Nelson read a selection from Allan Kardec's El Libro De Los Espiritus.
The group discussed the passages as Nelson read them in Spanish and then
translated them into English.
Nelson saw a group of spirits surrounding Astrid and Santiago, and he
sensed that these spirits had established a connection with them while they were
on their recent cruise. "We open our own windows without knowing it," Astrid
mused. Nelson said that this sort of spirit attached to a relaxing vacation
often "makes us feel revitalized." Gloria sensed that the dominant spirit liked
Santiago, but she did not really care for Astrid. Both Jackie and Nelson saw
this spirit as a "wild woman."
Spirit 1 (via Nelson): As the female spirit passed into
Nelson, she admitted, "Yes I am that way - that's what he (Santiago) likes."
Astrid realized that this spirit had gradually became more confident in her
abilities to charm Santiago, and that her presence was fully realized over time,
with "little doses" of her essence occurring sporadically during the vacation.
"There are so many commotions," the spirit complained, "I prefer private
performances with more money." The spirit wanted to demonstrate her
dancing talents, but she realized that the spirit world would only allow her to
describe her abilities. She danced in her seat as she explained her skills to
the table. She began to whisper: "I am talking softly so the others who are
with me cannot hear. When you find someone good (referring to Santiago), you
want to keep him for yourself." The spirit explained how much she enjoyed
pleasing Santiago, until Gloria noticed her observing something off to the
side. "Do you see something ugly, or something dirty?" Gloria asked her. The
spirit replied, "That is not mine, it belongs to the others who are with me."
The spirit began to feel sick, and she indicated that her stomach hurt. As
the table continued to question her, we understood that her stomach pain was
related to her alcohol abuse in the past, resulting in liver failure. The
spirit explained that everyone in her group had started to feel sick. With
coaxing from the table, the spirit decided that it was time for the entire
group to leave and get the help they needed. Referring to Santiago, she said,
"Thank him for opening the door for us, but tell him to be careful. We are 39
dancers...and four bartenders. Four bartenders! Do you know why they are
important to us? Because they collect the money..." The spirit noticed the
others in her group drinking something and she wanted to know what it was.
Astrid explained that it was a type of water, and the spirit was reluctant to
try it, because she could not smell any alcohol in it. She agreed to leave,
taking her group along with her.
An African-American woman knocked at Astrid's back door (a real person, not
a spirit). She was soliciting money for "single moms, like myself." Astrid
politely asked her to return at a later date and she agreed. Nelson began to
have a very negative reaction to her appearance, coughing and moving
uncomfortably in his seat. As the woman walked away, a very poor, extremely
impoverished spirit jumped into Nelson.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson): Nelson saw starving children in
Africa, with bright white eyes opened in despair and stomachs bloated from
hunger. The spirit was a child, but he could not find any words to speak.
Nelson was stuttering and trying to spit out words. "Negritas de Africa", the
spirit said in Spanish, explaining that he was "very hungry" and he needed
bread. He was starving and very stressed. Gloria softly spoke to him in
Spanish and she offered him bread, but the spirit started to cry. Gloria and
Astrid tried to calm him down. He began to eat the bread and water offered by
Gloria. "Interruptions," he sobbed, explaining that Spanish was not his
language, but if he used his language, we would never understand him. His story
was heartbreaking: "They use our name for money, but we children never receive
anything. Even when we do, it is not enough to make a difference." He began to
cry again as he sadly explained to the table that the only thing these children
had to eat were the worms they were able to dig up. He seemed disgusted by his
own actions to survive.
Once he calmed down, the spirit said, "Thanks for opening the door today"
(referring to the actual door opening when the woman knocked, and the
spiritual door that allowed him to sit at our table). He told the table
that the spirit of a woman had appeared, and she was offering to take him and
the other children on a trip, to remove them from their horrible existence. He
asked, "What year is it?" as he departed with his group and the female spirit
guide. Astrid realized that this child needed to live the life he was born into
as a spiritual way to understand and learn from the past. "There are millions
of them," Gloria added, "passing through the same things." Nelson was very
cold, which seemed confusing because the child was from Africa. The table
realized that this child came from a very cold spiritual location (as
his suffering had continued from the material world into the spiritual
realm). Gloria sensed a spirit in long white robes who had maneuvered the woman
at the back door into position and enabled this spirit to sit at our
The group discussed the importance of the messages at our table which are
not necessarily for the attending individuals. We cannot assume that the spirit
world is only concerned with our worries. We need to realize that with the
assistance of the spirit world, we can reach much further and address more than
our own needs. Nelson related a story from one of the Puerto Rico reunions,
when a spirit was passed that did not directly apply to any of the twelve
people attending the session. (This spirit eased the pain of someone in a very
remote US location - the daughter of the girlfriend of Nelson's older
Nelson asked Astrid if the earlier spiritual warning regarding her vacation
cruise had actually occurred (from the October 29 reunion). Nelson saw
Astrid walking near the ocean, with white rope railings nearby. He cautioned
Astrid not to get too close to the white rope railings because she might trip.
Astrid understood the warning, as she saw a gentleman stumbling into her from
behind, causing her to fall. The situation happened exactly as described, and
the premonition allowed Astrid to carefully navigate the walkway and avoid
Nelson saw something for Jackie regarding her upcoming visit to Baltimore
to see her sister. After arriving, a situation will be presented to her and
Jackie should simply say "No." A spirit arrived, and although Nelson recognized
him as a spirit guide, he was new to our table.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson): The arriving spirit said that
he would be joining our table on a permanent basis. He was very enthusiastic
about his new opportunity with our group, and he explained that one of his goals
is to learn our material behaviors, as he has not been around any humans in a
very long time. The same spirit continued speaking, stating that he will be
looking for "love, understanding and caring, as we need to set the example for
others." Gloria and Astrid realized that this spirit had promised to sit after
visiting our table in a previous session (see the additional note at the
The spirit was very animated, and Astrid saw him as an excited
schoolteacher on the first day of class, jumpy but eager to teach his new
students (us) as much as he could. As if to demonstrate one of the future
changes we might expect, (and very similar to a teacher taking attendance), the
spirit went around the table and addressed each individual:
Jackie: (referring to her upcoming Baltimore
vacation) "You will be tempted to join in, but just say no. Gloria added
that she saw Jackie wearing boots, and she saw this as a sign that the situation
presented to her will be "slippery." The spirit added that humans have a habit
of using guilt, and Jackie should be aware. The spirit also explained that he
will present himself to our group as a young presence, but he has experienced
many reincarnations. "When we are young, it is easier to understand human
interactions," the spirit told the table. He added that we will soon "move from
the traditional - with new blood," and that our group will have the ability
to do new and different things.
Gloria: The spirit focused on Gloria, wanting to
tell her that "she is not as old as she thinks, or wants to be. She is needed,
and she still has a lot of work to do - don't close the door." Astrid and
Jackie also saw Gloria as sometimes wanting to give up or "close the door."
The spirit decided he would move and stand behind Gloria, telling the rest of
the table to remain seated. Gloria felt the spirit cleansing her of former
spirits. "We are dirty by our own thoughts," the spirit said, and as he
returned to his seat he said, "We will bring youth to this group."
Jackie: Looking towards Jackie again, the spirit
said, "Stop getting involved with things that do not matter. Your spiritual
side is becoming very cloudy. Remove the material crap (can I say that
word?, he asked) and get back to the spiritual side."
Astrid: He looked at Astrid and told her to
apply what he just said to Jackie to her own situation. Astrid
Jeff: "Can I call you the new one?," the spirit
asked. "He is not as new as he thinks. Expect different things, new things
that will open your eyes and your mind. The new things will make you say -
wow. Be prepared for something you have been asking for, as it is coming. When
you get it, smile."
Santiago: The spirit moved to Santiago, stating
that he would call him the "sleepy one." He continued: "We are giving you a
different vitamin, as you need to change. When your body asks you to sleep, go
to sleep. But not at this table. Prior to any session, take care of yourself
so that you are not so tired. Did you fall asleep today? No."
Nelson: "Tell him that sometimes he doesn't want
to let us sit," the spirit said. Looking at Jeff, he said, "Write it down.
Tell him to stop doing it. When we knock at the door, he needs to let us sit."
Jackie saw the process of Nelson determining if a spirit could sit as
"filtering." Nelson explained his procedure, and Gloria encouraged him to have
faith. Astrid reminded Nelson that our table clearly understood that any
potentially embarrassing message was coming directly from the spirit world, and
these messages were not influenced by Nelson's position on the issue.
Excited and strong, the spirit continued: "We have lots of work ahead.
New ideas, new things, new love. Engage yourselves, with no limitations
(referring to our group and any other groups). Anything is possible, if you
have faith. I will be here in every session, but with no name - as I will give
you that later. There are new assignments and the future is bright." The
spirit stepped aside.
Spirits 4 and 5 (via Jackie): Jackie saw a spirit for
Nelson that wanted him to know that it was fine to question or doubt, but what
is meant to happen at our table has already been preordained. There would
always be a struggle between the communication of the spiritual and material
sides. Jackie also saw the spirit of Edgar, and he was standing near the end
of a holiday food table at his daughter's spirit center. He saw the table of
food as a graveyard, and Astrid noted the symbolic nature of his vision.
Although it might have symbolized the death or inaction of the
group, Gloria interpreted it more as Edgar not being around that center much
anymore (or near end of his involvement with it, as he seemed ready to move
on). "He has other horizons," Astrid commented.
Spirits 6 (via Gloria): Gloria sensed a spirit related to
Jackie and her upcoming trip. A man in her sister's church was nicely dressed,
wearing a suit and tie. He even had a flower in his lapel. A group from the
church had prearranged this meeting, hoping that Jackie will like this man
enough to relocate to Baltimore. Nelson saw the situation as everyone (the
church, her sister) attempting to find a way to involve Jackie more with their
lives - and using this man as a way to get her to eventually move back up
Jackie read a prayer for her sick friend (Frank) and then she closed the
session with a prayer.
NOTE: In regards to Spirit 3 (via Nelson - above):
Some of the participants at the table remembered this presence
appearing at a prior reunion and promising to sit again in the future - Jeff and
Nelson did not. We thought it might have happened at a session when we were not
present? We searched the previous notes, and found only this (from October 29):
The spirit wanted the table to realize that more of our future work would
involve working from both the material and spiritual sides simultaneously.
"Don't close the door," he cautioned, "as there is so much work to be done. You
will not understand it at the beginning, but everything will fall into place."
The spirit departed, promising to observe the rest of the meeting from a
position in the background.