In attendance: Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Gabe, Jeff, Marisol, Mia and
After the opening prayer, Nelson wanted to put the name of his 21 year old
nephew (Ivan) on the table. Ivan had been hospitalized again with more
complications from his Crohn's disease, and his diet was restricted. Nelson
hoped that Ivan would find "a little bit of peace and health." Nelson also
wanted to ask for some relief for Puerto Rico. "I love my little island," he
said, "and they have really been having a rough time." Nelson explained that
with the upcoming closing of Doral bank (and others), many families would
suffer, and he hoped that "something could be done to help them out."
Carmen described a recent dream she had of getting married. It was
explained that in the spiritual translation of dreams, this type of scenario was
not positive. Marisol understood that a prayer for these dark spirits needed to
be said, to encourage them to move into the light. Carmen spoke directly to the
dark spirits and tried to persuade them to move closer for the help they
needed. Nelson believed that these spirits were having an effect on all the
mediums at our table.
Spirit 1 (via Carmen): One of the spirits from the group
sat through Carmen. This angry spirit told our table that everyone who was
present was going to die, and that her (or his?) group of dark spirits, "was not
rotten, all of you are rotten!" Marisol tried to reason with the spirit by
asking, "What are you doing here?" The spirit replied, "I'm going to take you
all out. You are doing things I don't like." Looking at Nelson, the spirit
hissed, "You are not my friend!" There was more conversation in
Spanish as the counselors attempted to help the spirit comprehend
her situation. Carmen eventually slumped in her chair as the spirit sobbed: "I
have a headache. There is a bad smell and I am nauseous. I'm cold. Frio!
Frio!" The spirit began to cry. The crying intensified into heaves and
wailing, and Nelson rose to stand behind Carmen. "They are showing you your
body," Marisol explained to the spirit, "And those are just reason to
be afraid." Nelson began to cleanse the area around Carmen until the spirit
stopped weeping and began to understand. In a relieved voice, she wondered, "I
don't have to say those things anymore?" Marisol encouraged the spirit to
listen to her guides (friends) and to go with them so they could help her - and
the spirit departed. Carmen's spirit guide arrived.
Spirit 2 (via Carmen): The spirit guide was
cleansing Carmen and the entire table, and the guide told our group that she
would be stay around for the rest of the session.
Nelson said it seemed as if all of the mediums were under attack. "The
darker spirits want to attack the mediums," he explained, "because they think
that if they take us down, they can close this group." Before we were seated at
the table, Nelson described an experience he had at the top of the staircase in
his home. He heard two spirits whispering that they should push him down the
stairs. Addressing Marisol, Nelson told her, "And they want to break you."
Marisol explained that she had been experiencing odd dreams and burnt odors. In
an attempt to calm the spirits, Nelson was mentally consulting with the group.
"It has something to do with the color of your husband's skin," Nelson
realized. There was a spirit stepping forward to speak, and she showed herself
as a black madame. Nelson said that she worked with Cando when he had his
group, and now she saw Marisol as a link for the work to continue.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson): In an authoritative voice, the
madame spoke directly to Marisol: "I have been trying to say it. You are like
us. We want to do your work. We have looked for you, and we have wanted to
tell you something for a long time. You do the work that you need to, but you
don't close the door. So because of that, your door will close as well, and it
will be hard to reopen. Whoever doesn't like it - turn away! But this is my
work. (pause) I know I'm a spirit. I need for her (Marisol)
to do the work. Tell those others, 'God bless you,' but I have to live my life
my way - and they can live their life their way. There are many of us here.
See them dancing? I came to pick up everything at the sides. You know who I
Marisol guessed correctly that it was Madam Rosalee (or Rosaly), as the
spirit continued: "We need to wake you up! You are still a little asleep. This
is the place to do the work - that's why we brought you here! I am taking 345
spirits with me. I won't be too far. Call me if you need me. I am going to
retire, but I will still be near." As the madame moved to the side, Maritza
commented that she heard drums in the background, and Nelson understood that
this madame was protecting Marisol's husband. Marisol added, "He protects me
and they protect him."
"Tonight it is all about the mediums," Nelson mused as he realized that the
next group of spirits were for him. "He has the face of a pig," Nelson heard
one of the spirits say. "All this work he does, it doesn't help anyone.'
Spirit 4 (via Nelson): Restrained in his seat, an angry,
belligerent spirit moved seamlessly into Nelson: "Listen to those around you
that tell you it's time to stop. Ha! They would have found him in his house on
the floor. It would have been too late to help him." The table questioned the
hostile spirit and wondered where he came from. "I don't want him to help," the
spirit replied, "And I come from far away, from Puerto Rico. From a house over
there. (sneering) We come from many places over there. That family
doesn't love him. That's what they are thinking." The conversation continued
in Spanish, until the spirit began to listen to the guides around him. He
had finally realized that it was time to go. "There are many of us," he said,
"they freed me because it's time, so I am no longer tied up." The spirit agreed
to remove 44 other spirits and himself. "And I am going with them," he said,
"as I am tired. Forgive me if I said anything out of place."
Spirit 5 (via Nelson): With a sensation that could never
be accurately described in human terms, Nelson's spirit guide arrived to cleanse
the table: "Good evening. We had to let that happen. I hope everyone
understands that sometimes the offer of love is not really love. He's not alone
(Nelson), but they attacked him. Never fear, there is nothing to be afraid of -
he has a good heart and he does a good job - so nothing will happen. We are
here, all around. We protect."
For Gabe: "Young man, a few words for you. You left an
environment where you were not happy, correct? You didn't like growing up in
Puerto Rico, feeling like an outsider who didn't belong? You had to be born
there, to learn things and understand yourself. And you have that now. You
look in the mirror and say, "I am so different". You have a job to do.
(Gabe agreed, and he understood that it involved bringing his brother into
spiritism) Don't be afraid. We are using you to get where it is hard to
go. We have a road for you, and we are trying to clear away the - how do you
call them? - speed bumps. You have someone in your family who also feels - can
I say 'her'? - as if she does not belong there in Puerto Rico. She is part of
that road. Your feelings are correct. Some people might fight you, and don't
let them stop you. Guide her, talk to her. Tell her, 'You are not alone. I
have been where you are.' It's a dark hole where she is,and she doesn't belong
there. She is the kind spirit of an old lady. So this is your road, it's where
you belong. The first time you came, you thought it was something weird,
correct? But this is the correct place. Remember that I protect all those who
call on me."
For Jeff: "Don't ever fear, you worry too much and too often.
It's not a casualty of life that you are sitting here and a part of this. One
day, I will tell you our relationship, as you have been wondering - correct?
(Jeff agreed) But not today. You and I have something in common
(Nelson) and you will be very surprised. You need Nelson more than he needs
you. Nelson and I have a special relationship, a love of the spirit. Our prior
life was a very short time, but we come from a very long shared time of
friendship, love and protection. He (Nelson) will never be
alone. We will be together forever. Those are the last words we said
to each other.
For Marisol: I am cleansing Nelson and everyone here while we are
talking, but you knew that. I am going far away, to your house before he
(Marisol's husband) returns there. (laughing) "That room has
to be ready..." (the entire table laughs, as he was referring to
the bedroom) If I ask for a prayer, no one remembers, but mention
that room and everyone knows! I am going to open my eyes now."
Nelson's guide refolded the towel and moved towards Marisol. "When you go back
home, it will just be you. No one else. Keep your mind on yourself. Some
friends come to your house and they put bad things there that do not belong.
Things will be fine now. When the mind is clean and pure, it means that the
body is clean and pure. How do you feel now - good, right?"
Nelson's guide returned to his chair. He glanced a Gabe and said, "I do
not have special powers. That's what you were thinking. I can read your
thoughts." There was also a message for Bernardo related to Carmen: "Take care
of her, don't leave her alone. Some things that come around her are very dark.
But she likes it." It seemed as if Nelson's guide had finished with his
cleansing, but he still had more to say: "I haven't forgotten about you, Mia.
When you do jump with a spirit, everyone will jump with you - and say,
'Finally!' I am Caballito, Nelson's friend, but all of you can call on me. If
I am allowed, I will give you my hand to help clear the road so that all of you
can be happy."
Nelson closed with a prayer.
Nelson closed with a prayer.