astrid added, "They need to find compassion for themselves."  Nelson said that there was always work, with much more to do.
Spirit 6 (via Jackie):  Jackie's mom appeared briefly to her, and she wanted the group to know that 85% of the intentions whenever any group is seated at a table were usually material.  Jackie closed with a prayer.

Just A Thought

"There were no sex classes. No friendship classes. No classes on how to navigate a bureaucracy, build an organization, raise money, ...