Monday, May 30, 2016

Understanding Twins

For several years, I have wondered about twins.  Why is it necessary for two separate spirits to reincarnate together in bodies that looked identical (or nearly identical in the case of fraternal twins)?
At one of our Chicago sessions, a visiting spirit gave our group the opportunity to ask questions, so I asked:
Spirit 2 (via Nelson from October 12, 2014):  Don Polo had arrived, and he spoke to Jeff from his position behind Nelson.  Jeff had often wondered about twins.  Why did two separate spirits need to look alike in the spirit world?  Don Paulo explained that it had nothing to do with the material world.  These spirits had made a commitment to reincarnate together before arriving in the material world.  The spirits were not strong enough to reincarnate as individuals, so they had to come connected, as twins (or triplets, etc.).  Don Polo knew that Jeff had often thought that it might be interesting to have been a twin.  He told Jeff that if he had come as a twin, Jeff would have hated him, as Jeff liked, "his own individuality."  Don Polo also told Jeff that he could ask to be a twin in his next reincarnation, and that if he did, he would be "two of the same" (an identical twin, not fraternal).  Don Polo also explained that Nelson and his spirit guide were not twins, although they were as close as twins, and like twins, they often sensed and understood each others feelings.  Don Polo added that, "At this level, you can imagine how difficult it is with triplets (and other large groups of siblings that look identical but have different spirits)."  Don Polo knew that we had many questions about the spirits that we hoped would be answered, but we could not understand everything yet.  "Keep studying," he advised.
Here is what Kardec wrote on the issue:
The twins do not share a soul, but they have a similar soul profile.  Just as you may have a similar personality or specific traits as other members of your family.  Many twins also have something that you may not have - a method of telepathic communication among themselves.  That communication is similar to what mediums experience with their guides as it involves understanding thoughts.  Remember with twins, one of them was reluctant to reincarnate.  The other twin promised to come along - with a material body that was identical (or very similar).  Physically, the twins look the same, but their two separate spirits needed a method of continuing their communication. 
In the photo below, the media presented the two babies holding hands as something cute.  In reality, one spirit was reluctant to reincarnate, so the other spirit offered a hand to pull the other one twin into the material world.  Wouldn't they need a way for those two spirits to still communicate in the material world?
newborntwinshands.hold.jpg (480×360)
So if twins contain one apprehensive spirit, is the suicide rate higher for twins?  Twins are less likely to commit suicide, as strong material world relationships are a deterrent to suicide.  Twins share an especially strong bond.  But the research also indicates that the strongest factor in any suicide is mental illness, which is slightly more common among twins.  The twins look the same, but they are still two separate souls with individual personalities - and it's difficult to be unique when someone looks just like we do.  Another interesting finding was that if an identical twin attempts suicide, his/her co-twin has a 17.5% increased risk of making the same attempt (11.3% for fraternal twins). 
Read more here:
And here:
If twins are two separate souls who often have a telepathic connection to help them progress when they return to the material world, what happens when the twins do not want to reincarnate together?  We had an interesting example in our Florida May 15, 2016:
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  Our discussion about twins brought a new spirit to the table who was a twin:
Spirit: In my case, I was a criminal.  I was a twin, and I had to be born with the spirit who killed me.  The only way we could make it was for us to come together - even though I hated him.  We came in holding hands, and I hated him!  I couldn't do it again and I wouldn't do it again.  I knew he would kill me again, or I would kill him - even if we came as brothers.  I couldn't kill my own brother.  How wrong.  How wrong that would be.  If they knew I was capable of doing that, why would I come with him?
Astrid: You need a lesson of love.
Spirit: I failed again.  I did it again, I committed the same crime with him.  And you call that love?  They brought me here today to convince me to do it again.  To come with him a third time.  And there is a chance that we might do the same thing again.  (Note: In the first life, one twin killed the other, and in the second life, the roles were reversed.)  It's hard to forgive someone who kills you.  You try, you think you are capable.  You say yes, they send you together, and it happens again.  I don't know what to do.
Jeff: You can fix that relationship.
Astrid: Learn your lesson and start loving him.
Jackie: If you succeed, it will be all over.  You know it's wrong now, when all you had before was hate.  Now you know better.
Spirit: He's putting out his hand again.  I don't want it.  Can I do that task without him?
Astrid: I guess not.  Let go of the past.
Spirit: They cannot prepare our next life until I agree.  How can I put behind what has been done twice?  I do want to come.  (pause)  I guess I have to say yes.  It's my last chance.  (pause)  I'll take that hand  (weeping).  I am going to close my hand, close my mind, and say yes.  (reaching out his arm)  They will take us to that place to be born again.
Astrid: You will succeed.
Spirit (tearfully):  Thank you for helping me understand.  I'm going to take his hand again (closed his hand tightly), and we are going to do it again...
As Nelson recovered, Caballito returned with a message for Jeff:
Caballito: Take what you experienced here and write something about it on that place where you write.  Take what we started today and expand it, using the opinions of others.
Jeff: I will, thank you.
And the above is what I wrote.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Florida - May 6, 2014

In attendance: Astrid, Gloria, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago
Nelson sensed a spirit who was happy to see Gloria back at the table.  This spirit wanted her to know that if she needed to stand or stretch during the session, the spiritual side understood.  Gloria explained that she was "not a lost sheep" who left and would not return, and Nelson heard the spirit say that what happened to her could have happened to any one of us at the table.
Nelson read an email in Spanish from Marta in Argentina.  Astrid explained the medical issues that Marta was experiencing to the group.  Gloria recommended acupuncture as a possible treatment.  Nelson had already told Marta that an operation was not advisable, and the other mediums agreed.  Gloria wanted Nelson to tell Marta that her health will get better with faith.  Her pain can be removed with love from within.
Nelson related a situation from Chicago regarding a persistent spiritual dream about his younger brother in Puerto Rico.  The brother (Nestor) needed to have a specific blood test.  When Nelson phoned his brother to relay the message, he had just left the doctor's office and he was shocked to discover that the spirit world had communicated his medical issue to Nelson - as Nestor had not mentioned anything to anyone.  Nelson said his brother seemed to have a renewed faith in spiritism.  Jeff pointed out the complicated organizational efforts from the spiritual side to cause Nelson and his brother to have the conversation at the exact moment it needed to occur - in the doctor's parking lot.  Nelson believed that, "as we eliminate the nonsense we involve ourselves with, life becomes easier."
Spirit 1 (via Jackie):  Jackie's Mom arrived, speaking in a clear, calm voice.  She introduced herself as Charlotte, and she addressed Gloria directly, stating that it was good to see her back at the table.  The spirit explained that she had been "gone for 26 years," and that she had overheard our discussion regarding "things that needed to be arranged" from a spiritual standpoint.  Charlotte said that there is a "perfect order" in our material world, but we live on a chaotic planet, which blurs our path to understanding.  Eventually, mankind will elevate to a higher level or "different worlds," but we first need to "plant" before we can reap.  Charlotte explained the organization of assigned tasks in the spiritual world.  "Orders are given," she said, "along with a material world time table.  We know the result before it will happen.  It's a labor of love for us, as we want to help.  The spiritual guardians around you have asked to be with you, as a way to lead you to a world of peace and harmony."  Charlotte said that her daughter (Jackie) was "learning better and sooner," but she was often hardheaded.  "We have to sometime hover, then let her fall, then hover again," she cautioned.  She told the group that remembering the spirits of those who have passed was important.  "Yesterday was the anniversary of my physical death, but the day we die is the day we are born - back where we came from on the spiritual side."  Charlotte wished our group "health and progress" as she quietly faded away.
While she was at our table, Jackie's mom showed her one view of how we appear to the spiritual world.  We look very similar to ants, rapidly scurrying around.  This image was presented with a contrasting view of a serene, very peaceful park-like setting that included people slowly accomplishing what needed to be done in an orderly manner.
Nelson had a message for the oldest daughter of Santiago and Astrid.  She was visiting her husband's family in Puerto Rico.  "Tell her not to get involved in anything that does not belong to her.  She is not in an easy position right now," Nelson advised.  Astrid understood that her daughter was carrying issues from this lifetime with her.  When Jackie recommended that the daughter should continue to move and recover after her knee surgery, Gloria cautioned, "Not over there."  Santiago and Gloria both visualized the house that she was staying in as very black, like a cave.  Nelson sensed that the daughter was certain that she could handle whatever she encountered, but in her current situation, she was "so wrong."  He saw her location as a place where she would be "squashed," while Jackie viewed it as a place "where she will learn lessons."  Gloria saw an image of the two brothers.  The brother symbolically poured a bucket of dirty water over the head of the daughter, while her husband watched, allowing it to happen.  It seemed to be a symbolic of an initiation into the family.
Spirit 2 (via Gloria): Gloria saw the spirit of a very pretty girl with the daughter in Puerto Rico.  She was dressed in a white dress, but it was torn and dirty.  This spirit was quietly stroking the hair of Astrid's daughter in an attempt to comfort her.  It seemed as if this spirit wanted to ask if she could do something to help, but she realized that she could not.  Nelson sensed the husband thinking, "If she want to leave me, it's OK."  Nelson also determined that the house was filled with "so much garbage," and the presence of many spirits.  Nelson understood that one of them was a deceased brother or step-brother who wanted the filth to continue.  This spirit wanted the others to suffer in the same manner as he had - when he died from what appeared to be AIDS.  There was also a frightened spirit of a boy around 11 to 14 years old, cowering on the sidelines, who needed to sit.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson): "No more covering up the truth," the spirit of the child sobbed, as he sat through Nelson.  "Can I tell you what he did?  Can I open up my heart?  There are a lot of us..."  Astrid and Gloria tried to calm the boy, as the table began to understand that he was sexually abused.  This spirit who spoke for his group was very cold and extremely frightened.  Gloria noticed the spirit of a woman offering to cover him with a blanket, and she advised him to consider her offer.  The spirit was confused:  "I don't need to be there anymore?  He's not going to touch me anymore?  I'm not going back.  He still thinks about me and calls me to him."  The spirit cried harder.  Jackie told him he now had the power to walk away, as it was all over now.  The conversation continued:
Spirit:  All of us, we are a group.  It was a bad, bad place, lady. Bad. I'm glad he is suffering now, although I know it's bad to say that.
Gloria: There is a lady with you now, and you are her baby.
Spirit: She will protect me?  She is not my mother, but she will care for me?  I don't have to look back.  Think of that.  I'm going to get better.  I can play again.  We didn't deserve what happened...
Gloria: That was a sick person...
Spirit: Look!  They are giving me shots of electricity to remove my facial markings...I see a park to play in.
Astrid: You will be healthier every day.
Spirit (to the table): Thank you.  You took me from a dark place where all I did was cry.  Me and 18 other boys.  19 boys total.  We can be free!  I'm sorry if I am crying, but now these are tears of happiness, not sadness.  Look, I have my pretty face back.  I'm going to go with her...
As the spirit departed, Gloria explained that the group of boys were not all abused by the same man, but they were grouped together on the spiritual side.  "It was like a private club with him," Nelson realized.  Astrid saw it as "a group of professionals, and the kids were brought to them as a group..." Jackie added, "This lifetime and former." 
Spirit 4 (via Nelson): Nelson reminded Jeff not to forget to phone Marie, the elderly woman that Jeff's mother was taking care of in her building.  The same "guardian angel" spirit from the last session had reappeared, and he stressed that Marie still wanted to speak with Jeff.  "Try to see her before it is her time to go," Gloria urged.  Nelson understood that the spirit guides with Gloria were trying to make her as comfortable as possible in her situation.
Spirit 5 (via Astrid): Astrid had a message in Spanish for Santiago from the spirit of her aunt.  The oldest daughter had made many spiritual promises for this lifetime, but she has not done any of them.  She finds excuses, and she is not doing what needs to be done.  Nelson added that she pretends to have a lot of faith, but she has none.
Nelson asked if Jackie had heard from Rafael, and she had not.  Nelson sensed that he was back "in the dark place" where Jackie found him.  He talks to the negative spirits surrounding him, as Rafael is certain that they understand each other.  Instead, these spirits are like vultures, waiting for death so they can feed.  The table discussed the free will that we all have to make our own decisions.  Gloria heard "Miami", and she thought that Rafael might be considering a trip.  Nelson repeated that there was nothing for Jackie to do now.  "Doors have been opened here for him to learn," Gloria said, "and he is not ready."  Jackie related a story from Edgar, as she envisioned him standing in the corner, observing the session.  Edgar was so certain that he would die and depart the material world, that he carried a stench of death about him.  This led to a discussion of death and dying, until Nelson heard a spirit sum it up with "Don't worry about dying, start living."  Santiago commented that "we are a spirit within a body, not a body with a spirit."
Spirit 6 (via Jackie):  The first husband of Jackie's sister (Michael) arrived.  He explained that he died in 1991, after being mistaken for another employee at work.  His passing was abrupt, as he was shot three times.  Since the age of nine, Michael knew that he would not live long in the material world, and he was fine with that realization.  Raised in the Jewish faith, Michael was now beginning to understand spiritism.  "I came into the material world knowing I would be killed," he explained, "but I had to come because I had done things that I needed to pay for.  Death is only in your eyes, it's birth in the spirit world."  Michael was amused at the souls who cross over with "preconceived ideas on death."  Those who cross over are often unsure about what new responsibilities he would encounter.  He was never a strong believer of the Jewish faith.  He stressed the importance of small incidents (such as Jackie talking with him about spiritism when he was on earth), and how it helps to change the attitude of individuals so that they are better prepared to cross over.  Michael had observed other spirits with various religious backgrounds arriving in a confused state.  As he prepared to depart, Michael expressed that he was sorry he did not have more time to spend in his last material world incarnation, but "we have lots of time to be together on the spirit side."  
Nelson was reminded of his uncle in Puerto Rico.  As the director of a spiritual center, it seemed as if his passing would be assured and simple.  Instead, three years had passed without a sign from him on the other side.  Astrid said that she had been waiting for thirty years to hear from her departed godmother.  The table discussed the possibility of these souls requiring extra rest in a hospital or more education in a school.  Astrid told the story of "Mr. Roy," a former neighbor who believed that he would stay in a box (or coffin) until Christ arrived to awaken him.  After he passed, Astrid occasionally visualized him patiently waiting in his box.  One night he appeared to her, outside of his box.  As with all spritual awakenings, Mr. Roy had gradually altered his religious perceptions to include the moral teachings and the eventual acceptance of the higher spirits - who were always nearby, also patiently waiting for him.
Jackie closed with a prayer.

Florida - April 29, 2014

In attendance: Astrid, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago
Nelson saw a small growth (about the size of a raisin) in Jackie.  Due to the location, Jackie thought it might have been related an old incision scar, while Astrid saw it as polyp.  Nelson explained that it was supposed to be dead, but it's alive, and he recommended that Jackie take care of it before it grows.  The message he received was that the spirit world does not want her to be in pain.  This conversation prompted Astrid to remind Jeff about scheduling a follow-up doctor's appointment.  While watering her yard, Astrid remembered that the e coli infection could hide and return.  She cautioned Jeff to be tested every six months.
Nelson warned Jackie that our human minds are very powerful, often causing physical harm without realizing that negative thoughts can have a physical impact.  He asked Jackie if her Mother had a similar condition, and Jackie explained her maternal history.  The spiritual side is allowed to do only so much in these situations, and then the material needs must be addressed.
The table discussed Gloria and our continued hopes for her improvement.  Nelson saw her as trapped, and Astrid visualized her in a cage, with spirits around her determined to keep her confined.  Nelson related the Spanish segments of the Thursday session at Gloria's house to the group.  Gloria's mother sat at that reunion and her message was strong.  Nelson understood that Gloria's situation was more spiritual, but it was combined with physical issues.  As with Jackie and Jeff, once Gloria's spiritual issues were addressed, there would still be physical symptoms to resolve.  The earthly decisions made by others should not be allowed to create stress and physical pain for any individual.  For example, if Gloria's children need her help, her assistance is not an issue.  The issue arises when we continue to assist without allowing an individual to succeed or fail from their own decisions.  Nelson thought the negative spirits around Gloria might view her removal as an easy way to reach her children or other loved ones, and Astrid agreed.  
The group discussed that there was often a deep worry that once we die, our loved ones (children, partners, friends) will fail - as we are no longer nearby to protect them.  Or we may think that passing into the spiritual side might help us to better protect our loved ones.  Both ideas are very inaccurate.   
Spirit 1 (via Astrid):  The spirit of our table (Marita) appeared briefly to Astrid in regards to the discussion, and instructed the table to "let it go."  Analyzing a situation repeatedly leads to over-complication.  With so many detailed options and opinions, a clear choice is never evident. A better solution will come from within.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson): Nelson explained a situation he dreamt about related to Marta in Argentina.  He visualized a man watching her with intense concentration.  This man was very old, as even moving his fingers was extremely painful. As Nelson described the condition of the elderly man, the spirit moved into him. 
(Note: We assumed that the spirit spoke in English instead of Spanish so that Jeff could better record his words for Marta)
Spirit (sadly):  Why do I feel so old?  So old.  Why is everything is so fragile?  I feel like dust.  Only dust.  If I leave, who will watch over her?  I am always her caretaker.  
Astrid: Why are you watching her?
Spirit: I have loved her several times.  If I don't watch over her, who will?
Astrid: That was another time, in another country -
Spirit: So I should not watch her anymore?  She likes me...
Astrid: No, you cannot go back.
Spirit: What language am I speaking?  I do not understand it.
Astrid: You are speaking a universal language of spiritism.
Spirit: It's very funny (laughs).  You see, I haven't lost my sense of humor.  That's what keeps you alive.  If I don't understand something, I just laugh.  I see people visiting Marta in her current castle, but I don't recognize them.  They dress differently.  There is a presence (another spirit) next to me asking me if I recognize him. I didn't know him, but I recognized his clothing.  He said that I should follow him, as my time with her is up.  I don't need to watch over her anymore.  This spirit said that he could 'glue me back together' so that I am not so fragile.  I had to keep an eye on her."
As the table encouraged the spirit to go with the guide who was with him, the spirit had a request:  "I want to give her a message."  Noticing that Jeff was writing, he said, "They tell me that you will give it to her.  I loved her very much. I did not realize how much, as I didn't know who I was.  She left me, but I still loved and looked.  It was a very long time before I found her.  When I found her, I felt comfortable and I did not want to leave. I am not at the same level as her now." 
Astrid gently explained Marta's current state.  The spirit continued: "She was so beautiful.  People sat outside of her castle to see her.  She is still pretty, with very soft hair.  Sometimes I combed it for her. A nice guy brought me here.  Tell her that she still has a big brush, with ivory in it - like what the elephant has.  She likes to use it to comb her hair, and when she does, I comb it with her.  If she turns the brush, there is a mirror.  When she turns it, she can see the color of her skin in her cheeks.  In the castle tower, she only went out for 15 minutes a day.  Not too long, as a lady with too much color does not look good.  You see, I still have my sense of humor.  They will glue me back together now, and one day, I will see her rosy cheeks again."  The spirit faded away, speaking soft phrases in French.
Nelson recognized that a new spirit had arrived, and he described the sensation as "bizarre and weird."  The spirit was related to Marie, the elderly neighbor of Jeff's mother. "All those people think they will destroy her, and she will do it to them," Jackie noted.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  The spirit had arrived to help Jeff.  Marie wanted to find a way to talk to him.  "You are smart enough to find a way," the spirit told Jeff, "so find a way to talk to her."  The spirit explained that Marie called him her guardian angel, but he was also her spirit guide, teacher and protector.  "Tell Jeff that she misses his phone calls the most.  This might sound strange, but she has been waiting and waiting.  Please call her.  Every night she tells me that she misses that voice.  She needs to talk.  She said to "Tell my son" that she tolerates Jeff's birth mother because she gave Jeff to Marie again." Jeff promised to call Marie on Wednesday, and the spirit explained that Jeff's mother, "...was not a bad soul. She is just confused.  Help her - all of you.  Like us, go where you are needed.  With the woman you spoke of earlier (Gloria), just call her and tell her you love her.  Just tell her that you were thinking of her.  Say, 'We love you and hope you get well'.  You humans are difficult!  Difficult!".  As the spirit departed, he wished all of us, "love, peace and prosperity." 
Spirit 4 (via Nelson): Nelson asked Santiago how he was feeling - a question he wanted to ask since our last session.  Santiago said he was very well. Nelson's spirit guide arrived to stand behind Nelson:
Caballito:  Tell him he is doing well, but he should not attempt to do things that he cannot do.  Concentrate on other areas.  Take care of the spiritual needs now, it's not all about the material side.  Gloria (Santiago's sister) needs him now.  Some of the (negative) things she is undergoing are because she earned them.  What she is experiencing cannot be stopped by anyone.  Tell Jackie not to worry, the procedure for her issue is simple - like eating or bathing."
The spirit guide referenced Nelson's nephew, Gabe.  Addressing Jeff, he said: "You want to see him grow, but with growth comes pain.  Be soft, don't hurt him.  The rest of his family will involve Nelson, and there are rough times ahead.  It will be OK.  Tell Nelson that Gabe will be OK.  Nelson gets hurt, but he doesn't share that with anyone else.  He's a knucklehead.  Knucklehead!  But he will come around.  Different things are coming, and you need to keep the knucklehead under control.  I need to clean something he has been dealing with, and it will take all of our attention to do it, so we need a minute of silence to remove it."
After a brief pause, Nelson's spirit guide focused his attention towards Jackie:  "What you have, no one can find.  We are trying to burn it away."  He asked Jeff for a towel and wanted Santiago to stand behind Jackie.  As he lowered the towel to Jackie's abdomen, Nelson's spirit guide said:  "When you go to the doctor now, he will ask, 'Why are you here?'...There will be a slight burn's a delicate area.  We call this a spiritual operation on the spirit side....people need to believe..."
As the operation concluded, everyone was reseated, and Nelson's guide continued: "We have friends who do not like us, and they like to damage our bodies."  He advised that Jackie should still schedule an appointment with her doctor.  "Some things cannot be done by one of us alone.  We are cleaning the operating room now." 
Caballito the spirit guide understood why Nelson was reluctant to let him sit, as when that happened, Nelson could not hear his message.  "Tell Nelson that without him, I cannot do my job," he said, "and he has plenty of time to hear me.  I need Nelson's body to work."  Addressing everyone, the spirit guide said: "Always act with the benefit of others in mind.  Pains will subside, but when you do that, the body is never sick.  We are going around the room now, taking the other spirits who wanted to sit today away with us.  There is a group of Indians for the one you spoke of (Gloria), and we are removing them, as there was not enough time.  There are four children, related to the woman from the last meeting (Astrid's older daughter) and we are taking them, as they are not in a condition to sit.  Four children and 19 Indians, plus the chief.  Twenty Indians."
Nelson's spirit guide glanced at Jeff, and he said: "Keep doing the notes.  It reminds us of what we have done.  Do not stop.  Tough luck if someone else does not like it.  Next week, we have more work to do.  I will be here next Tuesday."  With that promise, Nelson's guide left, and Jackie closed with a prayer.

Florida - April 22, 2014

In attendance: Astrid, (plus Astrid's oldest and youngest daughters), Jackie, Jeff, Nelson, and Santiago 
Nelson thanked the spirit world for their assistance during tax season.  He also asked for their understanding in the situations that arose when spirits in Chicago wanted to be heard, but work prevented Nelson from accommodating their needs. 
Nelson and Astrid read a few paragraphs from a Spanish magazine ("Nextos" from American Airlines).  The article concentrated on our ability to cure ourselves from some issues.  When we are at peace with ourselves (through prayers, smiling, nature or a general positive outlook) we sleep better, reduce our stress level, and improve our life.  We need to express gratitude for what we have, and learn to forgive others.  Overwhelmed?  Recognize the wonders that we have in our own life.  We need to show love to be loved.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Nelson referenced the Bible's parable of the lost sheep ("Which of you men, if you had one hundred sheep, and lost one of them, wouldn't leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness, and go after the one that was lost, until he found it?").  A spirit told Nelson that we had a lost sheep at our table, and the group understood that it was Gloria.  Astrid sensed her presence at the table.  Nelson saw her situation as being inside a bubble.  This was not a typically clear bubble, as her bubble was dark and filled with smoky fumes. Gloria has knowingly put herself into this bubble.  One of her Indian guides stated that he "is not there anymore."
Nelson visualized and heard cockroaches crawling in Gloria's brain.  He saw them as they crawled into one ear and out of the other.  Nelson also experienced a bad taste in his mouth, similar to what he thought Gloria might be experiencing.  Nelson sensed  her wanting to spit - as if she had chewing tobacco in her mouth - to rid herself of the unpleasant taste.  Astrid heard a spirit saying "Ego", as the conversation switched to Spanish.  Nelson heard a spirit (or possibly Gloria wondering), "If I die, will all of this go away?"  The spirit moved into Nelson, and Astrid asked him, "Who are you?".  "I am one of many", the spirit replied, repeating "Acá!  Acá!" (Here!) several times.  Astrid asked what intentions the spirit had, but the spirit was distracted when he saw something he did not like (possibly the good spirits who brought him) in the background.  "Todo Cerrado", the spirit said in Spanish several times.  "Everything is closed.  House is closed, windows are closed.  The mind is closed.  Todo Cerrado."  Astrid questioned the reason for the spirit entering the closed house.  "We think we know everything," the spirit responded, "and because I know everything , I don't need anything or anyone."  The conversation continued in Spanish until the spirit agreed to depart with a large group of other spirits.  He cautioned that, "only 44 spirits are left over there now."  As he departed, Astrid realized that it was her father who was removing him.  "He was very bad energy," Astrid commented, while Jackie added, "And a lot of it".
There was a lengthy discussion as to what our group can do to help.  Nelson saw the situation as a frayed electrical cord, and Astrid saw the spirits touching Gloria with the cord to shock her until until she jumped.  Nelson cautioned that Gloria should not be touching the electrical cord, as it caused her pain.  Nelson was silent for a while, as he tried to coax a spirit away from Gloria's residence.  The rest of the table discussed various ideas to help Glora.  Astrid suggested contacting her daughter, and Astrid's older daughter urged the group to use physical hugs and soothing reassurances with any approach.  As Nelson realized that the spirit he was mentally communication with in Gloria's home would not leave to come sit at our table, he stressed that whatever was decided, any effort would be much more difficult than we might think.  Jackie saw the situation with Gloria slowing occurring over a two year span, so the recovery might be equally long.  The group decided that Astrid, Jackie and Nelson would meet with Gloria on Thursday. 
Nelson began a new discussion about the different types of suicide (spiritual, emotional and/or physical).  While speaking, Nelson heard a spirit say that Astrid had another family member doing something similar.  This family member was crying for help, but she was not sure how to relay her message, and she doubted if she would ever be heard.  The table realized that the individual was Pam, Astrid's middle daughter, who was not present.  As the discussion continued, the older daughter stressed that Pam needed to find her own answers from within, and Jackie encouraged her to accept what she was given.  Nelson stated several times that he saw Pam as tired.  Nelson sensed a very long tradition (dating back many centuries with a vision of a castle) of Pam's family ordering others to be hanged or otherwise put to death.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson): Nelson ws surrounded by a group or some entity that wanted to speak, but they showed themself as hanging black bats.  Like the bats, Nelson saw Pam hanged upside down in her apartment.  It appeared as if Pam had accepted the dark representations of raw emotion, which has altered her physiological expressions, biological reactions, and mental state.  Nelson could not let the "bats" sit, as they were not fully formed - and they did not have any method of communicating that we would understand.  Jackie felt that if the bats were removed, Pam's pain might be alleviated.  A female spirit guide arrived and began to wave the bats toward a cyclone of wind.  As the bats approached, they were sucked into the whirling wind and forced upward.  "There is still hope", the female spirit guide told the group, as she faded away.
Jackie sensed Gloria in the corner, behind her usual seat, observing the session.  Astrid encouraged Santiago to tell the group what he was seeing.  Nelson thought that Santiago may not see in the typical way that the other mediums did, but he might be feel spiritual messages in some other unique way.  Astrid's older daughter reminded the group that although Santiago remained silent, he was seated at the table and we could speak directly with him, instead of talking about him as if he was absent.
Spirit 3 (via Jackie): There was a male spirit standing behind Astrid's youngest daughter and he was somehow related to her work situation.  He was close enough to observe her, but he did not look as if he wanted to harm her.
Spirit 4 (via Nelson):  Nelson asked Jackie if she had recently seen a doctor and she responded that she had, just two weeks ago.  Nelson saw three small round objects (similar to a cyst or mole) that were removed, and Jackie confirmed that this was the surgery.  Nelson understood that the situation was resolved and that no other action was necessary, but he also asked if Jackie's ex-husband was still alive.  Jackie was uncertain.  Nelson cautioned that one of removed items was taken in time - but barely - and Jackie understood.  Nelson believed that Jackie's ex-husband had something to do with the objects that were removed, because he had regrets.  Jackie explained that one of the primary reasons for their divorce was that Jackie did not want children, while her husband wanted them.  Nelson saw Jackie's ex-husband as sick, but not yet dying.  He appeared to be holding a cross as he recounted the events of his life.  Perhaps his rumination was over not having children or maybe that he should have remained married to Jackie regardless of her opinion on the childhood issue.
Spirit 4 (via Jackie):  Continuing with the hospital topic, Jackie wanted Astrid's older daughter to know that her recent knee surgery looked great.  Jackie encouraged her to do everything her doctors advised for her continued recuperation.  Santiago brought up Luis (the brother of the older daughter's husband) who was hospitalized in Puerto Rico, but there wasn't any spiritual message.
Jackie closed with a prayer.  

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

What Attributes Do Our Spirits Have?

An attribute is defined as, "a usually good quality or feature that someone or something has."  In the material world, we might say, "Both candidates possess the attributes we want in a leader," or "The interviewer asked me what I considered to be my best attribute."  We are all spirits just "living in the material world" (as Madonna once sang), but what attributes should we anticipate upon our return to the spiritual world?

Spirit Attributes

Intelligence, Thought, and Reason
Free Will and Responsibility

IMMORTALITY - This is a quality attributed to the soul, by which it survives the death of the physical body.  In other words, our material body is similar to a costume or clothing that is discarded after each incarnation - but our soul (our spirit) continues to live on.

INDIVIDUALITY - From the moment a spirit is created, it maintains its individuality.  We all have our own personal characteristics, tendencies, vices and virtues, moral and intellectual advancements, etc. The eternal spirit retains this individuality at all times, from one incarnation to the next and between incarnations.  In other words, the progress we make in this existence is added to our perispirit.  The inferior characteristics of a spirit, are never eternal. In obedience to the law of progress, each spirit will evolve at its own rate and one day reach the highest level of purification.

INTELLIGENCE, THOUGHT AND REASON - Intelligence is an attribute of the spirit, which allows the spirit to generate thought, to reason, and to act with pre-meditation. The spirits tell us (in Question 72 of The Spirits' Book) that while intelligence is an attribute of each being that has it, and it constitutes the individuality of those beings, it would not be an exact comparison to say that each intelligent being draws a portion of intelligence from the universal source and assimilates.  We humans have yet to fully understand this concept.  In other words, if a university offers the same course to everyone, not everyone will learn the same lesson.  We learn from instinctive behaviors and learned behaviors.  Instinct is a form of unreasoning intelligence, through which all beings provide for their needs.  It varies according to the species.  In humans, it does not diminish as intelligence grows. There's no distinct line between instinct and intelligence, and they often blend; however, their actions are more distinguishable. While the actions stemming from intelligence come from thought and deliberation, those stemming from instinct are almost always spontaneous.

CONSCIENCE - Conscience allows spirits, both incarnate and discarnate, to pass moral judgment over our own thoughts and actions.  We have been given the tools to discern good from bad.  Since our creation as spirits, we have forgotten or misunderstood the law, and God has willed it to be recalled to our memories, through revelations, intuitive suggestions from good spirits, and our own experiences over multiple existences.  Our ability to determine good from bad depends on our level of evolution.  When we incarnate in a physical body, we preserve an intuitive memory of the law, depending upon our moral and intellectual advancement.  This memory of good and bad will suffer the influence of our lower instincts, and it is through the process of reincarnation that we gradually work to lift that veil of imperfections "until we reach the plentitude of psychic perfection and an integral knowledge of our own self." (This quotation is from the Spirit Emmanuel, received through medium Francisco Cândido Xavier in the book, "Emmanuel.")

FREE WILL AND RESPONSIBILITY - Free will refers to the ability of a spirit to follow the path that it creates for itself, making its own decisions and choosing its own acts. The discarnate spirit enjoys that liberty when it has reached a level of evolution in which it is allowed to chose, whether alone or with guidance of mentors, the trials and expiation of its next incarnation.  The incarnate spirit conserves this freedom of action in order to fight against the struggles of the material life.  These struggles serve as trials that test some knowledge previously gained, or as expiations that that afford ways to make amends for past wrong-doings.  The spirit develops free will as it gains self-awareness throughout the course of its incarnations.

Free will is a right that a spirit holds by nature. The spirits teach us that an alteration of our mental faculties, through a natural or accidental cause, is the only case in which man is deprived of his free will.  However, it must be understood that spirits do not have absolute freedom, meaning a freedom of action with no consequences.  The more enlightened a spirit's conscience is, the greater its free will, and the more accountable it will be for its actions. 

The spirits tell us (in Questions 825 and 826 of The Spirits' Book) that we do not experience absolute freedom of action because we need one another.  They explain that only a hermit in a desert enjoys such freedom, for as soon as two people find themselves together, they have reciprocal rights and duties to respect, whereby they are no longer absolutely free.  Also, our evolutionary progress depends our abilities to interact appropriately with our fellow human beings - so the life of a hermit does not allow for such an advancement.  

While an absolute freedom does not exist, the spirits tell us (in Questions 833 and 834 of The Spirits' Book) that there is one condition in which we can enjoy absolute liberty, and that is in our thoughts. 

Palhano Jr., Lamartine. "Espirito e Espiritualidade" [Spirit and Spirituality]. Teología Espírita [Spiritist Theology]. Rio de Janeiro: Centro Espírita Léon Denis [Leon Denis Spiritist Center]. 2001. pgs 89-93. 

Kardec, Allan. "Elementary Principles of Spiritism." Christian Spiritism (a compilation of two Kardec books: Spiritism Reduced to Its Simplest Expression and What is Spiritism).  Trans. Allan Kardec Educational Society (translated from original French editions, published 1860 and 1859, respectively). Philadelphia, PA. Allan Kardec Educational Society. 1985. (About The Spirits), pgs 125-129.

Kardec, Allan. "Spirits." The Spirits' Book.  Trans. Allan Kardec Educational Society (translated from 2nd edition in French). Philadelphia, PA. Allan Kardec Educational Society. 1996. pgs 31-32

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Florida - December 17, 2013

In attendance: Astrid, Gloria, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago
Nelson read a selection of questions and answers from Allan Kardec's El Libro De Los Espiritus that pertained to the "laws of work."  Work is natural and necessary, and it exists in the spiritual world as well as in the material world.  The jobs imposed upon us as humans (work, charity, simplicity and cooperation) are a "way of learning" that helps us to prepare ourselves for the spiritual side.
We mentioned the names of two individuals at the table.  Marta's son (Sebastian) who would be reuniting with his mother and sister in Brazil in January 2014.  He should have an update on his testicular cancer at that time.  Jackie mentioned in an email that she was experiencing some swelling in her legs, and the table hoped that mentioning her name would help her recovery be quick and painless.
Nelson also mentioned an incident over the phone with his cousin (Normita) in Puerto Rico.  She felt as if a negative spirit was enveloping her, and while speaking to her over the phone, Nelson was able to persuade the spirit to step aside.  Nelson also foresaw that the spirit of Normita's mother (Nelson's aunt who worked in the Puerto Rico group with Nelson and his uncle) would be visiting her daughter soon.  As he mentioned this, a spirit flashed briefly into Nelson and quietly said: "I am not ready for communication.  You read about work, so keep doing yours."  The spirit left as rapidly as she arrived.
Since Monday, Nelson had sensed the presence of a spirit attached to someone at our table.  This spirit was filled with hateful thoughts.  It was very difficult for Nelson to understand such intense hate, as it seemed unjustified, and he began to tear up.  This spirit was connected to Jeff, and it came from a member of his family - his sister.  Gloria saw the spirit representing this hate as an old woman - pure evil - who does not like Jeff. This old woman injects her thoughts into the head of Jeff's sister.  Nelson and Gloria both heard the spirit say to the sister, "If he If he dies, everything is yours."  Nelson was mentally trying to trap the spirit into sitting at our table, but he was using love, which was difficult with a spirit who only understood such extreme hate.
Spirits 1 & 2 (via Nelson):  The spirit moved into Nelson and asked, "What you're telling me is that I am confused?  What she (Jeff's sister) is telling me to do is the right thing to do - but now you say it is wrong?"  The spirit explained that she was being paid for her work.  When we have negative thoughts about a family member, these types of spirits often arrive to reinforce them.  Astrid reasoned with the spirit, saying, "Whatever she gives you, it will later go against you."  There was a pause while the spirit considered this information.  We never realize that our negativity towards others will eventually bounce back to us.  Gloria told the spirit, "And you are not feeling good now."  The spirit was confused and replied, "But, but I was..."  The spirit had made a decision: "I got tired of someone always telling me what to do.  I am going to tell you something.  Be very careful, because sometimes those smiles that seem so happy come with other attachments."  Marian told the spirit, "You want to hurt someone who has never done anything to you."  The spirit jumped to attention and said, "You are a smart lady."  Astrid encouraged this spirit to cut the negative thoughts completely. 
Nelson began to feel physically ill, as if acid reflux was continuously moving up and down his throat and into his stomach.  "It's sickness," the spirit said, "as I am reeling in all the cords."  Gloria said, "Once you have them all, you need to say that you are sorry - from your heart."  There was another long pause.  The spirit said, "They cut seven cords.  Seven."  The spirit seemed to consider his options and eventually he decided to leave with one of the spirit guides who brought him to our table.  He told the group that he was planning to go to a hospital better than the one that recently treated Jeff.  Before leaving, he apologized.  He saw his transportation, and he described it as a horse pulling a beautiful carriage.
As soon as the spirit departed, Nelson's physical condition deteriorated.  His stomach ached and he was nauseous.  Gloria moved behind him to cleanse him with the assistance of her Indian guides.  Astrid saw the removal of the pain and she described it as a large amount of a jelly-like substance, which fizzed up and disappeared.  Nelson asked for a glass of water.
The water was for Jeff.  Nelson's guide had arrived and he stared directly at Jeff, telling him that he was using Nelson's eyes to increase the intensity of his message.  "Sometimes evil can win, and it put doubts in our mind," he said, "The water will take it out and your mind will be completely at peace."  Jeff was instructed to grasp Nelson's hand as he drank the water.  There was a pause, and Jeff was told to return to his seat.  The spirit guide assured Jeff that for all his follow-up tests, he would not be going into the doctor alone.  He also wanted to remind Jeff not to stop loving the one who brought him into this world.  Nelson's spirit guide said that he would now move to the side, next to Nelson, where he would remain for the rest of the session.
(Note: As predicted, the additional testing showed no other signs of infection.)
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  Nelson saw a spirit around Jackie in Baltimore, and he heard the spirit say, "How sad if she were to die there..."  This spirit seemed to taunt Jackie, saying that she had her free will in regards to the trip, "but we are in the house, and we knew that she would come back.  We have been waiting."  Astrid understood that the spirit was the late husband of Jackie's sister (Mel).  Gloria also saw him, but she visualized an additional image of a casket surrounded by candles in a church.  "That's Jackie," the spirit of Mel said, "She came here for that.  I'm still in charge."  The spirit would not sit at our table, but he was content to speak from his spot standing behind Nelson.  The mediums saw him in a corner of the townhouse, on a landing within the interior staircase.  The mediums sensed that Jackie needed to be very careful on these steps, as Mel planned to push her.  Gloria now understood why she saw Jackie wearing boots in a previous session.  The "slippery" situation Gloria had described was Mel, waiting for an opportunity to make her slip on the stairs.  Astrid wondered why Jackie had to be in Baltimore, and the spirit replied, "She knows I am here, and she wants to talk to me.  I am standing on the stairs, up against the wall, waiting for the right moment."  The mediums saw him smoking a pipe or cigar, and the spirit explained, "So she will recognize me when she sees me."
Astrid recommended that we find a way to cloak or cover Jackie for protection.  Gloria sensed that another spirit had arrived, and his name was Michael - and he was the first husband of Jackie's sister.  This spirit was aware that Mel was a much stronger spirit than he will ever be.  "What an irony of life," Mel said, as if to prove Michael's point, "She will be in a casket, in a church - which not what she would ever want - final revenge."  Nelson saw the entire townhouse in turmoil, and all three mediums cautioned Jackie to be very cautious on the stairs.  Jeff asked how Mel was dressed, and Gloria realized that Mel might be the nicely dressed man in a suit (from the previous session) waiting to meet Jackie.  "I'm not going anywhere," the spirit confirmed.  Gloria saw him place a small radio on the ground.  He turned it on and said, "Do you see that?  That's Jackie, open to everything."  The spirit of Mel could not be moved, and the mediums encouraged Jackie to ask her spirit guides for help against him.  It was important to note that Jackie may think that she can talk or reason with him, but she should not make any attempt on her own.
Spirit 4 (via Astrid): A spirit passed quickly into Astrid, saying only one thing before departing again:  "She promised me last night."  Astrid explained that she felt a spirit yesterday, and she thought it might be her deceased cousin (who passed away three years ago).  She offered him the opportunity to speak at our table today.  As quickly as he left, the spirit returned to Astrid, telling us that his name was Rafael (and confirming that he was Astrid's cousin):
Spirit (very confused):  Memories.  I know I am dead, but I don't know where I am.  I made so many mistakes.  I am so sorry.  I said to remember me, but why am I feeling this way?  (Nelson stood next to Astrid, as the spirit continued)  I died because I was sick, and now I am still sick. 
The table eventually realized that although Rafael had spiritual beliefs, he doubted what he knew near the end, returning to his Catholic beliefs and the priest.  The spirit confirmed this harmful behavior.  Nelson encouraged him to forgive himself, instead of waiting any longer for a priest to arrive and forgive him.  The spirit began to cry through Astrid.  "I behaved so bad," the spirit sobbed, "I want to apologize to her (meaning his wife), but I cannot see her anymore."  Gloria told him to concentrate on seeing the spirit guide next to him, explaining that this presence was like a guardian angel.  Nelson told him again to forgive himself, and the spirit softly repeated several times, "I forgive myself."  Nelson explained that the spirit would not feel cold anymore, and the spirit replied, "I am leaving now.  I am going.  I will be back one day.  Will they bring me back?"  After assurances that he could return, he quietly left, saying "God bless my soul."  Gloria saw lots of money piled on top of everything - and Astrid was still shivering.
Nelson had a request.  He asked Gloria to set up a 10 minute meeting with her daughter.  "She will not understand what we are doing," Nelson said, "but she has been asking for it."  The meeting was to be with only Nelson, Gloria, Astrid and the daughter.  Astrid saw a group of spirits looking from the pool area towards the inside of the house.  She saw the daughter as physically unwell (and Gloria confirmed that she was suffering from asthma).  Gloria thought the issue might be related to negative thoughts from the children of her daughter's husband.  Nelson saw the situation as a military maneuver, with the group of spirits near the pool moving ahead steadily, and he heard them say, "the entrapment is getting closer."  Nelson stated that it was important for the husband not to be present during the medium's visit, as "He has a past that only he knows, and he wants to keep it that way."  The conversation switched to Spanish, and Nelson's spirit guide returned to deliver a message of hope (also in Spanish).
Gloria foresaw a future revolution occurring in Argentina.  The table discussed the issue, and Astrid closed with a prayer.
(Notes: The mediums did visit the house of Gloria's daughter.  The husband refused to leave for their visit, so some spirits were removed, while others remained.  There was a revolution in Argentina when the ruling party lost the political election in October 2015.)

Florida - Dec 10, 2013

In attendance: Astrid, Gloria, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago
Astrid confirmed that the woman who knocked on the back door of our last session (soliciting donations and bringing the spirit of the starving African child with her) never returned.
Jeff explained a situation he was having with a spirit who was obsessed.  The spirit wanted Nelson to suffer and he thought the best way to accomplish this goal would be to hurt Jeff.  Nelson added that this spirit was very angry and he thought he was still alive.  Both Astrid and Gloria also saw the spirit in the form of a man, and Gloria realized that he had a horrible stomachache.  The mediums sensed that this spirit died when he was very sick, with some sort of debilitating disease (maybe AIDS?).  Although he appeared to be in love with Jeff, he also hated him, as he blamed Jeff for his death and because he died alone.  Now he was determined to make Jeff experience the same pain that he had endured.  This spirit was burning with anger, and yet Jeff had been feeling clammy and cold over the last few days.  Gloria saw the spirit as he looked in Nelson's direction and said, "He should not be here."  Glancing next at Jeff, the spirit said, "He should be in diapers, like I was."
Nelson and Astrid described the spirit as severely ill, and there was a sense that he was in love with Jeff and he had been searching for him since his death.  Jeff thought it might be his former roommate (named Ray, Jeff was roommates with him for less than a year over 29 years ago until he met Nelson).  "He was for me," Gloria heard the spirit say.  Gloria also understood that this spirit was present in the material world when Nelson walked into Jeff's life.  Nelson sensed that this spirit died from some type of cancer (bladder, kidney, liver).  Astrid read a prayer for him and as she read, the spirit passed angrily into Nelson.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Speaking in Spanish, the spirit was agitated and upset.  He wanted to know why Jeff chose Nelson over him.  Switching to English, he called Jeff a "traitor," and for many years he has thought of Nelson only as a "demonia" (demon). He was extremely upset that Jeff had "abandoned" him for Nelson, and it took a while for the table to calm him down.  He had no idea where he was, and he wondered where Nelson had gone to (not realizing that he was speaking through him).  The spirit glanced over his (Nelson's) right shoulder and sensed a presence next to him.  He wondered, "Who is this guy?"  Gloria encouraged him to look at what the spirit guide was offering to him.  he asked, "Why am I so tired?"  The table continued to calm him down.  Jeff explained that what this spirit perceived as an offer of love and a relationship was only a friendship.  The spirit said that it was not much a friendship, as after Jeff moved out, he never saw him (or Nelson) ever again.  When the spirit started to cry, Gloria encouraged him to go with the spirits who brought him, so that they might help with his sickness and pain.  The spirit of Ray said he died all alone, with no family or friends.  The spirit told that group that if he decided to leave, he would take his "five helpers" with him.  He said that Jeff's unexplained sickness was aided by these five other spirits who each controlled one area: one had the mouth (vomiting, and the inability to eat).  Another controlled, as he called it, "the front" (frequent urination), while the third was in charge of the "back".  The fourth controlled the mind (while Jeff was awake and asleep), and "most importantly, the fifth regulated the heart."  Ray's spirit  wanted the group to tell Nelson that he did not intend to harm him.  Once he agreed to go, he told Jeff, "I love you, goodbye".  The table discussed the situation.
When he first saw Gloria today, Nelson felt something spiritual around her. 
Spirit 2 (via Gloria): Passing quickly into Gloria, a spirit said: "Blessings, blessings to this table.  This is a place for you to learn many lessons.  One comes and one goes.  Sometimes you feel them, sometimes you don't.  These feelings - for all of us - are a beautiful gift.  Some of you can see us, you know what is going on.  The lessons are there, and we will be there."  Referencing the spirit that had just passed, the spirit said, "Sometimes things have to be worked out.  That's the way it is.  We prepared this table not just for today, but for many, many days."  As abruptly as he arrived, the spirit departed.
Nelson felt as if there might be something physically wrong with Jackie. He knew that she was in Baltimore, but he also understood that her mind was with us at the table.  Gloria envisioned her seated, with a large red slash (similar to a "do not enter" sign) in front of her.  Nelson heard her as she contemplated "Why did I come here - for this?", and he hoped she was feeling as welcomed on this visit as with her past trips.  Gloria saw her as a "third" in the new relationship between Jackie's sister and her boyfriend.  Astrid added, "There is a lesson to be learned, but she has not gotten it yet."  (NOTE: Jackie confirmed by email, "I have been having trouble with my right ankle and foot swelling...called edema")
Nauseous since his arrival, Jeff left the table to lie down on the sofa.  The group quietly finished the session, and at one point they were around him by the sofa before closing with a prayer.
(NOTE from Jeff:  Two days later, I was diagnosed with a kidney infection. I truly appreciated all of the support and positive energy from everyone at the table (during the session and after). As Nelson mentioned in the session, he sensed that this spirit died from some type of cancer (bladder, kidney, or liver). So I returned to the doctor for a liver test (as the urine and blood tests disclosed that it was functioning higher than usual).  Exposure to a strain of E.coli bacteria caused the kidney infection, and no other issues were detected.  But those five friends of the spirit gave me a sample of everything the spirit told us that he had.)
Stay healthy!

Florida - December 3, 2013

In attendance: Astrid, Gloria, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago
Nelson read a selection from Allan Kardec's El Libro De Los Espiritus.  The group discussed the passages as Nelson read them in Spanish and then translated them into English.
Nelson saw a group of spirits surrounding Astrid and Santiago, and he sensed that these spirits had established a connection with them while they were on their recent cruise.  "We open our own windows without knowing it," Astrid mused.  Nelson said that this sort of spirit attached to a relaxing vacation often "makes us feel revitalized."  Gloria sensed that the dominant spirit liked Santiago, but she did not really care for Astrid.  Both Jackie and Nelson saw this spirit as a "wild woman."   
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  As the female spirit passed into Nelson, she admitted, "Yes I am that way - that's what he (Santiago) likes."  Astrid realized that this spirit had gradually became more confident in her abilities to charm Santiago, and that her presence was fully realized over time, with "little doses" of her essence occurring sporadically during the vacation. 
"There are so many commotions," the spirit complained, "I prefer private performances with more money."  The spirit wanted to demonstrate her dancing talents, but she realized that the spirit world would only allow her to describe her abilities.  She danced in her seat as she explained her skills to the table.  She began to whisper:  "I am talking softly so the others who are with me cannot hear.  When you find someone good (referring to Santiago), you want to keep him for yourself."  The spirit explained how much she enjoyed pleasing Santiago, until Gloria noticed her observing something off to the side.  "Do you see something ugly, or something dirty?" Gloria asked her.  The spirit replied, "That is not mine, it belongs to the others who are with me." 
The spirit began to feel sick, and she indicated that her stomach hurt.  As the table continued to question her, we understood that her stomach pain was related to her alcohol abuse in the past, resulting in liver failure.  The spirit explained that everyone in her group had started to feel sick.  With coaxing from the table, the spirit decided that it was time for the entire group to leave and get the help they needed.  Referring to Santiago, she said, "Thank him for opening the door for us, but tell him to be careful.  We are 39 dancers...and four bartenders.  Four bartenders!  Do you know why they are important to us?  Because they collect the money..."  The spirit noticed the others in her group drinking something and she wanted to know what it was.  Astrid explained that it was a type of water, and the spirit was reluctant to try it, because she could not smell any alcohol in it.  She agreed to leave, taking her group along with her.
An African-American woman knocked at Astrid's back door (a real person, not a spirit).  She was soliciting money for "single moms, like myself."  Astrid politely asked her to return at a later date and she agreed.  Nelson began to have a very negative reaction to her appearance, coughing and moving uncomfortably in his seat.  As the woman walked away, a very poor, extremely impoverished spirit jumped into Nelson.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Nelson saw starving children in Africa, with bright white eyes opened in despair and stomachs bloated from hunger.  The spirit was a child, but he could not find any words to speak.  Nelson was stuttering and trying to spit out words.  "Negritas de Africa", the spirit said in Spanish, explaining that he was "very hungry" and he needed bread.  He was starving and very stressed.  Gloria softly spoke to him in Spanish and she offered him bread, but the spirit started to cry.  Gloria and Astrid tried to calm him down.  He began to eat the bread and water offered by Gloria.  "Interruptions," he sobbed, explaining that Spanish was not his language, but if he used his language, we would never understand him.  His story was heartbreaking: "They use our name for money, but we children never receive anything.  Even when we do, it is not enough to make a difference."  He began to cry again as he sadly explained to the table that the only thing these children had to eat were the worms they were able to dig up.  He seemed disgusted by his own actions to survive.
Once he calmed down, the spirit said, "Thanks for opening the door today" (referring to the actual door opening when the woman knocked, and the spiritual door that allowed him to sit at our table).  He told the table that the spirit of a woman had appeared, and she was offering to take him and the other children on a trip, to remove them from their horrible existence.  He asked, "What year is it?" as he departed with his group and the female spirit guide.  Astrid realized that this child needed to live the life he was born into as a spiritual way to understand and learn from the past.  "There are millions of them," Gloria added, "passing through the same things."  Nelson was very cold, which seemed confusing because the child was from Africa.  The table realized that this child came from a very cold spiritual location (as his suffering had continued from the material world into the spiritual realm).  Gloria sensed a spirit in long white robes who had maneuvered the woman at the back door into position and enabled this spirit to sit at our table. 
The group discussed the importance of the messages at our table which are not necessarily for the attending individuals.  We cannot assume that the spirit world is only concerned with our worries.  We need to realize that with the assistance of the spirit world, we can reach much further and address more than our own needs.  Nelson related a story from one of the Puerto Rico reunions, when a spirit was passed that did not directly apply to any of the twelve people attending the session.  (This spirit eased the pain of someone in a very remote US location - the daughter of the girlfriend of Nelson's older brother).
Nelson asked Astrid if the earlier spiritual warning regarding her vacation cruise had actually occurred (from the October 29 reunion).  Nelson saw Astrid walking near the ocean, with white rope railings nearby.  He cautioned Astrid not to get too close to the white rope railings because she might trip.  Astrid understood the warning, as she saw a gentleman stumbling into her from behind, causing her to fall.  The situation happened exactly as described, and the premonition allowed Astrid to carefully navigate the walkway and avoid injury.
Nelson saw something for Jackie regarding her upcoming visit to Baltimore to see her sister.  After arriving, a situation will be presented to her and Jackie should simply say "No."  A spirit arrived, and although Nelson recognized him as a spirit guide, he was new to our table. 
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  The arriving spirit said that he would be joining our table on a permanent basis.  He was very enthusiastic about his new opportunity with our group, and he explained that one of his goals is to learn our material behaviors, as he has not been around any humans in a very long time.  The same spirit continued speaking, stating that he will be looking for "love, understanding and caring, as we need to set the example for others."  Gloria and Astrid realized that this spirit had promised to sit after visiting our table in a previous session (see the additional note at the end). 
The spirit was very animated, and Astrid saw him as an excited schoolteacher on the first day of class, jumpy but eager to teach his new students (us) as much as he could.  As if to demonstrate one of the future changes we might expect, (and very similar to a teacher taking attendance), the spirit went around the table and addressed each individual:
Jackie: (referring to her upcoming Baltimore vacation) "You will be tempted to join in, but just say no.  Gloria added that she saw Jackie wearing boots, and she saw this as a sign that the situation presented to her will be "slippery."  The spirit added that humans have a habit of using guilt, and Jackie should be aware.  The spirit also explained that he will present himself to our group as a young presence, but he has experienced many reincarnations.  "When we are young, it is easier to understand human interactions," the spirit told the table.  He added that we will soon "move from the traditional - with new blood," and that our group will have the ability to do new and different things. 
Gloria: The spirit focused on Gloria, wanting to tell her that "she is not as old as she thinks, or wants to be.  She is needed, and she still has a lot of work to do - don't close the door."  Astrid and Jackie also saw Gloria as sometimes wanting to give up or "close the door."   The spirit decided he would move and stand behind Gloria, telling the rest of the table to remain seated.  Gloria felt the spirit cleansing her of former spirits.  "We are dirty by our own thoughts," the spirit said, and as he returned to his seat he said, "We will bring youth to this group."
Jackie: Looking towards Jackie again, the spirit said, "Stop getting involved with things that do not matter.  Your spiritual side is becoming very cloudy.  Remove the material crap (can I say that word?, he asked) and get back to the spiritual side."
Astrid:  He looked at Astrid and told her to apply what he just said to Jackie to her own situation.  Astrid understood.
Jeff: "Can I call you the new one?," the spirit asked.  "He is not as new as he thinks.  Expect different things, new things that will open your eyes and your mind.  The new things will make you say - wow.  Be prepared for something you have been asking for, as it is coming.  When you get it, smile."
Santiago: The spirit moved to Santiago, stating that he would call him the "sleepy one."  He continued: "We are giving you a different vitamin, as you need to change.   When your body asks you to sleep, go to sleep.  But not at this table.  Prior to any session, take care of yourself so that you are not so tired.  Did you fall asleep today?  No."
Nelson: "Tell him that sometimes he doesn't want to let us sit," the spirit said.  Looking at Jeff, he said, "Write it down.  Tell him to stop doing it.  When we knock at the door, he needs to let us sit."  Jackie saw the process of Nelson determining if a spirit could sit as "filtering."  Nelson explained his procedure, and Gloria encouraged him to have faith.  Astrid reminded Nelson that our table clearly understood that any potentially embarrassing message was coming directly from the spirit world, and these messages were not influenced by Nelson's position on the issue. 
Excited and strong, the spirit continued:  "We have lots of work ahead.  New ideas, new things, new love.  Engage yourselves, with no limitations (referring to our group and any other groups).  Anything is possible, if you have faith.  I will be here in every session, but with no name - as I will give you that later.  There are new assignments and the future is bright."  The spirit stepped aside.
Spirits 4 and 5 (via Jackie): Jackie saw a spirit for Nelson that wanted him to know that it was fine to question or doubt, but what is meant to happen at our table has already been preordained.  There would always be a struggle between the communication of the spiritual and material sides.  Jackie also saw the spirit of Edgar, and he was standing near the end of a holiday food table at his daughter's spirit center.  He saw the table of food as a graveyard, and Astrid noted the symbolic nature of his vision.  Although it might have symbolized the death or inaction of the group, Gloria interpreted it more as Edgar not being around that center much anymore (or near end of his involvement with it, as he seemed ready to move on).  "He has other horizons," Astrid commented. 
Spirits 6 (via Gloria):  Gloria sensed a spirit related to Jackie and her upcoming trip.  A man in her sister's church was nicely dressed, wearing a suit and tie.  He even had a flower in his lapel.  A group from the church had prearranged this meeting, hoping that Jackie will like this man enough to relocate to Baltimore.  Nelson saw the situation as everyone (the church, her sister) attempting to find a way to involve Jackie more with their lives - and using this man as a way to get her to eventually move back up north.
Jackie read a prayer for her sick friend (Frank) and then she closed the session with a prayer.
NOTE: In regards to Spirit 3 (via Nelson - above):  Some of the participants at the table remembered this presence appearing at a prior reunion and promising to sit again in the future - Jeff and Nelson did not.  We thought it might have happened at a session when we were not present?  We searched the previous notes, and found only this (from October 29): The spirit wanted the table to realize that more of our future work would involve working from both the material and spiritual sides simultaneously.  "Don't close the door," he cautioned, "as there is so much work to be done.  You will not understand it at the beginning, but everything will fall into place."  The spirit departed, promising to observe the rest of the meeting from a position in the background.

Just A Thought

"There were no sex classes. No friendship classes. No classes on how to navigate a bureaucracy, build an organization, raise money, ...